75 research outputs found

    Hybrid simulation of a structure to tsunami loading

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    A new hybrid simulation technique has been developed to assess the behavior of a structure under hydrodynamic loading. It integrates the computational fluid dynamics and structural hybrid simulation and couples the fluid loading and structure response at each simulation step. The conventional displacement-based and recently developed force-based hybrid simulation approaches are adopted in the structural analysis. The concept, procedure, and required components of the proposed hybrid simulation are introduced in this paper. The proposed hybrid simulation has been numerically and physically tested in case of a coastal building impacted by a tsunami wave. It is demonstrated that the force error in the displacement-based approach is significantly larger than that in the force-based approach. The force-based approach allows for a more realistic and reliable structural assessment under tsunami loading

    Application of dense offshore tsunami observations from Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauges (OBPGs) for tsunami research and early warnings

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    We introduce a new data source of dense deep-ocean tsunami records 7 from Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauges (OBPGs) which are attached to Ocean Bottom 8 Seismometers (OBS) and apply them for far-field and near-field tsunami warnings. 9 Tsunami observations from OBPGs are new sources of deep-ocean tsunami 10 observations which, for the first time, provide dense tsunami data with spacing 11 intervals in the range of 10–50 km. Such dense data are of importance for tsunami 12 research and warnings and are capable of providing new insights into tsunami 13 characteristics. Here, we present a standard procedure for the processing of the 14 OBPG data and extraction of tsunami signals out of these high-frequency data. 15 Then, the procedure is applied to two tsunamis of 15 July 2009 Mw 7.8 Dusky 16 Sound (offshore New Zealand) and 28 October 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii (offshore 17 Canada). We successfully extracted 30 and 57 OBPG data for the two aforesaid 18 tsunamis, respectively. Numerical modeling of tsunami was performed for both 19 tsunamis in order to compare the modeling results with observation and to use the 20 modeling results for the calibration of some of the OBPG data. We successfully 21 employed the OBPG data of the 2012 Haida Gwaii tsunami for tsunami forecast by 22 applying a data assimilation technique. Our results, including two case studies, 23 demonstrate the high potential of OBPG data for contribution to tsunami research 24 and warnings. The procedure developed in this study can be readily applied for the 2526 extraction of tsunami signals from OBPG data

    Piston-driven numerical wave tank based on WENO solver of well-balanced shallow water equations

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    A numerical wave tank equipped with a piston type wave-maker is presented for long-duration simulations of long waves in shallow water. Both wave maker and tank are modelled using the nonlinear shallow water equations, with motions of the numerical piston paddle accomplished via a linear mapping technique. Three approaches are used to increase computational efficiency and accuracy. First, the model satisfies the exact conservation property (C-property), a stepping stone towards properly balancing each term in the governing equation. Second, a high-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) method is used to reduce accumulation of truncation error. Third, a cut-off algorithm is implemented to handle contaminated digits arising from round-off error. If not treated, such errors could prevent a numerical scheme from satisfying the exact C-property in long-duration simulations. Extensive numerical tests are performed to examine the well-balanced property, high order accuracy, and shock-capturing ability of the present scheme. Correct implementation of the wave paddle generator is verified by comparing numerical predictions against analytical solutions of sinusoidal, solitary, and cnoidal waves. In all cases, the model gives satisfactory results for small-amplitude, low frequency waves. Error analysis is used to investigate model limitations and derive a user criterion for long wave generation by the model

    Insights on the source of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami, Indonesia based on spectral analyses and numerical simulations

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    The 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami has been a puzzle because extreme deadly tsunami waves were generated following an Mw 7.5 strike-slip earthquake, while such earthquakes are not usually considered to produce large tsunamis. Here, we obtained, processed and analyzed two sea level records of the tsunami in the near-field (Pantoloan located inside the Palu Bay) and far-field (Mamuju located outside the Palu Bay) and conducted numerical simulations to shed light on the tsunami source. The two tide gauges recorded maximum tsunami trough-to-crest heights of 380 and 24 cm, respectively, with respective dominating wave periods of 3.6-4.4 and 10 min, and respective high-energy wave duration of 5.5 and [14 h. The two observed waveforms were significantly different with wave amplitude and period ratios of *16 and *3, respectively. We infer tsunamigenic source dimen19 sions of 3.4–4.1 km and 32.5 km, for inside and outside of the Palu Bay, respectively. Our numerical simulations fairly well repro21 duced both tsunami observations in Pantoloan and Mamuju; except for the arrival time in Mamuju. However, it was incapable of reproducing the maximum reported coastal amplitudes of 6–11 m. It is possible that these two sources are different parts of the same tectonic source. A bay oscillation mode of *85 min was revealed for the Palu Bay through numerical modeling. Actual sea surface disturbances and landslide-generated waves were captured by two video recordings from inside the Palu Bay shortly after the earthquake. It is possible that a large submarine landslide contributed to and intensified the Sulawesi tsunami. We identify the southern part of the Palu Bay, around the latitude of -0.82o S, as the most likely location of a potential landslide based on our backward tsunami ray tracing analysis. However, marine geological data from the Palu Bay are required to confirm such hypothesis

    Coastal vulnerability assessment based on video wave run-up observations at a mesotidal, steep-sloped beach

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    Coastal imagery obtained from a coastal video monitoring station installed at Faro Beach, S. Portugal, was combined with topographic data from 40 surveys to generate a total of 456 timestack images. The timestack images were processed in an open-access, freely available graphical user interface (GUI) software, developed to extract and process time series of the cross-shore position of the swash extrema. The generated dataset of 2% wave run-up exceedence values R 2 was used to form empirical formulas, using as input typical hydrodynamic and coastal morphological parameters, generating a best-fit case RMS error of 0.39 m. The R 2 prediction capacity was improved when the shore-normal wind speed component and/or the tidal elevation η tide were included in the parameterizations, further reducing the RMS errors to 0.364 m. Introducing the tidal level appeared to allow a more accurate representation of the increased wave energy dissipation during low tides, while the negative trend between R 2 and the shore-normal wind speed component is probably related to the wind effect on wave breaking. The ratio of the infragravity-to-incident frequency energy contributions to the total swash spectra was in general lower than the ones reported in the literature E infra/E inci > 0.8, since low-frequency contributions at the steep, reflective Faro Beach become more significant mainly during storm conditions. An additional parameterization for the total run-up elevation was derived considering only 222 measurements for which η total,2 exceeded 2 m above MSL and the best-fit case resulted in RMS error of 0.41 m. The equation was applied to predict overwash along Faro Beach for four extreme storm scenarios and the predicted overwash beach sections, corresponded to a percentage of the total length ranging from 36% to 75%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation

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    Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different eruptive phenomena with the sea. Such tsunamis are a major hazard, but forward models of their impacts are limited by poor understanding of source mechanisms. The caldera-forming eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age is known to have been tsunamigenic, and caldera collapse has been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we present bathymetric and seismic evidence showing that the caldera was not open to the sea during the main phase of the eruption, but was flooded once the eruption had finished. Inflow of water and associated landsliding cut a deep, 2.0-2.5 km(3), submarine channel, thus filling the caldera in less than a couple of days. If, as at most such volcanoes, caldera collapse occurred syn-eruptively, then it cannot have generated tsunamis. Entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea, combined with slumping of submarine pyroclastic accumulations, were the main mechanisms of tsunami production

    Long wave runup on piecewise linear topographies

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    We study long-wave evolution and runup on piecewise linear one- and two-dimensional bathymetries analytically and experimentally with the objective of understanding certain coastal effects of tidal waves. We develop a general solution method for determining the amplification factor of different ocean topographies consisting of linearly varying and constant-depth segments to study how spectral distributions evolve over bathymetry, and apply our results to study the evolution of solitary waves. We find asymptotic results which suggest that solitary waves often interact with piecewise linear topographies in a counter-intuitive manner. We compare our analytical predictions with numerical results, with results from a new set of laboratory experiments from a physical model of Revere Beach, and also with the data on wave runup around an idealized conical island. We find good agreement between our theory and the laboratory results for the time histories of free-surface elevations and for the maximum runup heights. Our results suggest that, at least for simple piecewise linear topographies, analytical methods can be used to calculate effectively some important physical parameters in long-wave runup. Also, by underscoring the effects of the topographic slope at the shoreline, this analysis qualitatively suggests why sometimes predictions of field-applicable numerical models differ substantially from observations of tsunami runup

    Coastal Effects and Damage Due to the 3rd June, 1994 Java Tsunami

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    Physical Modeling of Extreme Waves Propagating from the Open Sea to the Coastal Zone

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    International audienceThe evolution of solitary wave along the flume is investigated. Experiments were conducted in a smooth, rectangular sloping flume. Solitary waves are generated using a piston-type wave maker. These type of waves are generated by impulsive mechanism, close to the generation zone, their profile contains both elevation and depression components. These depressions are attached to the main solitary wave along the flume during the propagation. The main hydraulic parameters investigated are: energy damping along the flat bottom, wave height evolution on the slope (shoaling), breaking process and runup heights. It was found that experimental results are almost in good agreement with earlier studies. An empirical formula for runup heights determination is suggested. A good way for tracking the evolution of a solitary wave on flat and sloping bottom is presented thanks to spatiotemporal diagram. It is noted that for better accuracy, especially when investigating breaking, it is better to use camera
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