119 research outputs found

    Deep Gorgonians and Corals of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Recent studies, carried out by means of innovative technological tools as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), have highlighted the richness of the Mediterranean deep‐sea environments, characterized by great diversity and abundance of organisms. In particular, corals, gorgonians, and sponges play the important ecological role of ecosystem engineers in deep marine environments, creating complex three‐dimensional habitats enhancing high biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at every level. Coral forests and bathyal white coral communities, starting from depths of 50–70 m and below 300 m, respectively, represent the richest ecosystems known so far for the Mediterranean basin. The different assemblages show a strong heterogeneity, varying in terms of specific composition, abundance, size of colonies, and associated fauna, even on a small spatial scale. Unfortunately, the high commercial fishing effort of trawling and longline fleets mainly operating along this bathymetric range represents a major threat for these vulnerable marine ecosystems, particularly in consideration of their structuring organisms which are long‐lived species with slow growth rates and recovery ability. Further knowledge on deep coral assemblages is urgently needed to implement effective management and proper conservation measures. This approach is now an international priority that proceeds together with the inclusion of the structuring species in numerous directives

    Nedavni zapisi napada igluna na ribarske brodice u vodama oko Sicilije (Sredozemno more)

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    Recent cases of swordfish attacks on harpoon fishing vessels of the Sicilian fleet were examined and the particular behavior adopted by this fish during the approach to fishermen was described. The information was collected in the period between 1999 and 2014 in Sicilian waters (Mediterranean Sea) through interviews with harpoon fishermen and through direct observations during research activities. Additional cases of the attacks from the previous years are also reported. Overall, 29 cases of swordfish aggressive behavior against fishing boats were documented. Swordfish usually attacked when provoked or when wanted to defend its mate and in several cases, it tried to pierce the boat by the bill. Some attacks culminated with a damage to the target, whereas no injuries to humans were recorded.Razmatrani su nedavni napadi igluna na ribarske brodice iz sicilijanske flote te je opisan poseban obrazac ponašanja koji su ove ribe imale kada su se približavale ribarima. Informacije su prikupljane u razdoblju između 1999. i 2014. u vodama oko Sicilije (Sredozemno more) kroz razgovore s ribarima koji love harpunima i kroz izravna promatranja tijekom istraživanja. Također smo izvijestili i o drugim slučajevima napada koji su se dogodili prijašnjih godina. Sveukupno je zabilježeno 29 slučajeva agresivnog ponašanja igluna naspram ribarskih plovila. Igluni su uglavnom napadali kada bi ih se izazvalo ili kad bi htjeli obraniti svog para, te su, u nekoliko slučajeva pokušali probosti brod sabljom. Neki su napadi završili materijalnom štetom na meti dok ozljeđivanja ljudi nisu zabilježena

    Spiculosiphon oceana (foraminifera) and its affinity to intermediate stress conditions in the Panarea hydrothermal complex (Mediterranean Sea)

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    Spiculosiphon oceana Maldonado, L\uf3pez-Acosta, Sitj\ue0, Aguilar, Garc\ueda & Vacelet, 2013 is a Mediterranean endemic giant stalked foraminifer described as a potential bio-indicator of acidic environments, thanks to its ability to cope with stressful chemical conditions. Here, we present the first record and the first video images of living specimens of this giant foraminifera in the Panarea Volcanic Complex (PVC; southern Tyrrhenian Sea), representing the third discovery worldwide. Specimens of S. oceana were identified through microscopic and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) image analyses, in two different areas characterised by water column physico-chemical parameters typical of the non-vented areas, but with some evidence of hydrothermal alteration. This new finding enhances knowledge on the ecology of S. oceana, enlarges its known spatial distribution, and corroborates its affinity to intermediate stress conditions related to hydrothermal activity

    The demersal fish assemblages of the infra and circalittoral coastal rocky bottoms of the Aeolian Archipelago (Central Mediterranean Sea) studied by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

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    Demersal fish assemblages on the rocky bottoms of the Aeolian Archipelago were investigated using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) within the framework of research activities aimed at drawing up the zoning proposal for a new Italian national marine protected area. Visual assessments were conducted around the seven main islands by means of 36 ROV transects. The video material was divided into 3 parts belonging to 3 Archipelago sectors (Western, Central and Eastern) and into 3 depth ranges (20-50, 51-120, 121-190). Thirty taxa of teleosts (29 species and 1 genus) belonging to 16 families were recorded. The assemblages werenumerically dominated by some schooling fishes, such as Anthias anthias, Callanthias ruber and Chromis chromis that exhibited adepth-related partitioning of space, and three non-gregarious species, namely Serranus cabrilla, Coris julis and Lappanella fasciata.In terms of species composition, the assemblages observed in the sectors of the Archipelago largely overlapped. No significant sector-related differences were detected in fish species richness, diversity and total density. Species composition and the investigated assemblage parameters were significantly affected by depth. The pattern of variation in species richness among depth rangesdiffered from one archipelago sector to another. No significant interaction between the depth range and sector factors was observed in terms of species diversity and total density. Diversity values at 20-50 and 121-190 m depth were similar and significantly higher than at 51-120 m depth. Fish total density showed a clear downward trend with increasing depth, although significant differences were detected between the 20-50 and 51-120 depth layers and the deepest one. Overall, the demersal fish assemblage of the Aeolian Archipelago was poorly diversified and depleted, most likely due to overfishing. This information highlights the importanceof adopting specific measures aimed at the recovery of overexploited resources and the restoration of entire marine ecosystems

    Distribución estival y abundancia de la gran manta raya (Mobula mobular) en el mar Adriático: datos de base para un marco de gestión iterativo

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    The giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) is a poorly understood protected endemic species of the eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean region. However, to date there are no range-wide management actions in place. This paper provides the first overview of the summer distribution and abundance of this species and other Myliobatiformes within the Adriatic Sea based on an aerial survey. Although the survey´s primary targets were cetaceans and sea turtles, the study showed that it was possible to use the survey to monitor other species. Abundance estimates are derived using conventional distance sampling analysis. Giant devil rays were observed mainly in the central-southern Adriatic (88% of total sightings). A total of 1595 giant devil rays were estimated in the central-southern Adriatic Sea [coefficient of variation(CV)=25%, uncorrected estimate for perception and availability bias]. When corrected for availability bias the number of specimens was estimated at 3255 (CV=56%). Population growth rate was estimated using life history traits and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the benefit of improving biological knowledge on this data-poor species. A power analysis showed that a long-term commitment to an aerial survey would be necessary to monitor population trends. Conservation implications and future work, including how the study could be used to conduct an ecological risk assessment are discussed.La manta raya gigante (Mobula mobular) es una especie endémica protegida poco conocida de la región del Atlántico oriental-Mediterráneo. Sin embargo hasta la fecha no hay acciones de gestión que cubran todo su rango. Este artículo proporciona la primera visión de conjunto de la distribución y abundancia estival de esta especie y otras Myliobatiformes en el mar Adriático basada en un censo aéreo. Aunque los objetivos principales del censo eran cetáceos y tortugas marinas, el estudio mostró que era posible usar el censo para monitorizar otras especies. Las estimas de abundancia se derivaron utilizando análisis convencional de muestreo de distancias. Las manta rayas gigantes se observaron principalmente en el Adriático central y sur (88% de los avistamientos totales). Se estimaron un total de 1595 mantas rayas gigantes en el mar Adriático central-sur (CV=25%, estima no corregida para los sesgos de percepción y de disponibilidad). Cuando se corrigió para el sesgo de disponibilidad el número de especímenes se estimó en 3255 (CV=56%). La tasa de crecimiento de la población se estimó usando aspectos de la historia natural y se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar el beneficio de mejorar el conocimiento biológico de esta especie de la que hay tan pocos datos. Un análisis de potencia mostró que sería necesario un compromiso a largo plazo para realizar censos aéreos para monitorizar las tendencias de la población. Se discuten las implicaciones para la conservación y trabajo futuro, incluyendo cómo se podría utilizar este estudio para llevar a cabo una evaluación ecológica de riesgo

    Towards Naples Ecological REsearch for Augmented Observatories (NEREA): The NEREA-Fix module, a stand-alone platform for long-term deep-sea ecosystem monitoring

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    Deep-sea ecological monitoring is increasingly recognized as indispensable for the comprehension of the largest biome on Earth, but at the same time it is subjected to growing human impacts for the exploitation of biotic and abiotic resources. Here, we present the Naples Ecological REsearch (NEREA) stand-alone observatory concept (NEREA-fix), an integrated observatory with a modular, adaptive structure, characterized by a multiparametric video-platform to be deployed in the Dohrn canyon (Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea) at ca. 650 m depth. The observatory integrates a seabed platform with optoacoustic and oceanographic/geochemical sensors connected to a surface transmission buoy, plus a mooring line (also equipped with depth-staged environmental sensors). This reinforced high-frequency and long-lasting ecological monitoring will integrate the historical data conducted over 40 years for the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) at the station “Mare Chiara”, and ongoing vessel-assisted plankton (and future environmental DNA-eDNA) sampling. NEREA aims at expanding the observational capacity in a key area of the Mediterranean Sea, representing a first step towards the establishment of a bentho-pelagic network to enforce an end-to-end transdisciplinary approach for the monitoring of marine ecosystems across a wide range of animal sizes (from bacteria to megafauna).This research was funded by PON “Iniziative in supporto al consolidamento e potenziamento dell’infrastruttura EMSO e delle sue attività (InSEA)” - European Union - Italian Ministry of University and Research, grant number PIR01_00030.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Mediterranean deep-water kelp Laminaria rodriguezii is an endangered species in the Adriatic Sea

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    Acknowledgments Thanks are due to Klaus Lüning for a gametophyte culture of L. abyssalis, and to Britta Schaffelke for a herbarium specimen of L. rodriguezii from the western Mediterranean. We are grateful to the Total Foundation (Paris) for funding this study within the framework of the project “Brown algal ecology and biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea”, and to the MASTS pooling initiative (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, funded by the Scottish Funding Council and contributing institutions; grant reference HR09011), as well as Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for supporting project “Benthic communities in the Adriatic Sea (Project ID: 0001005)”. Open access via Springer Compact AgreementPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Bryozoa collection of the Italian National Antarctic Museum, with an updated checklist from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea

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    This study provides taxonomic and distributional data of bryozoan species from the Ross Sea area, mainly around Terra Nova Bay, based on specimens curated at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa). Bryozoan specimens were collected at 75 different sampling stations in the Ross Sea and in the Magellan Strait, in a bathymetric range of 18–711 meters, during 13 expeditions of the Italian National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) conducted between 1988 and 2014. A total of 282 MNA vouchers corresponding to 311 specimens and 127 morphospecies have been identified and included in the present dataset. 62% of the species were already reported for the Terra Nova Bay area, where most of the Italian samples come from, with a 35% of samples representing new records classified at the specific level, and 3% classified at the genus level. These new additions increase to 124 the total number of species known to occur in Terra Nova Bay. Four 3D-models of Antarctic bryozoans from the Ross Sea are also presented and will be released for research and educational purposes on the Museum website

    Evidence of a predation event on a tagged Mediterranean spearfish (Tetrapturus belone; Pisces, Istiophoridae), inferred from pop-up satellite tagging data

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    The Strait of Messina is located at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea and is considered a biodiversity hotspot and an obligatory seasonal passage for different pelagic species such as sharks, marine mammals, and billfishes. For the first time, in the Strait of Messina, our research group tagged a Mediterranean spearfish (Tetrapturus belone) using a pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT). The observation of abiotic parameters (depth, light, and temperature) recorded by the PSAT confirmed that the tagged specimen was predated after about nine hours. The tag was then regurgitated 14 days after the tag deployment date. The analysis of collected data seems to indicate that the predator may be an ectothermic shark, most likely the bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)

    Facies created by the yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816): Origin, substrate preferences and habitat complexity

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    The yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816) is a NE Atlantic-Mediterranean scleractinian. It is considered a typical hard bottom species, generally reported on outcropping rocks from mesophotic to upper bathyal depths. Several evidences suggest that this species is able to tolerate a broad range of temperatures, which allows it to colonize numerous environments in a wide depth range. In the present study, we first provided a detailed ecological characterization of the D. cornigera dense aggregation thriving on the Mantice Shoal (NW Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). Information on substrate type and inclination, average extension and density, colonies size-class frequency distribution and associated fauna are reported. Then, we presented an extensive review of the available information on the ecology of this species, including 142 new ROV records from the Italian coast (40–1820 m). Results indicated that D. cornigera occurs on a wide range of substrates, including soft bottoms and hardgrounds (outcropping rocks, coralligenous rock and dead cold-water coral frameworks), with significant differences in colony density and size among different substrates. Dendrophyllia cornigera creates three main facies, each characterized by a specific combination of substrate, inclination, depth, and associated fauna. Scattered living colonies, as well as large thanatocoenoses, display a wide geographical and bathymetric distribution. Differently, the facies represented by dense meadows on horizontal soft-bottoms results rare, being reported only from the Mantice Shoal and the Amendolara Bank (Ionian Sea). The radiocarbon age of the thanatocoenoses varies between 400 (Corsica Channel) and 13000 (Vercelli Seamount) years before present. This study highlights the wide adaptability of D. cornigera in terms of environmental settings, changing the current view on the ecology of this species and providing essential insights for the implementation of international deep-sea habitat classification schemes and conservation measures