513 research outputs found

    Overcharging: The Crucial Role of Excluded Volume

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    In this Letter we investigate the mechanism for overcharging of a single spherical colloid in the presence of aqueous salts within the framework of the primitive model by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations as well as integral-equation theory. We find that the occurrence and strength of overcharging strongly depends on the salt-ion size, and the available volume in the fluid. To understand the role of the excluded volume of the microions, we first consider an uncharged system. For a fixed bulk concentration we find that upon increasing the fluid particle size one strongly increases the local concentration nearby the colloidal surface and that the particles become laterally ordered. For a charged system the first surface layer is built up predominantly by strongly correlated counterions. We argue that this a key mechanism to produce overcharging with a low electrostatic coupling, and as a more practical consequence, to account for charge inversion with monovalent aqueous salt ions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figs (4 EPS files). To appear in Europhysics Letter

    The electrical double layer for a fully asymmetric electrolyte around a spherical colloid: an integral equation study

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    The hypernetted chain/mean spherical approximation (HNC/MSA) integral equation is obtained and solved numerically for a totally asymmetric primitive model electrolyte around a spherical macroparticle. The ensuing radial distribution functions show a very good agreement when compared to our Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations for spherical geometry and with respect to previous anisotropic reference HNC calculations in the planar limit. We report an analysis of the potential vs charge relationship, radial distribution functions, mean electrostatic potential and cumulative reduced charge for representative cases of 1:1 and 2:2 salts with a size asymmetry ratio of 2. Our results are collated with those of the Modified Gouy-Chapman (MGC) and unequal radius Modified Gouy-Chapman (URMGC) theories and with those of HNC/MSA in the restricted primitive model (RPM) to assess the importance of size asymmetry effects. One of the most striking characteristics found is that,\textit{contrary to the general belief}, away from the point of zero charge the properties of an asymmetric electrical double layer (EDL) are not those corresponding to a symmetric electrolyte with the size and charge of the counterion, i.e. \textit{counterions do not always dominate}. This behavior suggests the existence of a new phenomenology in the EDL that genuinely belongs to a more realistic size-asymmetric model where steric correlations are taken into account consistently. Such novel features can not be described by traditional mean field theories like MGC, URMGC or even by enhanced formalisms, like HNC/MSA, if they are based on the RPM.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Density-functional theory for attraction between like-charged plates

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    We study the interactions between two negatively charged macroscopic surfaces confining positive counterions. A density-functional approach is introduced which, besides the usual mean-field interactions, takes into account the correlations in the positions of counterions. The excess free energy is derived in the framework of the Debye-H{\"u}ckel theory of the one-component plasma, with the homogeneous density replaced by a weighted density. The minimization of the total free energy yields the density profile of the microions. The pressure is calculated and compared with the simulations and the results derived from integral equations theories. We find that the interaction between the two plates becomes attractive when their separation distance is sufficiently small and the surface charge density is larger than a threshold value.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses multicol.st

    Laser-driven plasma waves in capillary tubes

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    The excitation of plasma waves over a length of up to 8 centimeters is, for the first time, demon- strated using laser guiding of intense laser pulses through hydrogen filled glass capillary tubes. The plasma waves are diagnosed by spectral analysis of the transmitted laser radiation. The dependence of the spectral redshift, measured as a function of filling pressure, capillary tube length and incident laser energy, is in excellent agreement with simulation results. The longitudinal accelerating field inferred from the simulations is in the range 1 -10 GV/m

    High intensity X/ γ photon beams for nuclear physics and photonics

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    In this manuscript we review the challenges of Compton back-scattering sources in advancing photon beam performances in the1−20MeVenergy range, underlining the design criteria bringing tomaximum spectral luminosity and briefly describing the main achieve-ments in conceiving and developing new devices (multi-bunch RF cav-ities and Laser recirculators) for the case of ELI-NP Gamma BeamSystem (ELI-NP-GBS)

    DNA condensation and redissolution: Interaction between overcharged DNA molecules

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    The effective DNA-DNA interaction force is calculated by computer simulations with explicit tetravalent counterions and monovalent salt. For overcharged DNA molecules, the interaction force shows a double-minimum structure. The positions and depths of these minima are regulated by the counterion density in the bulk. Using two-dimensional lattice sum and free energy perturbation theories, the coexisting phases for DNA bundles are calculated. A DNA-condensation and redissolution transition and a stable mesocrystal with an intermediate lattice constant for high counterion concentration are obtained.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Study of electron acceleration and X-ray radiation as a function of plasma density in capillary-guided laser wakefield accelerators

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    Laser wakefield electron acceleration in the blow-out regime and the associated betatron X-rayradiation were investigated experimentally as a function of the plasma density in a configuration where the laser is guided. Dielectric capillary tubes were employed to assist the laser keeping self-focused over a long distance by collecting the laser energy around its central focal spot. With a 40 fs, 16 TW pulsed laser, electron bunches with tens of pC charge were measured to be accelerated to an energy up to 300 MeV, accompanied by X-ray emission with a peak brightness of the order of 10 21 ph/s/mm 2 / mrad 2 /0.1%BW. Electron trapping and acceleration were studied using the emitted X-ray beamdistribution to map the acceleration process; the number of betatron oscillations performed by theelectrons was inferred from the correlation between measured X-ray fluence and beam charge. A studyof the stability of electron and X-ray generation suggests that the fluctuation of X-ray emission can be reduced by stabilizing the beam charge. The experimental results are in good agreement with 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation.Fil: Ju, L.. Universite de Paris Xi; Francia;Fil: Svensson, K.. Lund University; SueciaFil: Ferrari, Hugo Emilio. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Area de Investigación y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia de Física (centro Atómico Bariloche); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Döpp, A.. Universite de Paris Xi; Francia;Fil: Cassou, K.. Universite de Paris Xi; Francia;Fil: Genoud, G.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Wojda, F.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Burza, M.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Persson, A.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Lundh, O.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Wahlström, C. G.. Lund University; Suecia;Fil: Cros, B.. Universite de Paris Xi; Francia

    On the non-abelian Brumer-Stark conjecture and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture

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    We show that for an odd prime p, the p-primary parts of refinements of the (imprimitive) non-abelian Brumer and Brumer-Stark conjectures are implied by the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture (EIMC) for totally real fields. Crucially, this result does not depend on the vanishing of the relevant Iwasawa mu-invariant. In combination with the authors' previous work on the EIMC, this leads to unconditional proofs of the non-abelian Brumer and Brumer-Stark conjectures in many new cases.Comment: 33 pages; to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift; v3 many minor updates including new title; v2 some cohomological arguments simplified; v1 is a revised version of the second half of arXiv:1408.4934v

    Delivery status of the ELI-NP gamma beam system

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    International audienceThe ELI-NP GBS is a high intensity and monochromatic gamma source under construction in Magurele (Romania). The design and construction of the Gamma Beam System complex as well as the integration of the technical plants and the commissioning of the overall facility, was awarded to the Eurogammas Consortium in March 2014. The delivery of the facility has been planned in for 4 stages and the first one was fulfilled in October 31st 2015. The engineering aspects related to the delivery stage 1 are presented

    Controlling the spectrum of x-rays generated in a laser-plasma accelerator by tailoring the laser wavefront

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    By tailoring the wavefront of the laser pulse used in a laser-wakefield accelerator, we show that the properties of the x-rays produced due to the electron beam's betatron oscillations in the plasma can be controlled. By creating a wavefront with coma, we find that the critical energy of the synchrotron-like x-ray spectrum can be significantly increased. The coma does not substantially change the energy of the electron beam, but does increase its divergence and produces an energy-dependent exit angle, indicating that changes in the x-ray spectrum are due to an increase in the electron beam's oscillation amplitude within the wakefield.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let