49 research outputs found

    Ultra-bright gamma-ray emission and dense positron production from two laser-driven colliding foils

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    Matter can be transferred into energy and the opposite transformation is also possible by use of high-power lasers. A laser pulse in plasma can convert its energy into γ-rays and then e −e + pairs via the multi-photon Breit-Wheeler process. Production of dense positrons at GeV energies is very challenging since extremely high laser intensity ∼ 1024 Wcm−2 is required. Here we propose an all-optical scheme for ultra-bright γ-ray emission and dense positron production with lasers at intensity of 1022−23 Wcm−2 . By irradiating two colliding elliptically-polarized lasers onto two diamondlike carbon foils, electrons in the focal region of one foil are rapidly accelerated by the laser radiation pressure and interact with the other intense laser pulse which penetrates through the second foil due to relativistically induced foil transparency. This symmetric configuration enables efficient Compton back-scattering and results in ultra-bright γ-photon emission with brightness of ∼ 1025 photons/s/mm2 /mrad2 /0.1%BW at 15 MeV and intensity of 5×1023 Wcm−2 . Our first three-dimensional simulation with quantum-electrodynamics incorporated shows that a GeV positron beam with density of 2.5×1022 cm−3 and flux of 1.6×1010/shot is achieved. Collective effects of the pair plasma may be also triggered, offering a window on investigating laboratory astrophysics at PW laser facilities

    Micron-scale mapping of megagauss magnetic fields using optical polarimetry to probe hot electron transport in petawatt-class laser-solid interactions

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    The transport of hot, relativistic electrons produced by the interaction of an intense petawatt laser pulse with a solid has garnered interest due to its potential application in the development of innovative x-ray sources and ion-acceleration schemes. We report on spatially and temporally resolved measurements of megagauss magnetic fields at the rear of a 50-μm thick plastic target, irradiated by a multi-picosecond petawatt laser pulse at an incident intensity of ~1020 W/cm2. The pump-probe polarimetric measurements with micron-scale spatial resolution reveal the dynamics of the magnetic fields generated by the hot electron distribution at the target rear. An annular magnetic field profile was observed ~5 ps after the interaction, indicating a relatively smooth hot electron distribution at the rear-side of the plastic target. This is contrary to previous time-integrated measurements, which infer that such targets will produce highly structured hot electron transport. We measured large-scale filamentation of the hot electron distribution at the target rear only at later time-scales of ~10 ps, resulting in a commensurate large-scale filamentation of the magnetic field profile. Three-dimensional hybrid simulations corroborate our experimental observations and demonstrate a beam-like hot electron transport at initial time-scales that may be attributed to the local resistivity profile at the target rear

    A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour: A “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review.

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    Background: Participation in regular physical activity is associated with a multitude of health benefits across the life course. However, many people fail to meet PA recommendations. Despite a plethora of studies, the evidence regarding the environmental (physical) determinants of physical activity remains inconclusive. Objective: To identify the physical environmental determinants that influence PA across the life course. Methods: An online systematic literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SPORTDiscus. The search was limited to studies published in English (January 2004 to April 2016). Only systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) of observational studies, that investigated the association between physical determinants and physical activity outcomes, were eligible for inclusion. The extracted data were assessed on the importance of determinants, strength of evidence and methodological quality. Results: The literature search identified 28 SLRs and 3 MAs on 67 physical environmental characteristics potentially related to physical activity that were eligible for inclusion. Among preschool children, a positive association was reported between availability of backyard space and outdoor toys/equipment in the home and overall physical activity. The availability of physical activity programs and equipment within schools, and neighbourhood features such as pedestrian and cyclist safety structure were positively associated with physical activity in children and adolescents. Negative street characteristics, for example, lack of sidewalks and streetlights, were negatively associated with physical activity in adults. Inconsistent associations were reported for the majority of reviewed determinants in adults. Conclusion: This umbrella SLR provided a comprehensive overview of the physical environment determinants of physical activity across the life course and has highlighted, particularly amongst youth, a number of key determinants that may be associated with overall physical activity. Given the limited evidence drawn mostly from cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies are needed to further explore these associations

    Rapid self-magnetization of laser speckles in plasmas by nonlinear anisotropic instability

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    Presented here are the first kinetic two-dimensional Vlasov- Fokker-Planck calculations of inertial confinement fusion-related laser-plasma interactions, to include self-consistent magnetic fields, hydrodynamic plasma expansion and anisotropic electron pressure. An underdense plasma, reminiscent of the gas fill of a hohlraum, is heated by a laser speckle with Iλ2 = 1.0 x 1015 W cm-2μm2 and radius w0 = 5 μm. Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption of the laser and non-local electron transport lead to the development of a collisional analogue of the Weibel electromagnetic instability. The instability is seeded by magnetic fields, generated in an initial period of linear growth due to the anisotropic electron distribution arising in a laser speckle. Using the circular polarization does not generate significant fields. For linear polarization, the field generally saturates when the magnetization is ωτei > 1, and the effective growth rate is similar to the coherence time of typical laser speckles. The presence of these magnetic fluctuations significantly affects the heat fluxes and hydrodynamics in the plasma. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Magnetic cavitation and the reemergence of nonlocal transport in laser plasmas.

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    We present the first fully kinetic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck simulations of nanosecond laser-plasma interactions including self-consistent magnetic fields and hydrodynamic plasma expansion. For the largest magnetic fields externally applied to long-pulse laser-gas-jet experiments (12 T) a significant degree of cavitation of the B field (>40%) will be shown to occur from the laser-heated region in under half a nanosecond. This is due to the Nernst effect and leads to the reemergence of nonlocality even if the initial value of the magnetic field strength is sufficient to localize the transport

    Effect of transverse density modulations on fast electron transport in dense plasmas

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    The effect of static transverse density modulations in the background plasma on fast electron transport is considered. It is shown that such density modulations can drive resistive filamentation in the fast electron beam when the target is sufficiently hot for the Spitzer resistivity to apply. The mechanism of magnetic field generation and filamentation is described both in terms of a semi-analytic model and a linearized analytic model. The results of numerical simulations showing the development of driven filamentation are presented. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd