658 research outputs found

    Hall effect in the marginal Fermi liquid regime of high-Tc superconductors

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    The detailed derivation of a theory for transport in quasi-two-dimensional metals, with small-angle elastic scattering and angle-independent inelastic scattering is presented. The transport equation is solved for a model Fermi surface representing a typical cuprate superconductor. Using the small-angle elastic and the inelastic scattering rates deduced from angle-resolved photoemission experiments, good quantitative agreement with the observed anomalous temperature dependence of the Hall angle in optimally doped cuprates is obtained, while the resistivity remains linear in temperature. The theory is also extended to the frequency-dependent complex Hall angle

    Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST Theory

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    The hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST theory is developed in the general case of arbitrary reducible first class systems. This is done by extending the methods of homological perturbation theory, originally based on the use of a single resolution, to the case of a biresolution. The BRST and the anti-BRST generators are shown to exist. The respective links with the ordinary BRST formulation and with the sp(2) sp(2) -covariant formalism are also established.Comment: 34 pages, Latex fil

    Modified gravity with negative and positive powers of the curvature: unification of the inflation and of the cosmic acceleration

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    The modified gravity, which eliminates the need for dark energy and which seems to be stable, is considered. The terms with positive powers of the curvature support the inflationary epoch while the terms with negative powers of the curvature serve as effective dark energy, supporting current cosmic acceleration. The equivalent scalar-tensor gravity may be compatible with the simplest solar system experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, discussion is extended, references added, version to appear in PR

    Role of Orbital Degeneracy in Double Exchange Systems

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    We investigate the role of orbital degeneracy in the double exchange (DE) model. In the JH→∞J_{H}\to\infty limit, an effective generalized ``Hubbard'' model incorporating orbital pseudospin degrees of freedom is derived. The model possesses an exact solution in one- and in infinite dimensions. In 1D, the metallic phase off ``half-filling'' is a Luttinger liquid with pseudospin-charge separation. Using the d=∞d=\infty solution for our effective model, we show how many experimental observations for the well-doped (x≃0.3x\simeq 0.3) three-dimensional manganites La1−xSrxMnO3La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3} can be qualitatively explained by invoking the role of orbital degeneracy in the DE model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Impurity and strain effects on the magnetotransport of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films

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    The influence of zinc doping and strain related effects on the normal state transport properties(the resistivity, the Hall angle and the orbital magneto- resistance(OMR) is studied in a series of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films with values of y between 0 and 0.12 and various degrees of strain induced by the mismatch between the films and the substrate. The zinc doping affects only the constant term in the temperature dependence of cotangent theta but the strain affects both the slope and the constant term, while their ratio remains constant.OMR is decreased by zinc doping but is unaffected by strain. The ratio delta rho/(rho*tan^2 theta) is T-independent but decreases with impurity doping. These results put strong constraints on theories of the normal state of high- temperature superconductors

    Depth-Resolved Composition and Electronic Structure of Buried Layers and Interfaces in a LaNiO3_3/SrTiO3_3 Superlattice from Soft- and Hard- X-ray Standing-Wave Angle-Resolved Photoemission

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    LaNiO3_3 (LNO) is an intriguing member of the rare-earth nickelates in exhibiting a metal-insulator transition for a critical film thickness of about 4 unit cells [Son et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 062114 (2010)]; however, such thin films also show a transition to a metallic state in superlattices with SrTiO3_3 (STO) [Son et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 202109 (2010)]. In order to better understand this transition, we have studied a strained LNO/STO superlattice with 10 repeats of [4 unit-cell LNO/3 unit-cell STO] grown on an (LaAlO3_3)0.3_{0.3}(Sr2_2AlTaO6_6)0.7_{0.7} substrate using soft x-ray standing-wave-excited angle-resolved photoemission (SWARPES), together with soft- and hard- x-ray photoemission measurements of core levels and densities-of-states valence spectra. The experimental results are compared with state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations of band structures and densities of states. Using core-level rocking curves and x-ray optical modeling to assess the position of the standing wave, SWARPES measurements are carried out for various incidence angles and used to determine interface-specific changes in momentum-resolved electronic structure. We further show that the momentum-resolved behavior of the Ni 3d eg and t2g states near the Fermi level, as well as those at the bottom of the valence bands, is very similar to recently published SWARPES results for a related La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3/SrTiO3_3 superlattice that was studied using the same technique (Gray et al., Europhysics Letters 104, 17004 (2013)), which further validates this experimental approach and our conclusions. Our conclusions are also supported in several ways by comparison to DFT calculations for the parent materials and the superlattice, including layer-resolved density-of-states results

    Complex patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentrant circulation in a loop of cardiac tissue

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    A two-component model is developed that consists of a discrete loop of cardiac cells that circulates action potentials together with a cardiac pacing mechanism. Physiological properties of cells such as restitutions of refractoriness and of conduction velocity are given via experimentally measured functions. The dynamics of circulating pulses and their interactions with the pacer are regulated by two threshold relations. Patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentry (SITR) generated by this system are studied through numerical simulations and analytical observations. These patterns can be regular or irregular; causes of irregularities are identified as the threshold bistability of reentrant circulation (T-bistability) and in some cases, also phase-resetting interactions with the pacer.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 61 references; A version of this paper (same results) is to appear in the Journal of Theoretical Biology; arXiv V2 adds helpful commments to facilitate reading and corrects minor errors in presentatio

    Role of Inter-Electron Interaction in the Pseudo-Gap Opening in High T c_c Tunneling Experiments

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    The analysis of tunneling experiments showing the pseudogap type behavior is carried out based on the idea of the renormalization of density of states due to the inter-electron interaction in the Cooper channel (superconducting fluctuations contribution in tunneling current). It is demonstrated that the observed kink of the zero-bias conductance G(0,T)G(0,T) of YBaCuO/PbYBaCuO/Pb junctions in the vicinity of TcT_c can be explained in terms of fluctuation theory in a quite wide range of temperature above TcT_c, using the values of microscopic parameters of the YBaCuOYBaCuO electron spectrum taken from independent experiments. The approach proposed also permits to explain qualitatively the shape of the tunneling anomalies in G(V,T)G(V,T) and gives a correct estimate for the pseudogap position and amplitude observed in the experiments on BiSrCaCuOBiSrCaCuO junctions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Visualizing microcalcifications in lumpectomy specimens: An exploration into the clinical potential of carbon nanotube-enabled stationary digital breast tomosynthesis

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    Purpose: To assess the visibility of microcalcifications in images generated by a first-generation carbon-nanotube (CNT)-enabled stationary digital breast tomosynthesis (sDBT) device, using magnified 2D mammography and conventional, moving-source DBT as references for comparison. Methods: Lumpectomy specimens were imaged by magnified mammography and two 3D mammography approaches, including sDBT and moving-source DBT. The planar size of individual microcalcifications was measured in the reconstructed image stacks of sDBT and moving-source DBT and compared to the magnified mammography image. An artifact spread function (ASF) was used to assess the depth dimensions of the microcalcifications displayed through the reconstructed image stacks. Breast-imaging specialists rated their preference for one imaging modality over another when interpreting microcalcifications in the magnified mammography image and synthetic slab images from sDBT and moving-source DBT. Results: The planar size of individual microcalcifications was similar in images generated by sDBT and moving-source DBT when the sDBT projections were binned to match the pixel size used by the moving-source DBT system. However, the unique structure of sDBT allowed for a wider-angle span of projection views and operation of the detector in full-resolution mode without significantly compromising the scan time. In this configuration, the planar sizes of individual microcalcifications displayed by sDBT was more similar to magnified mammography than moving-source DBT, and the microcalcifications had a narrower ASF through depth. Readers preferred sDBT over moving-source DBT when assessing microcalcifications in synthetic slab images, although magnified mammography was rated highest overall. Conclusions: The sDBT system displayed microcalcifications as well as conventional, moving-source DBT when the effective pixel size of the detector was matched. However, with the detector in its full-resolution mode, sDBT displayed microcalcifications with greater clarity. Readers still preferred images generated by magnified mammography over both 3D mammography approaches. This finding is guiding continued hardware and software development to optimize the sDBT technology

    Marginal Fermi liquid analysis of 300 K reflectance of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

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    We use 300 K reflectance data to investigate the normal-state electrodynamics of the high temperature superconductor Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta} over a wide range of doping levels. The data show that at this temperature the free carriers are coupled to a continuous spectrum of fluctuations. Assuming the Marginal Fermi Liquid (MFL) form as a first approximation for the fluctuation spectrum, the doping-dependent coupling constant λ(p)\lambda (p) can be estimated directly from the slope of the reflectance spectrum. We find that λ(p)\lambda (p) decreases smoothly with the hole doping level, from underdoped samples with p=0.103 p=0.103 (Tc=67T_c = 67 K) where λ(p)=0.93\lambda (p)= 0.93 to overdoped samples with p=0.226p=0.226, (Tc=60T_c= 60 K) where λ(p)=0.53\lambda(p)= 0.53. An analysis of the intercept and curvature of the reflectance spectrum shows deviations from the MFL spectrum symmetrically placed at the optimal doping point p=0.16p=0.16. The Kubo formula for the conductivity gives a better fit to the experiments with the MFL spectrum up to 2000 cm−1^{-1} and with an additional Drude component or an additional Lorentz component up to 7000 cm−1^{-1}. By comparing three different model fits we conclude that the MFL channel is necessary for a good fit to the reflectance data. Finally, we note that the monotonic variation of the reflectance slope with doping provides us with an independent measure of the doping level for the Bi-2212 system.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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