239 research outputs found

    Auszubildende mit ADHS - Nein Danke? : Mögliche Gelingensbedingungen für eine berufliche Ausbildung in der freien Wirtschaft

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    Die beiden Verfasser gehen in der vorliegenden Masterarbeit der Frage nach, welche Massnahmen bei von ADHS-Betroffenen vor und während ihrer beruflichen Ausbildung in der freien Wirtschaft zu deren erfolgreichen Abschluss beitragen können. Es werden damit zwei Ziele verfolgt: Einerseits die Erhöhung der Chancen betroffener Jugendlicher auf einen erfolgreichen Abschluss der beruflichen Ausbildung und andererseits das Aufzeigen von Aspekten, welche vor und während der Ausbildung von den Involvierten Personen berücksichtigt werden sollten. Sie haben dazu sechs Berufsbildner zu insgesamt sieben durch sie begleitete Auszubildende in verschiedenen Lehrberufen mit unterschiedlichen Ausbildungsniveaus interviewt. Die Autoren kamen in der Masterarbeit zum Ergebnis, dass Berufsbilder und Teammitglieder zusätzliches Wissen und zusätzliche Unterstützung benötigen. Ein Jobcoaching wird als ausschlaggebend erachtet. Auch sollten die Jugendlichen bei der Berufswahl enger begleitet werden und bereits in der Oberstufe während des Unterrichts die Möglichkeit erhalten, sich theoretisch und praktisch mit dem Berufsleben auseinandersetzen zu können

    Inflammatory cell-induced corrosion in total knee arthroplasty: a retrieval study

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    Metal release in patients with joint replacements is associated with local tissue reactions, pain, and ultimately revision of implants. One of the causes of this metal loss is speculated to be due to a mechanism of inflammatory cell-induced corrosion (ICIC). In this knee retrieval study, we aimed to: (1) identify the extent and location of ICI corrosion patterns on our femoral and tibial components and (2) correlate our findings with implant and clinical information. We investigated 28 femoral and 9 tibial components made of polished CoCr for presence of ICIC, using macroscopic and microscopic screening and statistical analyses to identify any significant correlations between our results and clinical information. We found that 71% of femoral and 100% of tibial components showed evidence of ICIC and significantly more was present on non-contacting regions (p < 0.0001). We found a significant correlation between the presence of ICIC and instability (p = 0.0113) and a significant difference between poster stabilized and cruciate retaining designs in the amount of ICIC on internal edges (p = 0.0375). This corrosion pattern was prevalent in our series of knee retrievals and may help explain some of the mechanisms of material loss that may occur in vivo

    Heterotope Ossifikation: Von der Ätiologie zur aktuellen Therapie

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    Zusammenfassung: Heterotope Ossifikationen werden als abnorme Bildung von Knochen in Weichteilgeweben definiert. Man unterscheidet die erworbene von den angeborenen Formen. Die erworbene Form, deren Pathogenese weitgehend ungeklärt ist, wird häufig bei Patienten mit Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, Rückenmarkverletzung, Trauma des Bewegungsapparats oder nach Verbrennungen beobachtet. Klinisch präsentieren sich die heterotopen Ossifikationen häufig symptomfrei, im Initialstadium mit unspezifischen Symptomen, ausgeprägte Formen können jedoch zu schwerwiegenden Funktionseinschränkungen führen. Zur Diagnosesicherung wird insbesondere die Knochenszintigraphie verwendet. Lokale Bestrahlung und nichtsteroidale Antiphlogistika bilden die klassischen Therapie- und Prophylaxeoptionen. In fortgeschrittenen Stadien kann eine chirurgische Resektion notwendig sei

    Understanding the spread of de novo and transmitted macrolide-resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium.

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    Background The rapid spread of azithromycin resistance in sexually transmitted Mycoplasma genitalium infections is a growing concern. It is not yet clear to what degree macrolide resistance in M. genitalium results from the emergence of de novo mutations or the transmission of resistant strains. Methods We developed a compartmental transmission model to investigate the contribution of de novo macrolide resistance mutations to the spread of antimicrobial-resistant M. genitalium. We fitted the model to resistance data from France, Denmark and Sweden, estimated the time point of azithromycin introduction and the rates at which infected individuals receive treatment, and projected the future spread of resistance. Results The high probability of de novo resistance in M. genitalium accelerates the early spread of antimicrobial resistance. The relative contribution of de novo resistance subsequently decreases, and the spread of resistant infections in France, Denmark and Sweden is now mainly driven by transmitted resistance. If treatment with single-dose azithromycin continues at current rates, macrolide-resistant M. genitalium infections will reach 25% (95% confidence interval, CI [9-30]%) in France, 84% (95% CI [36-98]%) in Denmark and 62% (95% CI [48-76]%) in Sweden by 2025. Conclusions Blind treatment of urethritis with single-dose azithromycin continues to select for the spread of macrolide resistant M. genitalium. Clinical management strategies for M. genitalium should limit the unnecessary use of macrolides

    Modelo teórico de granjas sostenibles y sustentables para los desplazados por la violencia en el municipio de Guasca

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    Analizando la problemática del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, surgieron 4 diferentes problemáticas secundarias, conurbación, la NO relación ciudad-región, deterioro del medio ambiente y falta de desarrollo sostenible. Problemáticas que el proyecto busca atacar y proporcionar una solución a cada una de ellas, mediante unas granjas que suministraran a cada una de las familias vivienda, trabajo educación y ocio. Las viviendas están diseñadas a partir del promedio de miembros del núcleo familiar, mama, papa y 3 hijos. Tendrán oportunidades de trabajar en ganadería estabulada, agricultura, restaurante multicultural, avicultura, piscicultura, lombricultura e invernaderos. La educación estará a cargo de entes públicos y privados, como la UNAD, UAN, PUJ, etc. Y tendrán auditorio, jardín infantil, áreas de esparcimiento entre otrosAnalyzing the problematic one of the forced displacement in Colombia, emerged 4 different problematic city-regions, conurbation, and deterioration of the environment and lack of sustainable development. The problematic that the project looks for attack and provides a solution to each of them, by means of farms that provided to each one of the family s house, work, education and leisure. The houses are designed from the average of members of the familiar nucleus, mother, father and 3 children. They will have opportunities to work in stables cattle ranch, agriculture, multicultural restaurant, poultry keeping, fish-farming, worm and greenhouses. The education will be in charge of private and public sector, like the UNAD, UAN, PUJ, etc. and will have audience, infantile garden, areas of relaxation among othersArquitecto (a)Pregrad

    Scope and Limits of Teriparatide Use in Delayed and Nonunions: A Case Series

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    Nonunion is known to occur in up to 10% of all bone fractures. Until recently, the treatment options considered in cases of delayed union and nonunion focused on revision surgery and improvement of local healing. Lately, teriparatide has been introduced as an osteoanabolic factor that induces fracture healing in cases with delayed or nonunions. We report on a series of five cases of delayed and nonunions treated with teriparatide: delayed unions of an atypical femoral fracture, of a multifragmentary clavicle fracture, and of a periprosthetic humeral fracture; nonunion of a tibial and fibular fracture; and infected nonunion of a tibial and fibular fracture. Based on this series, the indications and limits of application of teriparatide in cases of impaired fracture healing are discussed. Due to the "off-label" character of this application, informed consent, and cost coverage from the healthcare insurance must be obtained prior to treatment. In our experience and according to the limited existing literature, teriparatide is a safe feasible treatment in cases of delayed and nonunions with a reasonable need of resources. While adequate biomechanical stability remains the cornerstone of fracture healing, as well as healing of nonunions, teriparatide could help avoid repetitive surgeries, especially in atrophic delayed and nonunions, as well as in patients with impaired fracture healing undergoing bisphosphonate therapy. There is an urgent need for widely accepted definitions, standardized protocols, as well as further clinical trials in the field of impaired fracture healing

    Creación de una plataforma de agendamiento de servicios a domicilio

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    Actualmente, la experiencia de salir de la casa a buscar productos o servicios se ha vuelto cada vez más traumática. Esta experiencia se caracteriza principalmente por las distancias, los trancones, la falta de tiempo y el estrés, los cuales se vuelven factores decisivos a la hora de adquirir un producto o un servicio. En respuesta a esto, el traslado de los hábitos de compra al mundo digital se ha vuelto más simple y por ende más común, ya que todo se puede conseguir desde la comodidad del hogar.Resumen ejecutivo. Misión. Canvas. Oportunidad. Competencia. Análisis del entorno. Social. Económico. Fiscal. Legal. Tecnológico. Plan de Mercado. Validación del modelo de negocio. Imagen e identidad de la empresa. DOFA. Precio. Proyección de ventas. Sistema de distribución. Publicidad-Promoción. Plan de producción. Plan de recursos humanos y legal. Plan de finanzas. Anexos. Canvas. Regulaciones. Logo. DOFA. Estado de Resultados. Balance General. Flujo de caja.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    De novo mutations drive the spread of macrolide resistant Mycoplasma genitalium : mathematical modelling study

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    The rapid spread of antimicrobial resistance in sexually transmitted infections caused by Mycoplasma genitalium is a growing concern. It is not yet clear to what degree macrolide resistance in M. genitalium results from the emergence of de novo mutations or the transmission of resistant strains. We analysed epidemiological data and developed a compartmental model to investigate the contribution of de novo macrolide resistance mutations to the spread of antimicrobial resistant M. genitalium. We fitted the model to data from France, Sweden and Denmark and estimated treatment rates and the time point of azithromycin introduction. In a meta-analysis of six studies, we estimated that de novo resistance develops in 12% (95% CI 7-17%, I2 44%) of azithromycin treated M. genitalium infections. Our model shows that the high probability of de novo resistance accelerates the spread of antimicrobial resistant M. genitalium in comparison with lower probabilities. The estimated per capita treatment rate in France was lower than in Denmark and Sweden but confidence intervals for the three estimates overlap. The estimated dates of introduction of azithromycin in each country are consistent with published reports. We conclude that clinical management strategies for M. genitalium should seek to limit the unnecessary use of macrolides