20 research outputs found

    SIGMENT : Une base de données bibliographique critique pour estimer la répartition géographique des traditions techniques lithiques du Gravettien moyen et récent en France.

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    (French) La base de donnĂ©es SIGMENT (SItes du Gravettien Moyen et rĂ©cENT) a pour objectif d’estimer fiablement la distribution gĂ©ographique des traditions techniques lithiques du Gravettien moyen et rĂ©cent en France et dans ses marges. Elle compile des donnĂ©es contextuelles et culturelles sur 232 collections archĂ©ologiques provenant de 165 sites en France, Espagne, Italie et Allemagne, Ă  partir de rĂ©fĂ©rences publiĂ©es et d’observations personnelles. Une grille d’analyse qualitative a ensuite permis de classifier la fiabilitĂ© de la prĂ©sence des traditions archĂ©ologiques Ă©tudiĂ©es pour chaque localitĂ©. Le rĂ©sultat de cette classification montre qu’une partie importante des occurrences n’est pas fiable. À partir de l’étude historiographique et archĂ©ologique de plusieurs collections du Sud-Ouest de la France, nous discutons des facteurs ayant pu influencer la sur- ou sous-estimation de la prĂ©sence de ces traditions archĂ©ologiques Ă  partir d’un recensement strictement bibliographique, en particulier la variabilitĂ© des approches analytiques, des mĂ©thodologiques de fouille et de conservation ainsi que des dĂ©calages dans la façon dont ces collections sont dĂ©crites dans la littĂ©rature. Cette base de donnĂ©es critique a Ă©tĂ© mise Ă  disposition des chercheur.euse.s, pour leur permettre de rĂ©utiliser ces donnĂ©es dans leurs travaux (English) This article presents the « SItes du Gravettien Moyen et rĂ©cENT » (SIGMENT) database, which aims to reliably estimate the geographic distribution of Middle and Recent Gravettian lithic technical traditions in France and neighboring regions. We compiled contextual and cultural data from nearly 190 published references or personal observations on 232 collections from 165 sites in France, Spain, Italy and Germany. We then established a qualitative grid to classify the presence reliability of archaeological traditions at each site. We found that many of these occurrences are unreliable and tagged them as not suitable for integration into larger scale models focused on the geographic distribution of archaeological traditions. Building on the historiographic and archaeological study of several assemblages from southwestern France, we discuss the factors that may have influenced the traditions’ presence over- or under-estimation from a strict bibliographic approach, including varying analytical approaches, excavation and conservation methodologies, and inconsistencies in how assemblages are described in the published literature. This critical database may be used by researchers to explore the spatial patterns of the Middle and Recent Gravettien lithic technical traditions at regional to inter-regional or to implement their inventories of sites

    The French NATIONAL CYBER CORE REPOSITORY: a user-oriented approach to promote the referencing of scientific cores

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    PosterInternational audienceIn plaeosciences the question of data management is made sensitive by the need of preserving and managing high value fragile geological samples: cores. Large international scientific programs, such as IODP or ICDP led intense effort for such, proposing detailed high standard work- and dataflows. However many paleoscience results derived from small-scale research programs in which data and sample management are too often managed only locally – when they are. In France a national effort is currently led to develop an integrated system to curate ice and sediment cores. Under the umbrella of the national excellence equipment program CLIMCOR, we launched a reflexion about core curating and the management of associated fieldwork data. Our aim was then to preserve all data from fieldwork in an integrated cyber-environment. To do so, our demarche was conducted through an intimate relationship with field operators and laboratory core curators in order to propose user-oriented solutions. We built a single web portal that is used as a national hub from any team’s data and to international standards (IGSNs, INSPIRE) and databases (IMLGS). For legacy samples, this requires the establishment of a dedicated cores list with associated metadata. However, for forthcoming core data, we developed a mobile application to capture technical and scientific data directly on the field. This application is linked with a unique coring-tools library and is adapted to most coring devices (gravity, drilling, percussion etc.) including multiple sections and holes coring operations. In this paper, we present the architecture of the integrated system, future perspectives and the approach we adopted to reach our goals. We will also present our mobile application through didactic examples

    The French initiative for scientific cores virtual curating : a user-orientedintegrated approach

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    PosterInternational audienceManaging scientific data is probably one the most challenging issue in modern science. The question is made evenmore sensitive with the need of preserving and managing high value fragile geological sam-ples: cores. Largeinternational scientific programs, such as IODP or ICDP are leading an intense effort to solve this problem andpropose detailed high standard work- and dataflows thorough core handling and curating. However most resultsderived from rather small-scale research programs in which data and sample management is generally managedonly locally – when it is . . .The national excellence equipment program (Equipex) CLIMCOR aims at developing French facilities for coringand drilling investigations. It concerns indiscriminately ice, marine and continental samples. As part of this initiative,we initiated a reflexion about core curating and associated coring-data management. The aim of the project isto conserve all metadata from fieldwork in an integrated cyber-environment which will evolve toward laboratoryacquireddata storage in a near future. In that aim, our demarche was conducted through an close relationship withfield operators as well laboratory core curators in order to propose user-oriented solutions.The national core curating initiative currently proposes a single web portal in which all scientifics teams can storetheir field data. For legacy samples, this will requires the establishment of a dedicated core lists with associatedmetadata. For forthcoming samples, we propose a mobile application, under Android environment to capture technicaland scientific metadata on the field. This application is linked with a unique coring tools library and is adaptedto most coring devices (gravity, drilling, percussion, etc...) including multiple sections and holes coring operations.Those field data can be uploaded automatically to the national portal, but also referenced through internationalstandards or persistent identifiers (IGSN, ORCID and INSPIRE) and displayed in international portals (currently,NOAA’s IMLGS).In this paper, we present the architecture of the integrated system, future perspectives and the approach we adoptedto reach our goals. We will also present in front of our poster, one of the three mobile applications, dedicated moreparticularly to the operations of continental drillings

    The French initiative for scientific cores virtual curating : a user-orientedintegrated approach

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    PosterInternational audienceManaging scientific data is probably one the most challenging issue in modern science. The question is made evenmore sensitive with the need of preserving and managing high value fragile geological sam-ples: cores. Largeinternational scientific programs, such as IODP or ICDP are leading an intense effort to solve this problem andpropose detailed high standard work- and dataflows thorough core handling and curating. However most resultsderived from rather small-scale research programs in which data and sample management is generally managedonly locally – when it is . . .The national excellence equipment program (Equipex) CLIMCOR aims at developing French facilities for coringand drilling investigations. It concerns indiscriminately ice, marine and continental samples. As part of this initiative,we initiated a reflexion about core curating and associated coring-data management. The aim of the project isto conserve all metadata from fieldwork in an integrated cyber-environment which will evolve toward laboratoryacquireddata storage in a near future. In that aim, our demarche was conducted through an close relationship withfield operators as well laboratory core curators in order to propose user-oriented solutions.The national core curating initiative currently proposes a single web portal in which all scientifics teams can storetheir field data. For legacy samples, this will requires the establishment of a dedicated core lists with associatedmetadata. For forthcoming samples, we propose a mobile application, under Android environment to capture technicaland scientific metadata on the field. This application is linked with a unique coring tools library and is adaptedto most coring devices (gravity, drilling, percussion, etc...) including multiple sections and holes coring operations.Those field data can be uploaded automatically to the national portal, but also referenced through internationalstandards or persistent identifiers (IGSN, ORCID and INSPIRE) and displayed in international portals (currently,NOAA’s IMLGS).In this paper, we present the architecture of the integrated system, future perspectives and the approach we adoptedto reach our goals. We will also present in front of our poster, one of the three mobile applications, dedicated moreparticularly to the operations of continental drillings

    From core referencing to data re-use: two French national initiatives to reinforce paleodata stewardship (National Cyber Core Repository and LTER France Retro-Observatory)

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    PosterInternational audienceManaging paleoscience data is highly challenging to the multiplicity of actors in play, types of sampling, analysis, post-analysis treatments, statistics etc. However, a well-structured curating of data would permit innovative developments based on data and/or sample re-use, such as meta-analysis or the development of new proxies on previously studied cores. In this paper, we will present two recent initiatives that allowed us tackling this objective at a French national level: the “National Cyber Core Repository” (NCCR) and the “LTER-France retro-observatory” (ROZA).NCCR was developed under the umbrella of the French National Center fo Coring and Drilling (C2FN) thanks to the national excellence equipment project CLIMCOR. It aims at gathering on a unique website the locations and metadata of any scientific coring/drilling performed by French teams or using French facilities, whatever the type of archive it is (lake/marine sediment; ice etc.). It uses international standard, notably IGSN (for samples), ORCID (for persons) and DOI (for campaigns). NCC follows the INSPIRE ISO 19115 standard in order to catalogue the data. For continental sediment, NCCR may be fed directly on the field through a specifically developed mobile application.Based on NCCR, further initiatives may be led. In particular, under the umbrella of LTER-France (Long Term Ecological Research), we developed ROZA in order to facilitate the re-use of data and samples. Here the idea is to capitalise the knowledge on a given lake from which several sediment cores can be taken through time. In that aim we selected at least one lake from each of the 13 areas composing the network LTER-France. To enter the database, a set of mandatory data must be provided under a pre-determined format. In that case, the insertion of ROZA within the network LTER will favor to use of paleodata by non-paleodata scientists, in particular ecologists

    The French initiative for scientific cores virtual curating : a user-oriented integrated approach

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    PosterInternational audienceManaging scientific data is a crucial issue for modern science. This concerns particularly the conservation of high value geological samples: cores. International scientific programs are leading an intense effort to solve this problem and propose detailed high standard work- and dataflows including core handling and curating. However, there is currently no consensual standard for sample and associated metadata management. The national excellence equipment program CLIMCOR aims at developing French facilities for scientific coring (ice, marine and continental). As part of it, we led a reflexion about cores and associated metada curating. Our aim is to conserve all metadata from fieldwork in an integrated cyber-environment which could evolve toward laboratory-acquired data storage. In that aim, our demarche was conducted through a close relationship with field operators and core curators, in order to propose user-oriented solutions.The national core curating initiative currently proposes a single web portal to store field data. For forthcoming samples, we propose a mobile application to capture technical and scientific metadata on the field or in cruise. This application is linked with a unique coring tools library and is adapted to most coring devices, including multiple sections and holes coring operations.Those field data can be uploaded automatically to the national portal, but also referenced through international standards or persistent identifiers (IGSN - SESAR, ORCID) and INSPIRE schema and displayed in international portals (currently, NOAA IMLGS).In this paper, we present the architecture of the integrated system, future perspectives and the approach we adopted to reach our goals.(1) http://climcor-equipex.dt.insu.cnrs.fr/?lang=e

    From the field to the database: a user-oriented approach to promote cyber-curating of scientific continental drilling cores

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    International audienceManaging scientific data is probably one the most challenging issues in modern science. In plaeosciences the question is made even more sensitive with the need of preserving and managing high value fragile geological samples: cores. Large international scientific programs, such as IODP or ICDP led intense effort to solve this problem and proposed detailed high standard work- and dataflows thorough core handling and curating. However many paleoscience results derived from small-scale research programs in which data and sample management is too often managed only locally – when it is
 In this paper we present a national effort leads in France to develop an integrated system to curate ice and sediment cores. Under the umbrella of the national excellence equipment program CLIMCOR, we launched a reflexion about core curating and the management of associated fieldwork data. Our aim was then to conserve all data from fieldwork in an integrated cyber-environment which will evolve toward laboratory-acquired data storage in a near future. To do so, our demarche was conducted through an intimate relationship with field operators as well laboratory core curators in order to propose user-oriented solutions. The national core curating initiative proposes a single web portal in which all teams can store their fieldwork data. This portal is used as a national hub to attribute IGSNs. For legacy samples, this requires the establishment of a dedicated core list with associated metadata. However, for forthcoming core data, we developed a mobile application to capture technical and scientific data directly on the field. This application is linked with a unique coring-tools library and is adapted to most coring devices (gravity, drilling, percussion etc.) including multiple sections and holes coring operations. Those field data can be uploaded automatically to the national portal, but also referenced through international standards (IGSN and INSPIRE) and displayed in international portals (currently, NOAA’s IMLGS). In this paper, we present the architecture of the integrated system, future perspectives and the approach we adopted to reach our goals. We will also present our mobile application through didactic examples

    Gestion et valorisation des carottes sédimentaires à but scientifique en France : vers un systÚme intégré

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    International audienceLes carottes sĂ©dimentaires font l'objet d'un intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant de la part des palĂ©o-environnementalistes mais Ă©galement d’écologues qui s'intĂ©ressent Ă  la trajectoire des Ă©cosystĂšmes (Pansu et al., 2015; Perga et al., 2015). Les carottes marines ou continentales prĂ©levĂ©es dans le cadre de consortiums internationaux (IODP, ICDP) donnent l’exemple depuis des dĂ©cennies en terme de partage d’échantillons pour ce type d’étude ; plus rĂ©cemment l’augmentation de rĂ©-Ă©tudes massives de donnĂ©es publiĂ©es (Bolliet et al., 2016; Cartapan is et al., 2016) dĂ©montrent la valeur de ces Ă©chantillons et des donnĂ©es associĂ©es. De leur cĂŽtĂ© depuis quelques annĂ©es, les lĂ©gislateurs et financeurs poussent Ă  l’ouverture, au partage et Ă  la traçabilitĂ© des donnĂ©es : on peut citer l’OCDE, l’UE, l’ERC... Comment notre communautĂ© peut-elle s’inscrire au quotidien dans ces processus qui demandent de profonds changements culturels dans nos pratiques de recherche ? C’est pour tenter d’apporter une rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question que nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un systĂšme intĂ©grĂ© de captation et de gestion des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es des Ă©chantillons issus de forages scientifiques, qui puisse ĂȘtre implĂ©mentĂ© au niveau national et connectĂ© Ă  des initiatives internationales, sur lequel pourront venir s’appuyer les futurs Plans de Gestion de DonnĂ©es. Par une approche bottom-up, pragmatique et au plus prĂšs des pratiques des Ă©quipes de recherche, nombreuses, dispersĂ©es, aux moyens inĂ©gaux, et en s’appuyant sur des initiatives existantes, nous tentons de rĂ©pondre petit Ă  petit Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux - de la mission de prĂ©lĂšvement jusqu'Ă  leur stockage, en passant par la mise Ă  disposition, le suivi et la valorisation des Ă©chantillons et des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es qui leur sont associĂ©es. Des avancĂ©es rapides ont pu ĂȘtre obtenues par la rencontre entre une communautĂ© de palĂ©oĂ©cologues et des Ă©quipes techniques novatrices dans le domaine du partage et de l’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© mĂȘlant des informaticiens, gĂ©omaticiens, curateurs d’échantillons et de donnĂ©es. Cette dynamique s’appuie sur 3 projets nationaux (Cyber-CarothĂšque nationale s/c Equipex CLIMCOR ANR-11-EQPX-0009 ; QR-Code LTSER- France ; ROZA LTSER-France) et s’inscrit dans le cadre du Centre de Carottage et de Forage National (C2FN), une cellule de la division technique de l’INSU. Nous prĂ©senterons dans cette intervention 4 outils qui seront Ă  court terme interconnectĂ©s : i)CoreBOOK, une application mobile de terrain dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la captation des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es de forage ; ii) le portail de la cyber-carothĂšque national, un hub accueillant les donnĂ©es nouvellement acquises et les inventaires de carothĂšques ; iii) Collec-Science, outil gĂ©nĂ©rique de gestion de collections d’échantillons naturels adaptĂ© Ă  nos besoins (s/c projet QrCODE); enfin iv) ROZA (RĂ©tro-Observatoire des Zones Ateliers), un prototype de dĂ©couvreur et visualiseur de donnĂ©es destinĂ© Ă  favoriser la rĂ©utilisation des Ă©chantillons et des donnĂ©es palĂ©oenvironnementales en mettant Ă  disposition les donnĂ©es essentielles Ă  la capitalisation des connaissances d’études successives sur un mĂȘme site. Les perspectives aujourd'hui sont grandes, le systĂšme modulaire qui commence Ă  se dessiner doit permettre Ă  chacun de trouver son compte, Ă  son rythme, oĂč opĂ©rationnel peut enfin rimer avec standardisation, traçabilitĂ© et interopĂ©rabilitĂ© tout en conservant une utilisabilitĂ© au plus proche des activitĂ©s et besoins quotidiens des chercheurs et personnels d’accompagnement, afin d’opĂ©rer un virage en douceur vers des pratiques de la science dite « ouverte

    Gestion et valorisation des carottes sédimentaires à but scientifique en France : vers un systÚme intégré

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    International audienceLes carottes sĂ©dimentaires font l'objet d'un intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant de la part des palĂ©o-environnementalistes mais Ă©galement d’écologues qui s'intĂ©ressent Ă  la trajectoire des Ă©cosystĂšmes (Pansu et al., 2015; Perga et al., 2015). Les carottes marines ou continentales prĂ©levĂ©es dans le cadre de consortiums internationaux (IODP, ICDP) donnent l’exemple depuis des dĂ©cennies en terme de partage d’échantillons pour ce type d’étude ; plus rĂ©cemment l’augmentation de rĂ©-Ă©tudes massives de donnĂ©es publiĂ©es (Bolliet et al., 2016; Cartapan is et al., 2016) dĂ©montrent la valeur de ces Ă©chantillons et des donnĂ©es associĂ©es. De leur cĂŽtĂ© depuis quelques annĂ©es, les lĂ©gislateurs et financeurs poussent Ă  l’ouverture, au partage et Ă  la traçabilitĂ© des donnĂ©es : on peut citer l’OCDE, l’UE, l’ERC... Comment notre communautĂ© peut-elle s’inscrire au quotidien dans ces processus qui demandent de profonds changements culturels dans nos pratiques de recherche ? C’est pour tenter d’apporter une rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question que nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un systĂšme intĂ©grĂ© de captation et de gestion des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es des Ă©chantillons issus de forages scientifiques, qui puisse ĂȘtre implĂ©mentĂ© au niveau national et connectĂ© Ă  des initiatives internationales, sur lequel pourront venir s’appuyer les futurs Plans de Gestion de DonnĂ©es. Par une approche bottom-up, pragmatique et au plus prĂšs des pratiques des Ă©quipes de recherche, nombreuses, dispersĂ©es, aux moyens inĂ©gaux, et en s’appuyant sur des initiatives existantes, nous tentons de rĂ©pondre petit Ă  petit Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux - de la mission de prĂ©lĂšvement jusqu'Ă  leur stockage, en passant par la mise Ă  disposition, le suivi et la valorisation des Ă©chantillons et des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es qui leur sont associĂ©es. Des avancĂ©es rapides ont pu ĂȘtre obtenues par la rencontre entre une communautĂ© de palĂ©oĂ©cologues et des Ă©quipes techniques novatrices dans le domaine du partage et de l’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© mĂȘlant des informaticiens, gĂ©omaticiens, curateurs d’échantillons et de donnĂ©es. Cette dynamique s’appuie sur 3 projets nationaux (Cyber-CarothĂšque nationale s/c Equipex CLIMCOR ANR-11-EQPX-0009 ; QR-Code LTSER- France ; ROZA LTSER-France) et s’inscrit dans le cadre du Centre de Carottage et de Forage National (C2FN), une cellule de la division technique de l’INSU. Nous prĂ©senterons dans cette intervention 4 outils qui seront Ă  court terme interconnectĂ©s : i)CoreBOOK, une application mobile de terrain dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la captation des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es de forage ; ii) le portail de la cyber-carothĂšque national, un hub accueillant les donnĂ©es nouvellement acquises et les inventaires de carothĂšques ; iii) Collec-Science, outil gĂ©nĂ©rique de gestion de collections d’échantillons naturels adaptĂ© Ă  nos besoins (s/c projet QrCODE); enfin iv) ROZA (RĂ©tro-Observatoire des Zones Ateliers), un prototype de dĂ©couvreur et visualiseur de donnĂ©es destinĂ© Ă  favoriser la rĂ©utilisation des Ă©chantillons et des donnĂ©es palĂ©oenvironnementales en mettant Ă  disposition les donnĂ©es essentielles Ă  la capitalisation des connaissances d’études successives sur un mĂȘme site. Les perspectives aujourd'hui sont grandes, le systĂšme modulaire qui commence Ă  se dessiner doit permettre Ă  chacun de trouver son compte, Ă  son rythme, oĂč opĂ©rationnel peut enfin rimer avec standardisation, traçabilitĂ© et interopĂ©rabilitĂ© tout en conservant une utilisabilitĂ© au plus proche des activitĂ©s et besoins quotidiens des chercheurs et personnels d’accompagnement, afin d’opĂ©rer un virage en douceur vers des pratiques de la science dite « ouverte

    Prevalence of and factors associated with extraintestinal manifestations and their remission in inflammatory bowel disease: the EXTRA prospective study from the GETAID

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    Abstract Background and aims: Extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are challenging clinical situation. No prospective study assessed remission risk factors for EIMs. Study aimed to prospectively investigate the epidemiology, risk factors for EIM occurrence and EIM remission in a large IBD cohort. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 30 French referral centers. Between May to June 2021, all consecutive patients attending to hospital appointment were systematically invited to fill out a questionnaire. Results: A total of 1971 consecutive patients with IBD were analyzed. There were 1056 women (53.8%), and the median age of patients was 41 years [31; 54]. The median disease duration was 11 years [1; 18]. Overall, 544 (27.6%) had at least one EIM. In 20.2% of case, patient had multiple EIMs. The most frequent EIMs were rheumatological (19%) and dermatological (10%) manifestations. Immunosuppressant treatment (OR=2.56; p<0.001) was a risk factor for EIM, while the Montreal A3 classification (OR=0.61, p=0.023) and male gender (OR=0.61, p<0.001) were associated with a lower risk for EIM occurrence. IBD current clinical remission (OR=2.42; p<0.001) and smoking cessation (OR=2.98; p<0.001) were associated factors for EIM remission. Conversely, age at IBD diagnosis (OR=0.98; p<0.018) was associated with a lower risk of EIM remission. Conclusion: One quarter of patients had at least one EIM. Beyond factors associated with the presence of EIMs, patients with IBD current clinical remission and smoking cessation are more likely to achieve EIM remission, while increasing age at IBD diagnosis is associated with decreased chance of remission