289 research outputs found

    Special nuclear material detection studies with the SMANDRA mobile system

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    The detection of special nuclear material has been studied with the SMANDRA mobile inspection system used both as a high sensitivity passive neutron/gamma spectroscopic tool and as an active inspection device using tagged neutrons. The detection of plutonium samples is possible with passive interrogation, the passive detection of uranium being much more difficult because of the low neutron yield and of the easiness of shielding the gamma rays. However, we show that active interrogation with tagged neutrons is able to provide signatures for the discrimination of uranium against other materials

    A new species of the genus Perleidus (Actinopterygii: Perleidiformes) from the Middle Triassic of Southern China

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    Perleidus sinensis n. sp., a new species of "Subholostea " fossil fish of the order Perleidiformes is described herein on the basis of a single, well-preserved specimen collected from the Upper Member of the Guanling Formation (Pelsonian, Middle Anisian, Middle Triassic) outcropping near Luoping (Yunnan Province) in South China. The vertebrate assemblage yielded by these levels is proving to be of importance with regard to the marine Triassic ichthyofaunas, not only due to the variety, richness and quality of preservation of the faunas, but also from a paleobiogeographic point of view. The new taxon here described belongs to the genus Perleidus, so far represented only in the upper Ladinian of Northern Italy and Switzerland; this find reconfirms a very close connection between the Eastern and Western Tethys during the Middle Triassic, when many fish genera may have migrated from the Southern China Block to the Western Tethys area, giving rise to a notable radiation during some intervals of the Triassic. Besides Perleidus, other actinopterygians are common to both margins of the Tethys, such as Sangiorgioichthys, Habroichthys, Placopleurus, Peltopleurus, Peltoperleidus, Marcopoloichthys, Colobodus, Luopingichthys as well as the cosmopolitan genera Saurichthys and Birgeria

    Differential gene expression in the siphonophore Nanomia bijuga (Cnidaria) assessed with multiple next-generation sequencing workflows. PLoS One 6: e22953

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    Abstract We investigated differential gene expression between functionally specialized feeding polyps and swimming medusae in the siphonophore Nanomia bijuga (Cnidaria) with a hybrid long-read/short-read sequencing strategy. We assembled a set of partial gene reference sequences from long-read data (Roche 454), and generated short-read sequences from replicated tissue samples that were mapped to the references to quantify expression. We collected and compared expression data with three short-read expression workflows that differ in sample preparation, sequencing technology, and mapping tools. These workflows were Illumina mRNA-Seq, which generates sequence reads from random locations along each transcript, and two tag-based approaches, SOLiD SAGE and Helicos DGE, which generate reads from particular tag sites. Differences in expression results across workflows were mostly due to the differential impact of missing data in the partial reference sequences. When all 454-derived gene reference sequences were considered, Illumina mRNA-Seq detected more than twice as many differentially expressed (DE) reference sequences as the tag-based workflows. This discrepancy was largely due to missing tag sites in the partial reference that led to false negatives in the tag-based workflows. When only the subset of reference sequences that unambiguously have tag sites was considered, we found broad congruence across workflows, and they all identified a similar set of DE sequences. Our results are promising in several regards for gene expression studies in non-model organisms. First, we demonstrate that a hybrid long-read/short-read sequencing strategy is an effective way to collect gene expression data when an annotated genome sequence is not available. Second, our replicated sampling indicates that expression profiles are highly consistent across field-collected animals in this case. Third, the impacts of partial reference sequences on the ability to detect DE can be mitigated through workflow choice and deeper reference sequencing

    A large aberrant stem ichthyosauriform indicating early rise and demise of ichthyosauromorphs in the wake of the end-Permian extinction

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    Contrary to the fast radiation of most metazoans after the end-Permian mass extinction, it is believed that early marine reptiles evolved slowly during the same time interval. However, emerging discoveries of Early Triassic marine reptiles are questioning this traditional view. Here we present an aberrant basal ichthyosauriform with a hitherto unknown body design that suggests a fast radiation of early marine reptiles. The new species is larger than coeval marine reptiles and has an extremely small head and a long tail without a fluke. Its heavily-built body bears flattened and overlapping gastral elements reminiscent of hupehsuchians. A phylogenetic analysis places the new species at the base of ichthyosauriforms, as the sister taxon of Cartorhynchus with which it shares a short snout with rostrally extended nasals. It now appears that ichthyosauriforms evolved rapidly within the first one million years of their evolution, in the Spathian (Early Triassic), and their true diversity has yet to be fully uncovered. Early ichthyosauromorphs quickly became extinct near the Early-Middle Triassic boundary, during the last large environmental perturbation after the end-Permian extinction involving redox fluctuations, sea level changes and volcanism. Marine reptile faunas shifted from ichthyosauromorph-dominated to sauropterygian-dominated composition after the perturbation

    Percutaneous Application of High Power Microwave Ablation With 150 W for the Treatment of Tumors in Lung, Liver, and Kidney: A Preliminary Experience

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and short-term effectiveness of a high-power (150 W) microwave ablation (MWA) device for tumor ablation in the lung, liver, and kidney. Methods: Between December 2021 and June 2022, patients underwent high-power MWA for liver, lung, and kidney tumors. A retrospective observational study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The MWA system utilized a 150-W, 2.45-GHz microwave generator (Emprint™ HP Ablation System, Medtronic). The study assessed technical success, safety, and effectiveness, considering pre- and post-treatment diameter and volume, lesion location, biopsy and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) usage, MWA ablation time, MWA power, and dose-area product (DAP). Results: From December 2021 to June 2022, 16 patients were enrolled for high-power MWA. Treated lesions included hepatocellular carcinoma (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer (1), liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1), and renal oncocytoma (1). Technical success rate was 100%. One grade 1 complication (6.25%) was reported according to CIRSE classification. Overall effectiveness was 92.8%. Pre- and post-treatment mean diameters for liver lesions were 19.9 mm and 37.5 mm, respectively; for kidney lesions, 34 mm and 35 mm; for lung lesions, 29.5 mm and 31.5 mm. Pre- and post-treatment mean volumes for liver lesions were 3.4 ml and 24 ml, respectively; for kidney lesions, 8.2 ml and 20.5 ml; for lung lesions, 10.2 ml and 32.7 ml. The mean ablation time was 48 minutes for liver, 42.5 minutes for lung, and 42.5 minutes for renal ablation. The mean DAP for all procedures was 40.83 Gcm2. Conclusion: This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the new 150 W MWA device. Additionally, it shows reduced ablation times for large lesions

    Identifying Regulators of Morphogenesis Common to Vertebrate Neural Tube Closure and Caenorhabditis elegans Gastrulation

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    Neural tube defects including spina bifida are common and severe congenital disorders. In mice, mutations in more than 200 genes can result in neural tube defects. We hypothesized that this large gene set might include genes whose homologs contribute to morphogenesis in diverse animals. To test this hypothesis, we screened a set of Caenorhabditis elegans homologs for roles in gastrulation, a topologically similar process to vertebrate neural tube closure. Both C. elegans gastrulation and vertebrate neural tube closure involve the internalization of surface cells, requiring tissue-specific gene regulation, actomyosin-driven apical constriction, and establishment and maintenance of adhesions between specific cells. Our screen identified several neural tube defect gene homologs that are required for gastrulation in C. elegans, including the transcription factor sptf-3. Disruption of sptf-3 in C. elegans reduced the expression of early endodermally expressed genes as well as genes expressed in other early cell lineages, establishing sptf-3 as a key contributor to multiple well-studied C. elegans cell fate specification pathways. We also identified members of the actin regulatory WAVE complex (wve-1, gex-2, gex-3, abi-1, and nuo-3a). Disruption of WAVE complex members reduced the narrowing of endodermal cells’ apical surfaces. Although WAVE complex members are expressed broadly in C. elegans, we found that expression of a vertebrate WAVE complex member, nckap1, is enriched in the developing neural tube of Xenopus. We show that nckap1 contributes to neural tube closure in Xenopus. This work identifies in vivo roles for homologs of mammalian neural tube defect genes in two manipulable genetic model systems

    Recalibration of the insect evolutionary time scale using Monte San Giorgio fossils suggests survival of key lineages through the End-Permian Extinction

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    Insects are a highly diverse group of organisms and constitute more than half of all known animal species. They have evolved an extraordinary range of traits, from flight and complete metamorphosis to complex polyphenisms and advanced eusociality. Although the rich insect fossil record has helped to chart the appearance of many phenotypic innovations, data are scarce for a number of key periods. One such period is that following the End-Permian Extinction, recognized as the most catastrophic of all extinction events. We recently discovered several 240-million-year-old insect fossils in the Mount San Giorgio Lagerstatte (Switzerland-Italy) that are remarkable for their state of preservation (including internal organs and soft tissues), and because they extend the records of their respective taxa by up to 200 million years. By using these fossils as calibrations in a phylogenomic dating analysis, we present a revised time scale for insect evolution. Our date estimates for several major lineages, including the hyperdiverse crown groups of Lepidoptera, Hemiptera: Heteroptera and Diptera, are substantially older than their currently accepted post-Permian origins. We found that major evolutionary innovations, including flight and metamorphosis, appeared considerably earlier than previously thought. These results have numerous implications for understanding the evolution of insects and their resilience in the face of extreme events such as the End-Permian Extinction

    Commissioning and Field Tests of a Van-Mounted System for the Detection of Radioactive Sources and Special Nuclear Material

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    MODES-SNM project aimed at developing a mobile/portable modular detection system for radioactive sources and Special Nuclear Material (SNM). Its main goal was to deliver a tested prototype capable of passively detecting weak or shielded radioactive sources with accuracy higher than that of currently available systems. By the end of the project all the objectives have been successfully achieved. Results from the laboratory commissioning and the field tests are presented in this publication
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