3,618 research outputs found

    Bi-Objective Optimization Problems—A Game Theory Perspective to Improve Process and Product

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. This research received no external funding.Cost-effective manufacturing processes or products are no longer the only requirements for business sustainability. An approach based on Game Theory is suggested to find solutions for bi-objective problems. In particular, Stackelberg’s technique is employed and complemented with the Factors Scaling tool to help the users in defining its strategy for optimizing process and product quality characteristics. No subjective information (shape factors, weights, and/or any other preference information) is required from the users, and basic computational background is enough for implementing it. Two case studies provide evidence that the suggested easy-to-use approach can yield nondominated solutions from a small number of Leader–Follower cycles, what reinforces its usefulness for bi-objective optimization problems.publishersversionpublishe

    Worst-case responses estimate impact on pareto front

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    Trabalho apresentado na 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modelling, 6-7 agosto 2017, Phuket, ThailandFor a reasoned decision-making in multiresponse problems, it is important to investigate how consistent the Pareto Frontier is to responses estimation uncertainty. To investigate the impact of this uncertainty source on the Pareto frontier, solutions achieved from the worst and mean responses estimate were generated and compared. Results are displayed graphically and a metric is used to select an optimal solution.N/

    In-shoe sensor system with an embedded user interface and wearable leg unit

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    In-shoe sensor systems are of great interest to monitor foot health, sports activities and rehabilitation strategies. Among the potential users are people with diabetes, a large part of the population for which monitoring foot pressure and temperature is critical to avoid ulceration, and even amputation. Despite all these reasons the use of foot monitoring devices is still uncommon compared to other accessories such as fitness tracking devices. This work describes the development of an instrumented insole for monitoring pressure, temperature and humidity taking advantage of widely available wearable components. This is made possible by additionally developing a shield board for time-division multiplexing of the pressure signals and an embedded user interface which is stored in the microcontroller's memory and uploaded to a smartphone at start-up via Bluetooth Low Energy. The user interface runs on a smartphone to provide both real time monitoring and averages of sensor data. The system is described in detail and validated by monitoring pressure patterns during stance, by testing response to temperature variations and observing patterns in individuals with pes planus posture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing the resilience of optimal solutions in multiobjective problems

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsProcesses and products are multidimensional so researchers and practitioners have to solve problems with multiple objectives frequently. These problems have, in general, responses in conflict so they do not have a unique solution. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature to solve these problems, but many of them, including the popular desirability function approach, are not employed with the focus on the generation of Pareto frontiers. In addition, it is important to stress that some Pareto solutions may not yield the expected outcome(s) when implemented in practice. Thus, to avoid wasting resources and time in implementing a theoretical solution which does not produce the expected outcome(s), in this paper is proposed a novel metric to assess the resilience of Pareto solutions. This way, the decision-maker may identify a solution less sensitive to changes in the variables setting when their values are implemented in production process (equipments) or during its operation. Metric usefulness is illustrated using a case study, and results analysis is complemented with plots that facilitate the decision-making process.publishersversionpublishe

    a fast and cost-effective reverse engineering method

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Farmacêutica, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Este trabalho visava desenvolver um método simples baseado na espectroscopia infravermelha para a estimativa da concentração de compostos sólidos de formulações farmacêuticas no contexto do desenvolvimento de medicamentos genéricos. O método proposto pode ser extremamente vantajoso uma vez que os recursos necessários para obter uma primeira estimativa quantitativa da formulação requerem apenas o conhecimento dos espectros infravermelhos de cada componente da formulação (não requer um procedimento de calibração). Baseia-se na utilização dos espectros de infravermelhos de componentes puros, no espectro do produto farmacêutico alvo e num algoritmo especialmente concebido com base no pressuposto da lei de Lambert-Beer. O método foi testado com uma formulação (mistura em pó) contendo paracetamol (a substância ativa), cafeína, amido, talco, celulose microcristalina, estearato de magnésio e lactose (o filler). O método proposto (método sem calibração) foi comparado com o método de resolução de curva multivariada (MCR), um método supervisionado que requer uma calibração, e, portanto, a existência de padrões. Portanto, foi produzida uma série de formulações de acordo com um desenho experimental do tipo D-optimal, alterando dentro de certos intervalos a concentração de cada componente (apenas o paracetamol foi mantido constante). Dois conjuntos independentes de formulações foram concebidos: um para calibração e outro para testes. A implementação do MCR e do método sem calibração foi realizada de acordo com diferentes cenários, simulando mais ou menos incerteza no palpite inicial das concentrações dos componentes. Os resultados para o MCR mostram que para este método é fundamental que os espectros dos componentes puros sejam conhecidos e utilizados como constrangimentos, estimando, portanto, apenas as concentrações. A exatidão e precisão das estimativas estava altamente relacionada com as características específicas do espectro de infravermelhos de cada componente. O método sem calibração demonstrou que as estimativas das concentrações dos componentes da formulação eram semelhantes ou mesmo melhores do que as obtidas para o método MCR. Os resultados também demonstraram que a precisão depende de alguma forma do intervalo permitido para cada componente (palpite inicial). A previsão da concentração para cada componente não deve desviar-se acima de 50% do seu valor real para uma estimativa adequada. Em resumo, o método proposto demonstrou ser um excelente método para obter uma primeira estimativa da composição de uma formulação sólida, que pode ser afinada posteriormente utilizando outras técnicas.This work aimed to develop a straightforward method based on infrared spectroscopy for the estimation of solid pharmaceutical formulations compounds concentration in the context of the development of generic medicines. The proposed method can be extremely advantageous as the resources needed to obtain a first quantitative estimation of the formulation require only the knowledge of the infrared spectra of each formulation component (does not require a calibration procedure). It is based on the use of the pure components infrared spectra, the spectrum of the target pharmaceutical product and an especially designed algorithm based on the assumption of the Lambert-Beer’s law. The method was tested with a formulation (powder mixture) containing paracetamol and caffeine (the active substance), starch, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and lactose (excipients). The proposed method (calibration-free method) was compared with the multivariate curve resolution method (MCR), a supervised method that requires a calibration with standards. A series of formulations were produced according to an experimental design of the type D-optimal by changing within certain ranges the concentration of each component (only paracetamol was kept constant). Two independent sets of formulations were designed: one for calibration and one for testing. The implementation of the MCR and the calibration-free method were performed according to different scenarios, simulating more or less uncertainty in the initial guess of the component’s concentrations. Results for MCR showed that for this method it was fundamental that the pure components spectra were known and used as constrains, thus, estimating only the concentrations. Accuracy and precision of the estimations were highly related with the specific features of the infrared spectrum of each component. The calibration free method demonstrated that estimations of the formulation components concentrations were similar or even better than those obtained for the MCR method. The results also demonstrated that accuracy was somehow dependent on the allowed range for each component (initial guess). Initial guess of the concentration for each component must not deviate above 50% of its real value for an adequate estimation. As conclusion, the proposed method demonstrated to be an excellent method to obtain a first estimate of the composition of a solid formulation, that can be fined tuned afterwards using other complementary techniques

    LeaPhysio: games enhanced physical rehabilitation

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    In certain areas of the medical sciences, particularly in the field of physiotherapy, there is increasing needs on objective evaluation of the rehabilitation progress that creates new opportunities to the application of the ICT. As part of the new technologies the serious games are ones that can help the patient in the way of motivation that may help during recovery process. The dissertation describes the design, implementation and testing of "LeaPhysio - Games Enhanced Physical Rehabilitation system". This system may be used by the physiotherapists and patients during hand and finger rehabilitation process. Using highly interactive games, developed for Leap Motion controller natural user interfaces, it's possible to assess the patient's performance throughout different physical activities. Through the games, developed in Unity 3D, with controller support, it’s possible to obtain the patient performance data during the various training sessions. All information regarding training the established training plans, results and other data is stored on a remote server. The stored information can be accessed through a mobile application, developed in Android, for the physiotherapist, mobile application that can be also used for configuration of the serious games. The use of serious games allows the patient with motor impairments, produce a dynamic interaction and a different approach in the execution of traditional exercises in recovery treatment. The system allows an unlimited number of training sessions to be performed, which can be consulted at any time through the mobile application. In this way, it's possible to visualize historical values, and to compare the results of the different training sessions, analyzing their evolution

    Pingo Doce zero waste shop

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    The idea presented in this business plan intends to address a gap in the food and distribution market. After a preliminary market analysis, it was discovered that there is no zero waste option offered in Portugal as a supermarket concept. Zero Waste is a growing concept, a lifestyle even, that is becoming increasingly popular. Several stores have been opening around the world with the main purpose of decreasing food and plastic waste in the groceries buying process. However, in Portugal, there are no big store brands applying it as its focus point. The project consists in the development of a pilot store utilising Pingo Doce’s brand, becoming the first big store brand offering a complete zero waste supermarket. To complete this task, a business model was developed as well as its implementation strategy. A financial plan was also created, where three scenarios were evaluated with the objective of comparing possible levels of success. In the end, the project developed proved its economic viability, indicating that it would be a project worthy of investment.A ideia apresentada neste plano de negócios pretende suprimir uma lacuna no mercado de distribuição alimentar. Após uma análise de mercado preliminar, descobriu-se que não existe uma opção onde o conceito Zero Waste seja oferecido num formato de supermercado, em Portugal. Zero Waste é um conceito em crescimento, um estilo de vida, que se está a tornar cada vez mais popular. Diversas lojas por todo o mundo têm-se desenvolvido com o principal objetivo de diminuir o desperdício alimentar e de plásticos no processo de compra de bens essenciais. No entanto, em Portugal, não existem grandes marcas que o apliquem como principal foco. O projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de uma loja-piloto com a marca Pingo Doce, tornando-se, assim, na primeira grande marca com um supermercado a aplicar o conceito. Para cumprir esta tarefa, foi desenvolvido um modelo de negócio, bem como a sua estratégia de implementação. Foi, também, elaborado um plano financeiro onde foram avaliados três cenários com o objetivo de comparar possíveis níveis de sucesso. No final, o projeto desenvolvido comprovou a sua viabilidade económica, indicando que se trataria de um projeto digno de investimento

    Áreas de cedências : análise comparada dos casos espanhol e português

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise comparada da área cedida para o domínio público num processo de urbanização realizado em Madrid e da área correspondente se o mesmo fosse implementado em Portugal. Descreve-se de forma sucinta as legislações urbanísticas de ambos os países, de forma a enquadrar a figura de urbanismo seleccionada e o território escolhido para análise o Programa de Actuação Urbanística de Valdebernardo Norte. A aplicação das regras urbanísticas através do cálculo das dotações fixas, traduziu-se em valores que apontam para a legislação portuguesa, em relação à espanhola, exigir mais 46% de superfícies verdes, mais 10% para áreas de equipamentos e mais 45% de lugares de estacionamento. Ressalva-se que os valores obtidos se reportam a valores mínimos, constantes da regulamentação geral aplicada a uma área específica, pelo que deveriam ser alargados a outras áreas do território para se poder generalizar as conclusões retiradas para este estudo de caso

    Using ELECTRE TRI outranking method to sort MOMILP nondominated solutions

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    Several interactive methods exist to identify nondominated solutions in a Multiple Objective Mixed Integer Linear Program. But what if the Decision Maker is also interested in sorting those solutions (assigning them to pre-established ordinal categories)? We propose an interactive "branch-and-bound like" technique to progressively build the nondominated set, combined with ELECTRE TRI method (Pessimistic procedure) to sort identified nondominated solutions. A disaggregation approach is considered in order to avoid direct definition of all ELECTRE TRI preference parameters. Weight-importance coefficients are inferred and category reference profiles are determined based on assignment examples provided by the Decision Maker. A computation tool was developed with a twofold purpose: support the Decision Maker involved in a decision process and provide a test bed for research purposes.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCT-48GF3RT-B/1/55841cf788557c60dac156a4e7b1890