36 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah  Untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan manejemen risiko dan efektifitas manajemen risiko pada proses blasting di PT. Pertama Mina Sutra Perkasa. Metode Kerangka pemikiran penelitian ini adalah bahwa aktivitas blasting di area pertambangan batu gamping mempunyai tingkat risiko tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan maupun penyakit akibat kerja. Penilaian risiko dan pengendalian dilakukan untuk mengelola bahaya agar tingkat risiko masuk dalam kriteria dapat diterima. Sedangkan untuk bahaya yang tidak diterima dilakukan pengendalian lanjutan agar tingkat risiko turun. Pengambilan data ini dilakukan melalui observasi langsung ke lapangan, wawancara kepada karyawan serta studi kepustakaan. Data kemudian dibahas untuk mengetahui penerapan dan efektifitas manajemen risiko serta kesesuaiannya dengan peraturan perundangan dan standar identifikasi bahaya, penilaian dan pengendalian risiko K3L (Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan)

    Table-sized matrix model in fractional learning

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    This article provides an explanation of the fractional learning model i.e. a Table-Sized Matrix model in which fractional representation and its operations are symbolized by the matrix. The Table-Sized Matrix are employed to develop problem solving capabilities as well as the area model. The Table-Sized Matrix model referred to in this article is used to develop an understanding of the fractional concept to elementary school students which can then be generalized into procedural fluency (algorithm) in solving the fractional problem and its operation

    Social Media-Based Identifier for Natural Disaster

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    This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) that can help the process of Disaster Management (DM) through utilizing social media, in which this software can inform disaster site and safe point for casualities evacuation in real time with Geographic Information System (GIS) aid. The discussion is limited to the system design, with design methodology tool as an adaptation of the model development System of Design Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes the following stages: problem identification and selection, initiation and planning, analysis, and design. The analysis of formulated design is expected to handle disaster evacuation quickly and appropriately, this device will have a significant impact in the evacuation process (recovery) of victims by discovering a safe point of evacuation in order that help is given on target and evenly. The benefit of SPL implementation is that SPL can map position, quantity, density, and incident in the disaster site, so that DM process can be performed quickly and accuratel

    Social Media-Based Identifier for Natural Disaster

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    This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) that can help the process of Disaster Management (DM) through utilizing social media, in which this software can inform disaster site and safe point for casualities evacuation in real time with Geographic Information System (GIS) aid. The discussion is limited to the system design, with design methodology tool as an adaptation of the model development System of Design Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes the following stages: problem identification and selection, initiation and planning, analysis, and design. The analysis of formulated design is expected to handle disaster evacuation quickly and appropriately, this device will have a significant impact in the evacuation process (recovery) of victims by discovering a safe point of evacuation in order that help is given on target and evenly. The benefit of SPL implementation is that SPL can map position, quantity, density, and incident in the disaster site, so that DM process can be performed quickly and accuratel

    Lateral scale calibration for focus variation microscopy

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    Areal surface texture measuring instruments can be calibrated by determining a set of metrological characteristics currently in the final stages of standardisation. In this paper, amplification, linearity and perpendicularity characteristics have been determined to calibrate the lateral performance of a focus variation microscope. The paper presents a novel and low-cost material measure and procedures that are used to determine the characteristics. The material measure is made of stainless steel with a cross-grating grid of hemispherical grooves. The design, manufacturing and calibration of the material measure are discussed. The (20 × 20) mm grid is measured with and without image stitching. The results show that the proposed material measure and procedures can be used to determine the error of the amplification, linearity and perpendicularity characteristics. In addition, the lateral stage error can be significantly reduced by measurement with image stitching

    The Viabilities of Freeze-Thaw Pasundan-Bull Sperms After a Short-Term Exposure to Media with Different pHs

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    External pH is crucial in preserving sperm viability and ensuring fertilization during in vitro conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the maximum pH value that can be tolerated by frozen-thawed Pasundan bull sperms and the effect on sperm quality. Around 250x106 sperms/mL of frozen-thawed Pasundan bull sperms were divided into ten equal aliquots, and each was diluted in the medium within a particular pH value. HCL or NaOH was added to the buffer media to create ten different solutions with varying pH values of 3, 4, 5, 6 as acidic, 7.2-7.4 as a control, and 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 as alkaline. Furthermore, the samples were incubated for 5 minutes at room temperature within a particular pH medium before being immediately supplemented with a buffered medium to achieve a pH of 7.2-7.4. After 10 minutes of incubation at room temperature, all parameters were assessed. The results showed that sperm motility, viability, normal morphology, and acrosome intactness in sperms incubated in the acidic or alkaline media were significantly lower compared to control (p<0.05, respectively). Interestingly, the sperm still had a good tolerance to pHs 6 and 8. This tolerance was evidenced by all the parameters of sperms that were not sharply decreased compared to the control group. The significant loss of motility occurred at pHs 3 and 12. It could be concluded that frozen-thawed Pasundan bull sperms are still tolerable in pHs 4-11, but the sperm quality degrades as the acidity or alkaline level increases.acidi

    Pemberdayaan Strategi UMKM melalui Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan Pendekatan Analisis Swot

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    UMKM Farida Snack dan Aphe berupaya menjadi produsen kerupuk kulit yang memiliki nilai lebih di mata konsumenya. Mengingat saat ini masih berlangsungnya ketidakstabilan ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh pandemi covid-19. Sehingga membuat para pelaku UMKM perlu melakukan analisis strategi untuk menjaga produksi yang tetap berjalan. Melalui Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dengan tujuan untuk pemberdayaan strategi UMKM. Analisis yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan analisis SWOT, dengan lokasi pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Kabupaten Karawang. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah diperolehnya analisis SWOT dan rekomendasi yang dapat diimplementasikan. Maka melalui Matriks SWOT yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil S-O (Strength-Opportunities), W-O (Weaknesses-Opportunities), S-T (Strength-Threat) dan W-T (Weaknesses-Threat). Sehingga melalui Matriks SWOT bertujuan untuk mencocokkan peluang dan ancaman sebagai faktor eksternal yang dihadapi Perusahaan dengan kekuatan dan kelemahan sebagai internalnya untuk menghasilkan strategi alternatif. Analisis tersebut menggunakan suatu matriks yang terdiri dari 9 sel yang berisikan 4 sel alternatif strategi yang dikatakan sebagai Matriks SWOT