2,947 research outputs found

    Enhancing Cognitive Skills in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Game-Based Brain-Computer Interface Training

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that involves a series of behavioral aspects Individuals with ASD have atypical development in the areas of learning communication social interaction detection and handling of emotions motor coordination and concentration They may also have difficulty thinking flexibly and dealing with changes With the advancement of information and communication technologies an alternative used to assist in treating these children is the brain-computer interface BCI In this context this article aimed to create a mental game controlled via ICC that would enable the monitoring of brainwave behavior and promote an improvement in the cognitive performance of children with ASD To this end a mixed methods experimental study was carried out with a sample of 21 children aged 9 to 11 years The study was carried out in schools in the city of Fortaleza - Brazil The children in the Experimental Group EG were exposed to a game that involved memorizing images to develop and improve reasoning by creating relationships between the images and the sequence of arranged card

    Utilização da hipodermóclise em pessoas idosas no ambiente domiciliar: protocolo de revisão de escopo

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    The aim is to map and summarize scientific productions on the use of hypodermoclysis in elderly people in the home environment. The scoping review will be conducted under recommendations from the JBI Institute and Prisma-Scr. This scoping review will search for sources of evidence in full texts of primary studies and gray literature theses and dissertations, available in the main databases: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science Direct, and SciELO. As an exclusion criterion, review studies (secondary) or those that do not meet the PCC mnemonic combination will not be included: P Population – Health Caregivers; C Concept – Hypodermoclysis; C Context – Domiciled elderly person. In this review there will be no language restrictions, however, a time frame was established starting in 2009. The selection of studies will be made by two independent reviewers using the Endnote and Rayyan software, while a third will resolve differences between them. For extraction, analysis of evidence, and synthesis of knowledge, a structured data extraction tool developed by the JBI Institute and adapted by reviewers will be used to meet the objective and main question of the research. In the final scoping review, there will be a description of the research results and the process of including articles in the study.Objetiva-se mapear e sumarizar as produções científicas sobre o uso da hipodermóclise em pessoas idosas no ambiente domiciliar. A revisão de escopo será conduzida de acordo recomendações do Instituto JBI e Prisma-Scr. Esta revisão de escopo buscará fontes de evidência em textos completos de estudos primários e na literatura cinzenta teses e dissertações, disponíveis nas principais bases de dados: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science Direct e SciELO. Como critério de exclusão, não serão incluídos os estudos de revisão (secundários) ou que não atendam a combinação mnemônica PCC: P Population – Cuidadores de Saúde; C Concept – Hipodermóclise; C Context – Pessoa idosa domiciliada. Nessa revisão não haverá restrição de idioma, entretanto estabeleceu-se um recorte temporal a partir do ano de 2009. A seleção dos estudos será feita por dois revisores independentes utilizando os softwares Endnote e Rayyan, enquanto um terceiro resolverá divergências entre esses. Para extração, análise das evidências e síntese do conhecimento será utilizado uma ferramenta de extração de dados estruturada desenvolvido pelo Instituto JBI e adaptado pelos revisores para atender ao objetivo e questão principal da pesquisa. Na revisão de escopo final haverá descrição dos resultados da pesquisa e do processo de inclusão dos artigos no estudo

    Perfusão tecidual pode ser utilizada para predição de mortalidade em unidade de terapia intensiva?

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    Objective: To compare the accuracy of tissue perfusion indicators with APACHE II for predicting mortality in the first 24 hours of hospitalization in an intensive care unit (ICU) in southern Brazil. Methods: A prospective cohort study. The evaluated variables were: hospitalization diagnosis, age, gender, surgical or non-surgical cases, APACHE II, tissue perfusion index (PI), serum lactate, central venous oxygen saturation (SvcO2) and arterial-venous carbon dioxide difference (ΔPCO2) in the first 24 hours of hospitalization. Participants were followed-up until the ICU outcomes of discharge or death. Results: A total of 126 subjects with a mean age of 62.2 ± 16.8 years having the main cause of cardiovascular hospitalization (37.3%) participated in the study. The variables which were related to death were only the greater age (p = 0.015), non-surgical cases (p = 0.001), higher APACHE II score (p = 0.001) and longer hospitalization time (p = 0.004). The study developed a prognostic evaluation model using non-surgical cases and SvcO2 <65%, which was more accurate for predicting ICU mortality when compared to APACHE II (area under the ROC curve 0.727 (95% CI) 0.616-0.838 versus 0.802 (95% CI 0.701-0.904). Conclusion: The analyzed tissue perfusion indicators were not statistically significant as predictors of mortality in the first 24 hours when analyzed independently in the study. The APACHE II score showed to be a good form of prognostic evaluation for the patients, as well as the model proposed in the present study for mortality prediction, presenting a higher reliability index and area under the ROC curve when compared to the APACHE II score.Objetivo: Comparar a acurácia para predição de mortalidade dos indicadores de perfusão tecidual e APACHE II nas primeiras 24 horas de internação em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) do sul do Brasil. Métodos: coorte prospectiva. Foram avaliados o diagnóstico de internação, idade, sexo, casos cirúrgicos ou não-cirúrgicos, APACHE II, índice de perfusão tecidual (IP), lactato sérico, saturação venosa central de oxigênio (SvcO2) e a diferença venosa-arterial de dióxido de carbono (ΔPCO2) nas primeiras 24 horas de internação. Os participantes foram acompanhados até o desfecho na UTI: alta ou óbito. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 126 indivíduos com média de idade de 62,2±16,8 anos e principal causa de internação cardiovascular (37,3%). As variáveis que estiverem relacionadas ao óbito foram apenas a maior idade (p=0,015), casos não-cirúrgicos (p=0,001), maior pontuação no APACHE II (p=0,001) e maior tempo de internação (p=0,004). O estudo elaborou um modelo de avaliação prognóstica utilizando os casos não-cirúrgicos e a SvcO2<65% que, quando comparado com o APACHE II, se mostrou mais acurado para previsão de mortalidade em UTI (área sob a curva ROC 0,727 (IC 95% 0,616 – 0,838 versus 0,802 (IC 95% 0,701 – 0,904). Conclusão: Os indicadores de perfusão tecidual analisados não apresentaram relevância estatística como preditores de mortalidade nas primeiras 24 horas quando analisados de forma independente no estudo. O escore APACHE II apresentou-se como uma boa forma de avaliação prognostica para os pacientes, assim como o modelo proposto no presente estudo para previsão de mortalidade, que quando comparado ao escore APACHE II, apresentou um índice de confiabilidade e uma área sob a curva ROC mais elevada

    Enrichment of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria - anammox

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    Bactérias anaeróbias oxidadoras de amônia (bactérias Anammox, do inglês anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria) foram enriquecidas em reator em batelada sequencial (RBS), a partir de lodo proveniente de um sistema convencional de lodos ativados tratando esgoto doméstico de Belo Horizonte (MG). Após três meses de cultivo, atividade Anammox foi detectada no sistema pelo consumo de quantidades estequiométricas de NO2- e NH4+. Análises de hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH, do inglês fluorescent in situ hybridization) confirmaram a presença de bactérias Anammox, provavelmente Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans, e revelaram que estas representavam 53% do total de células (após 6 meses de cultivo). O desempenho do reator ao longo dos sete meses de operação demonstrou remoção quase que total de nitrito, baseada em concentração afluente de 61 a 95 mg N-NO2-/L. A eficiência máxima de remoção de amônia alcançada foi de 95%, a partir de concentração afluente de 55 a 82 mg N-NH4+/L.Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (Anammox) bacteria were enriched from sludge collected at a conventional activated sludge system treating domestic wastewater of Belo Horizonte(MG), Brazil, employing a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). After three months of cultivation, Anammox activity was detected in the system by the consumption of stoichiometric amounts of NO2- and NH4+. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) results revealed the presence of Anammox bacteria (probably Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans) and showed that they accounted for 53% of the total bacterial population (after 6 months of cultivation). The reactor performance during the seven months of operation showed a near perfect removal of nitrite, based on the influent NO2--N concentration of 61-95 mg/L. The maximum ammonia removal efficiency was 95% from the influent N-NH4+ concentration of 55-82 mg/L.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)(FAPEMIG) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas GeraisFine

    Measurement of β-glucan and other nutritional characteristics in distinct strains of Agaricus subrufescens mushrooms

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    β-Glucan is a polysaccharide with anticancer properties, and it is present in the mushroom Agaricus subrufescens. The aim of this study was to compare two analytical methods to quantify β-glucan in mushrooms and analyze the nutritional characteristics, the concentration of phenolic compounds and the mineral composition, for A. subrufescens strains. An enzymatic extraction was performed, and β-glucan was quantified by spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). No significant differences were found between the two methods of quantification of β-glucan. The CS7 and CS10 strains were found to have greater amounts of β-glucan, similar to the levels found in Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus-sajor-caju. Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes samples contained even higher amounts of β-glucan. Significant differences were found in the nutritional characteristics for all parameters assessed, except for fat content. There was no difference between the strains with regard to phenolic compounds or certain mineral components. Fresh A. subrufescens mushrooms are not considered to be a high-protein food. However, they are a good source of fiber and minerals, in addition to being low in fat. Spectrophotometry presents the advantages of being quicker and lower in cost; this technique may be suggested as the standard for measurement of the β-glucan.Keywords: β-Glucan, medicinal mushroom, royal sun mushroom, almond portobello

    Semiclassical thermodynamics of scalar fields

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    We present a systematic semiclassical procedure to compute the partition function for scalar field theories at finite temperature. The central objects in our scheme are the solutions of the classical equations of motion in imaginary time, with spatially independent boundary conditions. Field fluctuations -- both field deviations around these classical solutions, and fluctuations of the boundary value of the fields -- are resummed in a Gaussian approximation. In our final expression for the partition function, this resummation is reduced to solving certain ordinary differential equations. Moreover, we show that it is renormalizable with the usual 1-loop counterterms.Comment: 24 pages, 5 postscript figure

    A Formação de Redes como Alternativa para o Desenvolvimento Regional

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    The formation of networks between companies, government, financial and educational institutions as an organizational framework, beyond society in general, contribute to regional development. The target of this research was to analyze this network structure, as an alternative of regional development and the relations the actors involved in the process establishes with society in general. The cities comprised by the Regional Development Agency (ADR) of Quilombo – Santa Catarina are object of this study. In documentary analysis and interviews it was possible to realize that the Quilombo ADR has a relevant role in obtaining and directing the needs of cities that ADR is composed of acting as a link between town council and the state government. However, the interactions between government, companies or business entities, educational and financial institutions still needs to be improved. On the other hand, entrepreneurs and associations actively try to obtain alternatives for business competitiveness and consequently the development of the region. The Santa Catarina State Government Program – “Crescendo Juntos” –, is contributing to the participation of all actors in the process of the formation of regional networks, being the State stimulating actor, besides helping, mainly, with the educational and financial institutions

    Plinia trunciflora extract administration prevents HI-induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response, behavioral impairments, and tissue damage in rats

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    The disruption of redox homeostasis and neuroinflammation are key mechanisms in the pathogenesis of brain hypoxia–ischemia (HI); medicinal plants have been studied as a therapeutic strategy, generally associated with the prevention of oxidative stress and inflammatory response. This study evaluates the neuroprotective role of the Plinia trunciflora fruit extract (PTE) in neonatal rats submitted to experimental HI. The HI insult provoked a marked increase in the lipoperoxidation levels and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, accompanied by a decrease in the brain concentration of glutathione (GSH). Interestingly, PTE was able to prevent most of the HI-induced pro-oxidant effects. It was also observed that HI increased the levels of interleukin-1β in the hippocampus, and that PTE-treatment prevented this effect. Furthermore, PTE was able to prevent neuronal loss and astrocyte reactivity induced by HI, as demonstrated by NeuN and GFAP staining, respectively. PTE also attenuated the anxiety-like behavior and prevented the spatial memory impairment caused by HI. Finally, PTE prevented neural tissue loss in the brain hemisphere, the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and the striatum ipsilateral to the HI. Taken together our results provide good evidence that the PTE extract has the potential to be investigated as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of brain insult caused by neonatal hypoxia–ischemia

    Diagnóstico e tratamento do fibroma traumático em Mucosa Jugal: relato de caso clínico

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    O fibroma traumático é um processo proliferativo não-neoplásico reativo do tecido conjuntivo fibroso local. A região mais acometida é a mucosa jugal, labial ou língua, embora possa ocorrer em qualquer região da boca. Dentre as causas, pode-se relacionar, principalmente, à situações traumáticas locais. A lesão caracteriza-se por coloração semelhante à mucosa adjacente, formato arredondado, de tamanho aproximado a 1,5 centímetros, sem sintomatologia dolorosa - a menos que a superfície esteja ulcerada. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um caso de fibroma traumático em mulher, de 49 anos, bem como discorrer a respeito do diagnóstico e tratamento proposto. A queixa relatada pela paciente foi um aumento de volume na região da bochecha, com tempo de evolução de 1 ano. A paciente fazia uso de prótese parcial removível desadaptada e hábito de “sugar” a região da mucosa adjacente à desadaptação da prótese. O tratamento proposto foi biópsia excisional e envio para análise anatomopatológica. Apesar de ser assintomática, a mastigação era prejudicada e a lesão sofria mais traumas, destacando a importância de uma efetiva resolução clínica para diagnóstico, tratamento, interrupção do agente etiológico, melhora na qualidade do aspecto oral e ausência de recidivas