538 research outputs found

    School Failure and Intergenerational “Human Capital” Transmission in Portugal

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    School Failure and Intergenerational Human Capital Transmission… ABSTRACT A new education reform is about to be passed into Law, in Portugal, the extension of compulsory education until the 12th grade being one of the main goals. Given huge value school failure indicators (e.g., illiteracy rates, drop-outs, retention rates) still exhibit for Portuguese education system, we keep large doubts on the effectiveness of such an aim. Moreover, education outcomes inertia between generations appears to be strong, in the light of some indirect indicators, although no recent specific research has been addressing such an issue. In this paper we therefore try to shed some light on the potential impact intergenerational school achievement would exert upon actual school failing and also control for possible endogeneity both with students' own previous trajectory indicators and school effect. For that purpose, we rely on 2003 data relative to Lisbon Metropolitan Area four schools as case studies (author abstract)School failure; father’s, mother’s education; students’ previous school trajectories; school effect; Portugal

    Exploring how tangible risks and animosity can affect the destination image and revisit intention of a tourist destination: a comparative study between Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro

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    This research explores how animosity and perceived risk influence the image of a destination, including its dimensions: cognitive, affective and conative images. Besides, it examines the relative influence that each component has directly and indirectly, via holistic image, on the intention to revisit a destination. Thereby, we incorporate two destinations with different levels of perceived risk: Lisbon, a destination with a low perceived risk, and Rio de Janeiro, a destination with a moderate perceived risk. Evidence from 203 responses about Lisbon and 201 regarding Rio de Janeiro suggest that for cities with a low animosity felt by tourists (Lisbon), animosity does not strongly influence destination images but for cities with a moderate animosity (Rio de Janeiro), it significantly influences affective and conative destination images. Moreover, for cities with a low perceived risk, the perceptions of risk significantly, and in a negative way, influence cognitive image, however it is not possible to support their influence in the affective and conative images. For cities with a moderate perceived risk, the perceptions of risk strongly and negatively influence all the components of destination image. Furthermore, the findings for both cities propose that cognitive image does not directly influence the intention to revisit but affective image directly influences tourists’ intention to take a repeat visit to both cities. In the case of Rio de Janeiro, conative image also directly impacts travelers’ intention to revisit the city. Additionally, for Rio de Janeiro, holistic image acts as a mediator between cognitive image and intention to revisit but for Lisbon, holistic image does not act as a mediator.Esta pesquisa explora como a animosidade e a perceção de risco influenciam a imagem de um destino, incluindo as suas dimensões: imagem cognitiva, afetiva e conativa. Além disso, examina a influência relativa que cada componente tem, direta e indiretamente, através da imagem holística, na intenção de revisitar um destino. Assim, incorporamos dois destinos com diferentes níveis de risco percebido: Lisboa, um destino com baixo risco percebido, e o Rio de Janeiro, um destino com um risco percebido moderado. Evidências de 203 respostas sobre Lisboa e 201 sobre o Rio de Janeiro sugerem que, para cidades com baixa animosidade sentida pelos turistas (Lisboa), a mesma não influencia fortemente as imagens de um destino, mas para cidades com animosidade moderada (Rio de Janeiro), esta influencia significativamente as imagens afetiva e conativa de um destino. Além disso, para cidades com baixo risco percebido, as percepções de risco influenciam de forma significativa e negativa a imagem cognitiva, porém não é possível sustentar a sua influência nas imagens afetiva e conativa. Para cidades com um risco percebido moderado, as percepções de risco influenciam forte e negativamente todos os componentes da imagem. Além disso, os resultados para ambas as cidades propõem que a imagem cognitiva não influencia diretamente a intenção de revisitar, mas a imagem afetiva influencia diretamente a intenção dos turistas de revisitar as duas cidades. No caso do Rio de Janeiro, a imagem conativa também afeta diretamente a intenção de revisitar a cidade. Adicionalmente, para o Rio de Janeiro, a imagem holística atua como mediador entre a imagem cognitiva e a intenção de revisitar, mas, para Lisboa, a imagem holística não atua como mediador

    A Science Teacher Education Course in a Science Centre: A Successful Strategy to Empower Teachers to Master Museum Resources Exploration?

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    The main objective of this study was to understand the impacts of a science teacher training course, designed and implemented in a science centre, in teachers’ exploitation of the opportunities inherent to science centres learning contexts, through the evaluation of its impact. Data were collected through direct observation of the tutorial sessions and the school-visits organized and implemented by seven teachers. An online questionnaire was administered to 38 participants in order to understand their perspectives of the course. The data were triangulated in order to make an evaluation of the course according to its effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and durability. Data showed that the development of a science teacher course by a science centre, proved to help teachers to capitalize on the opportunities these non-formal institutions offer to enrich and reinforce science school learning. Some improvements were suggested in order to achieve a greater effectiveness

    Podstawowe założenia Światowych Dni Młodych

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    The main principles of the World Youth Days were formed during the last three pontificates. The idea of this event was born from the pastoral care of John Paul II for the youth. He recognized that youth enthusiasm is simultaneously wonderful means for building unity among different cultures. He had also seen that this pastoral action had to be ecclesiastical, universal and youth has to be the main protagonist in it. Pope Benedict underlining Catholicism and universality emphasized the part of voluntarism, adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pope Francis emphasized brotherhood, celebration of faith and youth mission in our modern world. World Youth Days are therefore composite unity events but necessary in panorama of today life of the Church.Podstawowe założenia Światowych Dni Młodych formowały się na przestrzeni trzech ostatnich pontyfikatów. Idea tego wydarzenia zrodziła się z pasterskiej troski Jana Pawła II o młodych. Rozpoznał on, że entuzjazm młodych jest jednocześnie wspaniałym środkiem budującym jedność między różnymi kulturami. Widział też, że to działanie duszpasterskie musi być kościelne, uniwersalne i młodzież musi być w nim głównym protagonistą. Papież Benedykt, podkreślając katolickość i uniwersalność Światowych Dni Młodzieży, wyakcentował rolę wolontariatu, adoracji i sakramentu pojednania. Papież Franciszek podkreślił braterstwo, święto wiary i misję młodych we współczesnym świecie. ŚDM są zatem wydarzeniem bardzo kompleksowym, ale koniecznym w panoramie życia dzisiejszego Kościoła

    Additive Margin SincNet for Speaker Recognition

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    Speaker Recognition is a challenging task with essential applications such as authentication, automation, and security. The SincNet is a new deep learning based model which has produced promising results to tackle the mentioned task. To train deep learning systems, the loss function is essential to the network performance. The Softmax loss function is a widely used function in deep learning methods, but it is not the best choice for all kind of problems. For distance-based problems, one new Softmax based loss function called Additive Margin Softmax (AM-Softmax) is proving to be a better choice than the traditional Softmax. The AM-Softmax introduces a margin of separation between the classes that forces the samples from the same class to be closer to each other and also maximizes the distance between classes. In this paper, we propose a new approach for speaker recognition systems called AM-SincNet, which is based on the SincNet but uses an improved AM-Softmax layer. The proposed method is evaluated in the TIMIT dataset and obtained an improvement of approximately 40% in the Frame Error Rate compared to SincNet

    Promoting ICT use in Portuguese schools. A case of school-university collaboration

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    In this article we analyse a four-year period of collaboration between 36 k-12 schools and a higher education institution concerning ICT integration in the light of theoretical perspectives on educational change and innovation. The school and a team of experts of the University designed each integration project collaboratively, the school’s needs were identified and actions were implemented to train teachers on ICT use and to give support to the integration of technology in their practices. Identified factors for successful integration are discussed within the frame of school-university collaboration contributing for the design of future similar initiatives.In this article we analyse a four-year period of collaboration between 36 k-12 schools and a higher education institution concerning ICT integration in the light of theoretical perspectives on educational change and innovation. The school and a team of experts of the University designed each integration project collaboratively, the school’s needs were identified and actions were implemented to train teachers on ICT use and to give support to the integration of technology in their practices. Identified factors for successful integration are discussed within the frame of school-university collaboration contributing for the design of future similar initiatives

    Representações sociais e práticas de lazer de estudantes e professores de uma escola de educação integral do Rio de Janeiro

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2013.O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as Representações Sociais (RS) de educação integral e lazer na perspectiva de estudantes e professores, no contexto da educação integral, a fim de responder a seguinte questão norteadora: Como as RS de lazer e educação integral de estudantes e professores podem interferir na construção de práticas de lazer em escolas de educação integral? Participaram da pesquisa 64 estudantes e 19 professores do CIEP da comunidade do Borel do Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Utilizou-se instrumento de pesquisa para conhecer as RS dos participantes. Os resultados apontam que as RS de lazer dos alunos referem ao brincar em família e para os professores dizem respeito aos interesses artísticos e aos interesses sociais do lazer. A casa que é apontada em primeiro lugar pelos professores e em segundo lugar pelos alunos como o local onde mais praticam atividades de lazer. Para os alunos a escola é o principal ambiente de prática do lazer, sendo os interesses físico- esportivos os mais referidos e os artísticos em seguida. Os dados observados apontam que as práticas de lazer dos alunos na escola se aproximam das atividades de educação física e das artes. Quanto à educação integral, as RS dos professores apontam para preocupações com o currículo e com as práticas pedagógicas, o que é próprio da organização do trabalho na escola. Já os alunos ressaltam a ampliação do tempo para estudar na escola, o que refere maior preocupação com alteração do ritmo cotidiano. Percebe-se que as experiências de situações de aprendizagem devem permitir que aos estudantes construir relações entre conteúdos escolares e questões presentes em sua comunidade. Os dados apontam que para os professores a educação é circunscrita à escola e para os alunos esta deve fazer uma abertura para fora da escola. Tendo em vista que o Programa Mais Educação foi implantado desde 2008, entende-se que a noção de integralidade da educação deve abranger também o ensino médio e a universidade. Este trabalho nos levou a pensar na possibilidade de investigar e questionar a prática de lazer também em alunos e professores do ensino médio e do ensino superior. Do mesmo modo, pesquisas futuras poderão versar sobre a diversidade do lazer e a ocupação dos equipamentos e lugares públicos, o efeito da prática do lazer na saúde de professores e alunos, a inclusão das famílias nas práticas de lazer da escola – conteúdos de interesse para o aprimoramento de políticas de educação integral. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to investigate the Social Representations (SR) of comprehensive education and leisure at the perspective of students and teachers in the context of comprehensive education in order to answer the following question: How SR of leisure and comprehensive education of students and Teachers can interfere with the construction of leisure practices in comprehensive education schools? 64 students took part from research and 19 teachers from CIEP community of Borel‟s Rio de Janeiro-RJ. It was used research tool to know the participants‟ SR. The results point that the students‟ leisure of SR refer to the play in family and teachers relate to artistic interests and social interests of leisure. The house is appointed in first place by teachers and secondly by students as the place where more practice leisure activities. For students school is the main place to practicing leisure, being the physical-sporting interests the most mentioned and then the artistic. The observed data show that the leisure practices of students in school approach of physical education and the arts. As comprehensive education, teachers‟ SR point to concerns about the curriculum and teaching practices, which is characteristic of the organization of work in school. While students emphasize the extension of time to study in school, which relates more concerned with changing the daily rhythm. It is realized that the experiences of learning situations should allow students to build relationships between school subjects and issues present in their community. The data indicate that for teachers education is limited to school and for students it should make this an opening out of the school. Given that the More Education Program was established since 2008, it is understood that the notion of comprehensiveness in education should also cover high school and college. This work led us to think about the possibility to investigate and question the practice of leisure also on students and high school teachers and higher education. Similarly, future research may be about the diversity of leisure and occupation of public places and equipment, the effect of leisure practice in the health of teachers and students, the inclusion of families in the leisure practices of the school - content of interest to improvement of policies of comprehensive education

    A paz dos vagabundos

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    Coleção II Prêmio Ufes de Literatura. Categoria Romanc

    Craiova versus Craiova

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Jornalismo.Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso em videodocumentário retrata o conflito entre dois times da Romênia que lutam na justiça pela própria identidade: CS Universitatea Craiova (CSU Craiova) e FC Universitatea Craiova (FCU Craiova). Os clubes romenos de futebol disputam a história, os títulos, os ídolos e até mesmo a torcida daquele que foi um dos maiores clubes do país. Para contar esta história, o videodocumentário foi até Craiova, na Romênia, para entender esta divisão e mostra a história da fundação do Universitatea Craiova até a origem do conflito. A opinião entre jogadores, técnicos, dirigentes, jornalistas e torcedores que discutem sobre a legitimidade das duas agremiações. Além de mostrar as nuances emocionais e culturais do Universitatea, também traz uma perspectiva de futuro para o futebol de Craiova

    Promoting ICT use in Portuguese schools. A case of school-university collaboration

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    In this article we analyse a four-year period of collaboration between 36 k-12 schools and a higher education institution concerning ICT integration in the light of theoretical perspectives on educational change and innovation. The school and a team of experts of the University designed each integration project collaboratively, the school’s needs were identified and actions were implemented to train teachers on ICT use and to give support to the integration of technology in their practices. Identified factors for successful integration are discussed within the frame of school-university collaboration contributing for the design of future similar initiatives.In this article we analyse a four-year period of collaboration between 36 k-12 schools and a higher education institution concerning ICT integration in the light of theoretical perspectives on educational change and innovation. The school and a team of experts of the University designed each integration project collaboratively, the school’s needs were identified and actions were implemented to train teachers on ICT use and to give support to the integration of technology in their practices. Identified factors for successful integration are discussed within the frame of school-university collaboration contributing for the design of future similar initiatives