41 research outputs found

    Diagnostic performance of tuberculosis-specific IgG antibody profiles in patients with presumptive tuberculosis from two continents

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    Background. Development of rapid diagnostic tests for tuberculosis is a global priority. A  whole proteome screen identified Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens associated with serological responses in tuberculosis patients. We used World Health Organization (WHO) target product profile (TPP) criteria for a detection test and triage test to evaluate these antigens. Methods. Consecutive patients presenting to microscopy centers and district hospitals in Peru and to outpatient clinics at a tuberculosis reference center in Vietnam were recruited. We tested blood samples from 755 HIV–uninfected adults with presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis to measure IgG antibody responses to 57 M. tuberculosis antigens using a field-based multiplexed serological assay and a 132-antigen bead-based reference assay. We evaluated single antigen performance and models of all possible 3-antigen combinations and multiantigen combinations. Results. Three-antigen and multiantigen models performed similarly and were superior to single antigens. With specificity set at 90% for a detection test, the best sensitivity of a 3-antigen model was 35% (95% confidence interval [CI], 31–40). With sensitivity set at 85% for a triage test, the specificity of the best 3-antigen model was 34% (95% CI, 29–40). The reference assay also did not meet study targets. Antigen performance differed significantly between the study sites for 7/22 of the best-performing antigens. Conclusions. Although M. tuberculosis antigens were recognized by the IgG response during tuberculosis, no single antigen or multiantigen set performance approached WHO TPP criteria for clinical utility among HIV-uninfected adults with presumed tuberculosis in high-volume, urban settings in tuberculosis-endemic countries

    Implicit sequence learning is preserved in dyslexic children

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    This study investigates the implicit sequence learning abilities of dyslexic children using an artificial grammar learning task with an extended exposure period. Twenty children with developmental dyslexia participated in the study and were matched with two control groups-one matched for age and other for reading skills. During 3 days, all participants performed an acquisition task, where they were exposed to colored geometrical forms sequences with an underlying grammatical structure. On the last day, after the acquisition task, participants were tested in a grammaticality classification task. Implicit sequence learning was present in dyslexic children, as well as in both control groups, and no differences between groups were observed. These results suggest that implicit learning deficits per se cannot explain the characteristic reading difficulties of the dyslexics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new mutant genetic resource for tomato crop improvement by TILLING technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last decade, the availability of gene sequences of many plant species, including tomato, has encouraged the development of strategies that do not rely on genetic transformation techniques (GMOs) for imparting desired traits in crops. One of these new emerging technology is TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes), a reverse genetics tool, which is proving to be very valuable in creating new traits in different crop species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To apply TILLING to tomato, a new mutant collection was generated in the genetic background of the processing tomato cultivar Red Setter by treating seeds with two different ethylemethane sulfonate doses (0.7% and 1%). An associated phenotype database, LycoTILL, was developed and a TILLING platform was also established. The interactive and evolving database is available online to the community for phenotypic alteration inquiries. To validate the Red Setter TILLING platform, induced point mutations were searched in 7 tomato genes with the mismatch-specific ENDO1 nuclease. In total 9.5 kb of tomato genome were screened and 66 nucleotide substitutions were identified. The overall mutation density was estimated and it resulted to be 1/322 kb and 1/574 kb for the 1% EMS and 0.7% EMS treatment respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The mutation density estimated in our collection and its comparison with other TILLING populations demonstrate that the Red Setter genetic resource is suitable for use in high-throughput mutation discovery. The Red Setter TILLING platform is open to the research community and is publicly available via web for requesting mutation screening services.</p

    The Remapping of Time by Active Tool-Use

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    Multiple, action-based space representations are each based on the extent to which action is possible toward a specific sector of space, such as near/reachable and far/unreachable. Studies on tool-use revealed how the boundaries between these representations are dynamic. Space is not only multidimensional and dynamic, but it is also known for interacting with other dimensions of magnitude, such as time. However, whether time operates on similar action-driven multiple representations and whether it can be modulated by tool-use is yet unknown. To address these issues, healthy participants performed a time bisection task in two spatial positions (near and far space) before and after an active tool-use training, which consisted of performing goal-directed actions holding a tool with their right hand (Experiment 1). Before training, perceived stimuli duration was influenced by their spatial position defined by action. Hence, a dissociation emerged between near/reachable and far/unreachable space. Strikingly, this dissociation disappeared after the active tool-use training since temporal stimuli were now perceived as nearer. The remapping was not found when a passive tool-training was executed (Experiment 2) or when the active tool-training was performed with participants’ left hand (Experiment 3). Moreover, no time remapping was observed following an equivalent active hand-training but without a tool (Experiment 4). Taken together, our findings reveal that time processing is based on action-driven multiple representations. The dynamic nature of these representations is demonstrated by the remapping of time, which is action- and effector-dependent

    Avaliação do grau de independência de idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência Evaluación de el grado de independencia de residentes en hogares para ancianos Assessment of the level of independence of elderly residents in long-term care institutions

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    As instituições de longa permanência abrigam um grande número de idosos dependentes, embora essa não seja condição sine qua non para que ocorra a institucionalização do idoso. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o grau de independência para a realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs) dos idosos residentes nas instituições da cidade de Taubaté-SP, segundo avaliação baseada no Índice de Independência nas AVDs de Katz, realizada em dezembro de 2001 e repetida em maio de 2002. A primeira avaliação, feita com todos os residentes com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos (139 mulheres e 48 homens), mostrou que 70 idosos eram considerados independentes para o desempenho das AVDs, sendo que, dentre eles, 52 idosos tinham entre 70 e 89 anos. A segunda avaliação mostrou que 53 idosos mantiveram-se independentes. Os dados corroboram estudos anteriores que apontam para o declínio da capacidade funcional de idosos institucionalizados.<br>Las instituciones asilares abrigan un gran número de ancianos dependientes, aunque esta no sea la condición sine qua non para que ocurra la institucionalización del anciano. Este estudio investigó el grado de independencia para la ejecución de actividades de la vida diaria (AVDs) de los ancianos residentes en las instituciones asilares de la ciudad de Taubaté, Brasil, según la evaluación basada en el Índice de Independencia en AVDs de Katz, efectuada en diciembre de 2001 y en mayo de 2002. En la primera evaluación, hecha con todos los individuos con 60 años o más (139 mujeres y 48 hombres), 70 ancianos fueron considerados independientes según el Índice de Katz mientras, 52 de estos ancianos tenían entre 70 y 89 años. La segunda evaluación mostró que 53 ancianos mantuvieron su nivel de independencia. Los hallazgos confirmaron lo estudios anteriores que apuntan para la declinación de la capacidad funcional de ancianos institucionalizados.<br>Long-term care institutions shelter a large number of dependent elderly, although dependence is not the sine qua non condition for elderly institutionalization. This study aimed at identifying the independence level for the performance of activities of daily living (ADLs) of elderly residents in long-term care institutions in the city of Taubaté, State of São Paulo, according to an evaluation based on Katz's Index of Independence in ADLs. The first assessment was conducted in December of 2001 with all residents aged 60 or more (139 females and 48 males). Seventy subjects were considered independent for ADLs, 52 of them aged between 70 and 89. The second assessment, performed in May of 2002, revealed that 53 subjects remained independent for ADLs. The results corroborate previous studies that point to a decline in the independence level of institutionalized elderly subjects