309 research outputs found

    Heidegger with Foucoault. Aletheia, parrhesia and the will to tell the truth

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    El presente trabajo ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de la Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)El objetivo de nuestra aportación consiste en configurar una perspectiva para conjugar y confrontar, de un modo fructífero y filosóficamente relevante, los trabajos de Heidegger y Foucault. En ese sentido, encontramos complicidades entre ellos en los textos que buscan detenerse de modo explícito en lo que cabe entenderse por “verdad” y por el modo de “decir” que le corresponde. De este modo, nuestro trabajo considera con Heidegger nuestra relación con la palabra, es decir, las implicaciones del desafío a comportarnos y decirnos asumiendo y correspondiendo a que nuestro lenguaje es el lenguaje del ser. Para ello, en esta ocasión, nos centramos en analizar cómo los últimos trabajos de Foucault—singularmente sus cursos editados y publicados dedicados a la parrhesía— pueden ayudarnos a comprender algunas cuestiones que brotan en los textos heideggerianos. Asimismo, examinamos la viabilidad de considerar la intimidad (Innigkeit) como el espacio de la libertad que nos sostiene y, a la vez, nos abre a los otros.The aim of our contribution is to configure a perspective to combining and confronting, in a fruitful and philosophically relevant way, the works of Heidegger and Foucault. In that sense, we find coincidences between both of them in the texts that explicitly seek to dwell on what is meant “truth” and how the way “saying” corresponds it. Thus, our work considers, along with Heidegger, our relationship with the word, that is, the implications of the challenge for behaving and telling in a way for corresponding and assuming that our language is the language of being. To do this, in this occasion, we focus on analyzing how the latest work of Foucault -singularly his courses dedicated to parrhesía- can help us to understand some of the issues that arise in heideggerian texts. Also, we examine the viability of considering Intimacy (Innigkeit) as the space of freedom that sustains us and, in turn, open us to the other

    La escritura del presente. Hegel y la lectura de la Historia de la Filosofía

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    Ponencias de los tres talleres del Congreso "El fondo de la historia: Idealismo, Romanticismo y sus Repercusiones" celebrado del 22 al 24 de noviembre de 2010 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Mapp, GIS Web Application for the Cartographic Representation of 17th Century Notices and News

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    [Abstract] The objective of this end-of-degree work is to develop a web application that allows a group of philologists to carry out a study on the publication of gazettes during the 17th century, which they were newspapers that disseminated official, political, literary news… These gazettes could be published and edited in different cities and at the same time, they contained news that narrated events, which have happened in a specific place and could be reported in another different place. Therefore, it is difficult to see the historical evolution of news publishing. To facilitate the search and visualization of the information, a web application has been designed to manage the information about the newspapers, their news, the publishers and the places they refer to. It also allows to visualize an interactive map that shows the places where a gazette was published or edited and where the news item occurred or was notified. For each location it will show information about the number of events that have occurred for each one of the activities(Edition, publication, event, notice). At the beginning of this project, a previous analysis was made to obtain information about the objectives and thus establish the set of requirements necessary for the functioning of the application. Subsequently, the design and development of the application was carried out. The application is composed of a back-end that takes care of the application logic, and is formed by a server that has been implemented with Java and Spring, and a DBMS, and a front-end that is a Web client that has been implemented with Vue.js. In order to develop the application, it was decided to use an agile methodology. At the beginning of the project in the planning meeting the number and duration of the iterations that would divide the development process were defined.[Resumo] El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado consiste en desarrollar una aplicación web que permita a un grupo de filólogos realizar un estudio sobre la publicación de gacetas durante el siglo XVII, las cuales son periódicos donde se difundían noticias oficiales, políticas, literarias… Estas gacetas han podido ser publicadas y editadas en distintas ciudades y a su vez, contienen noticias que narran sucesos, los cuales han sucedido en un lugar concreto y pueden ser notificados en otro lugar distinto, esto provoca que resulte difícil ver la evolución histórica en la publicación de noticias. Para poder facilitar la búsqueda y visualización de la información se ha diseñado una aplicación web que permite gestionar la información sobre los periódicos, sus noticias, sobre los editores y los lugares a los que hacen referencia. También permite visualizar un mapa interactivo que muestra los lugares donde se publicó o se editó una gaceta y en los que ocurrió o se notificó el suceso de una noticia. Para cada lugar mostrará información sobre el número de sucesos que han ocurrido para cada una de las actividades. Al comienzo de este proyecto se realizó un análisis previo para así obtener información sobre los objetivos y así establecer el conjunto de requisitos necesarios para el funcionamiento de la aplicación. Posteriormente se realizó el diseño y el desarrollo de la aplicación. La aplicación consta de un backend que se encarga de la lógica de la aplicación, y está formado por un servidor que se ha implementado con Java y Spring, y de un SGBD, y de un frontend que es cliente Web que se ha implementado con Vue.js. Para desarrollar la aplicación se decidió usar una metodología ágil para ello al inicio del proyecto en la reunión de planificación se marcó el número y duración de las iteraciones que dividirían el proceso de desarrollo

    Factores de crecimiento y páncreas exocrino

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    The exocrine pancreatic secretion is the final result of multiple extracellular messengers acting simultaneously on acinar and ductular cells. The overall process is mediated by a number at intracellular messengers including cyclic cAMP, IP3, IP4 or diacylglycerol. Hormones such as histamine and insuline can also participate as regulatory agents in the modulation of pancreatic secretion. Histamine has been shown to exert a mild secretagogue-like effect through modulation of the secretory responses evoked by classical secretagogues. Insuline can markedly potentiate the secretory responses to acetylcholine and cholecystokinin In addition, other peptides released from the islets of Langerhans, i.e. glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide can attenuate the secretory responses induced by cholecystokinin and acetylcholine. Growth factors participate in the control of cell growth, replication and differentiation. They are also involved in the exocrine pancreatic secretion. Numerous studies have demonstrated that growth factors are coupled to activation of G proteins. Thus, EGF can stimulate or inhibit adenyl cyclase by activating Gs or Gi type G proteins It has been shown a relationship between EGF and cholecystokinin levels. Moreovera a dual mode of action for EGFon pancreatic acini has been postulatedLa secreción pancreática exocrina es el resultado final de la acción simultánea de múltiples mensajeros extracelulares sobre las células acinares y ductulares. El proceso global está mediado por un grupo de mensajeros intracelulares como cAMP, IP3, IP4 o diacilglicerol. Hormonas como histamina e insulina pueden participar también como agentes reguladores moduladores de la secreción pancreática. Se ha demostrado que la histamina ejerce un efecto secretagogo moderado a través de la modulación de la respuesta secretora inducida por los secretagogos clásicos. La insulina puede potenciar acusadamente la respuesta secretora a acetilcolina y colecistoquinina. Además, otros péptidos liberados de los islotes de Langerhans como glucagon, somatostatina y polipéptido pancreático, pueden atenuar las respuestas secretoras inducidas por colecistoquinina y acetilcolina. Los factores de crecimiento participan en el control del crecimiento, replicación y diferenciación celular. También están implicados en la secreción pancreática exocrina. Numerosos estudios han demostrado que los factores de crecimiento están asociados a la activación de la proteína G. Así, EGF puede estimular o inhibir la adenilato ciclasa por activación de las proteínas G de tipo Gs o Gi. Se ha mostrado una relación entre EGF y los niveles de colecistoquinina, postulándose un modo dual de acción del EGF sobre los acinos pancreáticos.This work was supported by DGICYT PB94-1416-CO2-02, the British Council and the Wellcome Trust

    Energia Nuclear: que futuro? Potencialidades no contexto europeu

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    Um desenvolvimento energético que permita reduzir, ou até substituir, fontes de energias prejudiciais ao ambiente por fontes de energias renováveis e limpas, é o que se busca para o futuro. Estudar as formas de como alcançar esses objetivos energéticos faz parte do atual desafio da ciência, das decisões políticas e do impulso para um crescimento económico sustentável. No contexto europeu, esse atual impasse também poderá ser uma chave para as grandes mudanças, fazendo da transição energética um desenvolvimento de oportunidades. Em alguns países, a Energia Nuclear poderá ser uma alternativa como potencial contribuição a esse processo. Assunto questionável, discutível e polémico que envolve desde o relacionamento da descarbonização da economia, certificados energéticos e políticas verdes como o “medo” da sociedade nessa aposta. O desafio dos Estados-Membros da União Europeia em atingir as metas climáticas, representa um dos “motores propulsores” para o desenvolvimento dessa oportunidade energética e, portanto, uma das principais razões para este argumento manter-se em pauta. O principal propósito para a Dissertação, apresenta-se como uma reflexão atual da Energia Nuclear, a sua resiliência e as potencialidades futuras no contexto da gestão do território europeu. Será que está poderá servir de suporte a atual fase de transição energética? Porque a União Europeia precisa dessa fonte de energia? E por fim, o que leva os países a construírem mais centrais nucleares? ou então fazer com que eles abandonem essa fonte energética? Estas são algumas questões que serão tratadas nas próximas páginas deste trabalho.Energy development that can reduce or even replace environmentally harmful energy sources with renewable and clean energy sources is what we are looking for in the future. Studying how to achieve these energy goals is part of today's science challenge, policy decisions and the drive for sustainable economic growth. In the European context, this current deadlock could also be a key to major changes, making the energy transition a development of opportunities. In some countries, Nuclear Energy may be an alternative as a potential contribution to this process. Questionable, debatable and controversial subject that involves since the relationship of the decarbonization of the economy, energy certificates and green policies as the "fear" of society in this bet. The challenge of EU Member States to meet climate targets is one of the “driving forces” for developing this energy opportunity and therefore one of the main reasons for this argument to remain on the agenda. The main reason for the Dissertation is presented as a current reflection of Nuclear Energy, its resilience and future potentialities in the context of European territory management. Can this support the current phase of energy transition? Why does the European Union need this source of energy? And finally, what drives countries to build more nuclear power plants? or cause them to abandon this energy source? These are some issues that will be addressed in the next pages of this thesis

    SSPAC - Self-sustaining Public Administrative Cell

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    The work project analyzes the evolution of administrative reforms and concepts of sustainability and solidarity in the management and administration of public collective demands and proposes a model that integrates strategic planning, management, use of information and communication tools (ITC's), and active citizenship, as an ideal model to manage and manage current and future collective demands. Through the bibliographic review of the main authors, a thorough study was made about the evolution of human behavior in the management and administration of their collective demands, relating it to the concepts of sustainability and solidarity. What is the ideal management and public administration model for the State to be self-sustaining at the local, regional, and national levels? A model that manages and, through the active participation of taxpayers/citizens, their collective demands utilizing in an integrated and decentralized way, available tools of planning, management, information and communication, active citizenship, as observed in some countries and the international experiences of participatory budgeting and development of production chains integrated business. The research methodology developed was descriptive through documentary research. The study will have an essentially qualitative character

    Total Productive Maintenance and the Impact of Each Implemented Pillar in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness

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    Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) focuses on maximizing equipment performance, establishing a productive maintenance system that optimizes its life cycle, contributing for the continuous improvement and availability, avoiding early equipment wear, being necessary that the maintenance works on preventing with managerial focus. In this study, the impact of each implemented TPM pillar in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metric was analyzed, evaluating the performance resulting from each implemented pillar. The approach of the research is predicated on the Survey method, based on the intentional sample of the industrial companies in Brazil, which implemented the method. The results evidenced that the Focused Improvement and Planned Maintenance pillars were implemented in most of the respondent companies, being part of different segments, such as metallurgical, food, textile, auto-parts, household appliances, school material, automobile and chemical products. The OEE metric showed the TPM evolution comparing the result at the beginning of the implemented activities and at the end. Other important observation was in the implementation of the pillars, when compared with the suggested literature, a change of priority and sequence occurred. The Autonomous Maintenance pillar was suggested as the second pillar to be implemented. It is implemented only after the Training and Education pillar, which is the fourth suggested pillar. The other pillars were implemented in the original sequence indicated by literature

    CAPAS: Célula Administrativa Pública Autossustentável: Contributo para a gestão da administração pública: Uma visão

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    O projeto de trabalho analisa a evolução das reformas administrativas e dos conceitos de sustentabilidade e solidariedade na gestão e administração das demandas coletivas públicas e propõe um modelo que integra planejamento estratégico, gestão, utilização de ferramentas de informação e comunicação (ITC´s) e cidadania ativa, como modelo ideal para gerenciar e administrar as demandas coletivas públicas atuais e futuras. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica dos principais autores foi feito um profundo estudo a respeito da evolução do comportamento humano na gestão e administração das suas demandas coletivas, relacionando-a com os conceitos de sustentabilidade e solidariedade. Qual o modelo de gestão e administração pública ideal para que o Estado seja autossustentável a nível local, regional e nacional? Um modelo que gerencie, através da participação ativa dos contribuintes/cidadãos, suas demandas coletivas utilizando-se de forma integrada e descentralizada, ferramentas disponíveis de planejamento, gestão, informação e comunicação, cidadania ativa, como por exemplo observada em alguns países e nas experiências internacionais do orçamento participativo e desenvolvimento das cadeias produtivas integradas de negócios. A metodologia de pesquisa desenvolvida foi a descritiva através de uma pesquisa documental. O estudo terá um caráter essencialmente qualitativo.The work project analyzes the evolution of administrative reforms and concepts of sustainability and solidarity in the management and administration of public collective demands and proposes a model that integrates strategic planning, management, use of information and communication tools (ITC's) and citizenship as an ideal model for managing and administering current and future public collective demands. Through a bibliographical review of the main authors, anthropologists, sociologists, administrators and economists of the areas, a profound study was made on the evolution of human behavior in the management and administration of their collective demands, relating it to the concepts of sustainability and solidarity. What model of management and public administration is ideal for the state to be self-sustaining at local, regional, national and international levels? A model that manages through the active participation of taxpayers / citizens their collective demands. By using integrated and decentralized tools, available planning, management, information and communication tools, active citizenship, such as observed in some countries and the international experiences of participatory budgeting and the development of integrated business production chains. The research methodology developed was descriptive through documentary research. The study is of essentially qualitative character

    Heidegger lector de Platón

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofia Departamento de Filosofía.Leida el 6 de junio de 200