5,061 research outputs found

    La lectura en México, un problema multifactorial

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    Cada vez son más frecuentes las reflexiones sobre el poco o, mejor dicho, nulo hábito de la lectura en México. Todos sabemos que la costumbre de leer no es una de las más apreciadas en nuestro país, y para revertir esta situación se han creado, tanto a nivel federal como estatal, varios programas para incitar este hábito. Se han echado a andar proyectos como las llamadas “Salas de lectura”, “Olimpiadas de lectura”, “El rincón del libro”, “Para leer en libertad”, entre otros. Pero, ¿por qué es un problema la lectura en México? Más del 70% de los mexicanos no lee un solo libro al año. Unos porque son analfabetos y otros porque no quieren o no pueden. En nuestro país, varios factores, entre económicos, culturales o pedagógicos, intervienen para que la lectura, entendida como práctica que conjuga la adquisición de conocimiento con el placer, no sea una rutina común en la población mexicana. Juan José Salazar Embarcadero, en su texto Leer o no leer (Libros, lectores y lectura en México), hace un estudio sobre los factores que influyen para formar lectores. El libro se compone por cuatro apartados: “La industria editorial en México”, “Comercialización editorial”, “El consumo cultural y los índices de lectura” y “Las industrias culturales y las políticas públicas”; todo esto en 126 páginas

    Dialogismo, intertextualidad e ironía en "Chac Mool" de Carlos Fuentes

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    En el presente trabajo se abora el cuento "Chac mool", de Carlos Fuentes. En el mundo surgido de la confrontación, del encuentro de dos cosmovisiones tan diferentes, el conflicto entre el orden prehispánico y el occidental, más que un choque cultural, es la comprobación de un “otro” que no siempre da gusto reconocer. A pesar de los intentos por asimilar el pasado prehispánico con sus mitos, ritos y dioses, no está en la conciencia del mexicano de hoy… hasta el instante en que se permite sacar al prisionero de la piedra

    Extração de nemátodes de quisto de amostras de solo: método de decantação e crivagem de Cobb vs. método de Fenwick

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    Potato cyst nematodes are a threat to several agricultural crops around the world with some species considered quarantine pests and subjected to strict regulatory measures in many countries. Usually, cysts nematodes co-exist in the soil with other species of plant-parasitic nematodes, so, a time and cost-efficient extraction technique becomes of primary importance. The ideal extraction method should be able to obtain cysts as well as detecting the presence of other motile plant-parasitic nematodes with a potential impact on potato farming (such as Meloidogyne sp. and Pratylenchus sp.). In recent years, studies have been carried out to test the efficiency of various methods of nematode extraction but few results have been published. Therefore, to test if a method that extracts simultaneously cysts and motile nematodes can be used instead of the reference method that extracts cysts only, the efficiency of Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique was compared to Fenwick’s technique. As a result, in the 74 samples evaluated, a greater number of cysts were extracted from 24 samples using Fenwick’s method and from 11 samples employing Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique. The statistics results showed a significance level of 0,05 using Fenwick’s can allowing to conclude that this method is much more efficient than Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique, and confirming it should not be replaced by alternative methods for cysts extractioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Low-income housing finance in Colombia

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    This paper explores the role played by policy instruments in access to housing finance by low-income households. It also analyzes the impact of housing credit and subsidies on both the quality of life and the quality of dwelling of the beneficiaries. Using the Quality of Life Surveys conducted in Colombia in 2003 and 2008, the study finds that policy instruments aimed at easing access of low-income households to affordable housing such as subsidies and loan guarantees have played a modest role in increasing the use of mortgages as a source of funding. Despite this, subsidies were found to have had a significant impact on both the quality of dwelling and the quality of life. Therefore, this paper suggests promoting the use of both instruments by improving their design and targeting.Low-income housing, Housing finance, Housing subsidies, Quality of life, Quality of dwelling, Low-income housing mortgage market

    Teaching Early Prevention of Substance Abuse

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    There has been an increase in youth substance abuse in the US. Research shows that substance abuse leads to consequences such as lower education, lower opportunities to succeed, and overdoses (Freeman et al., 2018). Use of alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs can also lead to use of heavier drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methenamine that have higher addiction rates (Freeman et al., 2018). One solution is to create early prevention programs that target children before they are heavily exposed to alcohol and drugs. For my capstone project, I presented a workshop to parents in South Monterey County on how they can communicate with their school-age children about alcohol and drugs and prevent them from using or abusing substances in the future. The workshop was designed for parents who work in agriculture and have low socioeconomic status. It was conducted through the non-profit organization, Sun Street Centers, in Gonzales, California

    A Process Evaluation of a Family Involvement Program at a Title I Elementary School

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    Parental or family involvement in student academics has been an on-going topic for researchers. There is a need for studies to be conducted on parental involvement program implementation in order to determine if there is an impact on student academics when school, family, and community partnership programs are in place. For this study, a process evaluation was conducted on a parental or family involvement program newly developed and implemented at a Title I elementary school in an urban setting. The purpose of this mixed-methods process evaluation was to (a) document how the program was implemented, (b) examine the progress toward meeting its intended outcomes, and (c) use findings to make recommendations to drive improvement. The program\u27s logic model was used to examine the program\u27s intended short-term outcomes; including increasing parental involvement and knowledge in regard to the school\u27s reading, mathematics, and science curricula as well as increasing the knowledge of home strategies for student academic support. Student achievement impacts were also examined. Quantitative data collection included program participant survey data and participants\u27 student achievement data for reading and mathematics. Document analysis of the program\u27s artifacts allowed for a qualitative analysis for the evaluation. Findings indicated the program was making progress in increasing parents\u27 knowledge about the reading curriculum, but not for mathematics and science. There was also an increase in parents\u27 knowledge of home strategies and improvement in parental program attendance rates

    How does hip hop serve as a catalyst for collective resistance : Fight the power - a beats, rhymes, and life approach : a project based upon an investigation at Beats, Rhymes and Life

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    This qualitative study explores what elements of social justice, Hip Hop, and therapy the Oakland, California based agency Beats, Rhymes, & Life, Inc. (BRL) engages in to ignite Collective Resistance among its members, youth, and the outside community. The study utilized a mix of both narrative and phenomenological approaches throughout. In total, twelve participants were interviewed, however, only six participants were included for the purpose of this research and ranged from teaching artists, clinicians, community members, and leaders of BRL. Each participant was asked a series of questions regarding (1) Hip Hop, (2) Oppression and Power, and (3) Collective Resistance along with exploring the role BRL plays throughout those spaces. The narratives demonstrated that by tapping into the power of Hip Hop culture; using and providing space for authentic exploration and solidification; and having awareness of positionality, thought, and oppressive systems at play; individuals are able to provide ideas and solutions on how to challenge oppressive institutions through by acting upon the common goal of goodness for all and ride on transformative love. Because the study focuses on Collective Resistance, writing the paper itself was a participation in the movement of resistance against the norm. By engaging in code-switching between an academic voice and the voice of my roots in the communities which I belong to, it was my small way to “fight the power.

    Poly-Harmonic Distortion Model Extraction in Charge-Controlled One-Port Devices

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    A charge-controlled, one-port device is used to describe and discuss the extraction procedure of a Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) model in detail. For this case, both voltage and current waveforms are shown to be enough to fully characterize the PHD model. It is also shown that all the information specifically required for this PHD model definition can be stored in the Fourier coefficients of the incremental conductance and capacitance. The results are validated by comparing them with those obtained using a commercial circuit simulation tool.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Discutindo alguns aspectos históricos da formação de professores que ensinam matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental no brasil

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    Devemos advogar em defesa da democratização do ensino e da busca de maior qualidade no mesmo, e para isso é necessário que a sociedade participe das decisões na educação, pois a escola e o professor, e de forma particular neste artigo, o professor de Matemática, que não mudar frente às novas demandas sociais poderá provocar a exclusão, a evasão e consequentemente o fracasso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Num país tão contraditório de riquezas e pobrezas em universos tão próximos, a escola e a educação no Brasil, nunca foram tão acessíveis como nas últimas duas décadas! Ainda podemos melhorar muito, mas é importante pensarmos a qualidade na educação como um processo e não apenas como resultado de um determinado momento histórico. Diante disso, neste artigo (re)construímos a história da formação do professor que ensina Matemática no Brasil e com isso esperamos contribuir com o repensar a formação do professor no Brasil

    What explains whether people are morally concerned towards different entities: the role of moral motives as predictors of the moral circle

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    The expansiveness of our moral circle presents an important problem for the psychology of morality since to understand individual differences regarding the expansion of our moral concern is crucial to better understand what influences our moral actions. Overall the research conducted in regard to moral concern for other entities shows how moral boundaries vary extensively across people and situations and how it can be influenced by different mechanisms. Motivational factors have shown to have an impact on moral expansiveness; therefore we explored the Model of Moral Motives to understand its ability to explain the origins of moral expansiveness. We examined the predictors of the moral circle using the data collection of one hundred and four Portuguese participants that completed a questionnaire packet about morality. In this research we expected the moral circle to be associated with the endorsement of moral motives that are approach-oriented and other-focused (i.e., the Social Justice moral motive) overall our results showed that the model of moral motives can inform about our moral circle and inform about differences in our moral boundaries. We consider that our mains findings confirmed that moral motives are a promising approach to better understand moral expansiveness, therefore this research opens new possibilities for further studies in the same direction.A expansão do nosso círculo moral apresenta um problema importante para a psicologia da moralidade, visto que, compreender as diferenças individuais em relação à expansão das nossas considerações morais, é crucial para compreender melhor o que influencia nossas decisões e comportamentos. No geral, a pesquisa realizada em relação à expansividade moral mostram que os limites que traçamos ao incluir ou excluir entidades das nossas considerações morais, variam amplamente entre pessoas e contexto, podendo ser influenciado por diversos mecanismos. Os fatores motivacionais demonstraram ter um impacto na expansão dos círculos morais; portanto, na presente pesquisa exploramos o Modelo de Motivos Morais para entender sua capacidade de explicar as origens do círculo moral. Examinamos os factores que predizem o nosso círculo moral usando os dados recolhidos de cento e quatro participantes portugueses que completaram um pacote de questionários sobre moralidade. Na nossa análise, esperávamos encontrar indicadores que mostrassem uma associação positiva entre círculos morais mais abrangentes e a presença de motivos morais orientados para a activação comportamental e focado nos outros (Motivo Justiça Social). Em geral, nossos resultados mostraram que o modelo de motivos morais pode informar sobre os nossos círculos morais e sobre as diferenças individuais em relação aos limites morais. Consideramos que os resultados encontrados confirmam que o modelo de motivos morais é uma abordagem promissora na compreensão acerca da expansividade moral, por isso, a presente pesquisa abre caminho para novos estudos na mesma direcção