2,882 research outputs found

    She will give birth immediately. Pregnancy and childbirth in medieval Hebrew medical texts produced in the Mediterranean West

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    This essay approaches the medieval Hebrew literature on women’s healthcare, with the aim of analysing notions and ideas regarding fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, as conveyed in the texts that form the corpus. Firstly, the work discusses the approach of written texts to pregnancy and childbirth as key elements in the explanation of women’s health and the functioning of the female body. In this regard it also explores the role of this approach in the creation of meanings for both the female body and sexual difference. Secondly, it examines female management of pregnancy and childbirth as recorded in Hebrew medical literature. It pays attention to both the attitudes expressed by the authors, translators and copyists regarding female practice, as well as to instances and remedies derived from «local» traditions —that is, from women’s experience— in the management of pregnancy and childbirth, also recorded in the texts. Finally, the paper explores how medical theories alien to, or in opposition to, Judaism were adopted or not and, at times, adapted to Jewish notions with the aim of eliminating tensions from the text, on the one hand, and providing Jewish practitioners with adequate training to retain their Christian clientele, on the other

    She will give birth immediately. Pregnancy and childbirth in medieval Hebrew medical texts produced in the Mediterranean West

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    This essay approaches the medieval Hebrew literature on women's healthcare, with the aim of analysing notions and ideas regarding fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, as conveyed in the texts that form the corpus. Firstly, the work discusses the approach of written texts to pregnancy and childbirth as key elements in the explanation of women's health and the functioning of the female body. In this regard it also explores the role of this approach in the creation of meanings for both the female body and sexual difference. Secondly, it examines female management of pregnancy and childbirth as recorded in Hebrew medical literature. It pays attention to both the attitudes expressed by the authors, translators and copyists regarding female practice, as well as to instances and remedies derived from "local" traditions -that is, from women's experience- in the management of pregnancy and childbirth, also recorded in the texts. Finally, the paper explores how medical theories alien to, or in opposition to, Judaism were adopted or not and, at times, adapted to Jewish notions with the aim of eliminating tensions from the text, on the one hand, and providing Jewish practitioners with adequate training to retain their Christian clientele, on the other

    OTALEXC - 15 anos de cooperação transfronteiriça em Território e SIG

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    As matérias relacionadas com o Território, a análise das suas características, potencialidades, valores e debilidades é uma das preocupações de todas a entidades que tem de tomar decisões sobre o ordenamento e gestão territoriais. Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aliadas a sistemas periciais, redes neuronais e análise multicritério são as ferramentas essenciais para as tarefas relacionadas com a caracterização e análise territorial e ambiental. No âmbito da cooperação transfronteiriça juntaram-se diversas entidades, ao nível local (Diputações e Associações de Municípios – atuais Comunidades Intermunicipais- CIMs), regional (Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo – CCDRA e Junta da Extremadura – JE), e nacional (Institutos geográficos Português e Espanhol – IGP e IGN) com responsabilidades na gestão e planeamento territorial. Estas entidades começaram por colaborar na área da compatibilização de SIG e cartografia, e tem atualmente em produção a primeira infraestrutura de dados espaciais transfronteiriça – www.ideotalex.eu, onde se encontra compatibilizada informação geográfica de ambos os lados da fronteira e informação temática de indicadores sociais, económicos, territoriais e ambientais do Alentejo e Extremadura estando em curso a integração da informação da região Centro. Os princípios inspiradores que norteiam esta cooperação são: promover o desenvolvimento económico e social dando especial relevância aos valores ambientais,contribuir para o efetivo desenvolvimento sustentável e melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações. Este artigo dá conta dos projetos em que as diversas entidades de ambos os lados da fronteira têm cooperado, ao longo de já 15 anos e dos resultados e prémios alcançados em cada um deles assim como dos efeitos colaterais positivos que essa colaboração tem induzido

    El taller de composición

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    Development of wheat—Hordeum chilense Chromosome 2Hch Introgression Lines Potentially Useful for Improving Grain Quality Traits

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    The chromosome 2Hch of Hordeum chilense. has the potential to improve seed carotenoid content in wheat as it carries a set of endosperm carotenoid-related genes. We have obtained structural changes in chromosome 2Hch in a common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. “Chinese Spring”) background by crossing a wheat double disomic substitution 2Hch(2D) and 7Hch(7D) line with a disomic addition line carrying chromosome 2Cc from Aegilops cylindrica Host.. Seven introgressions of chromosome 2Hch into wheat were characterized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and DNA markers. Chromosome-specific simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used for identifying wheat chromosomes. In addition, we tested 82 conserved orthologous set (COS) markers for homoeologous group 2, of which 65 amplified targets in H. chilense and 26 showed polymorphism between H. chilense and wheat. A total of 24 markers were assigned to chromosome 2Hch with eight allocated to 2HchS and 16 to 2HchL. Among the seven introgressions there was a disomic substitution line 2Hch(2D), a ditelosomic addition line for the 2HchL arm, an isochromosome for the 2HchL arm, a homozygous centromeric 2HchS·2DL translocation, a double monosomic 2HchS·2DL plus 7HchS·D translocation, a homozygous centromeric 7HchS·2HchL translocation and, finally, a 2HchL·7HchL translocation. Wheat—H. chilense macrosyntenic comparisons using COS markers revealed that H. chilense chromosome 2Hch exhibits synteny to wheat homoeologous group 2 chromosomes, and the COS markers assigned to this chromosome will facilitate alien gene introgression into wheat. The genetic stocks developed here include new wheat—H. chilense recombinations which are useful for studying the effect of chromosome 2Hch on grain quality traits

    Los residuos industriales como reactivos para el secuestro de CO2

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    La carbonatación mineral es una interesante vía para elsecuestro de dióxido de carbono de una forma permanentey segura. Esta tecnología aplicada a los residuosindustriales es una alternativa que podría contribuir a ladisminución de las emisiones de CO 2 a la atmósfera. Elobjetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la viabilidaddel almacenamiento del dióxido de carbono mediante eltratamiento del gas con diferentes fuentes de residuos. Elmétodo desarrollado es el denominado “carbonatación directagas-sólido” que consiste en la captación de dióxidode carbono mediante su reacción con el residuo en condicionesde tiempo y temperatura controladas. A tal fin, seha llevado a cabo el diseño y puesta a punto de un sistemaexperimental a nivel de laboratorio para la captura de CO 2gas mediante residuos. La evaluación del proceso se harealizado mediante la aplicación de diferentes metodologíasde análisis cuantitativo y estructural. El estudio se haaplicado a diversas tipologías de residuos tales como lascenizas de incineración de residuos sólidos urbanos, lasescorias blancas de acería de horno de arco eléctrico, lasescorias negras de acería de horno de arco eléctrico y lasescorias de procesos Waelz