143 research outputs found

    Évaluation des compĂ©tences pratiques en fin de deuxiĂšme cycle des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales : exemple du drainage du bas appareil urinaire

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    IntroductionLe drainage vĂ©sical peut, mal pratiquĂ©, ĂȘtre iatrogĂšne en se compliquant notamment d’infections et de traumatismes de l’appareil urinaire. Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif de dĂ©terminer la capacitĂ© des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine de fin de deuxiĂšme cycle Ă  pratiquer les diffĂ©rents moyens de drainage des urines. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes Entre janvier et mars 2007, un questionnaire d’autoĂ©valuation des compĂ©tences de drainage urinaire a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ© par mail Ă  un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif d’étudiants en mĂ©decine en derniĂšre annĂ©e d’externat, soit deux mois avant l’épreuve de l’examen national classant. RĂ©sultats Deux cent soixante-dix-sept rĂ©ponses ont Ă©tĂ© reçues et analysĂ©es. Soixante-douze Ă©tudiants (26 %) jugeaient qu’ils maĂźtrisaient le cathĂ©tĂ©risme urĂ©trovĂ©sical chez l’homme et 106 Ă©tudiants (38,3 %) chez la femme Ă  la fin de leur externat. Soixante et onze Ă©tudiants sur les 277 (25,5 %) avaient effectuĂ© un stage en urologie au cours de leur cursus. Parmi eux, 53,5 % estimaient acquis le sondage Ă  demeure (SAD) chez l’homme (p < 0,001) et 39 (54,9 %) chez la femme (p < 0,001). Soixante-treize Ă©tudiants (26,4 %) estimaient qu’ils maĂźtrisaient le sondage minute d’une femme ou d’un homme et un seul considĂ©rait la pose de cathĂ©ter sus-pubien comme acquis. Conclusion L’apprentissage des gestes de drainage urinaire est enseignĂ© de façon inappropriĂ©e au cours des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales puisque de jeunes mĂ©decins se sentent incapables de les reproduire au terme de leur externat. Cela est critiquable, car le sondage doit pouvoir ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© par tous mĂ©decins non urologues dans leur pratique quotidienne, notamment en terrain hospitalier. Cette Ă©tude doit mener Ă  une rĂ©flexion sur l’amĂ©lioration de l’enseignement des gestes pratiques mĂ©dicaux essentiels pendant l’externat

    Evidence-based medicine et étudiants en médecine français : état des lieux

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    IntroductionL’Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) est indispensable Ă  l’exercice de la mĂ©decine. Notre objectif Ă©tait de connaĂźtre quel en Ă©tait son niveau de connaissance par les Ă©tudiants français. MatĂ©riel et MĂ©thodes Entre avril et mai 2008, un questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ© par courriel Ă  900 Ă©tudiants en derniĂšre annĂ©e du deuxiĂšme cycle des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales participant Ă  des confĂ©rences publiques ou privĂ©es d’internat. RĂ©sultats Sur les 327 rĂ©ponses, 297 (91 %), 94 (29 %) et 85 (26 %) Ă©tudiants dĂ©claraient savoir lire, Ă©crire et parler l’anglais mĂ©dical. Quatre-vingt-dix Ă©tudiants (28 %) lisaient un article d’une revue mĂ©dicale française, une fois par mois et 43 (13 %) lisaient un article d’une revue mĂ©dicale internationale une fois par mois. Trois cent onze (95 %) connaissaient les bases de recherche mĂ©dicale sur Internet et 219 (67 %) les utilisaient. Vingt-quatre (7 %) avaient dĂ©jĂ  participĂ© Ă  la rĂ©daction d’un article mĂ©dical, sept (2 %) avait Ă©tĂ© co-auteurs. Deux cent soixante-douze (83 %) avait rĂ©alisĂ© une prĂ©sentation orale lors d’un staff mĂ©dical et trois (1 %) lors d’un congrĂšs. Enfin, 237 (73 %) comprenaient l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’épreuve d’analyse critique d’article Ă  l’examen national classant (ECN) et 70 (21 %) pensaient y ĂȘtre prĂ©parĂ©s. Conclusion L’insuffisance de l’apprentissage de l’EBM est une des limites du systĂšme de formation français. L’introduction de la lecture critique d’article (LCA) Ă  l’ECN est un dĂ©but de rĂ©ponse concret Ă  ce problĂšme

    Double-J ureteral stent under local anesthesia for women

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    INTRODUCTION: Ureteral stent placement is a key urologic procedure used to manage ureteral obstructions. It is usually performed under general anesthesia (GA) with its inherent risks. The objective was to evaluate safety, feasibility and tolerance of ureteral stent placement under local anesthesia (LA) in women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2010 to January 2013, we prospectively and consecutively reviewed all female patients who had an urgent retrograde ureteral stent placement under LA. Only primary stent placements were included in the study. Pain was assessed after surgery by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and pain and comfort assessment during stent placement were reported. We compared outcomes and tolerance with patients under general anesthesia (GA) matched by age and operatives indications during the same period. RESULTS: We included 36 patients (18 under LA and 18 under GA) with a mean age of 59.4 +/- 22.4 years. The mean operative time was 24.4 +/- 12.9 min and 18.8 +/- 6.5 min in LA group and GA group (p = 0.110), respectively. One patient needed GA due to a poor tolerance. The mean perioperative VAS scores under LA and GA were 5.89 +/-2.95 and 2.06 +/- 2.67 (p < 0.0001), respectively. There were no intraoperative complications in either group. The procedure was painful for 16 (88.8%) patients from the LA group and 9 (50%) patients would not accept to undergo this intervention under LA again. CONCLUSION: Ureteral stent placement under LA in women can be performed safely and effectively. However, this procedure is painful and should be proposed only to selected cases

    Nuclear structure and reaction studies at SPIRAL

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    The SPIRAL facility at GANIL, operational since 2001, is described briefly. The diverse physics program using the re-accelerated (1.2 to 25 MeV/u) beams ranging from He to Kr and the instrumentation specially developed for their exploitation are presented. Results of these studies, using both direct and compound processes, addressing various questions related to the existence of exotic states of nuclear matter, evolution of new "magic numbers", tunnelling of exotic nuclei, neutron correlations, exotic pathways in astrophysical sites and characterization of the continuum are discussed. The future prospects for the facility and the path towards SPIRAL2, a next generation ISOL facility, are also briefly presented.Comment: 48 pages, 27 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC) and its impact on angiogenesis, progression and patient survival after radical nephrectomy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To examine the expression of type 1 plasminogen inhibitor (PAI-1) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC), and its possible association with microvessel density (MVD), the expression of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), nuclear grade, tumour stage, continuously coded tumour size (CCTS) and to assess the value of PAI as a prognostic marker in 162 patients with CCRCC treated with radical nephrectomy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 172 consecutive patients with CCRCC treated with radical nephrectomy were enrolled in the study. The expression of PAI-1, TSP-1 and factor VIII were analysed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues without knowledge of the clinical outcome. Ten cases, where PAI-1 immunohistochemistry was not possible due to technical problems and lack of material, were excluded. Sixty-nine patients (43%) died of RCC, while 47 patients (29%) died of other diseases. Median follow-up was 13.8 years for the surviving 46 patients (28%).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine percent of the tumours showed PAI-1 positivity. High expression of PAI-1 was significantly inversely correlated with TSP-1 (p = 0.046) and directly with advanced stage (p = 0.008), high NG (3+4) (p = 0.002), tumour size (p = 0.011), microvessel density (p = 0.049) and disease progression (p = 0.002). In univariate analysis PAI-1 was a significant prognosticator of cancer-specific survival (CSS) (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that TNM stage (p < 0.001), PAI-1 (p = 0.020), TSP-1 (p < 0.001) and MVD (p = 0.007) were independent predictors of CSS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PAI-1 was found to be an independently significant prognosticator of CSS and a promoter of tumour angiogenesis, aggressiveness and progression in CCRCC.</p

    A data mining approach for classifying DNA repair genes into ageing-related or non-ageing-related

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ageing of the worldwide population means there is a growing need for research on the biology of ageing. DNA damage is likely a key contributor to the ageing process and elucidating the role of different DNA repair systems in ageing is of great interest. In this paper we propose a data mining approach, based on classification methods (decision trees and Naive Bayes), for analysing data about human DNA repair genes. The goal is to build classification models that allow us to discriminate between ageing-related and non-ageing-related DNA repair genes, in order to better understand their different properties.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The main patterns discovered by the classification methods are as follows: (a) the number of protein-protein interactions was a predictor of DNA repair proteins being ageing-related; (b) the use of predictor attributes based on protein-protein interactions considerably increased predictive accuracy of attributes based on Gene Ontology (GO) annotations; (c) GO terms related to "response to stimulus" seem reasonably good predictors of ageing-relatedness for DNA repair genes; (d) interaction with the XRCC5 (Ku80) protein is a strong predictor of ageing-relatedness for DNA repair genes; and (e) DNA repair genes with a high expression in T lymphocytes are more likely to be ageing-related.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The above patterns are broadly integrated in an analysis discussing relations between Ku, the non-homologous end joining DNA repair pathway, ageing and lymphocyte development. These patterns and their analysis support non-homologous end joining double strand break repair as central to the ageing-relatedness of DNA repair genes. Our work also showcases the use of protein interaction partners to improve accuracy in data mining methods and our approach could be applied to other ageing-related pathways.</p

    Bio::Homology::InterologWalk - A Perl module to build putative protein-protein interaction networks through interolog mapping

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein-protein interaction (PPI) data are widely used to generate network models that aim to describe the relationships between proteins in biological systems. The fidelity and completeness of such networks is primarily limited by the paucity of protein interaction information and by the restriction of most of these data to just a few widely studied experimental organisms. In order to extend the utility of existing PPIs, computational methods can be used that exploit functional conservation between orthologous proteins across taxa to predict putative PPIs or 'interologs'. To date most interolog prediction efforts have been restricted to specific biological domains with fixed underlying data sources and there are no software tools available that provide a generalised framework for 'on-the-fly' interolog prediction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce <monospace>Bio::Homology::InterologWalk</monospace>, a Perl module to retrieve, prioritise and visualise putative protein-protein interactions through an orthology-walk method. The module uses orthology and experimental interaction data to generate putative PPIs and optionally collates meta-data into an Interaction Prioritisation Index that can be used to help prioritise interologs for further analysis. We show the application of our interolog prediction method to the genomic interactome of the fruit fly, <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>. We analyse the resulting interaction networks and show that the method proposes new interactome members and interactions that are candidates for future experimental investigation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our interolog prediction tool employs the Ensembl Perl API and PSICQUIC enabled protein interaction data sources to generate up to date interologs 'on-the-fly'. This represents a significant advance on previous methods for interolog prediction as it allows the use of the latest orthology and protein interaction data for all of the genomes in Ensembl. The module outputs simple text files, making it easy to customise the results by post-processing, allowing the putative PPI datasets to be easily integrated into existing analysis workflows. The <monospace>Bio::Homology::InterologWalk</monospace> module, sample scripts and full documentation are freely available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) under the GNU Public license.</p

    An in vivo screen identifies ependymoma oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes

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    Cancers are characterized by non-random chromosome copy number alterations that presumably contain oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs). The affected loci are often large, making it difficult to pinpoint which genes are driving the cancer. Here we report a cross-species in vivo screen of 84 candidate oncogenes and 39 candidate TSGs, located within 28 recurrent chromosomal alterations in ependymoma. Through a series of mouse models, we validate eight new ependymoma oncogenes and ten new ependymoma TSGs that converge on a small number of cell functions, including vesicle trafficking, DNA modification and cholesterol biosynthesis, identifying these as potential new therapeutic targets.We are grateful to F.B. Gertler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and S. Gupton (University of North Carolina) for the generous gift of the VAMP7-phlorin construct and the staffs of the Hartwell Center for Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, the Small Animal Imaging Center, the Animal Resources Center, the Cell and Tissue Imaging Center, and the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Shared Resource at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health (R01CA129541, P01CA96832 and P30CA021765, R.J.G.), by the Collaborative Ependymoma Research Network (CERN) and by the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC)
