1,003 research outputs found
Participants’ Perceptions Following Disaster Response
Academy and University students responded and provided disaster relief following hurricanes Florence and Michael. Students gave of their time, energy, and talents to provide food, water, and debris removal to hurricane victims. Learn how participants perceptions changed following hurricane disaster relief efforts
Категорія двоїни і становлення морфологічної норми української мови
У статті простежено вплив граматичної категорії двоїни на становлення морфологічної норми сучасної української літературної мови.The research presents an analysis of grammatical category of plural number with pair meaning. The main trends of morphological norm in literary Ukrainian have been generalised
poster abstractSince the completion of the Human Genome Project, it has been found that genes and their function play a role in 9 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Some of these causes such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes are significantly prevalent in the African American community. African Americans often experience the largest differences in health risks when compared to their White counterparts. This research project will examine how mutated genes and their function, contribute to health disparities in the African American community.
The population for this research project will only include individuals of African ancestry born in the U.S. A brief survey will be conducted to inquire about participants’ knowledge of genetics and its influence on disease inheritance. The data collected will be interpreted as a representation of average African Americans’ knowledge of genetic influences on disease inheritance. Additionally, data will be obtained from facilities that offer genetic testing services. Specifically, I hope to obtain information on the racial populations who utilize these services, primarily, those with higher occurrences of genetic disorders. Coupled with the survey’s data, I will use the testing centers’ information to determine whether a correlation exists between the following variables: knowledge of genetics, use of genetic testing services and prevalence of inheritable diseases. I expect a strong correlation between afore mentioned variables. My hypothesis is that this correlation will prove undetected gene mutations when inherited, contribute to health disparities in the African American community
Developing A Sustainable Model for Impactful Academic Advising
The primary focus of this research is advising delivery models for community colleges. This capstone focused on the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), namely John Tyler Community College (JTCC). The research focused on delivering the most consistently supportive advising framework for faculty, staff, and students. A mixed-methods study was used by way of an online survey and in-person focus groups. Secondary data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) was used to compare JTCC to other colleges in the VCCS. This study also focused on best practices regarding academic advising and advisor development, evaluated the needs of current advising personnel, and provided academic advising strategies specifically for the JTCC student population. Using that information, this paper offers strategies for the successful implementation of new advising processes for institutions experiencing structural change
Концепт «девушка» в национально-языковых картинах мира (на материале фразеологических единиц русского, украинского, польского, болгарского языков)
Данная статья является попыткой сопоставительного анализа концепта
"девушка" в национально-языковых картинах мира на материале фразеологии
и паремиологии некоторых славянских языков. Выделяются наиболее характерные, идентичные для разных этнокультур качества молодой девушки. Делается вывод о разной степени языковой андроцентричности в экспликации
рассматриваемого концепта.Дана стаття є спробою зіставного аналізу концепту "дівчина" в національномовних картинах світу на матеріалі фразеології та пареміології деяких
слов'янських мов. Виділяються найбільш характерні, ідентичні для різних етнокультур риси молодої дівчини. Авторка приходить до висновку щодо різної міри
мовної андроцентричності в експлікації розглянутого концепту.The given article is an attempt to analyze the concept "Girl" in the nationallanguage
world pictures based on phraseology of some Slavonic languages. The
most typical features of a young girl identified for different ethnical cultures are elicited.
The author finds that the androcentrical verbal expression of this concept is different,
to some extent
Glosario de términos en Acuicultura
175 páginas[ES] Este glosario recoge los principales términos del idioma castellano utilizados en Acuicultura con su correspondencia en inglés, francés, italiano y alemán y el nombre científico latino, cuando corresponde. Constituye por tanto una parte importante de la terminología científica utilizada en Acuicultura en relación con la reproducción, genética, patología, cultivo, nutrición, etc. tanto de especies acuícolas cultivables como de especies auxiliares.[EN] This glossary contains the main terms of the Spanish language used in Aquaculture with its correspondence in English, French, Italian and German and Latin scientific name, where it’s applicable. Is therefore an important part of the scientific terminology used in Aquaculture in relation to reproduction, genetics, pathology, crop, nutrition, etc. as arable aquaculture species as auxiliary species.Peer reviewe
Динамика объемов промышленного производства в период кризиса и ее прогнозирование
Целью статьи является определение факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятия и, выявление антикризисных мер для улучшения их состояния. Ведь проблема состоит в том, что не существует такого метода, который бы стопроцентно истребил кризис, многие научные исследования посвящены именно этой проблеме, в них присутствуют попытки выявления причин возникновения кризиса и факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятий
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 7: Sandwiches
This publication is part of the 4-H Fun with Foods Guide, Lesson 7 provides recipes and instructions for making a variety of sandwiches
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 8: Plan a Party
This publication is part of the 4-H Fun with Food Guide, Lesson 8 provides ideas, instructions, checklists, and recipes for planning a party
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 6: Cookies: Molded, Refrigerator & Rolled
This publication is part of the 4-H Fun with Foods Guide, Lesson 6 provides recipes and instructions for molded, refrigerator, and rolled cookies
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