83 research outputs found

    SEC22 and SLY2 are identical - reply.

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    A New Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Home Monitoring Device for Parkinson’s Dyskinesia

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder. Although there is no cure, symptomatic treatments are available and can significantly improve quality of life. The motor, or movement, features of PD are caused by reduced production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine deficiency is most often treated using dopamine replacement therapy. However, this therapy can itself lead to further motor abnormalities referred to as dyskinesia. Dyskinesia consists of involuntary jerking movements and muscle spasms, which can often be violent. To minimise dyskinesia, it is necessary to accurately titrate the amount of medication given and monitor a patient’s movements. In this paper, we describe a new home monitoring device that allows dyskinesia to be measured as a patient goes about their daily activities, providing information that can assist clinicians when making changes to medication regimens. The device uses a predictive model of dyskinesia that was trained by an evolutionary algorithm, and achieves AUC>0.9 when discriminating clinically significant dyskinesia

    Personalised profiling to identify clinically relevant changes in tremor due to multiple sclerosis

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    Background: There is growing interest in sensor-based assessment of upper limb tremor in multiple sclerosis and other movement disorders. However, previously such assessments have not been found to offer any improvement over conventional clinical observation in identifying clinically relevant changes in an individual's tremor symptoms, due to poor test-retest repeatability. Method: We hypothesised that this barrier could be overcome by constructing a tremor change metric that is customised to each individual's tremor characteristics, such that random variability can be distinguished from clinically relevant changes in symptoms. In a cohort of 24 people with tremor due to multiple sclerosis, the newly proposed metrics were compared against conventional clinical and sensor-based metrics. Each metric was evaluated based on Spearman rank correlation with two reference metrics extracted from the Fahn-Tolosa-Marin Tremor Rating Scale: a task-based measure of functional disability (FTMTRS B) and the subject's self-assessment of the impact of tremor on their activities of daily living (FTMTRS C). Results: Unlike the conventional sensor-based and clinical metrics, the newly proposed ’change in scale’ metrics presented statistically significant correlations with changes in self-assessed impact of tremor (max R2>0.5,p< 0.05 after correction for false discovery rate control). They also outperformed all other metrics in terms of correlations with changes in task-based functional performance (R2=0.25 vs. R2=0.15 for conventional clinical observation, both p< 0.05).Conclusions: The proposed metrics achieve an elusive goal of sensor-based tremor assessment: improving on conventional visual observation in terms of sensitivity to change. Further refinement and evaluation of the proposed techniques is required, but our core findings imply that the main barrier to translational impact for this application can be overcome. Sensor-based tremor assessments may improve personalised treatment selection and the efficiency of clinical trials for new treatments by enabling greater standardisation and sensitivity to clinically relevant changes in symptoms

    VAMP3/Syb and YKT6 are required for the fusion of constitutive secretory carriers with the plasma membrane

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    The cellular machinery required for the fusion of constitutive secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane in metazoans remains poorly defined. To address this problem we have developed a powerful, quantitative assay for measuring secretion and used it in combination with combinatorial gene depletion studies in Drosophila cells. This has allowed us to identify at least three SNARE complexes mediating Golgi to PM transport (STX1, SNAP24/29 and Syb; STX1, SNAP24/29 and YKT6; STX4, SNAP24 and Syb). RNAi mediated depletion of YKT6 and VAMP3 in mammalian cells also blocks constitutive secretion suggesting that YKT6 has an evolutionarily conserved role in this process. The unexpected role of YKT6 in plasma membrane fusion may in part explain why RNAi and gene disruption studies have failed to produce the expected phenotypes in higher eukaryotes

    Freezing of gait and fall detection in Parkinson’s disease using wearable sensors:a systematic review

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    Despite the large number of studies that have investigated the use of wearable sensors to detect gait disturbances such as Freezing of gait (FOG) and falls, there is little consensus regarding appropriate methodologies for how to optimally apply such devices. Here, an overview of the use of wearable systems to assess FOG and falls in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and validation performance is presented. A systematic search in the PubMed and Web of Science databases was performed using a group of concept key words. The final search was performed in January 2017, and articles were selected based upon a set of eligibility criteria. In total, 27 articles were selected. Of those, 23 related to FOG and 4 to falls. FOG studies were performed in either laboratory or home settings, with sample sizes ranging from 1 PD up to 48 PD presenting Hoehn and Yahr stage from 2 to 4. The shin was the most common sensor location and accelerometer was the most frequently used sensor type. Validity measures ranged from 73–100% for sensitivity and 67–100% for specificity. Falls and fall risk studies were all home-based, including samples sizes of 1 PD up to 107 PD, mostly using one sensor containing accelerometers, worn at various body locations. Despite the promising validation initiatives reported in these studies, they were all performed in relatively small sample sizes, and there was a significant variability in outcomes measured and results reported. Given these limitations, the validation of sensor-derived assessments of PD features would benefit from more focused research efforts, increased collaboration among researchers, aligning data collection protocols, and sharing data sets

    Structure-Function Study of Mammalian Munc18-1 and C. elegans UNC-18 Implicates Domain 3b in the Regulation of Exocytosis

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    Munc18-1 is an essential synaptic protein functioning during multiple stages of the exocytotic process including vesicle recruitment, docking and fusion. These functions require a number of distinct syntaxin-dependent interactions; however, Munc18-1 also regulates vesicle fusion via syntaxin-independent interactions with other exocytotic proteins. Although the structural regions of the Munc18-1 protein involved in closed-conformation syntaxin binding have been thoroughly examined, regions of the protein involved in other interactions are poorly characterised. To investigate this we performed a random transposon mutagenesis, identifying domain 3b of Munc18-1 as a functionally important region of the protein. Transposon insertion in an exposed loop within this domain specifically disrupted Mint1 binding despite leaving affinity for closed conformation syntaxin and binding to the SNARE complex unaffected. The insertion mutation significantly reduced total amounts of exocytosis as measured by carbon fiber amperometry in chromaffin cells. Introduction of the equivalent mutation in UNC-18 in Caenorhabditis elegans also reduced neurotransmitter release as assessed by aldicarb sensitivity. Correlation between the two experimental methods for recording changes in the number of exocytotic events was verified using a previously identified gain of function Munc18-1 mutation E466K (increased exocytosis in chromaffin cells and aldicarb hypersensitivity of C. elegans). These data implicate a novel role for an exposed loop in domain 3b of Munc18-1 in transducing regulation of vesicle fusion independent of closed-conformation syntaxin binding

    Identification and structure of four yeast genes (SLY) that are able to suppress the functional loss of YPT1, a member of the RAS superfamily.

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the GTP-binding Ypt1 protein (Ypt1p) is essential for endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi protein transport. By exploiting a GAL10-YPT1 fusion to regulate YPT1 expression, three multicopy suppressors, SLY2, SLY12, and SLY41, and a single-copy suppressor, SLY1-20, that allowed YPT1-independent growth were isolated. Wild-type Sly1p is hydrophilic, is essential for cell viability, and differs from Sly1-20p by a single amino acid. SLY2 and SLY12 encode proteins with hydrophobic tails similar to synaptobrevins, integral membrane proteins of synaptic vesicles in higher eucaryotes. Sly41p is hydrophobic and exhibits sequence similarities with the chloroplast phosphate translocator. SLY12 but not SLY41 is an essential gene. The SLY2 null mutant is cold and heat sensitive. The SLY gene products may comprise elements of the protein transport machinery
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