115 research outputs found

    Life satisfaction in adolescents:the role of individual and social health assets

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between adolescents’ life satisfaction and individual and social health assets. A nationally representative sample of 3,494 Portuguese adolescents (mean age = 14.94 ± 1.30 years; 53.6% girls) completed the Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey measuring a variety of health behaviors and beliefs. A sequential regression analysis was conducted with gender, individual assets (academic achievement, social competence, self-regulation and life objectives) and social assets (family support, peer support, parental monitoring and school connectedness) entered in separate steps. A second regression analysis was conducted with social assets entered before individual assets. The final model explained 18.3% of life satisfaction. School connectedness (β = .198, p < .001) and family support (β = .154, p < .001) were the strongest predictors of adolescents’ life satisfaction followed by social competence (β = .152, p < .001), academic achievement (β = .116, p < .001) and self-regulation (β = .064, p < .001). Social assets explained a larger variance of life satisfaction than individual assets when entered first in the regression (r2 = .134 and r2 = .119, respectively, p < .001). When entered last step in the regression analysis, social assets added more to life satisfaction’s variance than when individual assets were added in the last step (r2 = .060 and r2 = .045, respectively, p < .001). These results reinforce the role social interaction and social capital models in the promotion of well-being

    Using artificial intelligence to create paintings : how type of artist impacts WTP through emotional intelligence and perceived quality

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    It is known that technological development continuously contributes to making people's lives more efficient. In particular, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many different fields including medicine, transportation, public security, telecommunications, and so on. This dissertation addresses the influence of artificial intelligence in the field of art. More specifically, it aims to test how the type of artist (human vs. algorithm/robot) impacts willingness to pay through emotional intelligence and perceived quality. AI agents are perceived as beings without emotional intelligence and, as the art creation process is linked to the expression of emotions, people tend to think that these systems are not as capable of creating works of art as humans. On the other hand, AI-made artworks have been valued in the art auctions of renowned museums in recent years. Thus, it is interesting to understand how consumers evaluate the AI art, as it might revolutionize the art world in the future. The results of this study did not support expectations, however, they are a good starting point for future research on this topic.Sabe-se que o desenvolvimento tecnológico contribui continuamente para tornar a vida das pessoas mais eficiente. Em particular, o desenvolvimento da inteligência artificial (IA) tem impactado muitas áreas de estudo diferentes, incluindo medicina, transporte, segurança pública, telecomunicações, e assim por diante. Esta dissertação aborda a influência da inteligência artificial no campo da arte. Mais especificamente, visa testar como é que o tipo de artista (humano vs. algoritmo/robô) impacta a disposição a pagar por meio da inteligência emocional e da qualidade percebida. Os agentes de inteligência artificial são percebidos como seres sem inteligência emocional e, como o processo de criação de arte está ligado à expressão de emoções, as pessoas tendem a pensar que esses sistemas não são tão capazes de criar obras de arte quanto os humanos. Por outro lado, as obras de arte criadas por agentes de inteligência artificial têm sido valorizadas nos leilões de arte de museus renomados nos últimos anos. Assim, é interessante entender como é que os consumidores avaliam a arte IA, pois isso poderá revolucionar o mundo da arte no futuro. Os resultados deste estudo não apoiaram as expectativas, no entanto, são um bom ponto de partida para futuras pesquisas sobre este tema

    Effects of UV radiation exposure on DNA and DNA repair enzymes

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em BiotecnologiaDNA integrity in the cell is under constant threat from damaging agents of endogenous or exogenous origin, such as UV light, ionizing radiation and oxidative stress. Although the effects of these carcinogens on DNA have been extensively studied, very little is known about their effect on DNA repair enzymes. The aim of the present work was the study of the effect of UV radiation on E. coli Endonuclease III, a DNA glycosylase belonging to base excision repair system. This enzyme was homologously overexpressed and then purified with a Fe/protein ratio of 3.88 ± 0.63 (fully‐loaded form). Endonuclease III exposure to UV radiation for 45 min (19.77 kJ dose) may lead to the destruction of the Fe‐S bonds of the [4Fe‐4S] cluster or to the conversion of this center into a different redox state. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays with protein‐DNA complex showed that Endonuclease III binding to plasmid DNA promotes a retardation of the free supercoiled DNA band, indicative of Endonuclease III‐DNA complex(es) formation. These assays also showed that Endonuclease III is able to bind both linear and supercoiled plasmid DNA, although with higher affinity for the linear form. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays performed after 45 min of UV irradiation (19.77 kJ) revealed that although shift occurred, the complexes formed were unstable and dissociated during electrophoresis. Moreover, the presence of aggregates suggests the unfolding of some Endonuclease III molecules. After 6 h of UV irradiation (158.18 kJ) no complexes are formed, leading to the conclusion that Endonuclease III molecules were irreversibly damaged. The electrochemical studies were performed by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry techniques, at room temperature and anaerobic conditions; Endonuclease III and Endonuclease IIIDNA complex were adsorbed on a bare pyrolytic graphite electrode. For the first time, the direct electrochemical response of Endonuclease III unbound to DNA was observed, with a quasi‐reversible redox couple displaying a midpoint potential of 178 ± 9 mV vs. NHE. Endonuclease III binding to plasmid DNA promotes a positive shift (19 mV vs. NHE) in the characteristic redox couple of Endo III. Protein‐DNA complex UV irradiation promotes a negative shift in its redox potential of 25 mV vs. NHE

    Social support from developmental contexts and adolescent substance use and well-being: a comparative study of Spain and Portugal

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the contribution of social support from family, friend and school (teacher and classmate) contexts in substance use (tobacco and alcohol use) and well-being (life satisfaction and health-related quality of life). Participants were 5,784 Portuguese and 22,610 Spanish adolescents aged 11 to 16 years, from the 2014 edition of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Portugal and Spain. Results showed that for a higher life satisfaction, family ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .032), teacher ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .018) and classmate ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .031) support were important in Portugal, and family ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .056) and friend ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .015) support in Spain. Similarly, for a better health-related quality of life, all the social support variables were relevant in Portugal (family: p < .001, partial η 2 = .063; teacher: p < .001, partial η 2 = .032; classmate: p < .001, partial η 2 = .054; friend: p < .001, partial η 2 = .034) and in Spain (family: p < .001, partial η 2 = .054; teacher: p < .001, partial η 2 = .014; classmate: p < .001, partial η 2 = .018; friend: p < .001, partial η 2 = .040). In contrast, only family support ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .014) was relevant in Portugal for tobacco use. Therefore, social support was more relevant for adolescent well-being than for adolescent substance use, and the most relevant source of support was family support, in both Spain and Portugal

    A influência da família na saúde e nos comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes portugueses

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    Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade Educação para a SaúdeA relação dos adolescentes com a família tem sido reconhecida com um dos factores cruciais no desenvolvimento dos jovens. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo estudar a influência da família na saúde e nos comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes Portugueses. Para tal, realizaram-se seis estudos, tendo como suporte, a base de dados portuguesa do estudo internacional Health Behavior in School- aged Children, obtida com adolescentes através do preenchimento do questionário “Comportamento e Saúde em Jovens em Idade Escolar”. Os estudos realizados utilizaram amostras cujas dimensões variam entre 3221 jovens (estudo 3), 4877 (estudos 1 e 2), 5050 (estudos 5 e 6) e 22961 (estudo 4), jovens de ambos os géneros com média de idades de 14 anos. O estudo um teve como objectivo analisar a influência da comunicação com os pais e pares no bem-estar e comportamentos de risco dos adolescentes. No estudo dois pretendeu-se analisar a influência da família e dos pares nos comportamentos de risco dos adolescentes. No estudo três, procurou-se perceber a influência que a dificuldade em comunicar com os pais e o não ter ou não ver os pais poderá ter nos comportamentos de risco, relação com a escola, felicidade, percepção de saúde e no bem-estar físico e psicológico. No estudo quatro procurou-se entender a influência da comunicação com os pais a satisfação com a escola e o nível de instrução dos pais poderão ter no consumo de álcool e violência. No estudo cinco explorou-se os efeitos da monitorização parental e a comunicação com os pais no bem-estar e nos comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes. No estudo seis procurou-se compreender a influência da família e pares nos comportamentos de risco dos adolescentes, tendo como mediadores a saúde, bemestar e escola. Os principais resultados do presente estudo foram os seguintes:1) os pais surgem como uma factor protector nos comportamentos de risco e facilitadores do bemestar dos adolescentes, os amigos surgem como factor de risco nos comportamentos de X risco; 2) a dificuldade em comunicar com os pais surge como factor de risco nos comportamentos de risco; 3) o não ter ou não ver o pai surge como tendo maiores consequências na vida do adolescente comparativamente ao ter dificuldades em comunicar com o pai; 4) os rapazes, os jovens que têm dificuldade em comunicar com os pais, que não gostam da escola, que o pai não tem emprego e que os pais nunca estudaram, têm uma maior probabilidade em consumirem e abusarem do álcool e ter comportamentos violentos; 5) os jovens que têm uma maior monitorização parental são mais felizes, apresentam facilidade em comunicar com os pais, referem que têm uma boa relação com a família, apresentam menos sintomas psicológicos e estão mais satisfeitos com a vida; 6) uma boa comunicação com os pais aparece associada a menos sintomas físicos e psicológicos, a um maior bem-estar e maior satisfação com a escola; a satisfação com a escola surge como mediador, diminuindo os índices dos comportamentos de risco e quanto maior frequência de sintomas maiores são os índices de comportamentos de risco. Verifica-se que as questões relacionadas com a saúde e comportamentos de risco são importantes para entender a influência da família. Os resultados sublinham a importância de uma intervenção na saúde dos adolescentes que tenha em conta a relação com a família.The relationship between youngsters and family has been acknowledged as a crucial factor in the development of teenagers. This work had as goal to study the influence of family in health and in risk behaviours amongst Portuguese adolescents. To achieve this analysis, six studies were prepared having as a basis the Portuguese database of the international study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, gathered through the questionnaire Behaviour and Health in School age adolescents. The studies used samples whose dimensions diverged from 3221 youngsters (study 3), 4877 (studies 1 and 2), 5050 (studies 5 and 6) and 22,961 (study 4), youngsters of both genders with an average age of 14 years old. The goal of study 1 was to analyse the influence of communication between parents and pairs in well-being and in teenagers’ risk behaviours. In study 2 it was intended to analyse the influence of family and peers in teenagers’ risk behaviours. The goal of study 3 was to understand the influence that the difficulty in communicating with parents and not having/seeing parents might have in risk behaviours, relationship with school, happiness, perception of health and psychological and physical well-being. The goal of study 4 was to understand the influence of communication with parents, the satisfaction with school and the level of parents’ education that might influence alcohol consumption and violence. In study 5, parental monitoring and the communication with parents were explored in order to understand the effects that these might have in the well-being and in risk behaviours. In study 6, it was intended to understand the influence of family and pairs in risk behaviours, having as mediators health, well-being and school. The main results of this study were the following: 1) parents rise as a protective factor in risk behaviours and well-being providers, friends rise as a factor of risk in risk behaviours; 2) the difficulty in communicating with parents rises as a factor of risk in risk behaviours; 3) not having/seeing the father rises as having more consequences in teenagers’ life in comparison to having difficulty in communicating with the father; 4) boys, the teenagers who have more difficulty to talk with their parents, that do not enjoy school, whose father does not have a job and whose parents have never studied, have a higher probability in consume and abuse alcohol and having violent behaviours; 5) youngsters who have a higher parental monitoring are more happy, talk easily with their parents, refer to have a good relationship with their family, present less psychological symptoms and are more satisfied with life; 6) a good communications appears to be associated to less symptoms, to a better well-being and a higher satisfaction towards school; the satisfaction with school emerges as a mediator, decreasing the rates of risk behaviours and the more frequent symptoms, higher will be the rates of risk behaviours. It is verifiable that the questions regarding health and risk behaviours are important to understand the influence of family. The results point out the importance of an intervention in youngsters’ health that have a good connection with their family.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Jogar e aprender: exploração do potencial dos jogos no ensino do 1º CEB

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    O presente relatório sintetiza o estudo realizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular Estágio IV, com uma turma de 3.o ano do 1.o Ciclo do Ensino Básico e tem como temática os jogos em contexto educativo. A intervenção articula a utilização de jogos às diferentes áreas curriculares, e tem como principal objetivo compreender como os alunos se apropriam deste recurso e que aprendizagens podem surgir, deste modo foi definida a questão: “De que modo os jogos podem ser um recurso adequado no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do 1.o Ciclo?”. Assim, este projeto tem como objetivos: (i) Caracterizar os contributos da utilização dos jogos no processo de planeamento e articulação curricular no 1.o Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e (ii) Identificar de que modo os jogos promovem a interação entre as crianças. A metodologia utilizada recai sobre uma abordagem qualitativa centrada na prática. Quanto às técnicas de recolha de dados foram utilizadas a observação participante, a recolha documental (produções dos alunos, registos do diário de bordo, registos fotográficos, vídeos e áudios) e entrevistas em focus group, aos alunos que participaram no estudo. Relativamente aos principais resultados do estudo obtidos, destaca-se que os trabalhos realizados em torno dos jogos proporcionaram diferentes aprendizagens aos alunos, ao nível da interação e cooperação entre os pares, consolidação dos vários conteúdos curriculares e a articulação curricular. Conclui-se que a utilização de jogos para além de promover aprendizagens significativas para os alunos é também uma atividade prazerosa e interessante ao nível pedagógico e que pode ser adaptada de acordo com as curiosidades e interesses das crianças.This report aims to present the study conducted within the scope of the Curricular Unit Internship IV, with a 3rd-grade class of Primary Education. The theme of the study revolves around games in an educational context. The intervention involves the use of games in different curricular areas, with the main objective of understanding how pupils appropriate this resource and what learning outcomes may arise. Thus, I defined the research question: "How can games be an adequate resource in the teaching-learning process of Primary Education?". Therefore, this project has the following objectives: (i) Characterize the contributions of using games in the planning and curricular articulation process in Primary Education, and (ii) Identify how games promote interaction among children. The methodology used, it relies on a qualitative approach centered on practice. The data collection techniques included participant observation, documentary gathering (student productions, logbook records, photographic records, videos, and audios), and semi-structured interviews in a focus group format with the students who participated in the study. As for the main results obtained from the study, it is highlighted that the work done with games provided different learning experiences for students, particularly in terms of interaction and cooperation among peers, consolidation of various curricular contents, and curricular articulation. In conclusion, it is found that games are a valid resource to be used in the classroom, as they not only promote meaningful learning for students but also provide an enjoyable and interesting pedagogical activity that can be adapted according to the curiosities and interests of children

    Comportamento sexual dos adolescentes portugueses entre 2002 e 2014: estudo de HBSC em português

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    ABSTRACT - This study examined trends in adolescent sexual behaviors from 2002 to 2014 in Portugal. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires from 8th and 10th graders in classrooms during 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014. Overall, the prevalence of sexual intercourse, age of sexual initiation, pill use, and sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol or drugs decreased in Portugal between 2002 and 2014, while condom use increased. Boys and 10th graders more frequently reported having ever had sexual intercourse, boys and 8th graders more frequently reported having had sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol or drugs, girls and 10th graders more frequently reported having had their first sexual intercourse at 14 years or older (except in 2014, where boys and girls reported more frequently having initiated at 12–13 years), and girls and 10th graders reported more frequently having used condoms and the pill (except in 2014) at the last sexual intercourse. Eighth graders more frequently reported having had their first sexual experience at 12–13 years (except in 2006).RESUMO - Este estudo examinou as tendências dos comportamentos sexuais de adolescentes de 2002 a 2014 em Portugal. Os dados foram recolhidos usando questionários de autorrelato nos alunos de 8° e 10° anos de escolaridade, nas salas de aula durante 2002, 2006, 2010 e 2014. Em geral, a prevalência de relações sexuais, a idade de iniciação sexual, o uso da pílula e as relações sexuais sob a influência de álcool ou drogas diminuiu em Portugal entre 2002 e 2014, enquanto o uso de preservativos aumentou. Os rapazes e os alunos do 10° ano referiram mais frequentemente terem tido relações sexuais, os rapazes e os alunos do 8° ano mencionara ter tido, mais frequentemente relações sexuais sob a influência de álcool ou drogas, as raparigas e os alunos do 10° ano relataram mais frequentemente terem tido sua primeira relação sexual aos 14 ou mais (exceto em 2014, onde rapazes e raparigas referiram mais frequentemente ter iniciado às 12–13), e as raparigas e os alunos do 10° ano relataram mais frequentemente ter usado preservativo e pílula (exceto em 2014) na última relação sexual. Os alunos do 8° ano referiram mais frequentemente terem tido sua primeira experiência sexual aos 12–13 (exceto em 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alienation and health in adolescents : an original evaluation tool

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    Copyright © 2018 by authors and Open Access Library Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).The present work aims to construct and validate a tool enabling to evaluate alienation in Portuguese adolescents. Participants were a group of adolescents that participated in the Portuguese survey of the European study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). For this study, only adolescents from the 8th and 10th grades were included in the sample, comprising 3869 students. The results show a good adequacy of the confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) model. This model revealed 3 subscales proposals—Demotivation, Isolation and Instability, and a full scale—Total Alienation. When analyzed in relation to other variables (gender, grade, wellbeing indicator and risk indicator), the alienation subscales showed an association between alienation and risk. These results are consistent with other studies about alienation which emphasizes that having good social relationships is associated with higher levels of wellbeing and quality of life and less involvement in risk behaviours by young peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Práticas parentais, escola e consumo de substâncias em jovens

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    Este estudo, tem como objectivos descrever os comportamentos dos adolescentes, a relação entre a escola e a família bem como estudar as Práticas Parentais Educativas no concelho do Montijo. A amostra é constituída por 271 jovens e seus encarregados de educação. Os jovens têm idades compreendidas entre os 12 e 17 anos de idade, 37,3% rapazes e 62,7% raparigas. Foram aplicados questionários aos jovens, pais e professores. Verificou-se que as raparigas referem mais frequentemente experiência de consumos e maior supervisão e apoio parental. Relativamente às diferenças entre as idades, verificou-se, no presente estudo, que os mais novos consomem mais cerveja enquanto os mais velhos consomem bebidas destiladas. Os mais velhos referem mais frequentemente que as regras impostas pelos pais são negociadas, ou que não são explícitas. ------ ABSTRACT ------ The aim of this study is to describe the teenagers behaviour, the relationship between school and Family as well the parental practices in Montijo. The study was done with 271 youthful and their parents. The teenager’s age is between 12 and 17 years old distributed by 37.3% of boys and 62.7% of girls. The questionnaires have been applied to the teenagers, parents and teachers. Girls acknowledge more frequently that they have already experienced tobacco and alcohol and that parental supervision and support is stronger. Younger individuals drink more beer while older drink more spirits. Within the older group rules are more usually negotiated, or not explicit

    Imunização contra influenza no Brasil: racionalidade e desafios

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    Campanhas de vacinação contra influenza na população idosa têm sido conduzidas no Brasil desde 1999. De acordo com levantamento da literatura realizada sobre influenza no Brasil, concluiu-se que dados sobre carga de doença são ainda escassos e imprecisos. Essas informações parecem indicar que a vacinação tem produzido algum impacto nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do País, mas não em outras regiões. Foram discutidas racionalidade técnica e científica para a imunização contra influenza, e argumentou-se que a atual estratégia de vacinação em todo o território nacional não levou em conta possíveis diferenças na ocorrência da doença causada por influenza entre as regiões do País. Foram sugeridas algumas atividades relacionadas à vigilância epidemiológica de influenza que se julgou necessárias para responder importantes questões referentes à vacinação e seu impacto no Brasil.Mass vaccination campaigns against influenza in the elderly have been conducted in Brazil since 1999. A search of the literature on influenza in Brazil indicated that data on disease burden are still scarce and inaccurate. Published data seem to indicate that vaccination has produced some impact in the southern and southeastern regions but not in other regions of Brazil. A discussion of the technical and scientific rationale for mass immunization against influenza is presented and it is argued that the current strategy has not taken into account potential differences in disease occurrence in different areas. It is suggested some epidemiological surveillance actions needed to address major concerns regarding mass influenza vaccination and its impact in Brazil