23 research outputs found

    A Class of Automata for the Verification of Infinite, Resource-Allocating Behaviours

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    Process calculi for service-oriented computing often feature generation of fresh resources. So-called nominal automata have been studied both as semantic models for such calculi, and as acceptors of languages of finite words over infinite alphabets. In this paper we investi-gate nominal automata that accept infinite words. These automata are a generalisation of deterministic Muller automata to the setting of nominal sets. We prove decidability of complement, union, intersection, emptiness and equivalence, and determinacy by ultimately periodic words. The key to obtain such results is to use finite representations of the (otherwise infinite-state) defined class of automata. The definition of such operations enables model checking of process calculi featuring infinite behaviours, and resource allocation, to be implemented using classical automata-theoretic methods

    Approximate automata for omega-regular languages

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    Automata over infinite words, also known as ω -automata, play a key role in the verification and synthesis of reactive systems. The spectrum of ω -automata is defined by two characteristics: the acceptance condition (e.g. Büchi or parity) and the determinism (e.g., deterministic or nondeterministic) of an automaton. These characteristics play a crucial role in applications of automata theory. For example, certain acceptance conditions can be handled more efficiently than others by dedicated tools and algorithms. Furthermore, some applications, such as synthesis and probabilistic model checking, require that properties are represented as some type of deterministic ω -automata. However, properties cannot always be represented by automata with the desired acceptance condition and determinism. In this paper we study the problem of approximating linear-time properties by automata in a given class. Our approximation is based on preserving the language up to a user-defined precision given in terms of the size of the finite lasso representation of infinite executions that are preserved. We study the state complexity of different types of approximating automata, and provide constructions for the approximation within different automata classes, for example, for approximating a given automaton by one with a simpler acceptance condition

    Lindelöf spaces C(X) over topological groups

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    Theorem 1 proves (among the others) that for a locally compact topological group X the following assertions are equivalent: (i) X is metrizable and sigma-compact. (ii) C-p(X) is analytic. (iii) C-p(X) is K-analytic. (iv) C-p(X) is Lindelof. (v) C-c(X) is a separable metrizable and complete locally convex space. (vi) C,(X) is compactly dominated by irrationals. This result supplements earlier results of Corson, Christensen and Calbrix and provides several applications, for example, it easily applies to show that: (1) For a compact topological group X the Eberlein, Talagrand, Gul'ko and Corson compactness are equivalent and any compact group of this type is metrizable. (2) For a locally compact topological group X the space C-p(X) is Lindelof iff C-c(X) is weakly Lindelof. The proofs heavily depend on the following result of independent interest: A locally compact topological group X is metrizable iff every compact subgroup of X has countable tightness (Theorem 2). More applications of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are provided

    Equivalence and Inclusion Problem for Strongly Unambiguous Büchi Automata

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    Abstract. We consider the inclusion and equivalence problem for unambiguous Büchi automata. We show that for a strong version of unambiguity introduced by Carton and Michel these two problems are solvable in polynomial time. We generalize this to Büchi automata with a fixed finite degree of ambiguity in the strong sense. We also discuss the problems that arise when considering the decision problems for the standard notion of ambiguity for Büchi automata.