210 research outputs found

    Linearity in the non-deterministic call-by-value setting

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    We consider the non-deterministic extension of the call-by-value lambda calculus, which corresponds to the additive fragment of the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus. We define a fine-grained type system, capturing the right linearity present in such formalisms. After proving the subject reduction and the strong normalisation properties, we propose a translation of this calculus into the System F with pairs, which corresponds to a non linear fragment of linear logic. The translation provides a deeper understanding of the linearity in our setting.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in WoLLIC 201

    Call-by-value non-determinism in a linear logic type discipline

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    We consider the call-by-value lambda-calculus extended with a may-convergent non-deterministic choice and a must-convergent parallel composition. Inspired by recent works on the relational semantics of linear logic and non-idempotent intersection types, we endow this calculus with a type system based on the so-called Girard's second translation of intuitionistic logic into linear logic. We prove that a term is typable if and only if it is converging, and that its typing tree carries enough information to give a bound on the length of its lazy call-by-value reduction. Moreover, when the typing tree is minimal, such a bound becomes the exact length of the reduction

    The surface proteomic profile of serum extracellular vesicles as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in breast cancer

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    The diagnosis of breast cancer in the early stage is essential for a favorable prognosis. Extracellular vesicles isolated from body fluids have a central role in breast cancer development due to their biochemical components. Among the biochemical components, surface proteins mediate vesicle interactions with elements of the extracellular milieu, the extracellular matrix, and neighboring cells. The identification of specific surface proteomic profile has been regarded as an easy and reproducible means to define cancer parameters, identify markers for a diagnosis, and determine targets for therapeutical treatments. In this review, we will focus on annexins, tetraspanins, integrins, immune checkpoint proteins, and growth factor receptors that have been identified on the surface of extracellular vesicles isolated from the serum of patients with breast cancer and that have been found to be relevant diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers

    Resolving Non-Determinism in Choreographies

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    Resolving non-deterministic choices of choreographies is a crucial task. We introduce a novel notion of realisability for choreographies –called whole-spectrum implementation– that rules out deterministic implementations of roles that, no matter which context they are placed in, will never follow one of the branches of a non-deterministic choice. We show that, under some conditions, it is decidable whether an implementation is whole-spectrum. As a case study, we analyse the POP protocol under the lens of whole-spectrum implementation

    Toluene permeabilization differentially affects F- and P-type ATPase activities present in the plasma membrane of Streptococcus mutans

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    Streptococcus mutans membrane-bound P- and F-type ATPases are responsible for H+ extrusion from the cytoplasm thus keeping intracellular pH appropriate for cell metabolism. Toluene-permeabilized bacterial cells have long been used to study total membrane-bound ATPase activity, and to compare the properties of ATPase in situ with those in membrane-rich fractions. The aim of the present research was to determine if toluene permeabilization can significantly modify the activity of membrane-bound ATPase of both F-type and P-type. ATPase activity was assayed discontinuously by measuring phosphate release from ATP as substrate. Treatment of S. mutans membrane fractions with toluene reduced total ATPase activity by approximately 80% and did not allow differentiation between F- and P-type ATPase activities by use of the standard inhibitors vanadate (3 µM) and oligomycin (4 µg/mL). Transmission electron microscopy shows that, after S. mutans cells permeabilization with toluene, bacterial cell wall and plasma membrane are severely injured, causing cytoplasmic leakage. As a consequence, loss of cell viability and disruption of H+ extrusion were observed. These data suggest that treatment of S. mutans with toluene is an efficient method for cell disruption, but care should be taken in the interpretation of ATPase activity when toluene-permeabilized cells are used, because results may not reflect the real P- and F-type ATPase activities present in intact cell membranes. The mild conditions used for the preparation of membrane fractions may be more suitable to study specific ATPase activity in the presence of biological agents, since this method preserves ATPase selectivity for standard inhibitors.UNIUBECNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    A New Linear Logic for Deadlock-Free Session-Typed Processes

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    The π -calculus, viewed as a core concurrent programming language, has been used as the target of much research on type systems for concurrency. In this paper we propose a new type system for deadlock-free session-typed π -calculus processes, by integrating two separate lines of work. The first is the propositions-as-types approach by Caires and Pfenning, which provides a linear logic foundation for session types and guarantees deadlock-freedom by forbidding cyclic process connections. The second is Kobayashi’s approach in which types are annotated with priorities so that the type system can check whether or not processes contain genuine cyclic dependencies between communication operations. We combine these two techniques for the first time, and define a new and more expressive variant of classical linear logic with a proof assignment that gives a session type system with Kobayashi-style priorities. This can be seen in three ways: (i) as a new linear logic in which cyclic structures can be derived and a CYCLE -elimination theorem generalises CUT -elimination; (ii) as a logically-based session type system, which is more expressive than Caires and Pfenning’s; (iii) as a logical foundation for Kobayashi’s system, bringing it into the sphere of the propositions-as-types paradigm

    On Global Types and Multi-Party Session

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    Global types are formal specifications that describe communication protocols in terms of their global interactions. We present a new, streamlined language of global types equipped with a trace-based semantics and whose features and restrictions are semantically justified. The multi-party sessions obtained projecting our global types enjoy a liveness property in addition to the traditional progress and are shown to be sound and complete with respect to the set of traces of the originating global type. Our notion of completeness is less demanding than the classical ones, allowing a multi-party session to leave out redundant traces from an underspecified global type. In addition to the technical content, we discuss some limitations of our language of global types and provide an extensive comparison with related specification languages adopted in different communities

    A constraint-based approach to quality assurance in service choreographies.

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    Knowledge about the quality characteristics (QoS) of service com- positions is crucial for determining their usability and economic value. Ser- vice quality is usually regulated using Service Level Agreements (SLA). While end-to-end SLAs are well suited for request-reply interactions, more complex, decentralized, multiparticipant compositions (service choreographies) typ- ically involve multiple message exchanges between stateful parties and the corresponding SLAs thus encompass several cooperating parties with interde- pendent QoS. The usual approaches to determining QoS ranges structurally (which are by construction easily composable) are not applicable in this sce- nario. Additionally, the intervening SLAs may depend on the exchanged data. We present an approach to data-aware QoS assurance in choreographies through the automatic derivation of composable QoS models from partici- pant descriptions. Such models are based on a message typing system with size constraints and are derived using abstract interpretation. The models ob- tained have multiple uses including run-time prediction, adaptive participant selection, or design-time compliance checking. We also present an experimen- tal evaluation and discuss the benefits of the proposed approach
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