24 research outputs found

    Conocimiento especializado de un maestro de Primaria en torno a la definición de polígono

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    23 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Oficial en Investigación de la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje de las Ciencias Experimentales, Sociales y Matemáticas. Directora/Tutora: Dra. Nuria Climent Rodríguez. Numerosas investigaciones han abordado la importancia del conocimiento del profesor de matemáticas, considerándolo como un conocimiento especializado. En este estudio se analiza a un maestro con el objetivo de identificar el conocimiento que sustenta su práctica para, posteriormente, elaborar una propuesta del conocimiento especializado deseable. Para ello, se ha utilizado un video en el que unos alumnos de 5º de Educación Primaria tienen que construir una definición de polígono a partir de unos ejemplos dados por el maestro y una metodología de carácter cualitativo dentro del paradigma interpretativo. Finalmente, se observa la importancia del conocimiento del maestro, pues es lo que permite guiar a los alumnos en la realización de la tarea.Many investigations have examined the importance of mathematics teacher’s knowledge, considering this like a specialised knowledge. In this research, a teacher is analyzed with the aim of identifying the knowledge which supports his practice for developing a proposal of ideal specialised knowledge. For this reason, a video shows how Primary students have to construct a definition of polygon using some examples previously selected by the teacher, and qualitative metodology in an interpretative paradigm. Finally, it is evinced the importance of the teacher’s knowledge because it allows students to follow this task

    Radiographic differences observed following apexification vs revascularization in necrotic immature molars and incisors: a follow-up study of 18 teeth

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    Purpose To evaluate the efectiveness of apexifcation versus revascularization in the treatment of necrotic immature teeth and determine which strategy afords the greatest radiological success rate. Methods An analysis was made of 18 teeth subjected to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plugging and regenerative endodontic treatment, assessing healing of the apical lesions and the changes in root dimensions. Results Signifcantly greater root growth was observed with revascularization in terms of the percentage change in length (12.75% at 6 months) and dentin thickness (34.57% at 6 months) (p<0.05). There were no signifcant diferences between the two treatments in terms of the apical healing scores after 6 months of follow-up (p>0.05). Conclusion Apexifcation with an MTA apical plug and pulp regeneration are reliable treatments for non-vital immature teeth. The radiographic outcomes are comparable between the immature teeth subjected to MTA apexifcation versus those subjected to revascularization. The results of the present study indicate a greater increase in root length and width with regenerative endodontic treatment

    Behavioral Associations with Overweight in Low‐Income Children

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140023/1/oby22033_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140023/2/oby22033.pd

    Apexification with mineral trioxide aggregate plug in the upper anterior teeth: Presentation of three clinical cases

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    AbstrAct Introduction: the aim is to describe the treatment of three immature permanent incisors associated to apical periodontitis, based on the placement of an apical mineral trioxide aggregate (MtA) plug for apexification. case series: Apexification was carried out by opening the pulp chamber, with debridement of the canal following anesthesia and isolation of the tooth. the canal was filled with pure calcium hydroxide in powder form, dissolved in saline solution for one week, and the aperture was sealed with IrM (Dentsply, Germany). One week later, the calcium hydroxide was removed and an MtA apical plug was positioned, sealing with a humid cotton pellet and IrM (Dentsply, Germany). After setting of the MtA, conventional endodontic treatment was carried out using gutta-percha, with definitive restoration of the tooth. conclusion: All three cases, treated with MtA showed complete apical repair with rounding of the apex at radiographi

    Towards an integrated account of the development of self-regulation from a neurocognitive perspective: A framework for current and future longitudinal multi-modal investigations

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    Self-regulation is the ability to monitor and modulate emotions, behaviour, and cognition in order to adapt to changing circumstances. Developing adequate self-regulation is associated with better social coping and higher educational achievement later in life; poor self-regulation has been linked to a variety of detrimental developmental outcomes. Here, we focus on the development of neurocognitive processes essential for self-regulation. We outline a conceptual framework emphasizing that this is inherently an integrated, dynamic process involving interactions between brain maturation, child characteristics (genetic makeup, temperament, and pre- and perinatal factors) and environmental factors (family characteristics, parents and siblings, peers, and broader societal influences including media development). We introduce the Consortium of Individual Development (CID), which combines a series of integrated large-scale, multi-modal, longitudinal studies to take essential steps towards the ultimate goal of understanding and supporting this process

    Manejo de un gran quiste dentígero: a propósito de un caso

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    Introducción: este artículo muestra un caso clínico de un gran quiste dentígero asociado a los gérmenes de los dos premolares mandibulares izquierdos. Caso clínico: los quistes extensos son difíciles de manejar; el enfoque terapéutico incluyó la enucleación del quiste y la extracción del germen del segundo premolar. Fue necesario tratamiento ortodóncico para permitir la erupción del primer premolar y alinear la dentición. Después de 6 años de seguimiento, los dientes implicados en el quiste tenían condiciones fisiológicas normales, ausencia de anomalías dentales y posición correcta en la cavidad oral. Discusión: la selección adecuada del tratamiento, una buena técnica quirúrgica y ortodóncica, muestran resultados exitosos.Background: This article presents the clinical case of an extensive dentigerous cyst associated with the tooth buds of two left mandibular premolars. Case report: Large cysts are difficult of manage. The therapeutic approach consisted in the enucleation of the cyst and the extraction of the tooth bud of the second premolar. Orthodontic treatment was needed to allow the eruption of the first premolar and for the alignment of the teeth. After a follow-up of six months, the teeth involved were in normal physiological condition, there were no dental abnormalities, and the position of the teeth in the oral cavity was normal. Discussion: The right treatment with a proper surgical and orthodontic technique led to a successful outcome

    Longevity of Aesthetic Fixed Space Maintainers in the Anterior Area of the Pediatric Dental Patient

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    Space maintenance for children at very early ages in primary molars or posterior sectors is widely used and the scientific evidence is clear as to its indications. In the anterior sectors there are doubts as to whether there is a loss of space and its use is usually accompanied by aesthetic, phonatory requirements or the completion of certain habits. In this type of aesthetic anterior maintainer, there are many medium and long-term complications that can occur. Purpose: To evaluate the factors determining possible complications capable of reducing the longevity of aesthetic fixed space maintainers placed due to premature loss of temporary upper anterior teeth. Methods: Data were collected on 100 patients of 1–5 years of age requiring fixed space maintainer placement in the upper anterior area due to caries or traumatisms. Results: Complications were recorded in the form of resin tooth fracture (in 41% of the cases), welding fracture (16%), detachments (28%), gingivitis (26%) and root resorptions (8%). Space maintainer placement in younger children (12–24 months of age) was associated with a significantly greater incidence of root resorptions (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study, it is concluded that fixed space maintainers would be a good treatment option in patients with prematurely missing anterior teeth, though the use of temporary first molars as abutments could imply a greater risk of failure, with a lesser incidence of root resorptions. Periodic checks and adequate measures of hygiene are essential

    Effectiveness of techniques for the clinical dental approachof children with autistic spectrum disorder: a systematic review

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    El autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo cerebral que puede producir problemas conductuales, sociales, cognitivos y en la comunicación, lo cual frecuentemente provoca dificultades para el cuidado de la salud bucal. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar qué técnicas son efectivas para el abordaje odontológico del niño con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA). El tratamiento de estos niños es un proceso complejo que requiere una adecuada interacción paciente-odontólogo, seguimiento especializado, abordaje integral y formación de los dentistas. La terapia farmacológica, premedicación, sedación, anestesia general y la estabilización se consideran como opciones válidas cuando las otras técnicas no han funcionado.Autism is developmental disorder of the brain that can cause behavioral, social, cognitive and communication problems, which often lead to difficulties in oral health care. The objective of this study is to determine the techniques that are effective for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at the dental clinic. Treating these children is a complex process that requires proper patient-dentist interaction, a specialized follow-up, with a comprehensive approach and training of dentists. Drug therapy, premedication, sedation, general anesthesia and stabilization are considered valid options when the other techniques have not worked