829 research outputs found

    Tamaños poblacionales y regeneración de Prunus lusitanica L. en el noreste de la Península Ibérica

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    En el noreste de la península Ibérica se localizan plantas relacionadas con la flora y vegetación subtropical del Terciario como el árbol de hoja perenne Prunus lusitanica L. En este trabajo se aportan datos precisos del tamaño de sus poblaciones, su estructura y reclutamiento poblacional y su capacidad de regeneración asexual y se proponen algunas medidas para avanzar en su conservación. Se registran algo más de 1000 ejemplares, repartidos en 12 poblaciones que no parecen presentar limitaciones en el reclutamiento poblacional pues suelen abundar los individuos juveniles. Además, presenta regeneración asexual mediante rebrotes basales y acodos que es muy variable entre individuos y poblaciones.The northeast of the Iberian Peninsula is home to the evergreen cherry tree Prunus lusitanica L., an emblematic relict tree species related to the Tertiary flora. This study provides precise data on its population sizes, demographic structure, population recruitment and asexual regeneration capacity. In addition, some management recommendations are proposed for the conservation of the species. In total, over 1000 individuals have been recorded, distributed in 12 populations. Despite of the small population sizes no recruitment limitation has been detected since juveniles are the most abundant in most of the studied populations. Prunus lusitanica also shows asexual regeneration by means of layering shoots and basal shoots and is highly variable among individuals and populations

    Distribución de "Festuca patula" Desf. en la Península Ibérica; ecología y tamaños poblacionales de sus poblaciones en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (CW de España)

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    Population sizes and habitat types of Festuca patula Desf. are reported for Las Villuercas and Los Montes de Toledo regions (CW Spain). The distribution range of Festuca patula in the Iberian Peninsula is increased with 21 new records: one for Sierra Nevada (Granada, S Spain) and 20 for The Villuercas and Los Montes de Toledo (Cáceres, Toledo and Ciudad Real). The individuals of the latter areas grow under different environmental conditions. They live on rocky or relatively well-developed soils derived from metamorphic rocks, ranging from 300 to 900 m above sea level. They usually grow in temperate caducifolious and marcescent forests but also colonize open scrubs on rocky slopes, often bordering riparian stands. Most of the populations contain less than 100 individuals; only one population has more than 1,000. The population sizes are apparently larger on shady wooded sites with relatively well-developed soils than in rocky sites.Se presentan datos sobre el tamaño de las poblaciones y las preferencias de hábitat de Festuca patula Desf. en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (CW de España). Se amplia la información corológica para la península con 21 localidades nuevas: una en Sierra Nevada (Granada) y el resto en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (Cáceres, Toledo y Ciudad Real). Las poblaciones de estos dos últimos territorios habitan en distintas condiciones ambientales. Se encuentran entre los 300 y 1.000 m de altitud, instaladas en sustratos metamórficos, creciendo en el sotobosque de frondosas (quejigos, alcornoques, encinas, castaños, etc.) y en los claros de matorrales en laderas rocosas que, en numerosas ocasiones, limitan con formaciones riparias (caracterizadas por alisos, fresnos, sauces, etc.). La mayoría de las poblaciones están integradas por menos de 100 ejemplares y solamente dos alcanzan o superan los 1.000 individuos. El tamaño poblacional parece ser mayor en enclaves con suelo relativamente desarrollado, en ambientes forestales sombríos

    Informative Path Planning for Active Field Mapping under Localization Uncertainty

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    Information gathering algorithms play a key role in unlocking the potential of robots for efficient data collection in a wide range of applications. However, most existing strategies neglect the fundamental problem of the robot pose uncertainty, which is an implicit requirement for creating robust, high-quality maps. To address this issue, we introduce an informative planning framework for active mapping that explicitly accounts for the pose uncertainty in both the mapping and planning tasks. Our strategy exploits a Gaussian Process (GP) model to capture a target environmental field given the uncertainty on its inputs. For planning, we formulate a new utility function that couples the localization and field mapping objectives in GP-based mapping scenarios in a principled way, without relying on any manually tuned parameters. Extensive simulations show that our approach outperforms existing strategies, with reductions in mean pose uncertainty and map error. We also present a proof of concept in an indoor temperature mapping scenario.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submission (revised) to Robotics & Automation Letters (and IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

    The malSource dataset: quantifying complexity and code reuse in malware development

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    During the last decades, the problem of malicious and unwanted software (malware) has surged in numbers and sophistication. Malware plays a key role in most of today's cyberattacks and has consolidated as a commodity in the underground economy. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of malware from 1975 to date from a software engineering perspective. We analyze the source code of 456 samples from 428 unique families and obtain measures of their size, code quality, and estimates of the development costs (effort, time, and number of people). Our results suggest an exponential increment of nearly one order of magnitude per decade in aspects such as size and estimated effort, with code quality metrics similar to those of benign software. We also study the extent to which code reuse is present in our dataset. We detect a significant number of code clones across malware families and report which features and functionalities are more commonly shared. Overall, our results support claims about the increasing complexity of malware and its production progressively becoming an industry.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government through MINECO grants SMOG-DEV (TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R) and DEDETIS (TIN2015-7013-R), and in part by the Regional Government of Madrid through grantsCIBERDINE (S2013/ICE-3095) and N-GREENS (S2013/ICE-2731)

    Individual differences in arithmetic fluency

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    Este estudio contrasta la hipótesis de que las dificultades que tienen algunos sujetos en el dominio de las tablas de multiplicar se deban a su incapacidad para afrontar la interferencia. Los resultados no muestran diferencias en medidas de interferencia en un tarea de recuerdo serial entre sujetos con alta y baja habilidad en la resolución de multiplicaciones. Sin embargo, se encuentran diferencias asociadas a su dominio de las representaciones numéricas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto PSI-2012-38423

    Acute bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis successfully managed by medical therapy alone: A case report and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis is a life threatening condition usually occurring in diabetics. Management of this condition has traditionally been aggressive and surgery is considered mandatory. However, this is itself a hazardous intervention in a septic, unstable patient with circulatory or liver failure. When bilateral disease is present, the need for long-term dialysis is obviously unavoidable. CASE PRESENTATION: We herein report one of the few cases of bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis successfully managed by non-surgical treatment

    Francisco Crosas López, <i>De diis gentium. Tradición clásica y cultura medieval</i> : Nueva York: Peter Lang-lbérica, 1998, 202 pp.

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    En este estudio, Francisco Crosas López intenta dar cuenta de lo que llama "historia de una continuidad", es decir, la historia de la tradición clásica en la cultura medieval, con especial referencia al ámbito hispánico y a los poetas del siglo XV (precisamente, este libro se presenta como el resultado de la primera parte de una investigación acerca de la presencia del legado clásico en estos poetas). Se propone realizar con él una obra de síntesis que pueda servir dé introducción al problema, incluyendo por este motivo las distintas manifestaciones artísticas y culturales, tales como textos poéticos, glosas a los textos antiguos, a las mitografías, los clásicos moralizados, los tratados astronómico-astrológicos, la glíptica y la iconografía.Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Thin-Wall Machining of Light Alloys: A Review of Models and Industrial Approaches

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    Thin-wall parts are common in the aeronautical sector. However, their machining presents serious challenges such as vibrations and part deflections. To deal with these challenges, di erent approaches have been followed in recent years. This work presents the state of the art of thin-wall light-alloy machining, analyzing the problems related to each type of thin-wall parts, exposing the causes of both instability and deformation through analytical models, summarizing the computational techniques used, and presenting the solutions proposed by di erent authors from an industrial point of view. Finally, some further research lines are proposed