310 research outputs found


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    The present work aims to analyze the turbulent flow in an inclined passive wall solar chimney attached to a room, evaluating the influence of its geometry on the thermal performance of the building (measured by the mass flow rate in the chimney exit) by means of Constructal Design. The flow is considered turbulent, incompressible, under natural convection heat transfer, transient and in a two-dimensional domain that simulates a solar chimney attached to a room. Time-averaged conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy are numerically solved with the finite volume method using the commercial package FLUENT. For closure modeling of turbulence, it is employed the standard k – ε model. Chimney and room areas are the problem constraints. Moreover, the problem is subjected to three degrees of freedom: the ratio between the inlet opening size and chimney height (Hi/Ha) (which is maintained constant in the present investigations, Hi/Ha = 0.05); ratio between the width of inferior base of the chimney and its height (Wg/Ha); and the ratio between the exit air gap and the inferior base widths of the chimney (We/Wg). The latter two degrees of freedom are varied. Results showed that the degrees of freedom analyzed have a strong influence on the mass flow rate of the air in the building, confirming that the geometrical configuration of solar chimney can be important for the improvement of thermal conditions on the attached building

    An empirical evaluation of the translation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Loss of Control over Eating Scale (LOCES)

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    Background Loss of control over eating is a key feature of the most prevalent eating disorders. The Loss of Control over Eating Scale (LOCES) enables a thorough assessment of loss of control over eating. Objective This study empirically evaluated the translation of the LOCES from English to Brazilian Portuguese. Methods The scale was translated to Brazilian Portuguese and back translated to English in order to check accuracy of the translation. Two hundred and ninety-three medicine and nursing students, 60 males and 233 females, 18-55 years old, with mean body mass index (BMI) 23.2 kg/m2 (SD 4.1), recruited between August and December 2014, answered the Brazilian Portuguese LOCES. An exploratory factor analysis was performed. Results Exploratory factor analysis of the Brazilian Portuguese LOCES showed three distinct factors of the loss of control over eating (disgust/negative sensations, cognitive experiences/dissociation, and “positive” effects) as well as moderate consistency with previous reports of exploratory factor analysis of the English version. Discussion This study showed satisfactory translation of the LOCES from English to Brazilian Portuguese, which is now ready for further validation

    Análise bioquímica de corpos cetônicos na saliva de indivíduos não diabéticos e diabéticos insulino dependentes

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    Os corpos cetônicos são combustíveis metabólicos importantes para vários tecidos, em particular para o coração e para o músculo e esquelético. O cérebro, em circunstâncias normais, utiliza apenas glicose como fonte energética, pois os ácidos graxos são incapazes de cruzarem a barreira hematoencefálica, porém durante um jejum prolongado, os corpos cetônicos que são hidrossolúveis tornam-se a fonte de combustível metabólico do cérebro. Contudo, apesar desses níveis sanguíneos elevados de glicose, as células sofrem depleção à glicose porque sua entrada nas células está prejudicada. É principalmente nesta situação que a síntese de corpos cetônicos é acelerada, e os níveis destes corpos cetônicos, no sangue, tornam-se excepcionalmente altos, condição conhecida como cetose. Os objetivos do trabalho incluem: a) verificar a presença de corpos cetônicos na saliva de indivíduos não diabéticos e diabéticos insulino-dependentes; b) dosar as concentrações dos corpos cetônicos encontrados; c) discutir os efeitos desses compostos no pH da saliva, no metabolismo oral e na fisiopatologia de doenças do aparelho estomatognático. Quanto à casuística e metodologia, este estudo foi aprovado previamente pelo Comitê de Ética institucional e pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Volta Redonda. Trata-se da aplicação de um protocolo bioquímico para dosagem de corpos cetônicos na saliva mista de indivíduos atendidos no Programa de Atendimento a Portadoresde Diabetes Mellitus do município e Volta Redonda, através das seguintes etapas: a) coleta da saliva; b) desproteinização; c) Neutralização do desproteinizado; d) Dosagem enzimática de ponto final de corpos cetônicos na saliva; e) Leitura do acetoacetato; f) Leitura do beta-hidroxibutirato. O projeto encontra-se em fase inicial, sendo que a próxima etapa constitui-se na coleta da saliva dos voluntários para a realização da marcha bioquímica

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental trauma attendance: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental trauma patient attendance. The study was registered in the PROSPERO system, using the CRD42021288398 protocol. Searching was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Lilacs, and OpenGrey databases, using the following keywords: “Tooth injuries,” “Dental trauma,” “Traumatic Dental injury,” and “COVID-19". We included observational studies evaluating dental trauma in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Quality assessment was performed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Cross-Sectional Studies. Meta-analysis was performed in RevMan 5.4 software with Odds Ratios as a pooled measure of effect, with a 95% confidence interval, and using random-effects modeling. After applying the eligibility criteria, 32 studies were included for qualitative analysis, in which 10 were used to assess the frequency of dental trauma diagnoses in dental emergencies. Despite the decrease of visits during COVID-19, the analysis revealed no difference between the pandemic and pre-pandemic periods. Regarding the type of dental trauma, two of the studies revealed no differences for the periods before and during the pandemic. This study revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has not impacted the frequency or type of dental trauma compared to previous periods

    Antibacterial activity and toxicity of drimys brasiliensis

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    Men have used medicinal plant properties to treat infectious diseases. Both the rise of emerging infectious diseases as the microbial resistance problem has stimulated the searching for new antimicrobial agents. This study evaluated the antibacterial activity and toxicity of crude extracts, fractions and pure compounds from Drimys brasiliensis. The antibacterial activity of five extracts, twelve fractions and five isolated compounds were tested against six Gram-positive and seven Gram-negative bacteria. The methodology used was agar dilution. The extract potential toxicities were evaluated using Artemia salina assay. Antibacterial activity tests showed some promising results, such as bark chloroform extract with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 62.5 μg/mL for Bacillus cereus, fraction G2 with MIC for Staphylococcus aureus of 62.5 μg/mL, and methoxy-polygodial compound with MIC to Bacillus cereus of 31.25 μg/mL. There was no activity against Gram-negative bacteria. The bark dichloromethane extract showed MIC of 1000 μg/mL against Helicobacter pylori. The best results corresponded to fractions E and G2, with a MIC of 500 μg/mL. Among the isolated compounds, polygodial showed better activity with MIC of 250 μg/mL. Artemia salina tests showed that the bark dichloromethane extract and the fractions E and G2 showed toxicity, with LC50 values of 27.51, 25.29 and 139.7 μg/mL, respectively. The results showed the antibacterial activity of Drimys brasiliensis, with potential toxicity, but with possible antimutagenic action.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Compositional analysis and physicochemical and mechanical testing of tanned rabbit skins

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    [EN] Chemical composition and physicochemical and mechanical parameters of New Zealand White rabbit tanned skin were evaluated. Skin samples from 70-d-old males, in natura and semi-finished, were collected for evaluation. The in natura treatment comprise skins without any processing, while semi-finished treatment comprise skins after soaking, fleshing, liming, de-liming, purging, degreasing, pickling, tanning, neutralising, re-tanning and dyeing, followed by oiling, drying, stretching and softening. After tanning, samples from the dorsal and flank regions were removed for tensile and physicochemical testing in the longitudinal and transverse directions. A split plot design was used with plot treatments (leather regions: R1=dorsal and R2=flank) and subplots directions (S1=longitudinal and S2=transversal), using 10 examples per treatment. At the end of processing, the leather analysis revealed low moisture (31.76%), protein (46.48%) and fat content (24.95%), and a high ash content (8.58%). Leather presented a pH of 4.9 and contained 2.0% chromium oxide, 25.5% extractable substances in dichloromethane, and these characteristics were coupled with a higher tensile strength (10.84 N/mm2) in the dorsal region. However, samples in the same region proved to have higher elasticity (64.57%) in the longitudinal direction, although there was no difference in the progressive tearing analysis (21.07-23.50 N/mm). Overall, our analyses suggest that, in this case, the tanned leather product does not have sufficient resistance for application in clothing production.Souza, MR.; Hoch, AL.; Gasparino, E.; Scapinello, C.; Mesquita Dourado, D.; Claudino Da Silva, SC.; Lala, B. (2016). Compositional analysis and physicochemical and mechanical testing of tanned rabbit skins. World Rabbit Science. 24(3):233-238. doi:10.4995/wrs.2016.4037SWORD233238243ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. ABNT NBR ISO 3376: 2014 - Couro - Ensaios físicos e mecânicos – Determinação de resistência à tração e alongamento percentual. Rio de Janeiro, 1-5.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR - 2589: Couro - Ensaios físicos e mecânicos - Determinação da espessura. Rio de Janeiro, 1.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2013. NBR - 11030: couro - Determinação de substâncias extraíveis com diclorometano (CH2Cl2). Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2013. ABNT NBR 11032: 2013 - Pele e couro - Amostragem na amostra de teste - Procedimento. Rio de Janeiro, 1-4.ABNT. ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR – 5398-1: Couro – determinação química do teor de óxido de cromo Parte 1: Quantificação por titulação. Rio de Janeiro, 1-5.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR - 3377-2: Couro – Ensaios físicos e mecânicos — Determinação da força de rasgamento Parte 2: Rasgamento de extremidade dupla. Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. ABNT NBR 10455: 2014 - Clima de materiais utilizados em calçados e artigos relacionados fabricar. Rio de Janeiro, 1-2.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2006. NBR – 11057: Couro –determinação do pH e da cifra diferencial. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.Cunniff P.A. 1998. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 16th ed. Arlington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.Franco, M.L.R.S. 2007. Curtimento de pele de tilápia. In: Boscolo, W.r., Feiden, A. (Orgs.) Industrialização de tilápias. Toledo: GFM Gráfica e editora, 185-223.Freire M.C., Canl R.M. 2000. A pele bovina como matéria-prima. Revista Nacional da Carne, 24: 100-110.Gerhard J. 1998. Posibles fallas e el cuero y e su producción – conceptos, causas, consecuencias, remedios y tipos de cueros. Partner Rübelmann GmbH: Lampertheim (Alemania).Gutterres M. 2001. Distribuição, deposição e interação química de substâncias de engraxe no couro. In: Congresso da federação latino-americana das associações dos químicos e técnicos da indústria do couro, 15, Salvador. Anais... v.1, 108-119.Gutterres M. 2003. Efeito do Curtimento sobre a Microestrutura Dérmica. Revista do Couro Abqtic, Estância Velha, 26: 56-59.Oliveira A.C., Souza M.L.R., Hoch A.L.V., Gasparino E., Scapinello C., Kffuri V.R. Domingues M.C. 2007. Resistência dos couros de coelhos em função do sexo e da idade de abate. Tecnicouro, 28: 52-56.Prado M., Franco M.L.R.S., Uchimura C.M., Souza E.D., Bordignon A.C., Justen A.P., Silva S.C.C., Del Vesco A.P. 2013. Efeito da etapa de engraxe no processo de curtimento das peles de coelhos. Acta Tecnológica, 8: 8-11. http://portaldeperiodicos.ifma.edu.br/index.php/actatecnologica/article/view/131SAEG. 2000. Sistemas de Análises Estatísticas e Genéticas. Versão 8.0. Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Viçosa.Souza M.L.R. 2004. Tecnologia para processamento das peles de peixe. Maringá, PR. Coleção Fundamentum, 11: 14-55.Souza M.L.R. 2006. Tecnologia para processamento de peles de coelhos: peleteria e couro. In Proc: 3rd Rabbit Congress of the Americas, 2006, Maringá –Pr, Brasil. v. 1.Souza M.L.R. 2008. Tecnologia para processamento das peles de peixe. Maringá: Eduem. 3° Ed

    An organization‐ and category‐level comparison of diagnostic requirements for mental disorders in ICD‐11 and DSM‐5

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    In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) published the 5th edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐5). In 2019, the World Health Assembly approved the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD‐11). It has often been suggested that the field would benefit from a single, unified classification of mental disorders, although the priorities and constituencies of the two sponsoring organizations are quite different. During the development of the ICD‐11 and DSM‐5, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the APA made efforts toward harmonizing the two systems, including the appointment of an ICD‐DSM Harmonization Group. This paper evaluates the success of these harmonization efforts and provides a guide for practitioners, researchers and policy makers describing the differences between the two systems at both the organizational and the disorder level. The organization of the two classifications of mental disorders is substantially similar. There are nineteen ICD‐11 disorder categories that do not appear in DSM‐5, and seven DSM‐5 disorder categories that do not appear in the ICD‐11. We compared the Essential Features section of the ICD‐11 Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines (CDDG) with the DSM‐5 criteria sets for 103 diagnostic entities that appear in both systems. We rated 20 disorders (19.4%) as having major differences, 42 disorders (40.8%) as having minor definitional differences, 10 disorders (9.7%) as having minor differences due to greater degree of specification in DSM‐5, and 31 disorders (30.1%) as essentially identical. Detailed descriptions of the major differences and some of the most important minor differences, with their rationale and related evidence, are provided. The ICD and DSM are now closer than at any time since the ICD‐8 and DSM‐II. Differences are largely based on the differing priorities and uses of the two diagnostic systems and on differing interpretations of the evidence. Substantively divergent approaches allow for empirical comparisons of validity and utility and can contribute to advances in the field