969 research outputs found

    Malnutrition as cause and consequence of sensory distorsiones

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    La malnutrición es una enfermedad provocada por un exceso o defecto en el consumo o aprovechamiento de los nutrientes. Habitualmente, se utiliza este término para referirse a la desnutrición, es decir, a un trastorno derivado del déficit de algún macro y o micronutrientes. Las alteraciones quimiosensoriales pueden reducir de forma importante la alimentación en el individuo, por lo que es importante verificar que el aporte de nutrientes y, de forma concreta, de algunos micronutrientes, sea suficiente, ya que alguno de ellos, como el zinc, desempeñan un papel primordial en las alteraciones del gusto y del olfato. Además, el paciente malnutrido o con una alimentación que excluya gran número de alimentos, tiene mayor riesgo de presentar déficits de dichos micronutrientes. Diversas enfermedades, tanto agudas como crónicas, se asocian a alteraciones de la percepción sensorial, y pueden llegar a afectar a más del 50% de las personas mayores de 65 años. Los efectos provocados por los fármacos y algunos tratamientos como la quimioterapia y la radioterapia, juegan también un papel muy importante en la distorsión sensorial y en la incidencia de malnutriciónMalnutrition is a pathological condition caused by an excess or deficiency in the consumption or the use of the nutrients. Usually this term refers to a lack of adequate nourishment, a disorder resulting from a deficiency of some macro and/or micronutrients. Chemo-sensory alterations can significantly reduce food choice and intake, so it is very important to verify that the supply of nutrients and specifically of some micronutrients are sufficient. Some of them, such as “zinc”, play a very important role in alterations in the sense of taste and smell. In addition malnutrition patients or a poorly-balanced diet or faulty utilization of foods have increased the risk of deficiencies in these micronutrients. Several types of diseases, both acute and chronic ones, are associated with sensory perception and can affect more than 50% of people over 65 years old. The effects caused by drugs and some treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy play an important role in sensory distortion and the incidence of malnutritio

    Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of Ac-Ser-NH2: the role of side chain interactions in peptide folding

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    Serine capped dipeptide N-acetyl-L-serinamide (Ac-Ser-NH2) has been investigated using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopic techniques combined with laser ablation sources. Spectral signatures originating from one dominant species have been detected in the supersonic expansion. Rotational and nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of the two 14N nuclei have been used in the characterization of a Ceq/g-turn structure, which is stabilized by a C7O·· ·HN intramolecular hydrogen bond closing a seven-membered ring. Two extra hydrogen bonds involving the polar side chain (–CH2OH) further stabilize the structure. The non-observation of C5 species, attributed to the presence of the polar side chain, is in contrast with the previous gas phase observation of the related dipeptides containing glycine or alanine residues. The A–E splitting pattern arising from the internal rotation of the methyl group has been analyzed and the internal rotation barrier has been determined

    Determination of Sr-90 in milk samples from the study of statistical results

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    [Abstract] The determination of 90Sr in milk samples is the main objective of radiation monitoring laboratories because of its environmental importance. In this paper the concentration of activity of 39 milk samples was obtained through radiochemical separation based on selective retention of Sr in a cationic resin (Dowex 50WX8, 50-100 mesh) and subsequent determination by a low-level proportional gas counter. The results were checked by performing the measurement of the Sr concentration by using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy technique, to finally obtain the mass of 90Sr. From the data obtained a statistical treatment was performed using linear regressions. A reliable estimate of the mass of 90Sr was obtained based on the gravimetric technique, and secondly, the counts per minute of the third measurement in the 90Sr and 90Y equilibrium, without having to perform the analysis. These estimates have been verified with 19 milk samples, obtaining overlapping results. The novelty of the manuscript is the possibility of determining the concentration of 90Sr in milk samples, without the need to perform the third measurement in the equilibrium

    An Embedded System in Smart Inverters for Power Quality and Safety Functionality

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    The electricity sector is undergoing an evolution that demands the development of a network model with a high level of intelligence, known as a Smart Grid. One of the factors accelerating these changes is the development and implementation of renewable energy. In particular, increased photovoltaic generation can affect the network’s stability. One line of action is to provide inverters with a management capacity that enables them to act upon the grid in order to compensate for these problems. This paper describes the design and development of a prototype embedded system able to integrate with a photovoltaic inverter and provide it with multifunctional ability in order to analyze power quality and operate with protection. The most important subsystems of this prototype are described, indicating their operating fundamentals. This prototype has been tested with class A protocols according to IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 62586-2. Tests have also been carried out to validate the response time in generating orders and alarm signals for protections. The highlights of these experimental results are discussed. Some descriptive aspects of the integration of the prototype in an experimental smart inverter are also commented upon

    The TGF-β Pathway: A Pharmacological Target in Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

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    Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily members are essential for tissue homeostasis and consequently, dysregulation of their signaling pathways contributes to the development of human diseases. In the liver, TGF-β signaling participates in all the stages of disease progression from initial liver injury to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). During liver carcinogenesis, TGF-β plays a dual role on the malignant cell, behaving as a suppressor factor at early stages, but contributing to later tumor progression once cells escape from its cytostatic effects. Moreover, TGF-β can modulate the response of the cells forming the tumor microenvironment that may also contribute to HCC progression, and drive immune evasion of cancer cells. Thus, targeting the TGF-β pathway may constitute an effective therapeutic option for HCC treatment. However, it is crucial to identify biomarkers that allow to predict the response of the tumors and appropriately select the patients that could benefit from TGF-β inhibitory therapies. Here we review the functions of TGF-β on HCC malignant and tumor microenvironment cells, and the current strategies targeting TGF-β signaling for cancer therapy. We also summarize the clinical impact of TGF-β inhibitors in HCC patients and provide a perspective on its future use alone or in combinatorial strategies for HCC treatment

    HABs in coastal upwelling systems: Insights from an exceptional red tide of the toxigenic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum

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    Alexandrium minutum blooms generally occur in semi-enclosed sites such as estuaries, harbours and lagoons, where enhanced stratification, restricted circulation and accumulation of resting cysts in the sediment set suitable habitat conditions for the proliferation of this paralytic shellfish poisoning toxigenic species. In the Galician Rías Baixas (NW Iberian Peninsula), according to weekly time-series between 1994 and 2020, blooms of A. minutum were recurrent in small, shallow estuarine bays inside the Rías de Vigo and Pontevedra, but rarely detected, and if so at low concentrations, out of these environments. However, from May to July 2018 it developed as usual in the small inner bays but then spread over both Rías (Vigo and Pontevedra) causing discoloured waters during one month and prolonged harvesting closures. Meteorological conditions during that period (rains / runoff higher than climatological averages, sustained temperature increment and oscillating wind pattern –i.e., series of upwelling-relaxation cycles), fostered optimal circumstances for the development of that extensive and massive proliferation: strong vertical stratification and the alternation of retention and dispersion processes. Simulations from a particle tracking model portrayed the observed bloom development phases: onset and development inside a small inner bay; transport within the surface layer, from these sites towards the interior parts of the Ría; and dispersion all over the embayment. Seedbeds with high concentrations of resting cysts were detected several months after the bloom, which may have favoured flourishment of A. minutum in the following two years, markedly in 2020. The present work contributes to the general understanding of the dynamics of harmful algal blooms (HABs), from which surveillance indicators of the state of marine ecosystems and their evolution can be derived. We hypothesize that the intensity and frequency of A. minutum proliferations in the Galician Rías could increase under projected climate trends.Postprint2,69

    Eficiencia de la laguna de oxidación para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas, localidad de Huaro – Cusco

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    El objetivo fue evaluar la eficiencia de la laguna de oxidación para el tratamiento de las aguas residuales domésticas en la localidad de Huaro, Quispicanchis, región Cusco. Se evaluó las características y riesgo sanitario, de la laguna de oxidación, se hizo un análisis físico-químico y bacteriológico de las aguas residuales del afluente, efluente, vertimiento, y agua del río Huaro (cuerpo receptor), aplicando las metodologías estandarizadas de análisis de laboratorio, propuestas por la OMS, MINSA-DIGESA y MINAM. El mantenimiento y operatividad de la laguna de oxidación es deficiente, por cercanía al recurso hídrico se considera un riesgo sanitario alto, de acuerdo a los análisis físico-químicos del agua residual tanto del afluente, efluente y vertimiento los valores se encontraron por debajo de los LMP de efluentes para vertidos a cuerpos de agua natural a excepción de aceites y grasas se reporta 25 mg/L superando el LMP que es de 20mg/L, al análisis bacteriológico todos los valores del NMP/100ml de  Coliformes Termotolerantes encontrados superan  los LMP, siendo  NO APTAS para vertidos a cuerpos de agua natural, no utilizables  para  riego de vegetales. De acuerdo al análisis físico-químico y bacteriológico las aguas del rio Huaro arriba del punto de vertimiento, los valores se encuentran por debajo de los LMP, considerándose APTA para riego; sin embargo a partir del punto de vertimiento aguas abajo a pesar de que los valores de los parámetros fisicoquímicos están por debajo de los LMP, los valores de Coliformes Termotolerantes  sobrepasan los LMP,   siendo NO APTAS  para riego de vegetales

    The transcription factors Pap1 and Prr1 collaborate to activate antioxidant, but not drug tolerance, genes in response to H2O2

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    In response to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the transcription factor Pap1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe regulates transcription of genes required for adaptation to oxidative stress and for tolerance to toxic drugs. H2O2 induces oxidation of Pap1, its nuclear accumulation and expression of more than fifty Pap1-dependent genes. Oxidation and nuclear accumulation of Pap1 can also be accomplished by genetic inhibition of thioredoxin reductase. Furthermore, genetic alteration of the nuclear export pathway, or mutations in Pap1 nuclear export signal trigger nuclear accumulation of reduced Pap1. We show here that a subset of Pap1-dependent genes, such as those coding for the efflux pump Caf5, the ubiquitin-like protein Obr1 or the dehydrogenase SPCC663.08c, only require nuclear Pap1 for activation, whereas another subset of genes, those coding for the antioxidants catalase, sulfiredoxin or thioredoxin reductase, do need oxidized Pap1 to form a heterodimer with the constitutively nuclear transcription factor Prr1. The ability of Pap1 to bind and activate drug tolerance promoters is independent on Prr1, whereas its affinity for the antioxidant promoters is significantly enhanced upon association with Prr1. This finding suggests that the activation of both antioxidant and drug resistance genes in response to oxidative stress share a common inducer, H2O2, but alternative effectors