291 research outputs found

    Credit Access: Implications for Sole-Proprietor Household Production

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    The objective of this study is to explain the determinants of farm and non-farm sole proprietorship households access to credit as well as the extent their credit constraints impact their value of production. A propensity, kernel-based matching estimator was employed to provide unbiased estimates of the production impacts of being denied credit. Prior research efforts have used inferior methods, including the two-stage Heckman estimator deal with estimation issues (selection bias and endogeneity) inherent in determining impacts of credit access and use. Results suggest that credit constrained sole-proprietorships, farm and non-farm, have a significantly lower value of production, but this drop in production, when aggregated to a national level, is small.farm credit, credit constraint, debt, Agricultural Finance,

    A recirculating-flow fluorescent oxygen sensor

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    Abstract: An immersible oxygen sensor was constructed by circulating small quantities of ruthenium tris-(2,2'-bipyridyl) II dichloride oxygen-sensitive fluorescent dye through a loop of oxygen-permeable silicone tubing immersed in test medium. The fluroescence intensity of the dye was subsequently measured as it exited the flow loop and related to oxygen tension. This method of measuring the oxygen tension, through diffusive transport to a flowing stream of dye and recirculating it in the sensor, has been found to give a stable response and relatively long sensor lifetime without major recalibration. The sensor showed good stability over at least a week's duration and showed no degradation due to leaching of the dye through membranes or photobleaching that commonly affects fluorescent sensors with immobilized chemistries

    Rac GTPase isoform-specific regulation of NADPH oxidase and chemotaxis in murine neutrophils in vivo: Role of the C-terminal polybasic domain

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    The Rho family GTPase Rac acts as a molecular switch for signal transduction to regulate various cellular functions. Mice deficient in the hematopoietic-specific Rac2 isoform exhibit agonist-specific defects in neutrophil chemotaxis and superoxide production, despite expression of the highly homologous Rac1 isoform. To examine whether functional defects in rac2–/– neutrophils reflect effects of an overall decrease in total cellular Rac or an isoform-specific role for Rac2, retroviral vectors were used to express exogenous Rac1 or Rac2 at levels similar to endogenous. In rac2–/– neutrophils differentiated from transduced myeloid progenitors in vitro, increasing cellular Rac levels by expression of either exogenous Rac1 or Rac2 increased formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine- or phorbol ester-stimulated NADPH oxidase activity. Of note, placement of an epitope tag on the N terminus of Rac1 or Rac2 blunted reconstitution of responses in rac2–/– neutrophils. In rac2–/– neutrophils isolated from mice transplanted with Rac-transduced bone marrow cells, superoxide production and chemotaxis were fully reconstituted by expression of exogenous Rac2, but not Rac1. A chimeric Rac1 protein in which the Rac1 C-terminal polybasic domain, which contains six lysines or arginines, was replaced with that of the human Rac2 polybasic domain containing only three basic residues, also reconstituted superoxide production and chemotaxis, whereas expression of a Rac2 derivative in which the polybasic domain was replaced with that of Rac1 did not and resulted in disoriented cell motility. Thus, the composition of the polybasic domain is sufficient for determining Rac isoform specificity in the production of superoxide and chemotaxis in murine neutrophils in vivo

    Family Violence and Children’s Behavior Problems: Independent Contributions of Intimate Partner and Child-Directed Physical Aggression

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    Using data from a diverse sample of 581 families living in predominantly low-income, rural communities, the current study sought to investigate the longitudinal associations among father-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV) and child-directed physical aggression perpetrated by the mother. The unique contributions of each of these types of family violence on children’s behavioral problems at school entry were also examined. Results confirm bidirectional associations between father-perpetrated IPV and maternal physical aggression directed toward the child, and indicate that both types of physical aggression contribute to child behavior problems at school entry

    Correction of a urea cycle defect after ex vivo gene editing of human hepatocytes

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    Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) is a monogenic disease of ammonia metabolism in hepatocytes. Severe disease is frequently treated by orthotopic liver transplantation. An attractive approach is the correction of a patient's own cells to regenerate the liver with gene-repaired hepatocytes. This study investigates the efficacy and safety of ex vivo correction of primary human hepatocytes. Hepatocytes isolated from an OTCD patient were genetically corrected ex vivo, through the deletion of a mutant intronic splicing site achieving editing efficiencies >60% and the restoration of the urea cycle in vitro. The corrected hepatocytes were transplanted into the liver of FRGN mice and repopulated to high levels (>80%). Animals transplanted and liver repopulated with genetically edited patient hepatocytes displayed normal ammonia, enhanced clearance of an ammonia challenge and OTC enzyme activity, as well as lower urinary orotic acid when compared to mice repopulated with unedited patient hepatocytes. Gene expression was shown to be similar between mice transplanted with unedited or edited patient hepatocytes. Finally, a genome-wide screening by performing CIRCLE-seq and deep sequencing of >70 potential off-targets revealed no unspecific editing. Overall analysis of disease phenotype, gene expression, and possible off-target editing indicated that the gene editing of a severe genetic liver disease was safe and effective. Keywords: CRISPR; FRGN; ex vivo; genome editing; hepatocyte transplantation; liver-humanized mouse; primary hepatocytes; urea cycle disorder

    The position of graptolites within Lower Palaeozoic planktic ecosystems.

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    An integrated approach has been used to assess the palaeoecology of graptolites both as a discrete group and also as a part of the biota present within Ordovician and Silurian planktic realms. Study of the functional morphology of graptolites and comparisons with recent ecological analogues demonstrates that graptolites most probably filled a variety of niches as primary consumers, with modes of life related to the colony morphotype. Graptolite coloniality was extremely ordered, lacking any close morphological analogues in Recent faunas. To obtain maximum functional efficiency, graptolites would have needed varying degrees of coordinated automobility. A change in lifestyle related to ontogenetic changes was prevalent within many graptolite groups. Differing lifestyle was reflected by differing reproductive strategies, with synrhabdosomes most likely being a method for rapid asexual reproduction. Direct evidence in the form of graptolithophage 'coprolitic' bodies, as well as indirect evidence in the form of probable defensive adaptations, indicate that graptolites comprised a food item for a variety of predators. Graptolites were also hosts to a variety of parasitic organisms and provided an important nutrient source for scavenging organisms

    The laser-hybrid accelerator for radiobiological applications

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    The `Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications', LhARA, is conceived as a novel, uniquely-flexible facility dedicated to the study of radiobiology. The technologies demonstrated in LhARA, which have wide application, will be developed to allow particle-beam therapy to be delivered in a completely new regime, combining a variety of ion species in a single treatment fraction and exploiting ultra-high dose rates. LhARA will be a hybrid accelerator system in which laser interactions drive the creation of a large flux of protons or light ions that are captured using a plasma (Gabor) lens and formed into a beam. The laser-driven source allows protons and ions to be captured at energies significantly above those that pertain in conventional facilities, thus evading the current space-charge limit on the instantaneous dose rate that can be delivered. The laser-hybrid approach, therefore, will allow the vast ``terra incognita'' of the radiobiology that determines the response of tissue to ionising radiation to be studied with protons and light ions using a wide variety of time structures, spectral distributions, and spatial configurations at instantaneous dose rates up to and significantly beyond the ultra-high dose-rate `FLASH' regime. It is proposed that LhARA be developed in two stages. In the first stage, a programme of in vitro radiobiology will be served with proton beams with energies between 10MeV and 15MeV. In stage two, the beam will be accelerated using a fixed-field accelerator (FFA). This will allow experiments to be carried out in vitro and in vivo with proton beam energies of up to 127MeV. In addition, ion beams with energies up to 33.4MeV per nucleon will be available for in vitro and in vivo experiments. This paper presents the conceptual design for LhARA and the R&D programme by which the LhARA consortium seeks to establish the facility

    Superlattice Growth via MBE and Green’s Function Techniques

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    A model has been developed to simulate the growth of arrays consisting of a substrate on which alternating layers of quantum dots (QDs) and spacer layers are epitaxially grown. The substrate and spacer layers are modeled as an anisotropic elastic half-space, and the QDs are modeled as point inclusions buried within the half-space. In this model, the strain at the free surface of this half-space due to the buried point QDs is calculated, and a scalar measure of the strain at the surface is subsequently determined. New point QDs are placed on the surface where the previously calculated scalar strain measure is a minimum. Following available DFT results, this scalar strain measure is a weighted average of the in-plane strains. This model is constructed under the assumption that diffusional anisotropy can be neglected, and thus, the results are more in agreement with results from experiments of growth of SiGe QDs than experiments involving QDs of (In,Ga)As

    Crystallization by particle attachment in synthetic, biogenic, and geologic environments.

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    Field and laboratory observations show that crystals commonly form by the addition and attachment of particles that range from multi-ion complexes to fully formed nanoparticles. The particles involved in these nonclassical pathways to crystallization are diverse, in contrast to classical models that consider only the addition of monomeric chemical species. We review progress toward understanding crystal growth by particle-attachment processes and show that multiple pathways result from the interplay of free-energy landscapes and reaction dynamics. Much remains unknown about the fundamental aspects, particularly the relationships between solution structure, interfacial forces, and particle motion. Developing a predictive description that connects molecular details to ensemble behavior will require revisiting long-standing interpretations of crystal formation in synthetic systems, biominerals, and patterns of mineralization in natural environments

    Heterostructures for Optical Devices

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    Contains research objectives and reports on eight research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAL03-86-K-0002)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAALO3-89-C-0001)National Science Foundation (Grant EET 87-03404)Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Contract DL-H-315251)Xerox Corporation FellowshipMIT Fund
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