383 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Internal Microstructures of Granular Materials Using Computerized Tomography

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    In developing micromechanical models of constitutive behavior, granular materials are treated as ensembles of discrete particles. The macroscopic mechanical properties of these materials are derived from force-deformation relations [1], which describe the behavior of particle-to-particle contacts at the microscopic level. The occurrence and behavior of these contacts are controlled by the packing structures in the granular system. The packing structures used in many current approaches to modeling granular materials are either regular [2,3,4] or numerically-generated random packings [5]. To properly account for actual particle packings, however, it is desirable to develop an experimental technique for direct observation. In this paper, the microstructures of simplified materials (laboratory packed spherical particles) are investigated using X-ray computerized tomography (CT), which provides a non-intrusive way to obtain cross-sectional images of material samples. Series of these digital images are then processed to reconstruct the three-dimensional internal structure of the sample using numerical techniques. Scanning and image analysis results for a sample made of glass spheres are presented in this paper, demonstrating the potential of CT technology in identifying the microstructures of granular materials

    Structural and functional properties of human alpha-thrombin, phosphopyridoxylated alpha-thrombin, and gamma T-thrombin. Identification of lysyl residues in alpha-thrombin that are critical for heparin and fibrin (ogen) interactions.

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    alpha-Thrombin derivatives obtained either by site-specific modification at lysyl residues (phosphopyridoxylated) or by limited trypsinolysis (gamma T-thrombin) were compared to correlate structural modifications with the functional reactivity toward fibrin(ogen) and heparin. alpha-Thrombin phosphopyridoxylated in the absence of heparin (unprotected) showed approximately 2 mol of label incorporated/mol of thrombin, but only 1 mol of label incorporated/mol of proteinase when modified in the presence of added heparin (protected). In contrast to native alpha-thrombin, both phosphopyridoxylated alpha-thrombin derivatives failed to interact with a fibrin monomer-agarose column and had reduced fibrinogen clotting activity, which is very similar to gamma T-thrombin. Heparin accelerated the rate of antithrombin III inhibition of alpha-thrombin, heparin-protected modified-alpha-thrombin, and gamma T-thrombin in a manner consistent with a template mechanism but was without effect on unprotected modified alpha-thrombin. In a heparin-catalyzed antithrombin III inhibition assay of alpha-thrombin, we found that D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethyl ketone-active site-inactivated gamma T-thrombin competed for heparin binding. It has been shown that limited proteolysis/autolysis of the B-chain of alpha-thrombin in the area around Arg-B73 (in beta T/beta- and gamma T/gamma-thrombin), but not that around Lys-B154 (in gamma T/gamma-thrombin), diminishes specific interactions with fibrinogen (Hofsteenge, J., Braun, P. J., and Stone , S. R. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 2144-2151). In unprotected modified alpha-thrombin, lysyl residues B21, B65, B174, and B252 were phosphopyridoxylated. In heparin-protected modified alpha-thrombin, only lysyl residues B21 and B65 were phosphopyridoxylated. These observations suggest that lysyl residues 21/65 of the B-chain of alpha-thrombin are involved in fibrin(ogen) interactions, and lysyl residues 174/252 of the B-chain are important in heparin interactions

    Learning democracy in social work

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    In this contribution, we discuss the role of social work in processes of democracy. A key question in this discussion concerns the meaning of ‘the social’ in social work. This question has often been answered in a self-referential way, referring to a methodological identity of social work. This defines the educational role of social work as socialisation (be it socialisation into obedience or into an empowered citizen). However, the idea of democracy as ‘ongoing experiment’ and ‘beyond order’ challenges this methodological identity of social work. From the perspective of democracy as an ‘ongoing experiment’, the social is to be regarded as a platform for dissensus, for ongoing discussions on the relation between private and public issues in the light of human rights and social justice. Hence, the identity of social work cannot be defined in a methodological way; social work is a complex of (institutionalized) welfare practices, to be studied on their underlying views on the ‘social’ as a political and educational concept, and on the way they influence the situation of children, young people and adults in society

    Exploring local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in northern and eastern Tanzania

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    Background: Zoonoses account for the most commonly reported emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is limited knowledge on how pastoral communities perceive zoonoses in relation to their livelihoods, culture and their wider ecology. This study was carried out to explore local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in Tanzania. Methodology and principal findings: This study involved pastoralists in Ngorongoro district in northern Tanzania and Kibaha and Bagamoyo districts in eastern Tanzania. Qualitative methods of focus group discussions, participatory epidemiology and interviews were used. A total of 223 people were involved in the study. Among the pastoralists, there was no specific term in their local language that describes zoonosis. Pastoralists from northern Tanzania possessed a higher understanding on the existence of a number of zoonoses than their eastern districts' counterparts. Understanding of zoonoses could be categorized into two broad groups: a local syndromic framework, whereby specific symptoms of a particular illness in humans concurred with symptoms in animals, and the biomedical framework, where a case definition is supported by diagnostic tests. Some pastoralists understand the possibility of some infections that could cross over to humans from animals but harm from these are generally tolerated and are not considered as threats. A number of social and cultural practices aimed at maintaining specific cultural functions including social cohesion and rites of passage involve animal products, which present zoonotic risk. Conclusions: These findings show how zoonoses are locally understood, and how epidemiology and biomedicine are shaping pastoralists perceptions to zoonoses. Evidence is needed to understand better the true burden and impact of zoonoses in these communities. More studies are needed that seek to clarify the common understanding of zoonoses that could be used to guide effective and locally relevant interventions. Such studies should consider in their approaches the pastoralists' wider social, cultural and economic set up

    Quorum Decision-Making in Foraging Fish Shoals

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    Quorum responses provide a means for group-living animals to integrate and filter disparate social information to produce accurate and coherent group decisions. A quorum response may be defined as a steep increase in the probability of group members performing a given behaviour once a threshold minimum number of their group mates already performing that behaviour is exceeded. In a previous study we reported the use of a quorum response in group decision-making of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) under a simulated predation threat. Here we examine the use of quorum responses by shoals of sticklebacks in first locating and then leaving a foraging patch. We show that a quorum rule explains movement decisions by threespine sticklebacks toward and then away from a food patch. Following both to and from a food patch occurred when a threshold number of initiators was exceeded, with the threshold being determined by the group size

    Magnetism and its microscopic origin in iron-based high-temperature superconductors

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    High-temperature superconductivity in the iron-based materials emerges from, or sometimes coexists with, their metallic or insulating parent compound states. This is surprising since these undoped states display dramatically different antiferromagnetic (AF) spin arrangements and Neˊ\rm \acute{e}el temperatures. Although there is general consensus that magnetic interactions are important for superconductivity, much is still unknown concerning the microscopic origin of the magnetic states. In this review, progress in this area is summarized, focusing on recent experimental and theoretical results and discussing their microscopic implications. It is concluded that the parent compounds are in a state that is more complex than implied by a simple Fermi surface nesting scenario, and a dual description including both itinerant and localized degrees of freedom is needed to properly describe these fascinating materials.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Review article, accepted for publication in Nature Physic

    The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Variable Star Inventory. VIII. The Recent Star Formation History of the LMC from the Cepheid Period Distribution

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    We present an analysis of the period distribution of 1800\sim 1800 Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud, based on data obtained by the MACHO microlensing experiment and on a previous catalogue by Payne-Gaposchkin. Using stellar evolution and pulsation models, we construct theoretical period-frequency distributions that are compared to the observations. These models reveal that a significant burst of star formation has occurred recently in the LMC (1.15×108\sim 1.15\times 10^8 years). We also show that during the last 108\sim 10^8 years, the main center of star formation has been propagating from SE to NW along the bar. We find that the evolutionary masses of Cepheids are still smaller than pulsation masses by 7\sim 7 % and that the red edge of the Cepheid instability strip could be slightly bluer than indicated by theory. There are 600\sim 600 Cepheids with periods below 2.5\sim 2.5 days cannot be explained by evolution theory. We suggest that they are anomalous Cepheids; a number of these stars are double-mode Cepheids

    Intuitive and Informal Knowledge in Preschoolers’ Development of Probabilistic Thinking

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    Preschoolers develop a wide range of mathematical informal knowledge and intuitive thinking before they enter formal, goal-oriented education. In their everyday activities young children get engaged with situations that enhance them to develop skills, concepts, strategies, representations, attitudes, constructs and operations concerning a wide range of mathematical notions. Recently there is scientific interest in linking children’s informal and formal knowledge in order to provide them with opportunities to avoid biases aiming at formulating, perceiving, reflecting on and exercising probabilistic notions. The current study investigates preschoolers’ (N=90) intuitive understanding of the likelihood of events in a probabilistic task with spinners. Participants, at the age of 4 to 6, are tested on their predictions of the most probable outcome prior to and after an instructive session of reasoning. The probabilistic task, based on constructivist principles, includes methodological alterations concerning the sample space and the themes of the stimuli. Educational implications are further discussed under the general point of view that in order to link informal to formal mathematical learning in preschool classroom, the subject content and the cognitive capacity of children are important to match

    Ulnar-sided wrist pain. Part I: anatomy and physical examination

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    Ulnar-sided wrist pain is a common complaint, and it presents a diagnostic challenge for hand surgeons and radiologists. The complex anatomy of this region, combined with the small size of structures and subtle imaging findings, compound this problem. A thorough understanding of ulnar-sided wrist anatomy and a systematic clinical examination of this region are essential in arriving at an accurate diagnosis. In part I of this review, ulnar-sided wrist anatomy and clinical examination are discussed for a more comprehensive understanding of ulnar-sided wrist pain

    Enhanced Motor Function by Training in Spinal Cord Contused Rats Following Radiation Therapy

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    Weight-bearing stepping, without supraspinal re-connectivity, can be attained by treadmill training in an animal whose spinal cord has been completely transected at the lower thoracic level. Repair of damaged tissue and of supraspinal connectivity/circuitry following spinal cord injury in rat can be achieved by specific cell elimination with radiation therapy of the lesion site delivered within a critical time window, 2-3 weeks postinjury. Here we examined the effects of training in the repaired spinal cord following clinical radiation therapy. Studies were performed in a severe rat spinal cord contusion injury model, one similar to fracture/crush injuries in humans; the injury was at the lower thoracic level and the training was a combined hindlimb standing and stepping protocol. Radiotherapy, in a similar manner to that reported previously, resulted in a significant level of tissue repair/preservation at the lesion site. Training in the irradiated group, as determined by limb kinematics tests, resulted in functional improvements that were significant for standing and stepping capacity, and yielded a significant direct correlation between standing and stepping performance. In contrast, the training in the unirradiated group resulted in no apparent beneficial effects, and yielded an inverse correlation between standing and stepping performance, e.g., subject with good standing showed poor stepping capacity. Further, without any training, a differential functional change was observed in the irradiated group; standing capacity was significantly inhibited while stepping showed a slight trend of improvement compared with the unirradiated group. These data suggest that following repair by radiation therapy the spinal circuitries which control posture and locomotor were modified, and that the beneficial functional modulation of these circuitries is use dependent. Further, for restoring beneficial motor function following radiotherapy, training seems to be crucial