96 research outputs found


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    Using visualization techniques to outline vulnerability to drought in the Republic of Moldova. This paper is a demonstration of use of various visualization techniques in representing the results on vulnerability to drought at various times scales in the Republic of Moldova. Monthly precipitation totals from simulated data at 10 km horizontal resolution with a regional climatic model RegCM, CRU TS2.10 land observation data set at 0.5ºx0.5º horizontal resolution and observations recorded at 15 meteorological stations in Moldova were used to compare the annual cycle of precipitation, seasonal variability of precipitation, and the spatial and temporal evolution of drought. The Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) analysis was used to identify the principal modes of seasonal variability of precipitation over the country and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was calculated as an indicator of drought or wetness at various time scales (1 to 24 months). The period of analysis was 1960-1997. One of the visualization techniques was the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) which is an easy manipulation and visualization tool for gridded and station meteorological data. We used it to represent the RegCM and CRU data on their grids. The kriging interpolation with a Gaussian model variance was selected as a suitable interpolation tool for the spatial distribution of the SPI and EOF over Moldova. For temporal diagram and mapping, Golden Software Surfer 9.0 and ArcGis Software 9.1 were used. The results presented with these visualization tools emphasize precipitation and drought characteristics over Moldova domain

    Implementação e análise de uma biblioteca de segredo compartilhado

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Este trabalho descreve a criação da biblioteca sshared, uma biblioteca de Segredo Compartilhado livre e aberta que foi produzida como Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Ela foi desenvolvida em linguagem C++, oferece a implementação do Esquema de Segredo Compartilhado descrito por Shamir de nome Esquema de Limiar ou (k, n) threshold scheme e permite a extensão para outros Esquemas como trabalhos futuro

    Higher rates of liana regeneration after canopy fall drives species abundance patterns in central Amazonia

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    In tropical rainforest, most vascular plants have some capacity to resprout, and lianas are often effective resprouters after canopy fall. However, the diversity of resprouting responses of liana species and the consequence for plant persistence are poorly understood. We hypothesized that variation in regeneration among liana species causes differences in liana species abundance in tropical rainforest through differential resprouting capacity, such that liana species with higher densities produce more resprouts after canopy falls.We applied a manipulative field experiment investigating the effect of different levels of disturbance on the production of resprouts and adventitious roots in 10 liana species of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) with contrasting abundances in central Amazonia. We selected 15 individuals of each species and assigned the lianas to three distinct conditions: (a) total canopy fall with lianas severely damaged and detached from trees; (b) partial fall of lianas, without visible damage; and (c) intact lianas (control). We tested whether liana species regeneration patterns were related to species density. Liana species density was calculated using previous research on liana species distribution in 30 1‐ha plots systematically distributed in a 6 × 6 km2 grid at the Ducke Reserve.The number of aerial resprouts produced by lianas under the total canopy fall treatment was twice that of plants under lower levels of disturbance, while the production of adventitious roots did not differ among treatments. Liana species showed different intensities of resprouting, and species with higher average densities on the forest landscape had more resprouts after the total canopy fall treatment.Synthesis. Our results shed new light on the factors that influence liana species abundance, highlighting the role of resprouting after canopy fall and its variation among liana species. Resprouting mitigates the negative effects of canopy damage, suggesting that the impact of increased tree fall disturbances over time, which has been attributed to Amazonian forests in the literature, may increase already abundant liana species with effective resprouting capacity. We identify liana species that are more resilient to disturbance and may alter forest dynamics during climatic change.Our results shed new light on the factors that influence liana species abundance, highlighting the role of resprouting after canopy fall and its variation among liana species. Resprouting mitigates the negative effects of canopy damage, suggesting that the impact of increased tree fall disturbances over time, which has been attributed to Amazonian forests in the literature, may increase already abundant liana species with effective resprouting capacity. We identify liana species that are more resilient to disturbance and may alter forest dynamics during climatic change.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155931/1/jec13345_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155931/2/jec13345.pd

    COST 733 - WG4: Applications of weather type classification

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    The main objective of the COST Action 733 is to achieve a general numerical method for assessing, comparing and classifying typical weather situations in the European regions. To accomplish this goal, different workgroups are established, each with their specific aims: WG1: Existing methods and applications (finished); WG2: Implementation and development of weather types classification methods; WG3: Comparison of selected weather types classifications; WG4: Testing methods for various applications. The main task of Workgroup 4 (WG4) in COST 733 implies the testing of the selected weather type methods for various classifications. In more detail, WG4 focuses on the following topics:• Selection of dedicated applications (using results from WG1), • Performance of the selected applications using available weather types provided by WG2, • Intercomparison of the application results as a results of different methods • Final assessment of the results and uncertainties, • Presentation and release of results to the other WGs and external interested • Recommend specifications for a new (common) method WG2 Introduction In order to address these specific aims, various applications are selected and WG4 is divided in subgroups accordingly: 1.Air quality 2. Hydrology (& Climatological mapping) 3. Forest fires 4. Climate change and variability 5. Risks and hazards Simultaneously, the special attention is paid to the several wide topics concerning some other COST Actions such as: phenology (COST725), biometeorology (COST730), agriculture (COST 734) and mesoscale modelling and air pollution (COST728). Sub-groups are established to find advantages and disadvantages of different classification methods for different applications. Focus is given to data requirements, spatial and temporal scale, domain area, specifi

    Obstrução mecânica gastrointestinal intraluminal por ingestão de corpo estranho em cães – revisão: Intraluminal gastrointestinal mechanical obstruction due to foreign body ingestion in dogs – review

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    A rotina clínica e cirúrgica de cães e gatos é cada vez mais comum a ingestão de corpos estranho (CE). A ingestão de materiais não comestíveis não convencionais é o principal causa de obstrução do trânsito gastrointestinal. O estabelecimento do corpo estranho gera compressão das mucosas sendo capaz de evoluir para isquemia e necrose do órgão envolvido. Os casos são classificados de acordo com a etiologia, tempo, segmento afetado, grau de oclusão mecânica e suprimento sanguíneo. Os sinais clínicos dependem das características físicas do corpo estranho e pelo grau de comprometimento vascular. Os animais apresentam vômito, sialorreia, polidipsia, anorexia, perda de peso, diarreia, melena, tenesmo, taquicardia, taquipneia, dor abdominal, febre e alterações hemodinâmicas decorrentes do choque hipovolêmico e/ou séptico. O vômito persistente leva a perda de eletrólitos como potássio, sódio, ácido clorídrico e bicarbonato além de induzir quadros severos de desidratação. Outras alterações estão relacionadas a hipocalemia, hiponatremia, alcalose e/ou acidose metabólica. O diagnóstico baseia-se na associação do histórico, sinais clínicos, exame físico e imagem. A radiografia e a ultrassonografia abdominal são testes de triagem que ajudam no estabelecimento do diagnóstico definitivo. Atualmente, o uso da tomografia computadorizada auxilia em uma avaliação detalhada da vascularização intestinal, omento e peritônio. A avaliação clínica e laboratorial, assumem uma condição importante na correção dos distúrbios metabólicos apresentados pelo paciente. O tratamento cirúrgico é indicado quando existe risco de perfuração ou estase durante a passagem do corpo estranho através do trato gastrointestinal. Portanto, o objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os mecanismos relacionados aos principais sinais clínicos e métodos diagnósticos na obstrução intestinal intraluminal mecânica decorrente a ingestão de corpo estranho em cães

    Billroth I Technique Application After Resection of Gastric Leiomyoma in a Dog

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    Background: Gastric neoplasia is rare, corresponding to less than 1% of cases, with a lower prevalence of those involving smooth muscle tissues. In these cases, clinical signs worsen in the occurrence of pyloric obstruction, leading to clinical manifestations such as chronic emesis. The exeresis of the neoplasm is promoted as a therapeutic measure to reestablish gastrointestinal flow. There partial gastrectomy followed by gastroduodenal anastomosis, using the Billroth I technique, is among the available surgical techniques. The therapeutic success of the Billroth I technique after pylorectomy was reported in a dog with gastric leiomyoma.Case: Canine, poodle, 9 years old, 9.5 kg, with a history of chronic vomiting starting three months ago, progressive weight loss, and melena, previously treated by another Veterinarian as idiopathic gastroenteritis. The physical evaluation of the animal showed a state of normal consciousness, body score 4/9, pale ocular and oral mucous membranes, respiratory rate 20 mpm, heart rate 166 bpm, a rectal temperature of 37.9 °C, and dehydration degree of 8.0%. Blood count showed normocytic normochromic anemia and leukocytosis with shift to the right. Radiographic and endoscopic examinations were not noteworthy. Endoscopic biopsy after a histopathological evaluation showed no cellular or tissue atypia. On the other hand, abdominal ultrasound assessment revealed thickening with loss of echotexture and definition of the muscular layer of the gastric wall, pyloric and duodenum region compatible with benign antral muscle hypertrophy and/or pyloric neoplasia. The animal worsened five days after the initial treatment, with progressive episodes of emesis and melena, opting for an exploratory laparotomy. A mass of firm consistency measuring approximately 2.5 × 6.0 cm in diameter was found in the pyloric region, opting for a pylorectomy. The excised fragment was sent for histopathological examination. Then, gastroduodenal anastomosis was performed using the Billroth I technique. After the surgery, a pasty diet was introduced orally, without using gastroenteric tubes. Dry food was offered ten days after the surgical procedure. The animal returned for clinical reevaluation on the fifteenth day and was clinically well. Histopathological examination revealed a diagnosis of gastric leiomyoma.Discussion: The casuistry of gastric neoplasia in dogs has a low incidence, with an occurrence of less than 1%, with adenocarcinoma being the most common type. However, there are less frequent reports of other gastric neoplasia, such as smooth muscle tumors. Abdominal ultrasonography is indicated for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal changes, proof of which ultrasonography was of paramount importance in this case. The surgical procedure of pylorectomy guaranteed a margin of one centimeter, meeting the principles of oncological surgery. Absorbable monofilament suture materials are the choice for the synthesis stage in hollow organs, being used in this case. The most-reported expected complications of gastrointestinal surgeries aiming at removing neoplasms are vomiting, anorexia, melena, hematochezia, hematemesis, necrosis with anastomotic ulceration, and, consequently, septic peritonitis, which were not reported in this case. The life expectancy of patients with gastric neoplasia is quite variable, with longer survival in cases of benign neoplasia. Therefore, the type of neoplasia in this case, together with the appropriate choice of therapy and the appropriate performance of the technique, was important for the good result achieved