617 research outputs found

    Near-barrier Fusion Induced by Stable Weakly Bound and Exotic Halo Light Nuclei

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    The effect of breakup is investigated for the medium weight 6^{6}Li+59^{59}Co system in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier. The strong coupling of breakup/transfer channels to fusion is discussed within a comparison of predictions of the Continuum Discretized Coupled-Channels model which is also applied to 6^{6}He+59^{59}Co a reaction induced by the borromean halo nucleus 6^{6}He.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. A talk given at the FUSION06: International Conference on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb barrier, March 19-23, 2006, San Servolo, Venezia, Ital

    Predicción del rendimiento académico en las nuevas titulaciones de grado de la EPS de la Universidad de Córdoba

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    En este artículo se describe una experiencia de innovación docente que tiene como finalidad predecir el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de primer curso de grado universitario utilizando técnicas de minería de datos. La investigación se ha realizado utilizando información de los alumnos de tres asignaturas de introducción a la informática que se han impartido durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2010-11 en las distintas titulaciones de grado de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Córdoba.SUMMARY -- In this paper, we describe an educational innovation experience about the prediction of the students’ academic performance during the first year of university degree by applying data mining techniques. The research has been carried out by using the information of students of three subjects about introduction to computer science during the first semester of 2010-11 academic year in the different degrees of the Higher Technical College of the University of Cordoba.Peer Reviewe

    Binary reaction decays from 24Mg+12C

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    Charged particle and gamma decays in 24Mg* are investigated for excitation energies where quasimolecular resonances appear in 12C+12C collisions. Various theoretical predictions for the occurence of superdeformed and hyperdeformed bands associated with resonance structures with low spin are discussed within the measured 24Mg* excitation energy region. The inverse kinematics reaction 24Mg+12C is studied at E_lab(24Mg) = 130 MeV, an energy which enables the population of 24Mg states decaying into 12C+12C resonant break-up states. Exclusive data were collected with the Binary Reaction Spectrometer in coincidence with EUROBALL IV installed at the VIVITRON Tandem facility at Strasbourg. Specific structures with large deformation were selectively populated in binary reactions and their associated gamma decays studied. Coincident events associated with inelastic and alpha-transfer channels have been selected by choosing the excitation energy or the entry point via the two-body Q-values. The analysis of the binary reaction channels is presented with a particular emphasis on 24Mg-gamma, 20Ne-gamma and 16O-gamma coincidences. New information (spin and branching ratios) is deduced on high-energy states in 24Mg and 16O, respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Immunohistochemical study of nonspecific reactive hepatitis in dogs

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    Study of Deformation Effects in the Charged Particle Emission from 46Ti

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    The 46Ti compound nucleus, as populated by the fusion-evaporation reaction 27Al + 19F at the bombarding energy of 144 MeV, has been investigated by charged particle spectroscopy using the multidetector array ICARE at the VIVITRON tandem facility of the IReS (Strasbourg). The light charged particles have been measured in coincidence with evaporation residues. The CACARIZO code, a Monte Carlo implementation of the statistical-model code CASCADE, has been used to calculate the spectral shapes of evaporated alpha-particles which are compared with the experimental spectra. This comparison indicates the possible signature of large deformations of the compound nucleus.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings od the Zakopane 20004 Symposium, to be published in Acta Phys. Pol. B36 (2005

    Large Deformation Effects in the N = Z 44Ti Compound Nucleus

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    The N = Z 44Ti* nucleus has been populated in Fusion Evaporation process at very high excitation energies and angular momenta using two entrance channels with different mass-asymmetry. The deformation effects in the rapidly rotating nuclei have been investigated through the energy distribution of the alpha-particle combined to statistical-model calculations. In the case of low-multiplicity events, the ratio between first particle emitted has been measured and shows significant disagreement with the predictions of the statistical-model. This may explain The large discrepancies observed in proton energy spectra measured in previous experiments performed in the same mass region.Comment: Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna Italy, June 9-13 2003. 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Short communication: Application of site‐level assessment of governance and equity (sage) methodology to a candidate oecm: AndakÍ municipal natural park, caquetÁ, colombia.

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    Governance is a fundamental aspect and precondition for conservation strategies, such as protected areas or OECMs. A methodology for Site-level Assessment of Governance and Equity (SAGE) has been proposed by IUCN to explore different aspects of governance, based on ten principles. This article describes the application of SAGE to a candidate OECM for what we believe is the first time: the Andakí Municipal Natural Park in the Amazon region of Colombia. The application of SAGE generated useful insights into different aspects of governance, including the importance of good communication and recognising and respecting the rights and responsibilities of different actors. Based on this experience, we believe that the SAGE methodology could be a useful tool not only to identify priorities for improving governance, but also to assess governance and equity in order to evaluate if an area meets the criteria for an OECM that it is governed and managed to achieve sustained and effective contributions to in situ conservation of biodiversity, associated ecosystem functions and services, and cultural, spiritual, socio-economic and other locally relevant values. © 2021, IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature. All rights reserved.This process was made possible with the support of: a) the Local Protected Areas Regional Project implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, ICLEI ? Local Governments for Sustainability and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Environment ministries in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety; b) the project adaptation of the OECM criteria to the Colombian context supported by PPD-GEF-PNUD, and implemented by Resnatur, Instituto Humboldt, Fundaci?n Natura and the Local Protected Areas Project; and c) the EUROCLIMA+ programme supported by Expertise France, GIZ and the International Institute for the Environment and Development (IIED); and d) Thora Amend, Vice Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (thematic area: Governance)

    Aceites esenciales de diversas especies de Artemisia

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    Essential oils from different Artemisia species: A. herba-alba Asso var. glabrescens Boiss. (A. valentina Lamk.) and A. caerulescens L. sp. gallica (Willd.) K. Persson (A. gallica Willd.) were analysed by TLC' and GLC. A comparative study of the results obtained showed that the most important differences between them were those observed from a quantitative point of view. Camphor and α-terpineol were the main components in the first specie; in the second one were camphor and α-thujone.Se analizan por CCF y CGL los aceites esenciales de especies del género Artemisia: A. herba-alba Asso var. glabrescens Boiss. (A. valentina Lamk.) y A. caerulescens L. sp. gallica (Willd.) K. Person (A. gallica Willd.). El análisis comparativo de los resultados pone de manifiesto las diferencias más notorias entre ellas, siendo más acusadas desde un punto de vista cuantitativo. Son componentes mayoritarios de la primera el alcanfor y α-terpineol y en la segunda predominan el alcanfor y α-tuyona

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus and antibiotic-resistant infections: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been associated with infectious diseases; however, whether T2DM is associated with bacterial-resistant infections has not been thoroughly studied. We ascertained whether people with T2DM were more likely to experience resistant infections in comparison to T2DM-free individuals. Methods: Systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis. The search was conducted in Medline, Embase, and Global Health. We selected observational studies in which the outcome was resistant infections (any site), and the exposure was T2DM. We studied adult subjects who could have been selected from population-or hospital-based studies. I-squared was the metric of heterogeneity. We used the Newcastle-Ottawa risk of bias scale. Results: The search retrieved 3,370 reports, 97 were studied in detail and 61 (449,247 subjects) were selected. Studies were mostly cross-sectional or case-control; several infection sites were studied, but mostly urinary tract and respiratory infections. The random-effects meta-analysis revealed that people with T2DM were two-fold more likely to have urinary tract (OR= 2.42; 95% CI: 1.83-3.20; I-squared 19.1%) or respiratory (OR= 2.35; 95% CI: 1.49-3.69; I-squared 58.1%) resistant infections. Although evidence for other infection sites was heterogeneous, they consistently suggested that T2DM was 66associated with resistant infections. Conclusions: Compelling evidence suggests that people with T2DM are more likely to experience antibiotic-resistant urinary tract and respiratory infections. The evidence for other infection sites was less conclusive but pointed to the same overall conclusion. These results could guide empirical treatment for patients with T2DM and infections

    Utilidad del Holter para el diagnóstico de angina vasoespástica

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    Male 55 years old atended by resting precordialgia with repeatedly normal electrocardiogram that was diagnosed vasospastic angina by a record Holter after several normal diagnostic test.Varón de 55 años con precordialgia en reposo y electrocardiograma normal repetidamente, al que se diagnóstica de angina vasoespástica mediante un registro Holter después de diversas pruebas diagnósticas