301 research outputs found

    An analysis of the X-ray emission from the supernova remnant 3C397

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    The ASCA SIS and the ROSAT PSPC spectral data of the SNR 3C397 are analysed with a two-component non-equilibrium ionization model. Besides, the ASCA SIS0 and SIS1 spectra are also fitted simultaneously in an equilibrium case. The resulting values of the hydrogen column density yield a distance of \sim8\kpc to 3C397. It is found that the hard X-ray emission, containing S and Fe Kα\alpha lines, arises primarily from the hot component, while most of the soft emission, composed mainly of Mg, Si, Fe L lines, and continuum, is produced by the cool component. The emission measures suggest that the remnant evolves in a cloudy medium and imply that the supernova progenitor might not be a massive early-type star. The cool component is approaching ionization equilibrium. The ages estimated from the ionization parameters and dynamics are all much greater than the previous determination. We restore the X-ray maps using the ASCA SIS data and compare them with the ROSAT HRI and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) 20 cm maps. The morphology with two bright concentrations suggests a bipolar remnant encountering a denser medium in the west.Comment: 20 pages, aasms4.sty, 3 figures To appear in ApJ (1999

    Soil communities: who responds and how quickly to a change in agricultural system?

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    The use of conservation and sustainable practices could restore the abundance and richness of soil organisms in agroecosystems. Fitting in this context, this study aimed to highlight whether and how different soil living communities reacted to the conversion from an integrated to an organic orchard. The metataxonomic approach for fungi and bacteria and the determination of biological forms of diatoms and microarthropods were applied. Soil analyses were carried out in order to evaluate the effect of soil chemical features on four major soil living communities. Our results showed that the different taxa reacted with different speeds to the management changes. Fungi responded quickly to the changes, suggesting that modification in agricultural practices had a greater impact on fungal communities. Bacteria and microarthropods were more affected by abiotic parameters and less by the management. The diatom composition seemed to be affected by seasonality but the highest H’ (Shannon index) value was measured in the organic system. Fungi, but also diatoms, seemed to be promising for monitoring changes in the soil since they were sensitive to both the soil features and the anthropic impact. Our study showed that soil biodiversity could be affected by the conversion to sustainable management practices from the early years of an orchard onwards. Therefore, better ecological orchard management may strengthen soil sustainability and resilience in historically agricultural region

    The IASI Water Deficit Index to Monitor Vegetation Stress and Early Drying in Summer Heatwaves: An Application to Southern Italy

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    The boreal hemisphere has been experiencing increasing extreme hot and dry conditions over the past few decades, consistent with anthropogenic climate change. The continental extension of this phenomenon calls for tools and techniques capable of monitoring the global to regional scales. In this context, satellite data can satisfy the need for global coverage. The main objective we have addressed in the present paper is the capability of infrared satellite observations to monitor the vegetation stress due to increasing drought and heatwaves in summer. We have designed and implemented a new water deficit index (wdi) that exploits satellite observations in the infrared to retrieve humidity, air temperature, and surface temperature simultaneously. These three parameters are combined to provide the water deficit index. The index has been developed based on the Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer or IASI, which covers the infrared spectral range 645 to 2760 cm−1 with a sampling of 0.25 cm−1. The index has been used to study the 2017 heatwave, which hit continental Europe from May to October. In particular, we have examined southern Italy, where Mediterranean forests suffer from climate change. We have computed the index’s time series and show that it can be used to indicate the atmospheric background conditions associated with meteorological drought. We have also found a good agreement with soil moisture, which suggests that the persistence of an anomalously high water deficit index was an essential driver of the rapid development and evolution of the exceptionally severe 2017 droughts

    Early phase of massive star formation: A case study of Infrared dark cloud G084.81-01.09

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    We mapped the MSX dark cloud G084.81-01.09 in the NH3 (1,1) - (4,4) lines and in the J = 1-0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and HCO+ in order to study the physical properties of infrared dark clouds, and to better understand the initial conditions for massive star formation. Six ammonia cores are identified with masses ranging from 60 to 250 M_sun, a kinetic temperature of 12 K, and a molecular hydrogen number density n(H2) ~ 10^5 cm^-3. In our high mass cores, the ammonia line width of 1 km/s is larger than those found in lower mass cores but narrower than the more evolved massive ones. We detected self-reversed profiles in HCO+ across the northern part of our cloud and velocity gradients in different molecules. These indicate an expanding motion in the outer layer and more complex motions of the clumps more inside our cloud. We also discuss the millimeter wave continuum from the dust. These properties indicate that our cloud is a potential site of massive star formation but is still in a very early evolutionary stage

    NGC 3576 and NGC 3603: Two Luminous Southern HII Regions Observed at High Resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

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    NGC 3576 (G291.28-0.71; l=291.3o, b=-0.7o) and NGC 3603 (G291.58-0.43; l=291.6o, b=-0.5o) are optically visible, luminous HII regions located at distances of 3.0 kpc and 6.1 kpc, respectively. We present 3.4 cm Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these two sources in the continuum and the H90a, He90a, C90a and H113b recombination lines with an angular resolution of 7" and a velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s. All four recombination lines are detected in the integrated profiles of the two sources. Broad radio recombination lines are detected in both NGC 3576 (DV_{FWHM}>= 50 km/s) and NGC 3603 (DV_{FWHM}>=70 km/s). In NGC 3576 a prominent N-S velocity gradient (~30 km/s/pc) is observed, and a clear temperature gradient (6000 K to 8000 K) is found from east to west, consistent with a known IR color gradient in the source. In NGC 3603, the H90a, He90a and the H113b lines are detected from 13 individual sources. The Y^+ (He/H) ratios in the two sources range from 0.08+/-0.04 to 0.26+/-0.10. We compare the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas at 3.4 cm with the distribution of stars, 10 micron emission and H_2O, OH, and CH_3OH maser emission. These comparisons suggest that both NGC 3576 and NGC 3603 have undergone sequential star formation.Comment: 24 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    Relevamiento de nubes de alta velocidad del hemisferio sur

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    Se presentan resultados preliminares de un relevamiento de nubes de hidrógeno neutro de alta velocidad del hemisferio sur comenzando a mediados de 1980. Este relevamiento se complementará con el que está realizando A.N.M. Hulsbosch en el hemisferio norte. Actualmente se completó una primera etapa de observaciones cubriendo una red de 2° x 2° entre el Polo Sur Celeste y la declinación δ = -15̣egre. Esto forma una red de 6000 puntos que fueron observados en dos frecuencias con 10 minutos de integración en cada una. El rango de velocidades cubierto es -630 ≤ Vₗₛᵣ ≤ 630 km/s con una resolución de 16 km/s. Los datos ya se encuentran reducidos y se están analizando los resultados.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Radio Recombination Lines toward the Galactic Center Lobe

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    The Galactic Center lobe is a degree-tall shell seen in radio continuum images of the Galactic center (GC) region. If it is actually located in the GC region, formation models would require massive energy input (e.g., starburst or jet) to create it. At present, observations have not strongly constrained the location or physical conditions of the GC lobe. This paper describes the analysis of new and archival single-dish observations of radio recombination lines toward this enigmatic object. The observations find that the ionized gas has a morphology similar to the radio continuum emission, suggesting that they are associated. We study averages of several transitions from H106alpha to H191epsilon and find that the line ratios are most consistent with gas in local thermodynamic equilibrium. The radio recombination line widths are remarkably narrow, constraining the typical electron temperature to be less than about 4000 K. These observations also find evidence of pressure broadening in the higher electronic states, implying a gas density of n_e=910^{+310}_{-450} cm^{-3}. The electron temperature, gas pressure, and morphology are all consistent with the idea that the GC lobe is located in the GC region. If so, the ionized gas appears to form a shell surrounding the central 100 parsecs of the galaxy with a mass of roughly 10^5 Msun, similar to ionized outflows seen in dwarf starbursts.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 17 pages, 9 figures, emulateapj styl