2,813 research outputs found

    Demonstration of new possibilities of multilayer technology on resistive microstrip/ microdot detectors

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    The first successful attempts to optimize the electric field in Resistive Microstrip Gas Chamber and resistive microdot detectors using additional field shaping strips located inside the detector substrate are describedComment: Presented at the RD-51 mmini week, CERN, June 201


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    Agro-environmental measures (AEMs) are policy instruments in the European Union that pay farmers for voluntary environmental commitments and protection of the European countryside. The first AEMs were introduced by Reg. 2078/1992, thank to the MacSharry Reform. In this time they were \u201caccompanying measures\u201d and they were used to sustain rural income after decoupling and the abolishment of internal price support. In the following programming period it became mandatory to every Member State to consider Agro-environmental measures part of their Rural Developing Programs and they became one of the most important instrument of the EU for rural areas. Investigating literature about AEMs, we understand that the determinants of farmers\u2019 participation were not only to be searched on farm structure and farmers\u2019 characteristics, but also in personal attitudes using the Ajzen\u2019s Theory of Planned Behavior (1991). We collect 227 questionnaires of farmers participating in Agro-environmental measures in Lombardy during the last programming period in order to evaluate the perceptions of the respondents on the policy and explore motivations that drive farmers in the participation, evaluating both farm structural factors and their attitudes. The study is composed by two main parts: one is focused on the construction of the identikit of the \u201cstandard participant\u201d through a Likert scale survey and a qualitative analysis, and the other one is focused on modeling factors affecting the subscription of agro-environmental contracts. In the first part, farmers answer questions concerning their perceptions about the role of conventional and environmental friendly agriculture, the impact of AEMs in their daily practices and economic aspects associated with them. They identify the reasons that push them to participate, the functions of the farm and the future they imagine for their business. Through a classifications of farmers using personal and farm characteristics, we subdivides the sample and we try to understand how this parameters influence the answers and to typify the AEMs\u2019 participant. In the second part we implemented a logit model in order to answer the question \u201cwhich are the determinants for the participation in agro-environmental measures in the next programming period?\u201d, matching farm characteristics and farmers\u2019 personal attitudes. Farmers choose to participate in AEMs for environmental reasons and to value their own production on the market. Most of them are interested in increasing their income through the measures. They are strongly aware of agriculture\u2019s role of environmental manager and public goods producer but they aren\u2019t satisfied with the recognition that is given by the decision-maker. In particular farmers criticize the Administration for procedures, bureaucracy and inspection but, finally, they want to continue to participate in AEMs. Factors affecting the participation are linked to farm characteristics, such as its UAA or its membership to organic farms, and to the farmers perceptions on some issues, such as stiffness of control and satisfaction on the environmental performances of the measures

    Effetti della riforma PAC 2014- 2020 sulle aziende risicole italiane

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    The paper investigates the medium-term impacts of the 2014-2020 CAP reform in the Italian rice sector, ana- lyzing farm\u2019s structural characteristics and profitability. Using FADN data, first pillar payments and their con- tribution to income were computed and compared be- fore reform (2012) and in 2019 (at the end of the inter- nal convergence). The data calculated for the 165 farms in the FADN sample were reported to the universe, and show that the support for rice will fall from 979 to 746 \u20ac/hectare and 230 million to 176 million overall, with a 24% loss. However, rice farms will keep a higher sup- port, compared to other arable crops farms. The effect of greening obligations on rice farms was also estimated, even if they are largely exempted by the diversification requirements and ecological focus areas

    Morphology of the tropopause layer and lower stratosphere above a tropical cyclone : a case study on cyclone Davina (1999)

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    During the APE-THESEO mission in the Indian Ocean the Myasishchev Design Bureau stratospheric research aircraft M55 Geophysica performed a flight over and within the inner core region of tropical cyclone Davina. Measurements of total water, water vapour, temperature, aerosol backscattering, ozone and tracers were made and are discussed here in comparison with the averages of those quantities acquired during the campaign time frame. Temperature anomalies in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), warmer than average in the lower part and colder than average in the upper TTL were observed. Ozone was strongly reduced compared to its average value, and thick cirrus decks were present up to the cold point, sometimes topped by a layer of very dry air. Evidence for meridional transport of trace gases in the stratosphere above the cyclone was observed and perturbed water distribution in the TTL was documented. The paper discuss possible processes of dehydration induced by the cirrus forming above the cyclone, and change in the chemical tracer and water distribution in the lower stratosphere 400–430 K due to meridional transport from the mid-latitudes and link with Davina. Moreover it compares the data prior and after the cyclone passage to discuss its actual impact on the atmospheric chemistry and thermodynamics

    Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs) : I. Cloud morphology and occurrence

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    Subvisible cirrus clouds (SVCs) may contribute to dehydration close to the tropical tropopause. The higher and colder SVCs and the larger their ice crystals, the more likely they represent the last efficient point of contact of the gas phase with the ice phase and, hence, the last dehydrating step, before the air enters the stratosphere. The first simultaneous in situ and remote sensing measurements of SVCs were taken during the APE-THESEO campaign in the western Indian ocean in February/March 1999. The observed clouds, termed Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs), belong to the geometrically and optically thinnest large-scale clouds in the Earth´s atmosphere. Individual UTTCs may exist for many hours as an only 200--300 m thick cloud layer just a few hundred meters below the tropical cold point tropopause, covering up to 105 km2. With temperatures as low as 181 K these clouds are prime representatives for defining the water mixing ratio of air entering the lower stratosphere

    Concomitant evaluation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular controls via Geweke spectral causality to assess the propensity to postural syncope

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    The evaluation of propensity to postural syncope necessitates the concomitant characterization of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular controls and a method capable of disentangling closed loop relationships and decomposing causal links in the frequency domain. We applied Geweke spectral causality (GSC) to assess cardiovascular control from heart period and systolic arterial pressure variability and cerebrovascular regulation from mean arterial pressure and mean cerebral blood velocity variability in 13 control subjects and 13 individuals prone to develop orthostatic syncope. Analysis was made at rest in supine position and during head-up tilt at 60°, well before observing presyncope signs. Two different linear model structures were compared, namely bivariate autoregressive and bivariate dynamic adjustment classes. We found that (i) GSC markers did not depend on the model structure; (ii) the concomitant assessment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular controls was useful for a deeper comprehension of postural disturbances; (iii) orthostatic syncope appeared to be favored by the loss of a coordinated behavior between the baroreflex feedback and mechanical feedforward pathway in the frequency band typical of the baroreflex functioning during the postural challenge, and by a weak cerebral autoregulation as revealed by the increased strength of the pressure-to-flow link in the respiratory band. GSC applied to spontaneous cardiovascular and cerebrovascular oscillations is a promising tool for describing and monitoring disturbances associated with posture modification

    On the Different Abilities of Cross-Sample Entropy and K-Nearest-Neighbor Cross-Unpredictability in Assessing Dynamic Cardiorespiratory and Cerebrovascular Interactions

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    Nonlinear markers of coupling strength are often utilized to typify cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular regulations. The computation of these indices requires techniques describing nonlinear interactions between respiration (R) and heart period (HP) and between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean cerebral blood velocity (MCBv). We compared two model-free methods for the assessment of dynamic HP–R and MCBv–MAP interactions, namely the cross-sample entropy (CSampEn) and k-nearest-neighbor cross-unpredictability (KNNCUP). Comparison was carried out first over simulations generated by linear and nonlinear unidirectional causal, bidirectional linear causal, and lag-zero linear noncausal models, and then over experimental data acquired from 19 subjects at supine rest during spontaneous breathing and controlled respiration at 10, 15, and 20 breaths minute^-1 as well as from 13 subjects at supine rest and during 60 head-up tilt. Linear markers were computed for comparison. We found that: (i) over simulations, CSampEn and KNNCUP exhibit different abilities in evaluating coupling strength; (ii) KNNCUP is more reliable than CSampEn when interactions occur according to a causal structure, while performances are similar in noncausal models; (iii) in healthy subjects, KNNCUP is more powerful in characterizing cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular variability interactions than CSampEn and linear markers. We recommend KNNCUP for quantifying cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular coupling

    Categorizing the Role of Respiration in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Variability Interactions

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    Objective: Respiration disturbs cardiovascular and cerebrovascular controls but its role is not fully elucidated. Methods: Respiration can be classified as a confounder if its observation reduces the strength of the causal relationship from source to target. Respiration is a suppressor if the opposite situation holds. We prove that a confounding/suppression (C/S) test can be accomplished by evaluating the sign of net redundancy/synergy balance in the predictability framework based on multivariate autoregressive modelling. In addition, we suggest that, under the hypothesis of Gaussian processes, the C/S test can be given in the transfer entropy decomposition framework as well. Experimental protocols: We applied the C/S test to variability series of respiratory movements, heart period, systolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, and mean cerebral blood flow recorded in 17 pathological individuals (age: 648 yrs; 17 males) before and after induction of propofol-based general anesthesia prior to coronary artery bypass grafting, and in 13 healthy subjects (age: 278 yrs; 5 males) at rest in supine position and during head-up tilt with a table inclination of 60. Results: Respiration behaved systematically as a confounder for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular controls. In addition, its role was affected by propofol-based general anesthesia but not by a postural stimulus of limited intensity. Conclusion: The C/S test can be fruitfully exploited to categorize the role of respiration over causal variability interactions. Significance: The application of the C/S test could favor the comprehension of the role of respiration in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulations

    Circulating plasma factors induce tubular and glomerular alterations in septic burns patients

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    Background Severe burn is a systemic illness often complicated by sepsis. Kidney is one of the organs invariably affected, and proteinuria is a constant clinical finding. We studied the relationships between proteinuria and patient outcome, severity of renal dysfunction and systemic inflammatory state in burns patients who developed sepsis-associated acute renal failure (ARF). We then tested the hypothesis that plasma in these patients induces apoptosis and functional alterations that could account for proteinuria and severity of renal dysfunction in tubular cells and podocytes. Methods We studied the correlation between proteinuria and indexes of systemic inflammation or renal function prospectively in 19 severe burns patients with septic shock and ARF, and we evaluated the effect of plasma on apoptosis, polarity and functional alterations in cultured human tubular cells and podocytes. As controls, we collected plasma from 10 burns patients with septic shock but without ARF, 10 burns patients with septic shock and ARF, 10 non-burns patients with septic shock without ARF, 10 chronic uremic patients and 10 healthy volunteers. Results Septic burns patients with ARF presented a severe proteinuria that correlated to outcome, glomerular (creatinine/urea clearance) and tubular (fractional excretion of sodium and potassium) functional impairment and systemic inflammation (white blood cell (WBC) and platelet counts). Plasma from these patients induced a pro-apoptotic effect in tubular cells and podocytes that correlated with the extent of proteinuria. Plasma-induced apoptosis was significantly higher in septic severe burns patients with ARF with respect to those without ARF or with septic shock without burns. Moreover, plasma from septic burns patients induced an alteration of polarity in tubular cells, as well as reduced expression of the tight junction protein ZO-1 and of the endocytic receptor megalin. In podocytes, plasma from septic burns patients increased permeability to albumin and decreased the expression of the slit diaphragm protein nephrin. Conclusion Plasma from burns patients with sepsis-associated ARF contains factors that affect the function and survival of tubular cells and podocytes. These factors are likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of acute tubular injury and proteinuria, which is a negative prognostic factor and an index of renal involvement in the systemic inflammatory reaction

    Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Children and Adolescents: Progress Through Effective Collaboration, Current Knowledge, and Challenges Ahead

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    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the fourth most common malignancy in children, has an even higher incidence in adolescents, and is primarily represented by only a few histologic subtypes. Dramatic progress has been achieved, with survival rates exceeding 80%, in large part because of a better understanding of the biology of the different subtypes and national and international collaborations. Most patients with Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are cured with short intensive pulse chemotherapy containing cyclophosphamide, cytarabine, and high-dose methotrexate. The benefit of the addition of rituximab has not been established except in the case of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. Lymphoblastic lymphoma is treated with intensive, semi-continuous, longer leukemia-derived protocols. Relapses in B-cell and lymphoblastic lymphomas are rare and infrequently curable, even with intensive approaches. Event-free survival rates of approximately 75% have been achieved in anaplastic large-cell lymphomas with various regimens that generally include a short intensive B-like regimen. Immunity seems to play an important role in prognosis and needs further exploration to determine its therapeutic application. ALK inhibitor therapeutic approaches are currently under investigation. For all pediatric lymphomas, the intensity of induction/consolidation therapy correlates with acute toxicities, but because of low cumulative doses of anthracyclines and alkylating agents, minimal or no long-term toxicity is expected. Challenges that remain include defining the value of prognostic factors, such as early response on positron emission tomography/computed tomography and minimal disseminated and residual disease, using new biologic technologies to improve risk stratification, and developing innovative therapies, both in the first-line setting and for relapse