448 research outputs found

    Redeterminación de movimientos propios estelares

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    Combinando posiciones fotográficas recientes con observaciones efectuadas a principio de siglo, se redetermina el movimiento propio de algunas estrellas cuyas determinaciones previas están equivocadas. El programa incluye, entre otros, los siguientes objetos: AGK3 +7 1809, AGK3 +8 1980, CoD-23 14002 y CoD-22 12589.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Redeterminación de movimientos propios estelares. II. Estrellas variables del AGK3

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    Continuando con el análisis y comparación de los datos astrométricos del AGK3, se concluye que un cierto porcentaje de las estrellas rojas (principalmente con tipos espectrales R, Ny S; generalmente variables) incluidas en dicho catálogo, presentan errores sistemáticos en sus movimientos propios. Se redeterminan nuevos valores usando, como posición de primera época, el material publicado del Catálogo Astrográfico. Las posiciones de segunda época son derivadas de placas recientes obtenidas con el Astrográfico Doble de la Estación de Altura "El Leóncito".Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Evolution of asexual and sexual reproduction in the aspergilli

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    Aspergillus nidulans has long-been used as a model organism to gain insights into the genetic basis of asexual and sexual developmental processes both in other members of the genus Aspergillus, and filamentous fungi in general. Paradigms have been established concerning the regulatory mechanisms of conidial development. However, recent studies have shown considerable genome divergence in the fungal kingdom, questioning the general applicability of findings from Aspergillus, and certain longstanding evolutionary theories have been questioned. The phylogenetic distribution of key regulatory elements of asexual reproduction in A. nidulans was investigated in a broad taxonomic range of fungi. This revealed that some proteins were well conserved in the Pezizomycotina (e.g. AbaA, FlbA, FluG, NsdD, MedA, and some velvet proteins), suggesting similar developmental roles. However, other elements (e.g. BrlA) had a more restricted distribution solely in the Eurotiomycetes, and it appears that the genetic control of sporulation seems to be more complex in the aspergilli than in some other taxonomic groups of the Pezizomycotina. The evolution of the velvet protein family is discussed based on the history of expansion and contraction events in the early divergent fungi. Heterologous expression of the A. nidulans abaA gene in Monascus ruber failed to induce development of complete conidiophores as seen in the aspergilli, but did result in increased conidial production. The absence of many components of the asexual developmental pathway from members of the Saccharomycotina supports the hypothesis that differences in the complexity of their spore formation is due in part to the increased diversity of the sporulation machinery evident in the Pezizomycotina. Investigations were also made into the evolution of sex and sexuality in the aspergilli. MAT loci were identified from the heterothallic Aspergillus (Emericella) heterothallicus and Aspergillus (Neosartorya) fennelliae and the homothallic Aspergillus pseudoglaucus (=Eurotium repens). A consistent architecture of the MAT locus was seen in these and other heterothallic aspergilli whereas much variation was seen in the arrangement of MAT loci in homothallic aspergilli. This suggested that it is most likely that the common ancestor of the aspergilli exhibited a heterothallic breeding system. Finally, the supposed prevalence of asexuality in the aspergilli was examined. Investigations were made using A. clavatus as a representative ‘asexual’ species. It was possible to induce a sexual cycle in A. clavatus given the correct MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 partners and environmental conditions, with recombination confirmed utilising molecular markers. This indicated that sexual reproduction might be possible in many supposedly asexual aspergilli and beyond, providing general insights into the nature of asexuality in fungi.National Natural Science Foundation of China 31601446National Research Foundation of Korea 2016010945Intelligent Synthetic Biology Center of Global Frontier Projects 2015M3A6A8065838Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research CouncilGovernment of IraqMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-67148-

    Complete Analysis of Baryon Magnetic Moments in 1/N_c

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    We generate a complete basis of magnetic moment operators for the N_c = 3 ground-state baryons in the 1/N_c expansion, and compute and tabulate all associated matrix elements. We then compare to previous results derived in the literature and predict additional relations among baryon magnetic moments holding to subleading order in 1/N_c and flavor SU(3) breaking. Finally, we predict all unknown diagonal and transition magnetic moments to <= 0.15 mu_N accuracy, and suggest possible experimental measurements to improve the analysis even further.Comment: 28 pages (including 11 tables), ReVTeX. One reference and grant acknowledgment adde

    The metallogenic evolution of the Greater Antilles

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    The Greater Antilles host some of the world's most important deposits of bauxite and lateritic nickel as well as significant resources of gold and silver, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and chromium. Beginning in Jurassic time, sedimentary exhalative base metal deposits accumulated in marine sedimentary rift basins as North and South America drifted apart. With the onset of intraoceanic subduction during the Early Cretaceous, a primitive (tholeiitic) island arc formed above a southwesterly-dipping subduction zone. Podiform chromite deposits formed in the mantle portion of the supra-subduction zone, directly above subducted Proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere. Within the nascent island arc, bimodal-mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed in a fore-arc setting; mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed later in mature back-arc basins. The Pueblo Viejo gold district, with five million ounces in production and twenty million ounces in mineable reserves, formed at 108-112Ma, in an apical rift or back-arc setting. By Late Cretaceous time, calc-alkaline volcanism was well established along the entire length of the Greater Antilles. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits including shallow submarine deposits characteristic of the primitive island arc gave way to porphyry copper and epithermal precious metal deposits typical of the mature island arc. Oblique collision of the Greater Antilles with North America began in the Late Cretaceous in Cuba and migrated eastward. Orogenic gold and tungsten deposits that formed during the collision event are preserved in ophiolites and in metamorphic core complexes. Since the Eocene, regional tectonism has been dominated by strike-slip motion as the North American continent moved westward relative to the Caribbean Plate. Large nickel-cobalt laterite deposits were formed when serpentinites were exposed to weathering and erosion during the mid-Tertiary. Bauxite deposits were derived from the weathering of volcanic ash within a carbonate platform of Eocene to Miocene age

    The metallogenic evolution of the Greater Antilles

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    The Greater Antilles host some of the world’s most important deposits of bauxite and lateritic nickel as well as significant resources of gold and silver, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and chromium. Beginning in Jurassic time, sedimentary exhalative base metal deposits accumulated in marine sedimentary rift basins as North and South America drifted apart. With the onset of intraoceanic subduction during the Early Cretaceous, a primitive (tholeiitic) island arc formed above a southwesterly-dipping subduction zone. Podiform chromite deposits formed in the mantle portion of the supra-subduction zone, directly above subducted Proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere. Within the nascent island arc, bimodal-mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed in a fore-arc setting; mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed later in mature back-arc basins. The Pueblo Viejo gold district, with five million ounces in production and twenty million ounces in mineable reserves, formed at 108-112Ma, in an apical rift or back-arc setting. By Late Cretaceous time, calc-alkaline volcanism was well established along the entire length of the Greater Antilles. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits including shallow submarine deposits characteristic of the primitive island arc gave way to porphyry copper and epithermal precious metal deposits typical of the mature island arc. Oblique collision of the Greater Antilles with North America began in the Late Cretaceous in Cuba and migrated eastward. Orogenic gold and tungsten deposits that formed during the collision event are preserved in ophiolites and in metamorphic core complexes. Since the Eocene, regional tectonism has been dominated by strike-slip motion as the North American continent moved westward relative to the Caribbean Plate. Large nickel-cobalt laterite deposits were formed when serpentinites were exposed to weathering and erosion during the mid-Tertiary. Bauxite deposits were derived from the weathering of volcanic ash within a carbonate platform of Eocene to Miocene ag

    Fotometría CCD de estrellas NSV

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    Como parte de un programa destinado a efectuar un control estricto de los catálogos relacionados con estrellas variables (confirmadas o sospechosas), es que hemos iniciado la observación sistemática de estrellas NSV (New Suspected Variables) ubicadas en el hemisferio sur. El proyecto pretende confirmar definitivamente la supuesta variabilidad de dichas estrellas, mejorar cartas de identificación y suministrar, además, información astrométrica precisa.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Study of errors in the integration of the two-body problem using generalized Sundman's anomalies

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    [EN] As is well known, the numerical integration of the two body problem with constant step presents problems depending on the type of coordinates chosen. It is usual that errors in Runge-Lenz's vector cause an artificial and secular precession of the periaster although the form remains symplectic, theoretically, even when using symplectic methods. Provided that it is impossible to preserve the exact form and all the constants of the problem using a numerical method, a possible option is to make a change in the variable of integration, enabling the errors in the position of the periaster and in the speed in the apoaster to be minimized for any eccentricity value between 0 and 1. The present work considers this casuistry. We provide the errors in norm infinite, of different quantities such as the Energy, the module of the Angular Moment vector and the components of Runge-Lenz's vector, for a large enough number of orbital revolutions.Lopez Orti, JA.; Marco Castillo, FJ.; Martínez Uso, MJ. (2014). Study of errors in the integration of the two-body problem using generalized Sundman's anomalies. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series. 4:105-112. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06953-1_11S1051124Brower, D., Clemence, G.M.: Celestial Mechanics. Academic, New York (1965)Brumberg, E.V.: Length of arc as independent argument for highly eccentric orbits. Celest. Mech. 53, 323–328 (1992)Fehlberg, E., Marsall, G.C.: Classical fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Runge–Kutta formulas with stepsize control. Technical report, NASA, R-287 (1968)Ferrándiz, J.M., Ferrer, S., Sein-Echaluce, M.L.: Generalized elliptic anomalies. Celest. Mech. 40, 315–328 (1987)Gragg, W.B.: Repeated extrapolation to the limit in the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2, 384–403 (1965)Janin, G.: Accurate computation of highly eccentric satellite orbits. Celest. Mech. 10, 451–467 (1974)Janin, G., Bond, V.R.: The elliptic anomaly. Technical memorandum, NASA, n. 58228 (1980)Levallois, J.J., Kovalevsky, J.: Géodésie Générale, vol. 4. Eyrolles, Paris (1971)López, J.A., Agost, V., Barreda, M.: A note on the use of the generalized Sundman transformations as temporal variables in celestial mechanics. Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, 433–442 (2012)López, J.A., Marco, F.J., Martínez, M.J.: A study about the integration of the elliptical orbital motion based on a special one-parametric family of anomalies. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, ID 162060, 1–11 (2014)Nacozy, P.: The intermediate anomaly. Celest. Mech. 16, 309–313 (1977)Sundman, K.: Memoire sur le probleme des trois corps. Acta Math. 36, 105–179 (1912)Tisserand, F.F.: Traité de Mecanique Celeste. Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1896)Velez, C.E., Hilinski, S.: Time transformation and Cowell’s method. Celest. Mech. 17, 83–99 (1978

    Dense circumnuclear molecular gas in starburst galaxies

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    We present results from a study of the dense circumnuclear molecular gas of starburst galaxies. The study aims to investigate the interplay between starbursts, active galactic nuclei and molecular gas.We characterize the dense gas traced by HCN, HCO and HNC and examine its kinematics in the circumnuclear regions of nine starburst galaxies observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We detect HCN (1-0) and HCO (1-0) in seven of the nine galaxies and HNC (1-0) in four. Approximately 7 arcsec resolution maps of the circumnuclear molecular gas are presented. The velocity-integrated intensity ratios, HCO (1-0)/HCN (1-0) and HNC (1-0)/HCN (1-0), are calculated. Using these integrated intensity ratios and spatial intensity ratio maps, we identify photon-dominated regions (PDRs) in NGC 1097, NGC 1365 and NGC 1808. We find no galaxy which shows the PDR signature in only one part of the observed nuclear region.We also observe unusually strong HNC emission in NGC 5236, but it is not strong enough to be consistent with X-ray-dominated region chemistry. Rotation curves are derived for five of the galaxies and dynamical mass estimates of the inner regions of three of the galaxies are made. © 2016 The Authors.This project was supported by the Brother Vincent Cotter Award for Physics (UNSW). LVM has been supported by Grant AYA2011-30491-C02-01 co-financed by MICINN and FEDER funds, and the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) grants P08-FQM-4205 and TIC-114. WAB acknowledges the support as a Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJZD-EW-T01). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (/FP7/2007-2013/) under grant agreement No 229517.Peer Reviewe