483 research outputs found

    A note on W_{2,s} strings

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    BRST operators for two-dimensional theories with spin-2 and spin-ss currents, generalising the W3W_3 BRST operator of Thierry-Mieg, have previously been obtained. The construction was based on demanding nilpotence of the BRST operators, making no reference to whether or not an underlying WW algebra exists. In this paper, we analyse the known cases (s=3s=3, 4, 5 and 6), showing that the two s=4s=4 BRST operators are associated with the W ⁣B2W\!B_2 algebra, and that two of the four s=6s=6 BRST operators are associated with the W ⁣G2W\!G_2 algebra. We discuss the cohomology of all the known higher-spin BRST operators, the Weyl symmetry of their physical states, and their relation with certain minimal models. We also obtain the BRST operator for the case s=7s=7.Comment: 12 pages, CTP TAMU-8/94, LZU-TH-94/0

    N=2 Superstrings with (1,2m) Spacetime Signature

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    We show that the N=2N=2 superstring in d=2D≄6d=2D\ge6 real dimensions, with criticality achieved by including background charges in the two real time directions, exhibits a ``coordinate-freezing'' phenomenon, whereby the momentum in one of the two time directions is constrained to take a specific value for each physical state. This effectively removes this time direction as a physical coordinate, leaving the theory with (1,d−2)(1,d-2) real spacetime signature. Norm calculations for low-lying physical states suggest that the theory is ghost free.Comment: 8 page

    Anomaly Freedom and Realisations for Super-W3W_3 Strings

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    We construct new multi-field realisations of the N=2N=2 super-W3W_3 algebra, which are important for building super-W3W_3 string theories. We derive the structure of the ghost vacuum for such theories, and use the result to calculate the intercepts. These results determine the conditions for physical states in the super-W3W_3 string theory.Comment: 22 page

    The Complete Spectrum of the WNW_N String

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    We obtain the complete physical spectrum of the WNW_N string, for arbitrary NN. The WNW_N constraints freeze N−2N-2 coordinates, while the remaining coordinates appear in the currents only {\it via} their energy-momentum tensor. The spectrum is then effectively described by a set of ordinary Virasoro-like string theories, but with a non-critical value for the central charge and a discrete set of non-standard values for the spin-2 intercepts. In particular, the physical spectrum of the WNW_N string includes the usual massless states of the Virasoro string. By looking at the norms of low-lying states, we find strong indications that all the WNW_N strings are unitary.Comment: 28 page

    The Interacting W3W_3 String

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    We present a procedure for computing gauge-invariant scattering amplitudes in the W3W_3 string, and use it to calculate three-point and four-point functions. We show that non-vanishing scattering amplitudes necessarily involve external physical states with excitations of ghosts as well as matter fields. The crossing properties of the four-point functions are studied, and it is shown that the duality of the Virasoro string amplitudes generalises in the W3W_3 string, with different sets of intermediate states being exchanged in different channels. We also exhibit a relation between the scattering amplitudes of the W3W_3 string and the fusion rules of the Ising model.Comment: (Revised version), 26 pages, Plain Tex, CTP TAMU-86/92, KUL-TF-92/4

    Brane Resolution Through Transgression

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    Modifications to the singularity structure of D3-branes that result from turning on a flux for the R-R and NS-NS 3-forms (fractional D3-branes) provide important gravity duals of four-dimensional N=1 super-Yang-Mills theories. We construct generalisations of these modified p-brane solutions in a variety of other cases, including heterotic 5-branes, dyonic strings, M2-branes, D2-branes, D4-branes and type IIA and type IIB strings, by replacing the flat transverse space with a Ricci-flat manifold M_n that admits covariantly constant spinors, and turning on a flux built from a harmonic form in M_n, thus deforming the original solution and introducing fractional branes. The construction makes essential use of the Chern-Simons or ``transgression'' terms in the Bianchi-identity or equation of motion of the field strength that supports the original undeformed solution. If the harmonic form is L^2 normalisable, this can result in a deformation of the brane solution that is free of singularities, thus providing viable gravity duals of field theories in diverse dimensions that have less than maximal supersymmetry. We obtain examples of non-singular heterotic 5-branes, dyonic strings, M2-branes, type IIA strings, and D2-branes.Comment: Latex 3 times, 35 page

    Supergravities with Minkowski x Sphere Vacua

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    Recently the authors have introduced a new gauged supergravity theory with a positive definite potential in D=6, obtained through a generalised Kaluza-Klein reduction from D=7. Of particular interest is the fact that this theory admits certain Minkowski x Sphere vacua. In this paper we extend the previous results by constructing gauged supergravities with positive definitive potentials in diverse dimensions, together with their vacuum solutions. In addition, we prove the supersymmetry of the generalised reduction ansatz. We obtain a supersymmetric solution with no form-field fluxes in the new gauged theory in D=9. This solution may be lifted to D=10, where it acquires an interpretation as a time-dependent supersymmetric cosmological solution supported purely by the dilaton. A further uplift to D=11 yields a solution describing a pp-wave.Comment: Latex, 26 pages, typos correcte

    On Sibling and Exceptional W Strings

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    We discuss the physical spectrum for WW strings based on the algebras BnB_n, DnD_n, E6E_6, E7E_7 and E8E_8. For a simply-laced WW string, we find a connection with the (h,h+1)(h,h+1) unitary Virasoro minimal model, where hh is the dual Coxeter number of the underlying Lie algebra. For the WW string based on BnB_n, we find a connection with the (2h,2h+2)(2h,2h+2) unitary N=1N=1 super-Virasoro minimal model.Comment: 16 page

    Yang-Mills Interactions and Gravity in Terms of Clifford Algebra

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    A model of Yang-Mills interactions and gravity in terms of the Clifford algebra Cl(0,6) is presented. The gravity and Yang-Mills actions are formulated as different order terms in a generalized action. The feebleness of gravity as well as the smallness of the cosmological constant and theta terms are discussed at the classical level. The invariance groups, including the de Sitter and the Pati-Salam SU(4) subgroups, consist of gauge transformations from either side of an algebraic spinor. Upon symmetry breaking via the Higgs fields, the remaining symmetries are the Lorentz SO(1,3), color SU(3), electromagnetic U(1)_EM, and an additional U(1). The first generation leptons and quarks are identified with even and odd parts of spinor idempotent projections. There are still several shortcomings with the current model. Further research is needed to fully recover the standard model results.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra

    Domain Walls in Massive Supergravities

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    We show how toroidally-compactified eleven-dimensional supergravity can be consistently truncated to yield a variety of maximally-supersymmetric ``massive'' supergravities in spacetime dimensions D≀8D\le 8. The mass terms arise as a consequence of making a more general ansatz than that in usual Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction, in which one or more axions are given an additional linear dependence on one of the compactification coordinates. The lower-dimensional theories are nevertheless consistent truncations of eleven-dimensional supergravity. Owing to the fact that the generalised reduction commutes neither with U-duality nor with ordinary dimensional reduction, many different massive theories can result. The simplest examples arise when just a single axion has the additional linear coordinate dependence. We find five inequivalent such theories in D=7, and 71 inequivalent ones in D=4. The massive theories admit no maximally-symmetric vacuum solution, but they do admit (D−2)(D-2)-brane solutions, i.e. domain walls, which preserve half the supersymmetry. We present examples of these solutions, and their oxidations to D=11. Some of the latter are new solutions of D=11 supergravity.Comment: latex, 32 papes, no figures, further comments and references adde
