509 research outputs found


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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.The present study focuses on the deficient learning of health science students in the General Chemistry course in the first level higher education, specifically regarding the topic of aqueous dissolutions in terms of the meaning of pH and how to determine it. The causes of this problem are: i) the difficulty relating the theory to the practice, ii) the lack of strategies that help and motivate learning, iii) the inability to underst and and resolve problems or exercises, and iv) a deficiencyon basic mathematical aptitudes for application in resolving problems and exercises, among others. The research considered the academic results obtained bystudents of various careers in the area of health sciences students in the past, to subsequently determine the research group, resulting it the career of nursingstudents. To achieve this type of learning, the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) was applied, together with the metacognitive strategy of Conceptual Maps (CM) and feedback & self-correction in practical laboratory activities. This study was carried out at a university and involved nursing students because they havemany difficulties learning experimental sciences, especially chemistry, because the students of other careers do not have many weaknesses in this science, beingevidenced in the results at end of the semester-The sample experimental group consisted of 336 nursing students and the control group 420 students of nutrition and dietetics and dentistry taking the unit "General Chemistry", who provided all the information for this study.http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/jcchems/v61n1/art02.pd

    The Biological Significance of Evolution in Autoimmune Phenomena

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    It is an inherent part of living to be in constant modification, which are due to answers resulting from environmental changes. The different systems make adaptations based on natural selection. With respect to the immune system of mammals, these changes have a lot to do with the interactions that occur continuously with other living species, especially microorganisms. The immune system is primarily designed to defend from germs and this response triggers inflammatory reactions which must be regulated in order not to generate damage to healthy tissue. The regulatory processes were added over time to prevent such damage. Through evolution the species have stored “an immunological experience,” which provides information that is important for developing effective responses in the future. The human species, which is at a high level of evolutionary immunological accumulation, have multiple immune defense strategies which, in turn, are highly regulated. Imbalances in these can result in autoimmunity

    The Biological Significance of Evolution in Autoimmune Phenomena

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    It is an inherent part of living to be in constant modification, which are due to answers resulting from environmental changes. The different systems make adaptations based on natural selection. With respect to the immune system of mammals, these changes have a lot to do with the interactions that occur continuously with other living species, especially microorganisms. The immune system is primarily designed to defend from germs and this response triggers inflammatory reactions which must be regulated in order not to generate damage to healthy tissue. The regulatory processes were added over time to prevent such damage. Through evolution the species have stored “an immunological experience,” which provides information that is important for developing effective responses in the future. The human species, which is at a high level of evolutionary immunological accumulation, have multiple immune defense strategies which, in turn, are highly regulated. Imbalances in these can result in autoimmunity

    Local Cartilage Trauma as a Pathogenic Factor in Autoimmunity (One Hypothesis Based on Patients with Relapsing Polychondritis Triggered by Cartilage Trauma)

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    In the recent years, it has been of great interest to study the binding mechanism between the innate and adaptive immune responses as interrelated processes for the development of multiple autoimmune diseases. Infection has been a well-known trigger of autoimmunity and trauma has been related as well too. Cryptogenic antigens release, recognition of pathogenic structure, and metabolic changes generated by both stimuli begin an inflammatory process which in turn activates the immune system amplifying T and B cell responses. The development of relapsing polychondritis after trauma may have a direct association with these events and in turn probably trigger autoimmune phenomena

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa administradora de servicios domésticos en la ciudad de Pereira

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    En este documento se presentara un estudio de factibilidad, que permitirá evaluar la viabilidad de la creación de la empresa CLEANERS, enfocada a la prestación de servicios domésticos. La idea de creación de la empresa CLEANERS nace con la necesidad de dar solución a un problema social y económico detectado en la ciudad de Pereira, ya que por diversas experiencias se ha evidenciado que existen situaciones difíciles a la hora de contratar personal de confianza para labores domésticas, porque se presentan casos de desigualdad desfavorables tanto para el empleador como para el empleado, este tipo de situaciones se ven evidenciadas en: abusos de poder por parte de los patronos, hurtos, mala prestación del servicio, malos tratos, contrataciones ilegales, inconformidad con la prestación del servicio, entre otros. Se efectuaran estudios que tenga en cuenta opiniones de los clientes potenciales y de las personas que prestaran el servicio, mediante diversas herramientas que permitan obtener resultados concretos, además se desarrollaran investigaciones que permiten evaluar factores determinantes para la creación de la empresa CLEANERS, estos factores son: técnicos, legales, financieros, administrativos y de mercadeo

    Tres instantes en el quehacer del Arte Contemporaneo.

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    Cuando el impresionismo, en su gran momento, jugaba al niño grande de ojos verdes y sonrosada piel, para el arte de pintar, sutiles vivencias vaticinaban la presencia de nuevas estructuras

    Sustainable synthesis of amino acids by catalytic fixation of molecular dinitrogen and carbon dioxide

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    The industrial process of nitrogen fixation is complex and results in a huge economic and environmental impact. It requires a catalyst and high temperature and pressure to induce the rupture of the strong N–N bond and subsequent hydrogenation. On the other hand, carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere has become a priority objective due to the high amount of global carbon dioxide emissions (i.e. 36 200 million tons in 2015). In this work, we fix nitrogen from N2 and carbon from CO2 and CH4 to obtain both glycine and alanine (D/L racemic mixture), the two simplest amino acids. The synthesis, catalyzed by polarized hydroxyapatite under UV light irradiation and conducted in an inert reaction chamber, starts from a simple gas mixture containing N2, CO2, CH4 and H2O and uses mild reaction conditions. At atmospheric pressure and 95 °C, the glycine and alanine molar yields with respect to CH4 or CO2 are about 1.9% and 1.6%, respectively, but they grow to 3.4% and 2.4%, when the pressure increases to 6 bar and the temperature is maintained at 95 °C. Besides, the minimum temperature required for the successful production of detectable amounts of amino acids is 75 °C. Accordingly, an artificial photosynthetic process has been developed by using an electrophotocatalyst based on hydroxyapatite thermally and electrically stimulated and coated with zirconyl chloride and a phosphonate. The synthesis of amino acids by direct fixation of nitrogen and carbon from gas mixtures opens new avenues regarding the nitrogen fixation for industrial purposes and the recycling of carbon dioxide.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development of bronchiectasis during long-term rituximab treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Here the cases of three female patients who received long-term rituximab treatment for seropositive, erosive and deforming rheumatoid arthritis was reported. After rituximab treatment, they presented with recurrent sinusitis and pneumonia, followed by the subsequent development of bronchiectasis. A temporal relationship between rituximab treatment and the onset of respiratory complications was exposed as a possible pathogenic mechanism

    Total recovery from monoclonal gammopathy and autoimmune phenomena after parathyroidectomy

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    Based on the observation of a patient with a causal relationship between hyperparathyroidism and development of both autoimmune disease and paraproteinemia, we hypothesize a novel cause of autoimmunity triggered in the context of hyperparathyroidism. © Cañas et al.; Licensee Bentham Open