581,766 research outputs found

    Selective disappearance of individuals with high levels of glycated haemoglobin in a free-living bird

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    This work was supported by the ANR (ANR-06-JCJC0082 to B.D.), the CNRS (PEPS INEE and PICS France–Switzerland to B.D.), the French Ministe`re de l’Enseignement Supe´rieur et de la Recherche (PhD fellowship to C.R.), the Re´gion Rhoˆne-Alpes (Explora’doc mobility grant to C.R.), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to C.R.), the L’Ore´al Foundation-UNESCO ‘For Women in Science’ program (fellowship to C.R.) and the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (grant to C.R. and P.B.).Peer reviewedPostprin

    New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries 4

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    Nord Kivu: c. 6 km north of Lubero, on sandy soil of tree-shaded road cutting, c. 1800m, 0º 8' S, 29º 14' E, 11 Aug 1988. C.R. Stevenson Z 78f, det. E.W. Jones (BM, & herb. C.R. Stevenson). Growing mixed with Frullania serrata, Pilotrichella, Trachypodopsis, etc. Distrib.: Annobon, Bioko, Burundi, Cameroun, Kenya, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Tanzania

    Propagation and nucleosynthesis of ultraheavy cosmic rays

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    The observed fluxes of cosmic ray (C.R.) ultraheavy elements depend on their charge and mass spectrum at the sources and on the propagation effects, on the distribution of path lengths traversed by the particles on their way from the sources to the observation point. The effect of different path length distributions (p.l.d.) on the infered source abunances is analyzed. It seems that it is rather difficult to fit a reasonable p.l.d. so that the obtained source spectrum coincides with the Solar System (SS) abundances in more detail. It suggests that the nucleosynthesis conditions for c.r. nuclei may differ from that for SS matter. The nucleosynthesis of ultraheavy elements fitting its parameters to get the c.r. source abundances is calculated. It is shown that it is possible to get a very good agreement between the predicted and the observed source abundance

    Cosmic rays 10Be biennal data and their relationship to aurorae and sunspots

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    The galactic cosmic ray (C.R.) variations which should give information on three dimensional aspects of the heliospheric magnetic fields and on the solar wind, which modulate their influx into the Solar System were studied. In order to decode the information from the C.R. series it is necessary to know the mechanisms through which the modulation is produced. It it clear that a balance of effects with sources at different heliospheric latitudes results in the modulated C.R. intensity. It is found that the modulation of 10Be in polar ice may be due to at least two main contributions: (1) negative and in phase with the Solar flare activity modulating the cosmic ray flux in Forbush-type decreases, and (2) positive in phase with the appearance of large wind streams situated at both polar coronal holes. It is found that the high heliolatitude activity is related to a stable periodicity of 11.1y whereas the low heliolatitude activity contributes to the wondering of the solar cycles

    Longitudinal dependence of the interplanetary perturbation produced by energetic type 4 solar flares and of the associated cosmic ray modulation

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    One of the most significant features of the flare-associated Forbush decreases (Fds) in the galatctic cosmic ray (c.r.) is the so-called East-West asymmetry: the solar flares (Sfs) observed in the Eastern or central region of the solar disk exhibit a higher probability to cause large Fds than the Sfs occurring in the Western portion of the disk. In particular the interplanetary perturbations generated by Type IV Sfs depress the c.r. intensity in a vast spiral cone-like region (modulated region) which extends along the interplanetary magnetic field from the neighborhood of the active region to the advancing perturbation, and that, immediately after the flare-generated perturbation, the maximum c.r. modulation is observed between 0 and 40 deg. W of the meridian plane crossings the flare site at time of flare (flare's meridian plane)

    MGRRE_PureOilScoutTickets_West, C.r., Estate_1_21117024040000

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    Bard, C.R. - Complaint

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