242 research outputs found

    Il monopoli o dell ’uomo : La riflessione di Anna Kuliscioff sulla disuguaglianza delle donne nel mondo del lavoro

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    Il saggio ripercorre la riflessione di Anna Kuliscioff sulla delicata questione del lavoro femminile e della sua tutela nell'Italia di fine Ottocento

    Echi platonici in The Defence of Good Womwen di Sir Thomas Elyot

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    Donne, maestre, giornaliste: la stampa pedagogica all'indomani dell'Unità d'Italia (1861-1865)

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    Italia se convirtió en una nación unida en 1861. Los problemas que se presentaron al nuevo estado eran numerosos, en particular, la modernización del país requería una dura lucha contra el analfabetismo y la ignorancia. Se fundaron muchas escuelas y se puso en marcha un considerable reclutamiento de maestros y maestras, a pesar de que éstos disponían de un currículum limitado y de escasos conocimientos en el ámbito de la didáctica. Para subvenir a tales lagunas se crearon revistas pedagógicas dirigidas deliberadamente a las mujeres que –en varios niveles– trabajaban en las escuelas. Por su carácter pionero examinamos aquí dos revistas L’educatrice italiana y La Voce delle Donne, dirigidas y escritas por mujeres que ejercían en la escuela. Las dos revistas dedicaban un amplio espacio a los problemas salariales y dotaban de instrumentos como informes, reseñas de libros y material didáctico. Resaltaban tanto la nueva imagen de mujer que trabaja fuera de casa, como el concepto del trabajo como primer paso hacia la emancipación.Itàlia va esdevenir una nació unida el 1861. Els problemes que es van presentar al nou Estat eren nombrosos, en particular, la modernització del país requeria una dura lluita contra l'analfabetisme i la ignorància. Es van fundar moltes escoles i es va posar en marxa un considerable reclutament de mestres, tot i que aquests disposaven d'un currículum limitat i d'escassos coneixements en l'àmbit de la didàctica. Per subvenir a aquestes necessitats es van crear revistes pedagògiques dirigides deliberadament a les dones que –en diversos nivells– treballaven a les escoles. Pel seu caràcter pioner examinem aquí dues revistes: L'Educatrice Italiana i La Voce delle Donne, dirigides i escrites per dones que exercien a l'escola. Les dues revistes dedicaven un ampli espai als problemes salarials i dotaven d'instruments com informes, ressenyes de llibres i material didàctic. Feien ressaltar tant la nova imatge de la dona que treballa fora de casa, com el concepte del treball com a primer pas cap a l'emancipació.Italy became a united nation in 1861. The problems faced by the new nation were numerous. Particularly, the modernisation of the country required a hard struggle against illiteracy and ignorance. Many schools were created and a significant recruitment of teachers took place, although educators had a limited curriculum and little knowledge in the field of teaching. To overcome these deficiencies educational magazines were deliberately made for women who, at various levels, were working at schools. Due to their pioneering nature we examine two magazines here: L’educatrice italiana and La Voce delle Donne, ran and written by the aforementioned women. Both magazines covered wage problems and endowed instruments such as reports, book reviews and teaching materials, highlighting the new image of women working outside the home and the concept of work as a first step towards emancipation

    The Wave of '68. Portraits of Rebel Students in the Italian Press

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    This paper investigates the representation of university students in the collective Italian imaginary during '68 through the contemporary articles published in La Stampa and Stampa Sera describing the student uprisings at the University of Turin (Italy). The paper draws on a large amount of articles published in the daily newspapers La Stampa and Stampa Sera (nearly 400, from January to June 1968, the most dynamic phase of the protests) to highlight how journalists constructed the narrative of the rebellion by criticising the image of the rebel students, using words loaded with negative meanings and delegitimising their claims without any effort to understand their motivations. The image of the students that emerges from the articles over the period of time considered is negative, constructed to underline the destructive nature of the demonstrations against the political and social system of Italy in the 1960s. There was an unfailing tendency to highlight the rioting, disturbance of lessons, and physical and verbal attacks against teachers and the police, and the language used were reminiscent of that employed in times of war. The daily national press of the time is a rich source of material, with considerable interpretative and explanatory potential; in reconstructing the events day by day, it enables us to conduct an in-depth investigation into the ideology and the imaginary at play in a given space and time. It explores corners of the history of education that escape official recording and reveals the focus of interest and the priorities of the media groups.Este trabajo investiga la representación de los estudiantes universitarios en el imaginario colectivo italiano durante el 68 a través de los artículos contemporáneos publicados en La Stampa y Stampa Sera que describen los levantamientos estudiantiles de la Universidad de Turín (Italia). El periódico se basa en una gran cantidad de artículos publicados en los diarios La Stampa y Stampa Sera (cerca de 400, de enero a junio de 1968, la fase más dinámica de las protestas) para resaltar cómo los periodistas construyeron la narrativa de la rebelión criticando a la imagen de los estudiantes rebeldes, utilizando palabras cargadas de significados negativos y deslegitimando sus afirmaciones sin ningún esfuerzo por comprender sus motivaciones. La imagen de los estudiantes que surge de los artículos durante el período de tiempo considerado es negativa, construida para subrayar el carácter destructivo de las manifestaciones contra el sistema político y social de Italia en los años sesenta. Hubo una tendencia constante a destacar los disturbios, la alteración de las lecciones y los ataques físicos y verbales contra los maestros y la policía, y el lenguaje utilizado recordaba al empleado en tiempos de guerra. La prensa diaria nacional de la época es una rica fuente de material, con un considerable potencial interpretativo y explicativo; al reconstruir los acontecimientos día a día, nos permite realizar una investigación en profundidad sobre la ideología y el imaginario en juego en un espacio y un tiempo determinados. Explora rincones de la historia de la educación que escapan al registro oficial, y revela el foco de interés y las prioridades de los grupos mediáticos

    Fragments of life: the prose of Ada Negri

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    Las huellas del género autobiográfico proliferan de forma abundante en las obras que intentan reflexionar con una mirada nueva sobre los acontecimientos relacionados con las vidas de las mujeres: entre los años ochenta del siglo XIX y los años veinte del siglo XX en Italia son numerosos los testimonios que intentan legitimar las alternativas, a veces en contra de la tendencia, respecto al habitus compartido y aceptado por la moral burguesa y las normas comportamentales que la hipocresía social predica como valores sobre los cuales marcar la existencia. Ada Negri acampa en este fértil movimiento, como una hábil y aguda observadora de la existencia de las mujeres: se coloca, sin duda, del lado de las mujeres que sufren, las escudriña y pone de manifiesto la vileza de los comportamientos sociales que imponen atenerse rigurosamente a normas comportamentales determinadas e impuestas por la cruel maldad del patriarcado.The traces of the autobiographical genre proliferate abundantly in literary works that try to reflect with a new vision on the events related to the lives of women. Between the 80s of the XIX century and the 20s of the XX century in Italy there are numerous testimonies who try to legitimize alternatives against the tendency, and the habitus shared and accepted by bourgeois morality and the behavioral norms that social hypocrisy preaches as values on which to build the existence. Ada Negri stands in this fertile movement, as a skilled and keen observer of the existence of women: she places herself, without doubt, on the side of the suffering women; she scrutinizes them and reveals the vileness of the social behaviors that impose rigorously to adhere to strict norms determined and imposed by the cruel evil of patriarchy

    Lives in the mirror. Education in women's autobiographical writing. Introduction

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    The Seventies witnessed a renewed scientific interest in the literary genre of autobiography, even by researchers in disciplinary areas not strictly philological or literary. But, if often autobiographical narrative is used as a legitimation of a personal choice – especially in ethical and political realm – in the most recent works, the resurgence of "women's pages" and the concomitant successful researches by scholars in different fields (history, education, and literature) have made their way to a reformulation of the value of the autobiography itself, not only as a meta-historical issue led to the formation of a national identity, but increasingly as a powerful key to introspection. Once women have become masters in this literary genre, autobiographies have become instruments to capture the inner self and categories have largely diverted to a more intimate life, in a space apart to better hear themselves. Interest in the autobiographies was born under this gender difference: descending into the abyss of the female autobiographical writings can illuminate parts of real life, guess censorship, look closely at the passing of everyday experience. The writer's life is moving in this complex space, a place where desires for personal fulfillment usually fight against family responsibilities and social engagements, with traditional educational models and new projects for the future. Acting in this context is not simple, nor easy, because sometimes the strategies that women still represent are defined as coercive, more as resignations than options. The autobiographies analyzed in the essays that follow, give us examples of rebellion and revolt – more or less openly – put into action not to resign to inequality, especially when not only social rules refer to ways and times exclusively male, but when this injustice is seen in its full tragic sense. Then, rebellion in deeds and words is unavoidable and necessary. Received: 27/05/2013 / Accepted: 20/06/2013 How to reference this article Cagnolati, A. (2014). Vidas en el espejo. La educacion en la escritura autobiografica de las mujeres. Presentacion . Espacio, Tiempo y Educacion , 1(1), pp. 15-30. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.2014.001.001.00

    La fiaba nel Terzo Millennio. Metafore, intrecci, dinamiche

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    Fin dalla sua origine l’umanità si è interrogata sull’universo che la circondava, sul cosmo, sull’origine delle cose, cercando di trovare delle risposte. Tali spiegazioni in cui l’essere umano compariva accanto agli elementi naturali si sono in seguito declinate e articolate in storie, miti e fiabe, emergendo in ogni tempo e spazio, ammantate delle peculiarità di luoghi, oggetti e consuetudini tipiche ed in larga misura autoctone rispetto alle civiltà che li producevano. Per quanto ciascun contesto storico e culturale si appropri degli intrecci – pur modificandone la forma esteriore – i nuclei narrativi non mutano, arrivando in una ipotetica wish list a non più di cinquanta: le storie sembrano infatti ricomparire identiche nelle lande più distanti e remote. Forse qui possiamo trovare la spiegazione del C’era una volta… che prelude a ogni fiaba: esso indica l’eterno presente dell’uomo, il ripetersi del medesimo venire al mondo e affrontarlo


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    Come è noto, la costruzione dell'identità femminile fin dall'epoca classica ha posto l'accento sull'alterità della donna come categoria fondante dell'inferiorità ontologica. A partire dal biologismo aristotelico, la natura femminile è stata assunta come un paradigma deviante, pericoloso, oscuro. Di qui l'esclusione da ogni forma di elaborazione culturale, sia in campo letterario ed ancor più scientifico. Tale marginalità si è progressivamente rafforzata con l'intervento dei Padri della Chiesa, della misoginia medievale fino a raggiungere le degradanti ipotesi – del tutto prive di alcun fondamento scientifico – elaborate dal Positivismo. Pertanto, ci appare straordinario il caso di quelle donne che si avventurano in campi tradizionalmente pensati al maschile come la logica, la filosofia della scienza, le scienze dure, e che raggiungono posizioni accademiche di assoluto prestigio coniugate ad un sincero e pragmatico femminismo. Pare quindi doveroso illuminare la figura di una pioniera come Amparo Gómez Rodríguez (1954-2018) che nella sua prestigiosa carriera ha unito mirabilmente raffinati studi di logica e filosofia della scienza con l'appassionata devozione alla causa femminista, sia dal punto di vista teorico che in senso sociale e concreto