266 research outputs found

    Information System and Geographic Information System Tools in the Data Analyses of the Control Program for Visceral Leishmaniases from 2006 to 2010 in the Sanitary District of Venda Nova, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The aim of this paper is to report a brief history of control actions for Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) from 2006 to 2010 in the Sanitary District (DS) of Venda Nova, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, focusing on the use of information systems and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. The analyses showed that the use of an automated database allied with geoprocessing tools may favor control measures of VL, especially with regard to the evaluation of control actions carried out. Descriptive analyses of control measures allowed to evaluating that the information system and GIS tools promoted greater efficiency in making decisions and planning activities. These analyses also pointed to the necessity of new approaches to the control of VL in large urban centers

    A dimensão espiritual no processo de cuidar da pessoa com câncer: uma revisão integrativa

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    Justificativa: Esclarecer o que compõe o cuidado espiritual e também investir em estudos que esclareçam sobre o mesmo no processo de cuidar da pessoa com câncer. Objetivo: Identificar as atividades de enfermagem, direcionadas a pacientes adultos com câncer, que compõem o cuidado espiritual. Método: Revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados BDENF, CINAHL e PUBMED com os descritores “cuidados de enfermagem”, “espiritualidade”, “câncer” e “adulto”. Utilizou-se como critérios de inclusão artigos em português, inglês e espanhol; com resumos disponíveis e que respondesse a questão: “Quais são as atividades de enfermagem direcionadas ao cuidado espiritual da pessoa adulta com câncer?”. Resultados: Foram selecionados oito estudos para compor a amostra. A equipe de enfermagem proporcionava alguns cuidados espirituais ao paciente com câncer, dentre eles foram: realizar meditação e providenciar a visita de líder religioso. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros desempenham atividades que englobam o cuidado espiritual a pessoa com câncer. Entretanto, há necessidade que esse cuidado seja desempenhado por meio de embasamento científico com boas evidências.Justificación: Aclaración de lo que constituye el cuidado espiritual y también invertir en estudios para aclarar sobre el mismo proceso del cuidado de la persona con cáncer. Objetivo: Identificar las actividades de enfermería dirigidos a pacientes adultos con cáncer, que representan el cuidado espiritual. Método: Revisión integradora contenida en las bases BDENF, CINAHL y PUBMED con los descriptores “cuidados de enfermería”, “espiritualidad”, “neoplasia” y “adulto”. Fue utilizado como criterios de inclusión artículos en portugués, Inglés y Español; con resúmenes disponibles y que contestasen a la pregunta: “Cuáles son las actividades de enfermería dirigidos a la atención espiritual de la persona adulta con el cáncer?”. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho estudios para la muestra. El equipo de enfermería proporcionaba algún tipo de atención espiritual a los pacientes con cáncer, entre ellos estaban realizando la meditación y organizando una visita de un líder religioso. Conclusión: Las enfermeras desempeñan actividades que abarcan el cuidado espiritual de la persona con cáncer. Sin embargo, necesitamos que este tipo de atención sea interpretado por base científica con buena evidencia.Justification: To clarify what makes up the spiritual care and also invest in studies to clarify on it in the care of people with cancer. Objective: To identify nursing activities, directed to adult patients with cancer, which make up the spiritual care. Methods: Integrative review conducted on the BDENF, CINAHL and PubMed databases using the keywords “nursing care”, “spirituality”, “neoplasm” and “adultery”. We used the following inclusion criteria items in Portuguese, English and Spanish; with abstracts available and to answer the question: “What are the nursing activities directed to the spiritual care of the adult with cancer?”. Results: Eight studies were selected for the sample. Nursing staff provided some spiritual care of the patient with cancer, among them were: perform meditation and arrange to visit religious leader. Conclusion: Nurses play activities that encompass the spiritual care the person with cancer. However, we need that care be performed by means of scientific background with good evidence

    Comparison between irradiated lung volumes with two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy techniques for locally advanced lung cancer

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar e quantificar os volumes pulmonares irradiados utilizando planejamentos bidimensional (2D) e tridimensional (3D) conformado na radioterapia de tumores de pulmão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Em 27 pacientes portadores de câncer de pulmão foi feito planejamento 3D e outro correspondente em 2D. As doses prescritas variaram de 45 a 66 Gy. Foram avaliadas as doses no volume alvo planejado (PTV), volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV) e pulmões (volume de pulmão que recebe 20 Gy ou 30 Gy - V20 e V30, respectivamente, e dose média). Os órgãos de risco adjacentes (medula espinhal, esôfago e coração) receberam doses abaixo dos limites de tolerância. RESULTADOS: O GTV variou de 10,5 a 1.290,0 cm³ (média de 189,65 cm³). Nos planejamentos 2D foi utilizado, em média, um total de 59,33 campos, e nos planejamentos 3D, 75,65 campos. Em todas as situações analisadas houve significante (p < 0,05) preservação dos volumes pulmonares com o planejamento 3D, com diminuição de cerca de 15% dos volumes irradiados. O pulmão sem tumor foi mais beneficiado. CONCLUSÃO: A radioterapia 3D permitiu maior preservação dos pulmões, tanto para tumores iniciais quanto avançados. A radioterapia 3D deve ser utilizada nos pacientes com tumores de pulmão, mesmo que volumosos.OBJECTIVE: To compare and quantify irradiated lung volumes using two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) conformal planning for radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 2D and 3D conformal radiotherapy plannings were performed for 27 patients with lung cancer. Prescribed doses ranged from 45 to 66 Gy. The analysis covered the doses to planning target volume (PTV), gross tumor volume (GTV) and lungs (lung volume receiving 20 Gy or 30 Gy - V20 and V30, respectively, and mean dose). The doses to adjacent organs at risk (spinal cord, esophagus and heart) were maintained below the tolerance limits. RESULTS: GTV ranged from 10.5 to 1,290.0 cm³ (mean, 189.65 cm³). On average, a total of 59.33 fields were utilized in the 2D planning and 75.65 fields in the 3D planning. Lung volumes were significantly preserved (P < 0.05) with the 3D conformal planning in all the evaluated cases, with about 15% decrease in the irradiated lung volumes. Lungs without tumor were most benefited from this technique. CONCLUSION: 3D radiotherapy allowed a better sparing of the lungs, both in cases of early and advanced tumors. 3D radiotherapy should be used in the treatment of patients with lung cancer, even in cases of large tumors

    Consumo de álcool comórbido a transtornos alimentares: uma revisão da literatura

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    Introdução: Os transtornos do uso de álcool e os transtornos alimentares podem ser condições comórbidas. Pela escassez de pesquisas brasileiras a respeito dessa associação, uma revisão da literatura foi necessária para melhor compreendê-la. Métodos: Dezenove artigos científicos sobre a relação entre o uso de álcool, seus transtornos e a incidência de transtornos alimentares foram revisados, aprofundando-se a análise em 15 deles. Resultados: Os transtornos alimentares são situações comórbidas ao uso de álcool, de tal forma que a freqüência de seu uso, assim como a prevalência de abuso e dependência, é alta entre pacientes com transtornos alimentares, relação cuja gravidade parece estar aumentada entre os sujeitos diagnosticados com bulimia nervosa. Essa relação também tem sido encontrada entre sujeitos saudáveis que tenham forte restrição sobre a dieta alimentar, um dos sintomas dos transtornos alimentares. Discussão e Conclusões: Como a situação de uma doença adicional pode mudar a sintomatologia, interferir no diagnóstico, no tratamento e no prognóstico de condições psiquiátricas comórbidas, é muito importante que, desde a primeira avaliação de pacientes com suspeita de transtornos alimentares, o uso de álcool seja avaliado, assim como o uso de outras substâncias psicoativas. Detectá-los precocemente pode aumentar a adesão do paciente a um possível tratamento e seu sucesso, assim como a um bom prognóstico.Introduction: Alcohol use disorders and eating disorders can be comorbid conditions. Due to the scarcity of Brazilian studies analyzing this association, a review of the literature was necessary to better understand it. Methods: Nineteen research reports on the relationship between alcohol use, its disorders and the incidence ofeating disorders were reviewed, and of those, fifteen were analyzed in details. Results: Eating disorders are generally co morbid to alcohol use, in such a way that its frequency of use, as well as its prevalence of abuse and dependence, is high among patients with eating disorders, a relationship which seems to increase in severity among patients with bulimia nervosa. Such relationship has also been found among healthy subjects with a strong restriction on dietary behavior, one of the symptoms of eating disorders. Discussion and Conclusions: Since the status of an additional disease can change the symptomatology, the diagnosis, the treatment and the prognosis of comorbid psychiatric conditions, it is very important that, from a patients’ first evaluation of suspected eating disorders, alcohol used be evaluated, as well as the other drugs use. Detecting them early on can increase the adherence of a patient to a possible treatment and its success, as well as a good prognosis

    Importance of amylases for physiological quality in maize seeds

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    Seed quality is the result of the sum of genetic, physical, physiological and sanitary attributes that affect seed ability to perform vital functions related to germination, vigor, and longevity. The expression of genes associated with physiological quality can be assessed by means of germination and vigor analyses, as well as by transcript and protein analyses. The objective in this work was to review the relevance of amylase group enzymes to the physiological quality of maize seeds. Within this group, α-amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase E.C plays an important role in starch hydrolysis, and is responsible for 90% of the amylolytic activity in maize seeds. It is responsible for starch conversion into sugars (e.g., destrin), which is used for embryo growth. β-amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan maltohydrolase E.C catalyzes the release of maltose and dextrins from the non-reducing ends of starch. Research has shown that amylase enzymes are directly linked to physiological quality of maize seeds. Alpha- and beta-amylases are mainly involved in the germination process and seed heterosis, and can also be used as molecular markers associated with seed tolerance for drying

    Female Cat Intravesical Sequestration after Ovariosalpingohisterectomy Using Nylon Clamp

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    Background: The nylon clamp, marketed as an accessory of electrical devices, has been used as an alternative method for definitive surgical hemostasis by ligature of arteriovenous vessels in ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH) in bitches and female cats. However, since May 2015, the Brazilian Veterinary Statutory Body (CFMV - Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária) banned its application, once it is a material still not regulated to be used in animals, in addition to the numerous reports of postoperative complications. This paper reports the migration of the clamp used in the OSH to the urinary bladder of the cat and the implications of the presence of the foreign body, in addition to discussing the use of this device in surgeries.Case: A 1-year-old Persian female cat, which, three months after an elective OSH in a private veterinary clinic, presented polyuria and hematuria. The patient presented pain at abdominal palpation; in the WBC were observed leucopenia and eosinophilia, indicating a chronic inflammatory process installed; the urinalysis showed the presence of crystals, increased urinary density, milky aspect indicating presence of pus, proteinuria and hematuria; on ultrasound were observed the presence of two amorphous mobile structures inside the bladder, producing acoustic shadow, measuring approximately 0.4 and 0.6 cm in diameter, suggesting the presence of bladder urolithiasis. Considering the results, the patient was sent for a cystotomy. The association of acepromazine (0.02 mg/kg), midazolam (0.2 mg/kg), morphine (0.2 mg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg) was used intramuscularly as preanesthetic medication. For anesthetic induction, 5 mg/kg of propofol was applied intravenously, in addition to epidural anesthesia with 1 mL/4 kg of lidocaine along 0.1 mg/kg of morphine and, for maintenance, isoflurane in oxygen at 100% was used. Then, a four-centimeter retro-umbilical incision was performed to exhibit the bladder. After the incision on the ventral aspect of the bladder wall, a nylon clamp with approximately 0.8 cm, present in the lumen was found and removed. The seromuscular synthesis of the bladder was with a 3-0 mononylon simple continuous suture, the muscle with a 2-0 mononylon sultan pattern, and in the skin an interrupted simple suture using 2-0 nylon was performed. Postoperative care comprised by amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate (15 mg/kg, orally, 8/8 h, 7 d), meloxican (0.15 mg/kg, orally, 24/24 h, 4 d) and tramadol (12 mg/kg, orally, 12/12 h, 4 d). After ten days, surgical stitches were removed, with good healing and clinical improvement, as well as remission of the symptomatology reported on anamnesis and physical examination.Discussion: The pathophysiology of the nylon clip migration probably occurred in a similar way to the intravesical migration of intrauterine devices (IUDs) to the abdominal cavity, bladder and intestine, in women. According to reports, it is a progressive event, in which several factors may be involved, mainly: inadequate implantation of devices, uterine infections, use of contaminated medical instruments, among others, followed by an inflammatory process, perforation of the uterine wall by the device, adhesions and migration to adjacent structures. In the present report, it is believed that the clamp lock failed in the procedure performed by the veterinarian responsible for OSH, with subsequent loosening and detachment, and migration to the urinary bladder, an organ located ventrally to the uterine body. However, the following hypotheses can also be raised: pregnancy at the moment of castration, followed by uterine stump retraction and release of the clamp; contamination of surgical instruments; postoperative infections and adhesions involving the bladder

    O estilo de vida influencia nos índices de burnout em professores / Lifestyle influences burnout indexes in teachers

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    O estilo de vida saudável está associado a hábitos como alimentação, cuidados médicos preventivos, atividade física regular entre outros cuidados, e parece estar relacionado a maior qualidade de vida geral, bem-estar físico e mental. Considerando que o burnout é uma síndrome advinda do esgotamento mental e exaustão emocional, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do estilo de vida sobre o burnout em professores de escolas públicas estaduais de Minas Gerais. Participaram 150 professores vinculados à rede estadual no ensino fundamental e médio, de ambos os sexos, com idade 37,42 (±10,31) anos. Para avaliar o burnout foi utilizado o MBI forma-ED e o estilo de vida foi avaliado pela escala de PEVI. Os dados são apresentados por média e desvio padrão e foram adotados os testes estatísticos Shapiro-Wilk, correlação linear de Spearman,  modelo de regressão linear e o teste de Durbin-Watson (0 ? dw ? 4). As análises estatísticas foram tratadas no software SPSS 20.0. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação negativa entre as variáveis burnout e estilo de vida. Conclui-se que o burnout é uma síndrome cada vez mais frequente no ambiente escolar e o estilo de vida saudável pode atuar como uma variável de prevenção e controle da síndrome em professores. 

    Analysis of antimicrobial prescriptions in primary healthcare

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    Objective: To evaluate prescription receipts for antimicrobial prescriptions prescribed in primary healthcare units in a capital city in the Northeast region of Brazil. Method: An evaluative, analytical study. Information from the central distribution of essential medicines and the receipts of antimicrobial prescriptions were used. Results: There were 2,232 prescription receipts analyzed, in which metronidazole (250 mg) was prescribed in 28% of the evaluated prescription receipts, the “pill” pharmaceutical form in 30.7%, and the “oral” administration form in 78.2%. In the prescriptions prescribed by nurses, 80.7% were intended for users with sexually transmitted infections. With the exception of the pharmaceutical form, only 34.7% of the prescriptions were in accordance with the Nursing protocol recommendations. There is still no information on the concentration (43.7%), the dosage (39.9%) and the treatment time (36.8%). Conclusion: The evaluated receipts of antimicrobial prescriptions do not accurately follow the guidelines of Resolution No. 20/2011, nor of the instituted Nursing protocol. Objetivo: Avaliar receitas com prescrição de antimicrobianos retidas nas unidades de saúde da Atenção Primária de uma capital da região Nordeste do Brasil. Método: Estudo avaliativo, analítico. Foram utilizadas as informações da central de distribuição de medicamentos essenciais e as receitas com prescrição de antimicrobianos. Resultados: Foram analisadas 2.232 receitas, nas quais o metronidazol (250 mg) foi prescrito em 28% das receitas avaliadas, a forma farmacêutica “comprimido” em 30,7% e a forma de administração “oral” em 78,2%. Nas receitas prescritas por enfermeiros, 80,7% destinavam-se para usuários com infecção sexualmente transmissível. Com exceção da forma farmacêutica, somente 34,7% das receitas estavam em concordância com as recomendações do protocolo de Enfermagem. Há, ainda, inexistência de informações sobre a concentração (43,7%), a posologia (39,9%) e o tempo de tratamento (36,8%). Conclusão: As receitas com prescrição de antimicrobianos avaliadas não seguem com precisão as orientações da Resolução nº 20/2011, e nem do protocolo de Enfermagem instituído. Objetivo: Evaluar recetas con prescripción de antimicrobianas retenidas en las unidades de salud de la atención primaria de una capital de la región Nordeste de Brasil. Método: Estudio evaluativo, analítico. Fueron utilizadas las informaciones de la central de distribución de los medicamentos esenciales y las recetas con prescripción de los antimicrobianos. Resultados: Fueron analizadas 2.232 recetas, en las cuales lo metronidazol (250 mg) fue prescrito en 28% de las recetas evaluadas, la forma farmacéutica “comprimido” en 30,7% y la forma de administración por vía oral en 78,2%. En las recetas prescritas por los enfermeros, 80,7% eran para usuarios con infección sexualmente transmisibles. Con excepción de la forma farmacéutica, solo 34,7% de las recetas estaban en concordancia con las recomendaciones de lo protocolo de Enfermería. Todavía hay inexistencia de informaciones acerca de la concentración (43,7%), la posología (39,9%) y el tiempo del tratamiento (36,8%). Conclusión: Las recetas con prescripción de antimicrobianos evaluadas no siguen con precisión ni las orientaciones de la resolución nº 20/2011, ni del protocolo de Enfermería instituido.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Diferença entre isolados de lesões mancha de olho pardo e cercospora negra em cafeeiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the difference between the isolates from two cercospora leaf spot symptoms (brown eye spot and black spot) in relation to conidial morphology, mycelial growth, cercosporin production, and reproduction of symptoms in coffee leaves collected in three municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. There was a difference between the isolates for the studied variables, but without any relation to the type of symptom. The differences found were not associated with the origin of the isolates. The symptoms characterized as black spot were associated with different host conditions during the infection process.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diferença entre isolados de dois tipos de sintomas de cercosporiose do cafeeiro (mancha de olho pardo e cercospora negra) em relação à morfologia conidial, ao crescimento micelial,  à produção de cercosporina e à reprodutibilidade dos sintomas em folhas de cafeeiro coletadas em três municípios de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Observou-se diferença entre os isolados para as variáveis estudadas, mas sem relação com o tipo de sintoma. As diferença encontradas não foram associadas à origem do isolado. Os sintomas caracterizados como cercospora negra foram associados a diferentes condições do hospedeiro durante o processo de infecção