5 research outputs found

    Nobiletin and xanthohumol sensitize colorectal cancer stem cells to standard chemotherapy

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality is mainly caused by patient refractoriness to common anti-cancer therapies and consequent metastasis formation. Besides, the notorious toxic side effects of chemotherapy are a concurrent obstacle to be tackled. Thus, new treatment approaches are needed to effectively improve patient outcomes. Compelling evidence demonstrated that cancer stem cells (CSCs) are responsible for treatment failure and relapse. New natural treatment approaches showed capabilities to selectively target the CSC subpopulation by rendering them targetable by standard cytotoxic compounds. Herein we show the anti-cancer properties of the polymethoxyflavones and prenylflavonoids extracted from Citrus sinensis and Humulus lupulus, respectively. The natural biofunctional fractions, singularly and in combination, reduced the cell viability of CRC stem cells (CR-CSCs) and synergized with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin (FOX) chemotherapy. These phenomena were accompanied by a reduced S and G2/M phase of the cell cycle and upregulation of cell death-related genes. Notably, both phytoextracts in combination with FOX thwarted stemness features in CR-CSCs as demonstrated by the impaired clonogenic potential and decreased Wnt pathway activation. Extracts lowered the expression of CD44v6 and affected the expansion of metastatic CR-CSCs in patients refractory to chemotherapy. Together, this study highlights the importance of polymethoxyflavones and prenylflavonoids as natural remedies to aid oncological therapies

    Pten tumor-suppressor: The dam of stemness in cancer

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    PTEN is one of the most frequently inactivated tumor suppressor genes in cancer. Loss or variation in PTEN gene/protein levels is commonly observed in a broad spectrum of human cancers, while germline PTEN mutations cause inherited syndromes that lead to increased risk of tumors. PTEN restrains tumorigenesis through different mechanisms ranging from phosphatase-dependent and independent activities, subcellular localization and protein interaction, modulating a broad array of cellular functions including growth, proliferation, survival, DNA repair, and cell motility. The main target of PTEN phosphatase activity is one of the most significant cell growth and pro-survival signaling pathway in cancer: PI3K/AKT/mTOR. Several shreds of evidence shed light on the critical role of PTEN in normal and cancer stem cells (CSCs) homeostasis, with its loss fostering the CSC compartment in both solid and hematologic malignancies. CSCs are responsible for tumor propagation, metastatic spread, resistance to therapy, and relapse. Thus, understanding how alterations of PTEN levels affect CSC hallmarks could be crucial for the development of successful therapeutic approaches. Here, we discuss the most significant findings on PTEN-mediated control of CSC state. We aim to unravel the role of PTEN in the regulation of key mechanisms specific for CSCs, such as self-renewal, quiescence/cell cycle, Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT), with a particular focus on PTEN-based therapy resistance mechanisms and their exploitation for novel therapeutic approaches in cancer treatment

    Immunopathological characterization of cryptoglandular anal fistula: a pilot study investigating its pathogenesis

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    Aim: The pathogenesis of cryptoglandular anal fistula (AF) is still under debate. Tissue inflammation could play a primary role. The pathological process of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) might be involved but has never been investigated. Method: In a prospective pilot study, 12 patients with an AF had a fistulectomy. The excised track was divided into proximal (intrasphincteric) and distal (extrasphincteric) parts which were subjected to standard histopathological examination. The cytokines IL-8 and IL-1beta were analysed as markers of inflammation, while EMT was evaluated by expression of TGF-beta, Vimentin, Zeb-1, Snail and E-cadherin. The mRNA and protein expression of these molecules was investigated by real-time PCR (RT-PCR), Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry and was compared with that of the normal adjacent tissue. Results: Chronic inflammation and granulation tissue and a stratified epithelium were evident on standard histopathological examination. The cytokine IL-8 was more expressed in the proximal than the distal part of the track (fold increase 4.34 vs 3.60), while the reverse was found for IL-1beta (fold increase 1.33 vs 2.01); both were more intensely expressed compared with the normal anal mucosa. EMT was demonstrated, in both proximal and distal parts of the track, with an increase of TGF-beta, Vimentin, Zeb-1 and Snail and a mean decrease of E-cadherin. Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry confirmed the protein expression. Conclusion: The study suggests that chronic inflammation is present in cryptoglandular fistulas. The inflammatory pattern might be different in the proximal than in the distal part of the fistula track. The cytokines IL-1beta and IL-8 could play a possible role in fistula formation. The study demonstrates for the first time the potential importance of EMT in the pathogenesis of cryptoglandular AF

    Measuring star formation with resolved observations: the test case of M 33

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    Context. Measuring star formation on a local scale is important to constrain star formation laws. It is not clear yet, however, whether and how the measure of star formation is affected by the spatial scale at which a galaxy is observed. Aims: We wish to understand the impact of the resolution on the determination of the spatially resolved star formation rate (SFR) and other directly associated physical parameters such as the attenuation. Methods: We carried out a multi-scale, pixel-by-pixel study of the nearby galaxy M 33. Assembling FUV, Hα, 8 μm, 24 μm, 70 μm, and 100 μm maps, we have systematically compared the emission in individual bands with various SFR estimators from a resolution of 33 pc to 2084 pc. Results: There are strong, scale-dependent, discrepancies of up to a factor 3 between monochromatic SFR estimators and Hα+24 μm. The scaling factors between individual IR bands and the SFR show a strong dependence on the spatial scale and on the intensity of star formation. Finally, strong variations of the differential reddening between the nebular emission and the stellar continuum are seen, depending on the specific SFR (sSFR) and on the resolution. At the finest spatial scales, there is little differential reddening at high sSFR. The differential reddening increases with decreasing sSFR. At the coarsest spatial scales the differential reddening is compatible with the canonical value found for starburst galaxies. Conclusions: Our results confirm that monochromatic estimators of the SFR are unreliable at scales smaller than 1 kpc. Furthermore, the extension of local calibrations to high-redshift galaxies presents non-trivial challenges because the properties of these systems may be poorly known.The maps (FITS files) and the data cube used in this article are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/578/A