823 research outputs found

    Parents as Critical Influence: Insights from Five Different Studies

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    Parents play a number of roles in engineering education: they can motivate children’s interest in engineering in early childhood, as well as later when their child is in the process of selecting a major at college, they can provide support in learning engineering concepts and thinking skills, and can serve as role models if they themselves are engineers. Several empirical studies have shown that parents play a significant role in the occupational aspiration and career goal development of their children. In addition,parents’ own beliefs and aspirations have been found to be important factors in children’s career and academic aspirations. In recent reviews regarding children’s career development, parents were highlighted as crucial and important figures in developing occupational awareness in their children. Additionally children have more understanding of the parents’ occupations than other occupations. Retrospective studies have also revealed that parents are a significant motivator, especially for low socio-economic students to enter into engineering. Finally, parents can provide scaffolding and other support as children learn engineering concepts and skills.Using multi-case analysis, this paper will examine the role of parents in engineering education through five distinct studies. The first study, GRADIENT, looks at how parents engage in an engineering activity with girls aged 3-11 within two different informal settings and how parent gender has an impact on their interactions. The Informal Pathways to Engineering (IPE) project investigates how informal engineering programs support engineering-related learning over time with middle school students and their support system of parents, teachers and other informal educators. The INFUSE study looks at conversations between engineering parents and their children while reading an engineering storybook. A fourth study examines how intersectionality influenced the experiences of nine female students in high school engineering where the interview data from the students and their parents reveal that institutions of race, class, and gender within their families play a significant role in these young women\u27s interest in and entry into engineering. The last study investigates the different ways that parents with an engineering background help their children to learn about engineering via interviews with the parents.The collection of these five studies provides unique insights into and a more comprehensive understanding of the ways that parents can and do play roles in PreK-12th grade students’ engineering education

    Equidistribution Rates, Closed String Amplitudes, and the Riemann Hypothesis

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    We study asymptotic relations connecting unipotent averages of Sp(2g,Z)Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z}) automorphic forms to their integrals over the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. We obtain reformulations of the Riemann hypothesis as a class of problems concerning the computation of the equidistribution convergence rate in those asymptotic relations. We discuss applications of our results to closed string amplitudes. Remarkably, the Riemann hypothesis can be rephrased in terms of ultraviolet relations occurring in perturbative closed string theory.Comment: 15 page


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    Background: Gli studi che hanno valutato le abitudini alimentari dei bambini e adolescenti con diabete, hanno riportato una percentuale di assunzione di carboidrati piĂč bassa di quella minima raccomandata spesso associata ad un maggiore consumo di grassi e ad una ridotta assunzione di fibre . Alcuni studi che hanno valutato il rapporto tra composizione della dieta e controllo glicometabolico in soggetti con diabete tipo 1, hanno evidenziato che una dieta ricca di grassi e povera di fibre Ăš associata ad un peggior controllo glicometabolico. Obiettivo: Valutare in adolescenti affetti da diabete mellito tipo 1, con diverso grado di controllo metabolico, la frequenza di consumo settimanale dei vari gruppi di alimenti e l’eventuale correlazione di questa con i valori di emoglobina glicosilata ( HbA1c). Metodo: In 43 soggetti (M/F :22/21; etĂ  11-14 anni) suddivisi in due gruppi in rapporto al valore mediano di HbA1c ( 8,45%), sono stati raccolti i dati relativi ai consumi alimentari degli ultimi tre mesi attraverso un questionario di frequenza di consumo ed Ăš stata considerata la frequenza di scelte alimentari settimanali per gruppo di alimenti. Risultati I soggetti con miglior controllo glicometabolico (HbA1c< 8,45%) presentavano una maggiore frequenza di consumo settimanale dei seguenti gruppi di alimenti: frutta( p<0,0001) , ortaggi (p=0,017) e legumi ( p=0,03). I soggetti con peggior controllo glicometabolico ( HbA1c > 8,45%) consumavano con maggiore frequenza alimenti appartenenti al gruppo di salumi (p=0,007), formaggi (p=0,02) e dolci /bevande zuccherate (p=0,0065). I valori di HbA1c erano inversamente correlati alla frequenza di consumo settimanale di frutta ((r – 0,65 p< 0,0001) e a quello di ortaggi( r – 0,32 p < 0,017) e direttamente correlati alla frequenza settimanale di consumo di alimenti appartenenti ai gruppi di salumi ( r 0,37 p< 0,007). Conclusioni: Il controllo glicometabolico in adolescenti con diabete tipo 1 Ăš influenzato dalla frequenza di consumo settimanale di alimenti ricchi di fibre e di grassi animali. I principi di una san

    Alpha-particle clustering in excited expanding self-conjugate nuclei

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca + 12C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce alpha-emission sources. From a careful selection of these sources provided by a complete detection and from comparisons with models of sequential and simultaneous decays, strong indications in favour of α\alpha-particle clustering in excited 16O, 20Ne and 24}Mg are reported.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (NN2015), 21-26 June 2015, Catania, Ital

    Noncommutative Symmetries and Gravity

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    Spacetime geometry is twisted (deformed) into noncommutative spacetime geometry, where functions and tensors are now star-multiplied. Consistently, spacetime diffeomorhisms are twisted into noncommutative diffeomorphisms. Their deformed Lie algebra structure and that of infinitesimal Poincare' transformations is defined and explicitly constructed. This allows to construct a noncommutative theory of gravity.Comment: 26 pages. Lectures given at the workshop `Noncommutative Geometry in Field and String Theories', Corfu Summer Institute on EPP, September 2005, Corfu, Greece. Version 2: Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant MERG-CT-2004-006374 acknowledge

    Production of α\alpha-particle condensate states in heavy-ion collisions

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca^{40}Ca + 12C^{12}C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce excited states candidates to α\alpha-particle condensation. The experiment was performed at LNS-Catania using the CHIMERA multidetector. Accepting the emission simultaneity and equality among the α\alpha-particle kinetic energies as experimental criteria for deciding in favor of the condensate nature of an excited state, we analyze the 02+0_2^+ and 22+2_2^+ states of 12^{12}C and the 06+0_6^+ state of 16^{16}O. A sub-class of events corresponding to the direct 3-α\alpha decay of the Hoyle state is isolated.Comment: contribution to the 2nd Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP2), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), May 25-28, 2010, to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Freeze-out configuration properties in the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV

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    Data from the experiment on the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV are analyzed with an aim to find signatures of exotic nuclear configurations such as toroid-shaped objects. The experimental data are compared with predictions of the ETNA code dedicated to look for such configurations and with the QMD model. A novel criterion of selecting events possibly resulting from the formation of exotic freeze-out configurations, "the efficiency factor", is tested. Comparison between experimental data and model predictions may indicate for the formation of flat/toroidal nuclear systems
