754 research outputs found

    Smart Material Planning Optimization Problem Analysis

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    Mostly, the concept of smart manufacturing is addressed based upon how to effectively facilitate the production activities by using the automation equipment; however, causing the fluctuation of production may frequently root to the uncertain incoming sales orders. These uncertain factors may be influenced by various economic parameters, such as changes within trade regulations, competitor innovations, and changes within the market. In order to reduce the difference between the forecasted demand versus actual demand and to minimize risk, these factors need to be taken into account and be fully investigated. The current widely applied forecast methods are factory capacity-driven and based on the trend against the activity history. When the uncertainty comes from the external, then the forecasts derived from these models cannot provide convincing insights to let the firms make decisions confidently. Many previous prestigious studies focused on the problem-solving optimization mathematic methods and articulated the causality among latent factors; few have addressed to a holistic framework that the firms can practice on. This study presents a clear operable step-by-step framework to manage and cushion the impact from the external uncertain factors. It also introduces three novel and feasible production planning models with the consideration of the economic parameters. The empirical case was a multi-nation machinery-making firm who has adopted the proposed framework to optimize the material forecasts pursuing their smart manufacturing goals

    Cost-efficient Selective Network Caching in Large-Area Vehicular Networks using Multi-objective Heuristics

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    In the last decade the interest around network caching tech- niques has augmented notably for alleviating the ever-growing demand of resources by end users in mobile networks. This gained momentum stems from the fact that even though the overall volume of traffic re- trieved from Internet has increased at an exponential pace over the last years, several studies have unveiled that a large fraction of this traffic is usually accessed by multiple end users at nearby locations, i.e. content demands are often local and redundant across terminals close to each other, even in mobility. In this context this manuscript explores the ap- plication of multi-objective heuristics to optimally allocate cache profiles over urban scenarios with mobile receivers (e.g. vehicles). To this end we formulate two conflicting objectives: the utility of the cache allocation strategy, which roughly depends on the traffic offloaded from the net- work and the number of users demanding contents; and its cost, given by an cost per unit of stored data and the rate demanded by the cached profile. Simulations are performed and discussed over a realistic vehicu- lar scenario modeled over the city of Cologne (Germany), from which it is concluded that the proposed heuristic solver excels at finding caching solutions differently balancing the aforementioned objectives

    An Analysis of Coalition-Competition Pricing Strategies for Multi-Operator Mobile Traffic Offloading using Bi-objective Heuristics

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    In a competitive market relationships between telecommuni- cations operators serving simultaneously over a certain geographical area are diverse and motivated by very different business strategies and goals. Such relationships ultimately yield distinct pricing portfolios depending on the contractual affiliation of the user being served. Furthermore a key role in the last decade is the concept of tethering (connection sharing) which, when controlled by the operator, may help alleviating the con- sumption of network resources in densely populated scenarios. In this work we investigate the application of bi-objective heuristics for the de- sign of Pareto-optimal network topologies leading to an optimal Pareto between the revenue of the incumbent operators in the scenario and the quality of service degradation experienced by the end users as a result of tethering. Based on computer simulation this work unveils that such a Pareto-optimal set of topologies is strongly determined by the market relationships between such operators

    A simple proof of the Markoff conjecture for prime powers

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    We give a simple and independent proof of the result of Jack Button and Paul Schmutz that the Markoff conjecture on the uniqueness of the Markoff triples (a,b,c), where a, b, and c are in increasing order, holds whenever cc is a prime power.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Nature-inspired heuristics for the multiple-vehicle selective pickup and delivery problem under maximum profit and incentive fairness criteria

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    This work focuses on wide-scale freight transportation logistics motivated by the sharp increase of on-line shopping stores and the upsurge of Internet as the most frequently utilized selling channel during the last decade. This huge ecosystem of one-click-away catalogs has ultimately unleashed the need for efficient algorithms aimed at properly scheduling the underlying transportation resources in an efficient fashion, especially over the so-called last mile of the distribution chain. In this context the selective pickup and delivery problem focuses on determining the optimal subset of packets that should be picked from its origin city and delivered to their corresponding destination within a given time frame, often driven by the maximization of the total profit of the courier service company. This manuscript tackles a realistic variant of this problem where the transportation fleet is composed by more than one vehicle, which further complicates the selection of packets due to the subsequent need for coordinating the delivery service from the command center. In particular the addressed problem includes a second optimization metric aimed at reflecting a fair share of the net benefit among the company staff based on their driven distance. To efficiently solve this optimization problem, several nature-inspired metaheuristic solvers are analyzed and statistically compared to each other under different parameters of the problem setup. Finally, results obtained over a realistic scenario over the province of Bizkaia (Spain) using emulated data will be explored so as to shed light on the practical applicability of the analyzed heuristics

    Cost-efficient deployment of multi-hop wireless networks over disaster areas using multi-objective meta-heuristics

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    Nowadays there is a global concern with the growing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters, many of them associated with climate change at a global scale. When tackled during a stringent economic era, the allocation of resources to efficiently deal with such disaster situations (e.g., brigades, vehicles and other support equipment for fire events) undergoes severe budgetary limitations which, in several proven cases, have lead to personal casualties due to a reduced support equipment. As such, the lack of enough communication resources to cover the disaster area at hand may cause a risky radio isolation of the deployed teams and ultimately fatal implications, as occurred in different recent episodes in Spain and USA during the last decade. This issue becomes even more dramatic when understood jointly with the strong budget cuts lately imposed by national authorities. In this context, this article postulates cost-efficient multi-hop communications as a technological solution to provide extended radio coverage to the deployed teams over disaster areas. Specifically, a Harmony Search (HS) based scheme is proposed to determine the optimal number, position and model of a set of wireless relays that must be deployed over a large-scale disaster area. The approach presented in this paper operates under a Pareto-optimal strategy, so a number of different deployments is then produced by balancing between redundant coverage and economical cost of the deployment. This information can assist authorities in their resource provisioning and/or operation duties. The performance of different heuristic operators to enhance the proposed HS algorithm are assessed and discussed by means of extensive simulations over synthetically generated scenarios, as well as over a more realistic, orography-aware setup constructed with LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) data captured in the city center of Bilbao (Spain)

    Intelligent Embedded Vision for Summarization of Multi-View Videos in IIoT

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    Nowadays, video sensors are used on a large scale for various applications including security monitoring and smart transportation. However, the limited communication bandwidth and storage constraints make it challenging to process such heterogeneous nature of Big Data in real time. Multi-view video summarization (MVS) enables us to suppress redundant data in distributed video sensors settings. The existing MVS approaches process video data in offline manner by transmitting it to the local or cloud server for analysis, which requires extra streaming to conduct summarization, huge bandwidth, and are not applicable for integration with industrial internet of things (IIoT). This paper presents a light-weight CNN and IIoT based computationally intelligent (CI) MVS framework. Our method uses an IIoT network containing smart devices, Raspberry Pi (clients and master) with embedded cameras to capture multi-view video (MVV) data. Each client Raspberry Pi (RPi) detects target in frames via light-weight CNN model, analyzes these targets for traffic and crowd density, and searches for suspicious objects to generate alert in the IIoT network. The frames of each client RPi are encoded and transmitted with approximately 17.02% smaller size of each frame to master RPi for final MVS. Empirical analysis shows that our proposed framework can be used in industrial environments for various applications such as security and smart transportation and can be proved beneficial for saving resources

    Hybridizing Cartesian Genetic Programming and Harmony Search for Adaptive Feature Construction in Supervised Learning Problems

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    The advent of the so-called Big Data paradigm has motivated a flurry of research aimed at enhancing machine learning models by following very di- verse approaches. In this context this work focuses on the automatic con- struction of features in supervised learning problems, which differs from the conventional selection of features in that new characteristics with enhanced predictive power are inferred from the original dataset. In particular this manuscript proposes a new iterative feature construction approach based on a self-learning meta-heuristic algorithm (Harmony Search) and a solution encoding strategy (correspondingly, Cartesian Genetic Programming) suited to represent combinations of features by means of constant-length solution vectors. The proposed feature construction algorithm, coined as Adaptive Cartesian Harmony Search (ACHS), incorporates modifications that allow exploiting the estimated predictive importance of intermediate solutions and, ultimately, attaining better convergence rate in its iterative learning proce- dure. The performance of the proposed ACHS scheme is assessed and com- pared to that rendered by the state of the art in a toy example and three practical use cases from the literature. The excellent performance figures obtained in these problems shed light on the widespread applicability of the proposed scheme to supervised learning with legacy datasets composed by already refined characteristics

    Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions

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    [EN] Advances in information and signal processing technologies have a significant impact on autonomous driving (AD), improving driving safety while minimizing the efforts of human drivers with the help of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Recently, deep learning (DL) approaches have solved several real-world problems of complex nature. However, their strengths in terms of control processes for AD have not been deeply investigated and highlighted yet. This survey highlights the power of DL architectures in terms of reliability and efficient real-time performance and overviews state-of-the-art strategies for safe AD, with their major achievements and limitations. Furthermore, it covers major embodiments of DL along the AD pipeline including measurement, analysis, and execution, with a focus on road, lane, vehicle, pedestrian, drowsiness detection, collision avoidance, and traffic sign detection through sensing and vision-based DL methods. In addition, we discuss on the performance of several reviewed methods by using different evaluation metrics, with critics on their pros and cons. Finally, this survey highlights the current issues of safe DL-based AD with a prospect of recommendations for future research, rounding up a reference material for newcomers and researchers willing to join this vibrant area of Intelligent Transportation Systems.This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) Grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) (2019-0-00136, Development of AI-Convergence Technologies for Smart City Industry Productivity Innovation); The work of Javier Del Ser was supported by the Basque Government through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK Programs, as well as by the Department of Education of this institution (Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE, IT1294-19); VHCA received support from the Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq, Grant #304315/2017-6 and #430274/2018-1).Muhammad, K.; Ullah, A.; Lloret, J.; Del Ser, J.; De Albuquerque, VHC. (2021). Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(7):4316-4336. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2020.30322274316433622