1,159 research outputs found

    Measure and dynamics of marriage squeezes: from baby boom to baby bust in Italy

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    Significant changes in the propensity to marry, together with baby booms, busts and migrations shape the marriage market. Big changes in the level of fertility may affect, some decades later, the opportunities of marriage of eligible individuals, creating a marriage squeeze. Italy provides an interesting case study because since World War II, it has been characterised by alternate periods of declines and rises of the annual number of births an by their differential patterns between regions. In this paper we study the dynamics of the Italian marriage market (year 1969-1995) by using some indexes proposed by Schoen as well as two additional measures. The result of regional analysis also suggest that marriage squeeze has also been by international migratory movements. The recent and prolonged phase of steep fertility decline in Italy, together with the drop of international movements, suggests the possibility of a perspective increasing disadvantage of men in the marriage market. (AUTHORS)

    Effect of Trade Liberalization in the Short-Grain Japonica Rice Market: A Spatial-Temporal Equilibrium analysis

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    Serious attention has always been bestowed on the stability of food markets. The government has acted on these issues through intervention on food prices that more or less creates distortion. These have been observed on U.S. and Japan. This paper develops a spatial-temporal equilibrium model for short-grain japonica trade and simulates policy alternatives for free trade and improved trade. It then discusses the results and its implications on the Philippine economy.demand

    Measuring the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classroom

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    In 2003, the ICT Curriculum Integration Performance Measurement Instrument was developed from an extensive review of the contemporary international and Australian research pertaining to the definition and measurement of ICT curriculum integration in classrooms (Proctor, Watson, & Finger, 2003). The 45-item instrument that resulted was based on theories and methodologies identified by the literature review. This paper describes psychometric results from a large-scale evaluation of the instrument subsequently conducted, as recommended by Proctor, Watson and Finger (2003). The resultant 20-item, two-factor instrument, now called Learning With ICTs: Measuring ICT Use in the Curriculum is both statistically and theoretically robust. This paper should be read in association with the original paper published in Computers in the Schools (Proctor, Watson & Finger, 2003) that described in detail the theoretical framework underpinning the development of the instrument

    Case studies on economic compensation after two years of the new Civil and Commercial Code in Argentina

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    El nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación Argentina entró en vigencia en agosto de 2015 e incorporó importantes modificaciones en materia de divorcio y cese de uniones convivenciales. Entre las innovaciones más destacadas encontramos la figura de la compensación económica tras la disolución del matrimonio o del cese de la unión convivencial (artículos 441 y 524, respectivamente). Desde la sanción del nuevo Código se han generado debates y preguntas en torno a este instituto, tanto en la práctica legal privada, como en la labor judicial y doctrinaria. En el presente artículo presentamos, a partir de material jurisprudencial, dos aspectos que consideramos relevantes para abordar esta figura. Los mismos son una brújula que permite hacer un primer balance de la misma a poco más de dos años de vigencia del nuevo Código. Los aspectos son: principios del derecho involucrados en este instituto, y su cuantificación.The new Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina came into force in August 2015 and had incorporated important changes in matters of divorce and the cessation of the convivial union. Among the legal innovations, we find particularly interesting the figure of economic compensation after the dissolution of marriage, or the end of the convivial union (articles 441 and 524, respectively). Since the adoption of the new Code, debates and questions have been generated around this institute, both in legal private practices, as well as in judicial work and doctrine. In this article and from jurisprudential material, we present two aspects that we consider relevant to approach this figure and that allow -as a compass- to make a first balance. The two are: principles of law involved in this institute, and its quantification.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Phylogenetic relationships and ecological speciation in the mistletoe Tristerix (Loranthaceae): the influence of pollinators, dispersers, and hosts

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    Phylogenies can provide valuable information on biotic and abiotic factors associated with speciation. We examined species relationships in Tristerix (Loranthaceae), a genus of 11 species with an Andean distribution from Colombia to Chile. A previous classification divided Tristerix into subgenera Tristerix (two species) and Metastachys (nine species). We tested this classification by generating a molecular phylogeny of the genus using nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS and chloroplast atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer and trnL-F regions. All partitions generally gave congruent trees, thus a combined analysis was conducted. Tristerix was composed of a northern clade (six species) and a southern clade (four species). Tristerix verticillatus and T. penduliflorus (Metastachys) were strongly supported as members of the (southern) subgenus Tristerix clade. Speciation appears to be correlated with the emergence of matorral and cloud forest biomes and is driven by interactions with pollinators and seed dispersers. Tristerix aphyllus is sister to T. corymbosus of the matorral, not to neighboring temperate forest populations, thus rendering the latter species paraphyletic. This ecological speciation event may have occurred in sympatry. Tristerix provides excellent examples of how, during the orography of the Andes, many dynamic and interacting ecological factors have influenced their speciation

    Descripción de los parámetros fonético-acústico y autopercepción vocal de telefonistas en la región Metropolitana de Chile

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    Tesis (Fonoaudiología)Los callcenters son un espacio laboral que se ha desarrollado ampliamente en el presente siglo y con ello el rubro de los telefonistas se encuentra en aumento. Sin embargo, la rapidez con que éstos se han instaurado dentro de nuestra sociedad, no ha permitido una valoración adecuada de las posibles consecuencias que tiene el uso de la voz durante las horas que comprende una jornada laboral. El presente estudio, consistió en describir y establecer una relación de los parámetros fonético-acústicos (frecuencia fundamental, Jitter, Shimmer y relación ruido/armónico) y autopercepción vocal en telefonistas de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, utilizando los instrumentos Multidimensional Voice Program (MDVP) e Índice de Incapacidad Vocal (VHI). La muestra de este estudio estuvo compuesta por 56 sujetos, de los cuales 14 eran hombres y las 42 restantes, mujeres, que se desempeñan al año 2013 como telefonistas dentro de uno de los cuatro callcenters seleccionados y que pertenecen a la Región Metropolitana de Chile. En cuanto a los resultados del MDVP, se pudo evidenciar que la utilización de esta herramienta fue eficiente en la entrega de los resultados. Respecto de las diferencias encontradas entre el MDVP y VHI como instrumentos de evaluación simultáneos, se demuestran que todavía ningún parámetro objetivo puede considerarse como factor pronóstico definitivo en la evaluación de los pacientes y que las sensaciones acerca de su problema vocal no pueden valorarse mediante medidas objetivas.Se evidencia la alteración vocal objetiva presente en el 41 % de la muestra y se observa una tendencia a presentar primordialmente solo un parámetro alterado, siendo principalmente Jitter o FO, lo que se registra en un 30% aproximadamente. Respecto a la autopercepción vocal, se obtuvo que el 89% de ellos distinguen una alteración leve en su voz y tan solo un 10% alude a un daño moderado. No se evidenció correlación significativa entre los parámetros fonéticoacústicos y la autopercepción vocal de los telefonistas de la Región Metropolitana.The callcenters are a working place with a significant development during the present century and with it, the function of the telephone operators is growing. However, the fast introduction of them into our society, hasn't allow a proper appreciation of the impact that have the use of the voice during the hours of a working day. The present study consist in the description and stablish a relationship between the phonetic-acoustic parameters (fundamental frequency, Jitter, Shimmer and the relationship noise/harmonic) and the vocal self-perception on telephone operators of Chile's RegiónMetropolitana, using the Multidimensional Voice Program (MDVP) and the Vocal Handicap lndex (VHI) instruments. The sampling of this study was composed by 56 subjects, of which 14 were men and the 42 remaining were women, who work at the year 2013 as telephone operators inside tour selected callcenters of Chile's RegiónMetropolitana. As soon as the results of the MDVP, it was evidenced that the utilization of this tool was efficient at the results development. Respect the differences found between the MDVP and the VHI as evaluation instruments, evidence that no objective parameter can be considerad as an optimal prognostic factor on the patient evaluations and their feelings about own vocal problems can't be assessed by objective measures. Is Evidenced the objective vocal disturbance present in the 41 % of the sample and is observad a tendency to present primarily only one altered parameter, being mainly Jitter or FO, which is registered by a 30%, approximately. Respect the vocal self perception, was obtained that the 89% of them distinguishes a slight alteration on their voice and only the 10% a moderated harm. lt not was evidenced a significativa correlation between the phonetic-acoustic parameters and the vocal self-perception of telephone operators of the RegiónMetropolitana