88 research outputs found

    Biomechanics parameters in teenage cyclist – SUV accident and comparison with the pedestrian

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    The study of the injury caused by the vehicle-teenage cyclist crash is presented in this paper. The vehicle is a SUV, with high frontal part, in order to compare the results with those obtained previously in the sedan- teenage cyclist crash and begin a study of the influence of the frontal shape of the vehicle. No variation is executed on the model of the teenage cyclist and the bike. Three different positions are analyzed: front, rear and lateral position. The injury on the cyclist head is examined by HIC criterion, in the way indicated in the rules. Correlation HIC – AIS is used to calculate the lethality of the injuries. The principal conclusion is done that the injury of the head is more dangerous for the SUV impact than the sedan, but only at the maximum speed (50 km/h). The injury to the chest is analyzed by 3 ms criterion; the injury is greater for the SUV impact than the sedan, but the entity is strongly dependent on the cyclist position. A comparison is executed with both the teenage and adult pedestrian concluding that the pedestrian is subjected to greater injury, because the bike absorbs a part of the energy in the front and side crash. The more dangerous injury is the telescoping. A further comparison show that the shape of the bonnet and the height of the frontal part have to be studied in an accurate way to reduce the injury to pedestrians and cyclists

    Sequent depth ratio of B jumps on smooth and rough beds

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    A hydraulic B-jump has the toe section located on a positively sloping upstream channel and the roller end on a downstream horizontal channel. This paper analyses the B-jump on a rough bed, such as at the transition from a block ramp to the stilling basin. Laboratory measurements of the sequent depth were carried out using three different channel slopes for the rough bed and a single slope for the smooth bed. A solution useful for estimating the sequent depth ratio in a rectangular channel for different relative roughness and bed slope is proposed and positively tested by the present measurements. This solution can also be used to estimate the sequent depth ratio of classical hydraulic jumps or B-jumps on smooth and rough beds

    Sequent depth ratio of B-jumps on smooth and rough beds

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    A hydraulic B-jump has the toe section located on a positively sloping upstream channel and the roller end on a downstream horizontal channel. This paper analyses the B-jump on a rough bed, such as at the transition from a block ramp to the stilling basin. Laboratory measurements of the sequent depth were carried out using three different channel slopes for the rough bed and a single slope for the smooth bed. A solution useful for estimating the sequent depth ratio in a rectangular channel for different relative roughness and bed slope is proposed and positively tested by the present measurements. This solution can also be used to estimate the sequent depth ratio of classical hydraulic jumps or B-jumps on smooth and rough beds

    Head Injury Criterion: mini review

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    Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is the most important parameter in terms of human survival; it is indicative of brain injuries due to the impact of the head in numerous cases, with a vehicle. This index can be estimated by integrating the resulting acceleration of the head (measured in its gravity center) in a time windo

    Imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (LT) provides the highest survival benefit to patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The Milan criteria have been developed for the selection of LT candidates with the goal of improving survival and maintaining an acceptable risk of HCC recurrence. Despite this, recurrence of HCC after LT occurs in up to 20% of cases and represents a major concern due to the poor prognosis of these patients. Furthermore, several extended criteria for the selection of LT candidates have been proposed to account for the growing demand for organs and the resultant increase in the risk of HCC recurrence. Radiologists should be aware that HCC can recur after LT with multiple organ involvement. Knowledge of the location and radiologic appearance of recurrent HCC is necessary to ensure the choice of the most appropriate therapy. This paper aims to comprehensively summarize the spectrum of HCC recurrence after LT and to examine and discuss the imaging features of these lesions. CRITICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT: This paper aims to share a review of imaging findings of HCC recurrence after LT and to make radiologists familiar with the spectrum of this disease

    The zCOSMOS 10k-Bright Spectroscopic Sample

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    We present spectroscopic redshifts of a large sample of galaxies with I_(AB) < 22.5 in the COSMOS field, measured from spectra of 10,644 objects that have been obtained in the first two years of observations in the zCOSMOS-bright redshift survey. These include a statistically complete subset of 10,109 objects. The average accuracy of individual redshifts is 110 km s^(–1), independent of redshift. The reliability of individual redshifts is described by a Confidence Class that has been empirically calibrated through repeat spectroscopic observations of over 600 galaxies. There is very good agreement between spectroscopic and photometric redshifts for the most secure Confidence Classes. For the less secure Confidence Classes, there is a good correspondence between the fraction of objects with a consistent photometric redshift and the spectroscopic repeatability, suggesting that the photometric redshifts can be used to indicate which of the less secure spectroscopic redshifts are likely right and which are probably wrong, and to give an indication of the nature of objects for which we failed to determine a redshift. Using this approach, we can construct a spectroscopic sample that is 99% reliable and which is 88% complete in the sample as a whole, and 95% complete in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.8. The luminosity and mass completeness levels of the zCOSMOS-bright sample of galaxies is also discussed

    Mass and environment as drivers of galaxy evolution in SDSS and zCOSMOS and the origin of the Schechter function

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    We explore the inter-relationships between mass, star-formation rate and environment in the SDSS, zCOSMOS and other surveys. The differential effects of mass and environment are completely separable to z ~ 1, indicating that two distinct processes are operating, "mass-quenching" and "environment-quenching". Environment-quenching, at fixed over-density, evidently does not change with epoch to z ~ 1, suggesting that it occurs as large-scale structure develops in the Universe. The observed constancy of the mass-function shape for star-forming galaxies, demands that the mass-quenching of galaxies around and above M*, must be proportional to their star-formation rates at all z < 2. We postulate that this simple mass-quenching law also holds over a much broader range of stellar mass and epoch. These two simple quenching processes, plus some additional quenching due to merging, then naturally produce (a) a quasi-static Schechter mass function for star-forming galaxies with a value of M* that is set by the proportionality between the star-formation and mass-quenching rates, (b) a double Schechter function for passive galaxies with two components: the dominant one is produced by mass-quenching and has exactly the same M* as the star-forming galaxies but an alpha shallower by +1, while the other is produced by environment effects and has the same M* and alpha as the star-forming galaxies, and is larger in high density environments. Subsequent merging of quenched galaxies modifies these predictions somewhat in the denser environments, slightly increasing M* and making alpha more negative. All of these detailed quantitative relationships between the Schechter parameters are indeed seen in the SDSS, lending strong support to our simple empirically-based model. The model naturally produces for passive galaxies the "anti-hierarchical" run of mean ages and alpha-element abundances with mass.Comment: 66 pages, 19 figures, 1 movie, accepted for publication in ApJ. The movie is also available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/zCOSMOS/MF_simulation_d1_d4.mo

    The Chandra COSMOS Survey, I: Overview and Point Source Catalog

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    The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra} program that has imaged the central 0.5 sq.deg of the COSMOS field (centered at 10h, +02deg) with an effective exposure of ~160ksec, and an outer 0.4sq.deg. area with an effective exposure of ~80ksec. The limiting source detection depths are 1.9e-16 erg cm(-2) s(-1) in the Soft (0.5-2 keV) band, 7.3e(-16) erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the Hard (2-10 keV) band, and 5.7e(-16) erg cm(-2) s(-1) in the Full (0.5-10 keV) band. Here we describe the strategy, design and execution of the C-COSMOS survey, and present the catalog of 1761 point sources detected at a probability of being spurious of <2e(-5) (1655 in the Full, 1340 in the Soft, and 1017 in the Hard bands). By using a grid of 36 heavily (~50%) overlapping pointing positions with the ACIS-I imager, a remarkably uniform (to 12%) exposure across the inner 0.5 sq.deg field was obtained, leading to a sharply defined lower flux limit. The widely different PSFs obtained in each exposure at each point in the field required a novel source detection method, because of the overlapping tiling strategy, which is described in a companion paper. (Puccetti et al. Paper II). This method produced reliable sources down to a 7-12 counts, as verified by the resulting logN-logS curve, with sub-arcsecond positions, enabling optical and infrared identifications of virtually all sources, as reported in a second companion paper (Civano et al. Paper III). The full catalog is described here in detail, and is available on-line.Comment: Revised to omit egregious bold facing and fix missing ',' in author lis
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