37 research outputs found

    La importancia del patrimonio musical en el aula. Estudio sobre la opinión del profesorado en educación infantil

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    Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de la presencia y la valoración de muestras de patrimonio artístico y musical en el aula de infantil. El estudio pretende obtener información sobre la opinión de maestros y maestras de educación infantil acerca de la importancia de la presencia y la transmisión del patrimonio musical en el marco formal, así como del uso de dicho patrimonio musical en esta etapa educativa. Las respuestas se han obtenido a través de un cuestionario cuyos resultados han sido cuantitativamente analizados. Los datos recogidos muestran una actitud positiva de los maestros y maestras hacia la incorporación y el uso de formas musicales de la tradición artística propia y ajena en el aula. Se subraya, sin embargo, la importancia de la necesaria formación artística y musical para gestionar y llevar a cabo actividades educativas que incorporen el uso del patrimonio musical.This research sets out to analyse and assess the presence of examples of artistic and music heritage in preschool classes. It aims to obtain information on preschool teachers’ opinions on the importance of having music heritage present and passing it on within a formal framework, as well as the use made of this music heritage at this educational level. The findings of a questionnaire were quantitatively analysed and the data reveals that teachers have a positive attitude towards using familiar and unfamiliar artistic forms of music in class. However, it also stresses the importance of artistic and musical training to manage and carry out educational activities that make use of music heritage.

    Duración y velocidad de habla de grupos fónicos como posible marca distintiva de hablantes

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    La identificación de hablantes es un tarea compleja en cualquiera de las perspectivas adoptadas (fonética, gramatical, pragmática…). La complicación básica reside en el establecimiento de criterios discriminatorios que permitan identificar un conjunto de rasgos como propios de la variación individual (McMenamin, 1993). Así pues, este trabajo analiza la duración de las unidades fónicas del discurso como un posible elemento caracterizador de hablantes. En concreto, se espera que la duración y la velocidad de habla de estas unidades sean componentes objetivables que permitan discriminar discursos de hablantes distintos. Se pretende, de este modo, contemplar la viabilidad de la identificación de hablantes desde una concepción distinta a la habitual en fonética forense, que parte de factores acústicos como la F0 o la tipología de los formantes (Nolan, 1983). Palabras clave: duración; velocidad de habla; forense; grupo fónico.Speaker comparison is a complex task from any of the perspectives in which analysis is performed (Phonetics, Grammar, Pragmatics…). The main complication lies in the establishment of discriminatory criteria to identify a set of features as belonging to individual variation (McMenamin, 1993). This paper analyzes the duration and speech rate of phonic groups as possible elements characterizing speakers. Specifically, the length and speech rate of these units are expected to be objetivable items for discriminating speech from different speakers. The aim, thus, is considering the feasibility of speaker comparison from a view different from the usual trend in forensic phonetics, which focuses on acoustic factors, such as F0 and formant features (Nolan, 1983). Keywords: duration; speech rate; forensic science; phonic group

    Songs are taught, songs are learnt: musical preferences in early childhood

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    This study analyses the musical preferences of children in early childhood education. It also strives to determine the learning environment where these preferences develop, as well as to identify both teachers’ and families’ degree of knowledge of these preferences. The study was conducted in four Spanish autonomous communities: the Basque Country, Cantabria, the Community of Valencia and the Balearic Islands. A total of 286 five-year-old children, their parents and their teachers participated. The analytical design consisted of a threefold interview through which we gathered and compared the information obtained. The genres and sub-genres of music that the children prefer emerged from the analysis of the results, as well as the influence of each learning environment. Likewise, information is provided on the percentage of parents and teachers who are aware of the children’s musical preferences.The authors wish to thank Professor Maravillas Díaz-Gómez, from University of the Basque Country, Spain, for her support and advices during the research processes

    The travelling sonnet: The key role of technology in an inter-university cultural heritage project

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    Students on the undergraduate degree in Primary Education in Spain took part in this inter-university experience within the subject of Didactics of Musical Expression. Eleven teachers and 307 students from four Spanish universities were involved in the experience, which took place in the academic year 2012–2013. The four universities were the University of the Basque Country, the University of Cantabria, University Jaume I of Castellon and the University of the Balearic Islands. The aim of the experience was to discover the traditional culture in various Spanish regions through an interdisciplinary and creative project. Based on cooperative methodology, each class in the four universities was divided into work groups of five to seven students. Technologies played an essential role in developing and coordinating the experience, as the students were able to interact and learn about the work being carried out in the other universities through virtual platforms and networks. The results of the evaluation process undertaken with the students and teachers showed that the experience had helped them to acquire basic competencies and knowledge about intangible cultural heritage and that it was a source of exchange and enrichment for both students and teachers

    Service Learning and Music Education: New formative horizons for a committed citizenship

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    La educación no puede ni debe quedarse al margen de la sociedad en la que participa. Desde las instituciones educativas debemos dar respuesta a las exigencias de este nuevo contexto diverso que demanda impulsar el desarrollo de competencias actitudinales. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre los cambios y retos de la sociedad actual y sobre propuestas adaptadas a esta nueva realidad. Se revisa la vinculación de las iniciativas socioeducativas a través del arte con proyectos de ApS como elementos que fortalecen el desarrollo de contenidos y habilidades musicales y, promocionan el pensamiento crítico y solidario.Education cannot and should not remain outside the society in which it participates. From educational institutions we must respond to the demands of this new diverse context that demands to promote the development of attitudinal skills. This article reflects on the changes and challenges of today's society and on proposals adapted to this new reality. The link between socio-educational initiatives through art with SL projects is reviewed as elements that strengthen the development of musical content and skills and promote critical and supportive thinking

    Exposición mediante realidad virtual para el TOC: ¿Es factible?

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    Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is receiving increased attention, especially in the fields of anxiety and eating disorders. This study is the first trial examining the utility of VRET from the perspective of OCD patients. Four OCD women assessed the sense of presence, emotional engagement, and reality judgment, and the anxiety and disgust levels they experimented in four scenarios, called the Contaminated Virtual Environment (COVE), in which they had to perform several activities. The COVE scenarios were presented on a Full HD 46” TV connected to a laptop and to a Kinect device. Results indicate that the COVE scenarios generated a good sense of presence. The anxiety and disgust levels increased as the virtual contamination increased, and the anxiety produced was related to the emotional engagement and sense of presence.La Exposición mediante Realidad Virtual (ERV) está recibiendo una atención cada vez mayor, especialmente para los trastornos de ansiedad y los alimentarios. Este estudio es el primer ensayo que evalúa la utilidad de la ERV desde la propia perspectiva de pacientes con Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo (TOC). Cuatro mujeres con TOC evaluaron la sensación de presencia, implicación emocional, el juicio de realidad, y los niveles de ansiedad y asco que experimentaban en cuatro escenarios virtuales, que denominamos Entorno Virtual Contaminado (EVCO), en los que debían realizar varias actividades. Los escenarios se presentaron en una TV Full HD de 46’’, conectada a un ordenador y a un dispositivo Kinect. Los resultados indican que EVCO produjo una buena sensación de presencia. Los niveles de ansiedad y asco aumentaron a medida que aumentaba la “contaminación” de los escenarios, y la ansiedad se asoció con la sensación de presencia y la implicación emocional

    UniTICarte: Collaborative networks for the development of creative projects in teacher training at university

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    Resumen: UniTICarte es una red colaborativa que pretende dar a conocer trabajos artísticos desarrollados en un contexto universitario, concretamente en el ámbito de la formación inicial de maestros. Surge a partir de los cimientos construidos a lo largo de cuatro años por un grupo de docentes de diferentes áreas de conocimiento, principalmente de áreas vinculadas a la Educación Musical, de cuatro universidades españolas. Desde una perspectiva focalizada en el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos creativos multidisciplinares, innovadores e interuniversitarios, los resultados obtenidos cada año con los estudiantes, como la motivación por parte de todos los implicados, las producciones artísticas generadas (sonoras, audiovisuales o literarias) o el buen clima generado, han sido nuevos motores de impulso para continuar trabajando en esta línea e incorporar nuevos docentes al equipo humano. Se presentan aquí las líneas generales de la plataforma, así como la descripción de algunos de los proyectos desarrollados durante este tiempoAbstract: UniTICarte is a collaborative educational network that aims to highlight artistic projects developed in a university context, particularly in the field of initial teacher training. It arises from the foundations built over four years by a group of teachers from different areas of knowledge, mainly from areas related to music education, in four Spanish universities. It has a focus on the design and development of inter-university, innovative and multidisciplinary creative projects. The results the students obtain each year, as well as the motivation expressed by the participants, the artistic productions generated (sound, audiovisual or literary), encourage to continue working and to incorporate new teachers to the team. The main general outlines of the platform are presented, together with the description of some of the projects developed during this tim

    UniTICarte: Redes Colaborativas para el desarrollo de proyectos creativos en la formación de Maestros en la Universidad

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    UniTICarte es una red colaborativa que pretende dar a conocer trabajos artísticos desarrollados en un contexto universitario, concretamente en el ámbito de la formación inicial de maestros. Surge a partir de los cimientos construidos a lo largo de cuatro años por un grupo de docentes de diferentes áreas de conocimiento, principalmente de áreas vinculadas a la Educación Musical, de cuatro universidades españolas. Desde una perspectiva focalizada en el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos creativos multidisciplinares, innovadores e interuniversitarios, los resultados obtenidos cada año con los estudiantes, como la motivación por parte de todos los implicados, las producciones artísticas generadas (sonoras, audiovisuales o literarias) o el buen clima generado, han sido nuevos motores de impulso para continuar trabajando en esta línea e incorporar nuevos docentes al equipo humano. Se presentan aquí las líneas generales de la plataforma, así como la descripción de algunos de los proyectos desarrollados durante este tiempo.

    Pensamientos intrusos en obsesivos subclínicos : contenidos, valoraciones, estrategias de control

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    Recent cognitive theories of obsessions consider that they differ from unwanted intrusive thoughts (IT) in terms of frequency of ocurrence, valorative appraisals, and thought control strategies. This paper examines that assumption comparing the responses provided by normal (N= 239) and subclinical (N=28) subjects to the following instruments: Revised Obsessional Intrusions Inventory (ROII), Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (MOCI), BDI, and STAIS. Significant relationships were obtained among all the instruments, and the association between ROII and MOCI was maintained when depression scores were partialled out. Subclinically obsessive scored higher than normals on depressive, anxious and obsessional symptoms, reported more unwanted ITs, and rated their most upsetting IT as significantly more frequent. Moreover, showed higher negative valorative appraisal ratings and displayed most thought control strategies than normal subjects. Desde un planteamiento cognitivo, las obsesiones difieren de los pensamientos intrusos (PI) en la frecuencia con que aparecen, las valoraciones negativas que suscitan, y las estrategias para su control. Este trabajo examina este supuesto, comparando las respuestas de sujetos normales (N= 239) y obsesivos subclínicos (N=28) a los instrumentos Revised Obsessional Intrusions Inventory, Maudsley Obsessive Compulsivo Inventory, Inventario de Depresión de Beck, y Cuestionario de Ansiedad- Estado. Los resultados mostraron una solida relación entre los tres índices del ROII y los otros cuestionarios. Las relaciones entre ROII y MOCI se mantuvieron significativas cuando se controló el peso de la asociación con EDI. Los obsesivos subclínicos puntuaron más que los normales en los BDI, MOCI y STAI-E, presentaron una mayor tasa de PI, experimentaban con más frecuencia su PI más molesto, lo valoraron más negativamente y utilizaron con más frecuencia 6 de las 10 estrategias de control analizadas

    Efficacy of a mental health app intervention on family members of OCD patients

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    INTRODUCION. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has a high cost for families, who frequently take part in compulsions, reassure patients, assume part of their responsibilities, try to conceal the disorder, and show stigmatizing attitudes (Ociskova et al., 2013; Stengler-Wenzke et al., 2004). esTOCma is a gamified mental health mobile application (app) that offers information about OCD, suggests where to find help, and helps fight stigmatizing attitudes. The objective of this study is to test esTOCma efficacy in a sample of OCD family members. Specifically, we will analyze if, after using the app, there is a change in the following variables: mental health literacy about OCD, stigma and social distance associated with OCD, intention to seek help when having OCD. Furthermore, we will test families’ satisfaction with the app. METHOD. Participants were extracted from a total of 296 users who downloaded the app for free from Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store and identified themselves as a family member of a person diagnosed with OCD. From the initial sample, participants who used the app until completion and completed a pre- and post-intervention assessment were selected. The final sample comprised 109 participants of a mean age of 46.03 years old (SD=14.42; range 18-73), 69.7 % women. Participants completed the following measures in the app before and after the intervention: (1) mental health literacy about OCD (MHL) (7 items); (2) Attribution Questionnaire (AQ-27-E); (3) Social Distance Scale (SDS); (4) General Help-Seeking Questionnaire (GHSQ); (5) satisfaction with the app (3 items). RESULTS. On average, it took 20.61 days (SD=18.05) to complete the app. After intervention, participants showed significant changes with moderate to low effect sizes in the variables of interest. Specifically, after using the app, participants showed higher scores in mental health literacy about OCD (t (108) = -3.768, p= < .001, Cohen’s d= 0.389), lower stigma in the AQ-27-E total score (t (108) = -6.484, p= < .001, Cohen’s d= 0.50) and subscales, a lower desire for social distance (t (108) = 5.569, p= < .001, Cohen’s d= 0.618); and greater intention to seek treatment in case of OCD symptoms (t (108) = -5.194, p= < .001, Cohen’s d= 0.553). Most of them (88%) would recommend the app to a friend, appraised what they had learned using the app (96.3%) and stated that the app was very helpful (88.1%). DISCUSSION. Results show that the app is satisfactory and beneficial for family members of OCD patients as it significantly increased their knowledge about the disorder and dismissed stigmatizing beliefs about OCD. Accordingly, esTOCma could help families understand their relatives, obtain guidance to deal with their symptoms and help family members get efficacious treatment. Future studies should analyze strategies to improve the app to make it more attractive and facilitate continued use.RTI2018-098349-B-I0