299 research outputs found

    Remarks on how to map the Europe 2020 Strategy

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    The ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ was issued in 2010 by the European Commission. This document constitutes a growth scheme for the decade 2010-2020 that aims to help the European Union to emerge from the current crisis through the so-called smart, sustainable and inclusive dimensions of growth. In this context, the basic aim of the SIESTA (“Spatial Indicators for a ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ Territorial Analysis”) Project has been to illustrate the territorial dimension of the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. In other words, to show how this document acts territorially, particularly at the regional scale, but, when possible, also at the urban level. The SIESTA Project has been funded by ESPON (“European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion”), a European Commission Programme whose mission is to support policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory. This book includes most of the main findings and conclusions obtained through research of the SIESTA Project. The contents were presented and discussed as keynote addresses or communications at the SIESTA Final Conference held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, on 4-5 April 2013

    Effective innate immune response in natural HIV-1 controllers. Can mimicking lead to novel preventive and cure strategies against HIV-1?

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    Purpose of reviewHIV-1 controller individuals represents a model that can be useful for the development of novel vaccines and therapies. Initial studies pointed to the involvement of improved adaptive immunity, however, new emerging evidence suggests the contribution of innate cells to effective antiviral responses in spontaneous controllers. Therefore, understanding the alterations on innate cell subsets might be crucial to develop new effective therapeutic strategies.Recent findingsAmong different innate immune cells, dendritic cell (DC) and natural killer (NK) cell are essential for effective antiviral responses. DC from controllers display improved innate detection of HIV-1 transcripts, higher induction of interferons, higher antigen presenting capacities and increased metabolism and higher capacities to induce polyfunctional CD8+T-cell responses. Such properties have been mimicked by Toll-like receptor ligands and applied to DC-based immunotherapies in humans and in animal models. NK cells from controllers display higher expression of activating receptors promoting increased antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and natural cytotoxicity activities. Neutralizing antibodies in combination with interleukin-15 superagonist or interferon-α can increase ADCC and cytotoxicity in NK cells from HIV-1 progressors.SummaryMimicking DC and NK cell innate profiles in controllers has become a promising strategy to step forward a novel efficient immunotherapy against the HIV-1 infectionE.M.G. was supported by the Ramo´n y Cajal Program (RYC2018-024374-I), the MINECO/FEDER RETOS program (RTI2018-097485-A-I00), Comunidad de Madrid Talento Program (2017-T1/BMD-5396), Gilead becas de investigacio´n (GLD19/00168), by Centro de Investigacio´n Biome´dica en Red (CIBERINF) de Enfermedades Infecciosas (CB21/13/00107), La Caixa Banking Foundation (H20-00218) and by REDINCOV grant from Fundacio´ La Marato´ TV3. M.C.M. was supported by La Caixa Banking Foundation (H20-00218) and Gilead becas de investigacio´n (GLD19/00168

    Mejorando el project appraisal. Aportaciones a la evaluación de nuevas líneas de alta velocidad

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    La presente investigación presenta la colaboración entre el CENIT y Renfe, que ha consistido en la elaboración de una metodología específica para la evaluación económica y social de la Alta Velocidad (AV) ferroviaria, con un enfoque innovador y de sistema, que permite evaluar la realidad de la AV ferroviaria en España de una forma rigurosa y a la vez imaginativa que supera los habituales CBA desarrollados para aspectos operativos (la AV incluye aspectos tácticos y estratégicos también)

    Maneig de l'hemorràgia digestiva alta no varicosa

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    En els últims anys s'han produït avenços en el maneig de l'hemorràgia digestiva alta no varicosa, originada en estómac i duodè i no provocada per varius esofàgiques. Aquests avenços, recollits en noves guies de pràctica clínica, fan èmfasi en la prevenció de les complicacions cardiovasculars durant l'hemorràgia, l'ús d'adequats medicaments per reduir la secreció d'àcid gàstric, antiinflamatoris menys lesius i protectors gàstrics, l'ús de tractaments menys invasius que la cirurgia i la curació d'infeccions.En los últimos años se han producido avances en el manejo de la hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa, originada en estómago y duodeno y no provocada por varices esofágicas. Estos avances, recogidos en nuevas guías de práctica clínica, hacen énfasis en la prevención de las complicaciones cardiovasculares durante la hemorragia, el uso de adecuados medicamentos para reducir la secreción de ácido gástrico, antiinflamatorios menos lesivos y protectores gástricos, el uso de tratamientos menos invasivos que la cirugía y la curación de infecciones

    Intangible heritage through mediation proposals in tourist cities: the case of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi in Barcelona.

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    En nombroses ocasions, el patrimoni cultural immaterial pot ser indesxifrable per a les persones que el volen gaudir a causa de la seva intangibilitat. És per això que el present article pretén trencar amb aquesta barrera a través de tres propostes de mediació per a una ruta turístico-cultural al districte de Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Barcelona). A més, també es busca descentralitzar l’activitat turística de la ciutat augmentant l’oferta cultural a zones menys centrificades. Concretament, l’itinerari té l’objectiu d’explicar la història d’aquest districte a través dels seus personatges més emblemàtics, destacant elements patrimonials, fets, curiositats i anècdotes del barri. Les tres propostes de mediació són: una visita teatralitzada on els participants són els actors, una visita amb codis QR a través dels quals es plantegen reptes als usuaris i una visita nocturna de terror que finalitza amb un escape room. Per acabar, es proposen futures línies de recerca vinculades per una banda a les ciutats i, per l’altra, a la proposta concreta.In many occasions, intangible cultural heritage can be illegible for those who would like to enjoy it due to its immateriality. That is why this article aims to take down these barriers through three mediation proposals for a touristic-cultural route in the district of Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Barcelona). Moreover, another goal is to decentralize the touristic activity of the city, increasing the cultural offer in off-the-beaten track areas. Specifically, this itinerary aims to explain the history of the district through its most relevant individuals, emphasizing their heritage elements, facts, curiosities and anecdotes of the neighbourhood. The three mediation proposals are: a theatralised visit where the participants are the actors, a visit guided by QR codes that raise questions to the users and a nocturnal terror visit that finalizes with an escape room. Finally, some future researches are suggested linked to the tourists cities and the specific proposal.

    Context, Entorn i Servei : l'aprenentatge mitjançant projectes, de les àrees científiques a la Interdisciplinarietat

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    El treball en contextos rellevants que proposa l'Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes, implica que, a més dels continguts científics, el projecte recluti continguts d'altres matèries. Aquesta interdisciplinarietat té una gestió complexa que, d'altra banda, permet projectes més connectats al món real. En aquest article, es descriuen 5 projectes de diferents àmbits de la ciència (astronomia, diversitat biològica, genètica, histologia) que s'han desenvolupat de forma interdisciplinària en funció de les necessitats i oportunitats didàctiques de diversoscontextos, incloent museus, criminologia, gestió d'espais urbans i col·laboració amb institucions externes.Project-Based Learning approaches in Science Education imply working in real contexts, and this need the work from several disciplines. The interdisciplinary approach is complex to develop but allows to construct projects with strong connections with the real world. In this article, we describe 5 projects from different science contents (astronomy, life diversity, genetics histology) that have been developed in a interdiscipinar frame following the needs and opportunities of several contexts, including museums, criminology, urban spaces administration and collaboration with other non-scholar institutions

    How to diagnose equal opportunities between women and men in organizations

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    Gender equality is now a matter that concerns all European countries. Despite the great effort made by governments and the progress of laws, gender discrimination still exists in family, social, cultural, political and economic spheres. Even today, it is rare to find women at the top level in companies. The path to equal opportunities is long and the only way to improve the situation is by means of appropriate equal opportunities plans. An essential part of the process of designing and implementing such action plans involves diagnosing the situation in a company. In this paper, an innovative indicator model is proposed. A review of numerous international private and public equal opportunities plans led to the design of a model to carry out a diagnose to identify all areas that could be corrected or improved by implementing specific measures, leading the company to deliver real equal opportunities policies. The indicator model is designed for the present historical context, though it is flexible enough to be adapted to each age and situation. The indicator model, which is original, will help companies carrying out one of the most important and essential parts of the process of designing and implementing and equal opportunities plan. Moreover, taking the indicator model companies ensure that all the relevant features are coveredPeer Reviewe

    Cultivar bajo las bombas: La agricultura urbana y periurbana en Barcelona durante la Guerra Civil, 1936-1939

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    Urban agriculture is key when food security is threatened, as in the cases of wars, which disrupt food production, conservation, transportation, and distribution systems. During the two World Wars of the 20th century, governments mobilized civilians to participate in food production and to increase morale by contributing to the war effort from the rearguard. Unlike these cases, food production in Spanish cities during the civil war of 1936-1939 has received little attention. Using documentation from different public and private archives, press clips, and personal testimonies, this article explores the socio-environmental history of agricultural production in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War. On the one hand, we analysed the collectivization of agriculture in the municipality of Barcelona, carried out by the Colectividad Agrícola de Barcelona y su Radio (CNT), involving at its peak some 3,500 workers managing 850 hectares of crops. On the other hand, this Collective coexisted with an expansion of home gardens for self-consumption in the city as food supplies became scarcer. Both initiatives contributed to maintaining a precarious food supply until the occupation of the city by Franco's troops in January 1939.CÓDIGOS JEL: P32, N54, N94, Q15. La agricultura urbana es clave en momentos en que la seguridad alimentaria se encuentra amenazada, como es el caso de los conflictos bélicos, que alteran los sistemas de producción, conservación, transporte y distribución de alimentos. Durante las dos guerras mundiales, distintos gobiernos movilizaron a la población civil para participar en la producción de alimentos y aumentar la moral a través de la contribución a la guerra desde la retaguardia. A diferencia de estos casos, la producción de alimentación en las ciudades españolas durante la guerra civil de 1936-1939 ha recibido escasa atención. Mediante documentación de distintos archivos públicos y privados, prensa histórica y testimonios personales, este artículo explora la historia socioambiental de la producción agrícola en la ciudad de Barcelona durante la guerra civil española. Por una parte, se analiza la colectivización de la agricultura en el término municipal de Barcelona, realizada por la Colectividad Agrícola de Barcelona y su Radio (CNT), que alcanzó un máximo de 3.500 personas trabajadoras y gestionó unas 850 hectáreas de cultivos. Dicha Colectividad convivió con una gran expansión de los huertos familiares de autoconsumo, a medida que el suministro de la ciudad se deterioraba. En conjunto, ambas contribuyeron a mantener un precario suministro de alimentos hasta la ocupación de la ciudad por parte de las tropas franquistas en enero de 1939

    Las tejedoras mayas de Guatemala: un proceso activo para la salvaguardia de su patrimonio cultural inmaterial

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    Currently, many are the phenomena that occur around intangible cultural heritage (ICH), related to its politics and legacy. With a critical analysis perspective, this article aims to describe the processes of patrimonialisation, commodification, and touristification of ICH, especially of the Guatemalan Mayan fabrics. The ongoing movement of Guatemalan weavers to protect and vindicate the cultural value of this art brings to light the role of different actors that intervene in intangible cultural heritage and, of greater relevance, indigenous communities. The following analysis framework on the diverse conceptualisations of heritage, authenticity, commodification and touristification allows for a deeper understanding of the Mayan weavers’ situation. The methodology used in this article consists on a case study, through which the following main conclusions arise: the lack of protection of ICH of this case study given the complex definitions and categorisations; the need to identify the consequences of commodification and touristification of ancestral tapestries, highlighting the importance of tourism management from the communities; and, finally, the key role of women as transmitters and protectors of ICH, who have headed a process of movement and empowerment.Actualmente, muchos son los fenómenos que ocurren alrededor del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI), relacionados con sus políticas y su legado. Con una perspectiva de análisis crítica, este artículo pretende exponer los procesos de patrimonialización, mercantilización y turistificación del PCI, especialmente de los tejidos mayas de Guatemala. La lucha presente de las tejedoras guatemaltecas para proteger y reivindicar el valor cultural de este arte pone sobre la mesa el papel de los distintos actores que intervienen en el patrimonio cultural inmaterial y, de mayor relevancia, las comunidades indígenas. El siguiente marco de análisis sobre las distintas conceptualizaciones de patrimonio, autenticidad, mercantilización y turistificación permitirán entender con mayor profundidad la situación de las tejedoras mayas. La metodología usada en este artículo consiste en un estudio de caso, a partir de la cual se extraen como principales conclusiones la desprotección del PCI de este análisis dadas las complejas definiciones y categorizaciones; la necesidad de identificar las consecuencias de la mercantilización y turistificación de los tejidos ancestrales, recalcando la importancia de la gestión turística desde las comunidades; y, finalmente, el protagonismo clave de las mujeres como transmisoras y protectoras del PCI, las cuales han liderado un proceso de lucha y empoderamiento

    Compulsory equal opportunities plans: Advantages of equal opportunities between women and men for companies

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    La Ley de Igualdad Efectiva de mujeres y hombres, aprobada en España en 2007, establece la obligatoriedad de elaborar e implantar planes de igualdad de oportunidades a aquellas empresas con más de 250 trabajadores. La relación “coste-beneficio” de la igualdad de oportunidades (relación entre el nivel de igualdad de oportunidades en una empresa y sus resultados) es un tema que no ha sido aún explorado y, por ello, las empresas deben autoconvencerse de la conveniencia de implantar planes de igualdad por medio de argumentos no cuantitativos. En este artículo se discuten las principales ventajas que puede ofrecer a las empresas la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres y se ofrecen criterios y herramientas para su aplicación.The Equal Opportunities Spanish Law (from 2007), establishes that those companies with more than 250 workers have to design and implement an equal opportunities plan between women and men. Since the “cost-benefit” relation of equal opportunities has not been yet studied, companies have to convince themselves about the convenience of designing and adopting an equal opportunities plan by means of non quantitative reasons. In this paper the main advantages of equal opportunities for companies are discussed, and some criteria are offered for its application.Peer Reviewe