481 research outputs found

    GLIMS-IT: contributo italiano al progetto GLIMS di monitoraggio satellitare dei ghiacciai del globo

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    Si illustra lo stato di avanzamento del contributo italiano al progetto GLIMS-Global Land Ice Measurements from Space che consiste nella redazione di un Atlante satellitare dei ghiacciai italiani. Dall'analisi di cinque immagini rilevate dal sensore ASTER installato sul satellite TERRA sono stati delineati i limiti dei ghiacciai nei gruppi montuosi delle Alpi Lepontine, Pusteresi, delle Dolomiti venete, del versante trentino del Cevedale e dell'Adamello-Presanella. Dal punto di vista metodologico si sono sfruttate, tra l'altro, le informazioni desumibili dai canali spettrali dell'infrarosso termico per il riconoscimento di alcuni ghiacciai coperti da detrito e, una volta delineata l'estensione del ghiacciaio, i parametri geomorfologici vengono estratti in modo automatico con un codice di calcolo che implementa i requisiti del progetto GLIMS. I risultati delle elaborazioni sono stati trasmessi al data base gestito dal National Snow and Ice Data Center ed al Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, che collabora all'iniziativa per l'aggiornamento del catasto dei ghiacciai italiani. Le informazioni per i gruppi montuosi del Cevedale e dell'Adamello-Presanella sono state organizzate in un sistema informativo territoriale in formato KML. Mediamente, nelle aree sinora investigate, è stata rilevata una diminuzione dell'estensione dei ghiacciai, dagli anni '80 al 2007, compresa tra il 34% ed il 50%, una marcata frammentazione di diversi ghiacciai e la scomparsa di alcune unità glaciologiche, confermando l'accelerazione del ritiro iniziato al termine della Piccola Età Glaciale. Si presentano i risultati dell'elaborazione di un'immagine del gruppo dell'Adamello-Presanella la cui estensione dei ghiacciai si è ridotta del 36% dagli anni '80 al 2007

    Uncertainty propagation for flood forecasting in the Alps: different views and impacts from MAP D-PHASE

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    D-PHASE was a Forecast Demonstration Project of theWorldWeather Research Programme (WWRP) related to the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP). Its goal was to demonstrate the reliability and quality of operational forecasting of orographically influenced (determined) precipitation in the Alps and its consequences on the distribution of run-off characteristics. A special focus was, of course, on heavy-precipitation events. The D-PHASE Operations Period (DOP) ran from June to November 2007, during which an end-to-end forecasting system was operated covering many individual catchments in the Alps, with their water authorities, civil protection organizations or other end users. The forecasting system’s core piece was a Visualization Platform where precipitation and flood warnings from some 30 atmospheric and 7 hydrological models (both deterministic and probabilistic) and corresponding model fields were displayed in uniform and comparable formats. Also, meteograms, nowcasting information and end user communication was made available to all the forecasters, users and end users. D-PHASE information was assessed and used by some 50 different groups ranging from atmospheric forecasters to civil protection authorities or water management bodies. In the present contribution, D-PHASE is briefly presented along with its outstanding scientific results and, in particular, the lessons learnt with respect to uncertainty propagation. A focus is thereby on the transfer of ensemble prediction information into the hydrological community and its use with respect to other aspects of societal impact. Objective verification of forecast quality is contrasted to subjective quality assessments during the project (end user workshops, questionnaires) and some general conclusions concerning forecast demonstration projects are drawn

    Profiles and species of Mn, Fe and trace metals in soils near a ferromanganese plant in Bagnolo Mella (Brescia, IT)

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    For the last forty-five years (from 1974 to present) ferroalloy production in Bagnolo Mella, Northern Italy, has generated particulate emissions enriched in potentially toxic metals and metalloids including arsenic (As), lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn). Of these, Mn is unique in that it has a significant background concentration and is seldom studied as a contaminant but is potentially a significant toxin derived from dusts regionally. Here we examine the distribution, redistribution, speciation and bioavailability of the Mn-contaminated top soils affected by atmospheric emissions adjacent to the ferroalloy plant. Four sites, variably located in the study area in terms of both distance and direction from the plant, were considered as representative of increasing levels of industrial influence. Soil profiles showed that metal concentrations (measured by X-ray fluorescence) varied considerably by location, i.e. higher in the sites closer to the plant and also at the surface level, although distributed throughout the top 15 cm, suggesting appreciable redistribution possibly due to soil mixing or infiltration. Most metal concentrations were correlated, except Mn which was independent and more variable across the sites than the other elements. Sequential chemical extractions indicated that Pb was primarily associated with Mn oxides, while As was most significantly associated with iron oxides. When Mn concentration significantly exceeded background levels, it was present in phases that were resistant to acid dissolution, very different from typical uncontaminated soils. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) analyses suggested this recalcitrant Mn phase is likely a Mn-bearing spinel such as magnetite, that can be particularly toxic if ingested or inhaled. These first results highlight the legacy of ferroalloy production on surrounding soils, as well as the importance of Mn speciation for soil apportionment evaluation and human exposure estimation

    Devolatilization of organo-sulfur compounds in coal gasification

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    Coal gasification is a thermo-chemical process aiming at the production of high heating value syngas. The coal charges present, typically, a low quantity of sulfur compounds for prevent the formation of a large amount of sulfuric acid (H2S), that is a pollutant and a poison for catalysts, in syngas stream. However, in the world there are a lot of coals that cannot be used for gasification because of their high sulfur content (e.g. Sulcis Italian coal or Inner Mongolia Chinese coal). The interest on these types of coal is increasing due to a novel technology that allows to convert H2S and CO2into syngas (AG2S\u2122). The aim of this work is to propose a predictive kinetic model of the release of sulfur compounds (e.g H2S) from coal. This kinetic scheme is implement into GASDS, a package that includes a gasifier mathematical model, which accurately describes the inter-phase mass and heat transfer. The first complexity relies in the characterization of the coal, in particular the relative amount of the different forms of sulfur components (e.g. inorganic such as pyritic and sulfates, and organic sulfur such as aliphatic, aromatic and thiophenic) and their pyrolysis and devolatilization process. The kinetic model, with the related rate parameters, is validated through comparison with experimental data from the literature and obtained during several experimental campaigns at the Sotacarbo S.p.A. pilot platform. Finally, different operating conditions of gasification are analyzed in order to obtain the best yield in the downstream process, with special reference to the novel Acid Gas to Syngas (AG2STM) process

    Association between Asthma Control and Exposure to Greenness and Other Outdoor and Indoor Environmental Factors: A Longitudinal Study on a Cohort of Asthmatic Children

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    Achieving and maintaining asthma control (AC) is the main goal of asthma management. Indoor and outdoor environmental factors may play an important role on AC. The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the association between AC and exposure to greenness and other outdoor or indoor environmental factors in a cohort of asthmatic children. This study involved 179 asthmatic children (5–16 years). Parents were interviewed through a modified version of the SIDRIA questionnaire. AC was assessed at each visit. Exposure to greenness was measured using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). A logistic regression model was applied for assessing risk factors for uncontrolled asthma (UA). Low NDVI exposure was a risk factor for UA (OR: 2.662, 95% CI (1.043–6.799)); children exposed to passive smoke during pregnancy had a higher risk of UA than those non-exposed to passive smoke during pregnancy (OR: 3.816, 95% CI (1.114–13.064)); and a unit increase in the crowding index was associated with an increased risk of UA (OR: 3.376, 95% CI (1.294–8.808)). In conclusion, the current study provided a comprehensive assessment of urban-related environmental exposures on asthma control in children, using multiple indicators of greenness and other outdoor or indoor environmental factors

    Cross-sectional associations between air pollution and chronic bronchitis: an ESCAPE meta-analysis across five cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess associations of outdoor air pollution on prevalence of chronic bronchitis symptoms in adults in five cohort studies (Asthma-E3N, ECRHS, NSHD, SALIA, SAPALDIA) participating in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) project. METHODS: Annual average particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PMabsorbance, PMcoarse), NO2, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and road traffic measures modelled from ESCAPE measurement campaigns 2008-2011 were assigned to home address at most recent assessments (1998-2011). Symptoms examined were chronic bronchitis (cough and phlegm for ≥3 months of the year for ≥2 years), chronic cough (with/without phlegm) and chronic phlegm (with/without cough). Cohort-specific cross-sectional multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted using common confounder sets (age, sex, smoking, interview season, education), followed by meta-analysis. RESULTS: 15 279 and 10 537 participants respectively were included in the main NO2 and PM analyses at assessments in 1998-2011. Overall, there were no statistically significant associations with any air pollutant or traffic exposure. Sensitivity analyses including in asthmatics only, females only or using back-extrapolated NO2 and PM10 for assessments in 1985-2002 (ECRHS, NSHD, SALIA, SAPALDIA) did not alter conclusions. In never-smokers, all associations were positive, but reached statistical significance only for chronic phlegm with PMcoarse OR 1.31 (1.05 to 1.64) per 5 µg/m(3) increase and PM10 with similar effect size. Sensitivity analyses of older cohorts showed increased risk of chronic cough with PM2.5abs (black carbon) exposures. CONCLUSIONS: Results do not show consistent associations between chronic bronchitis symptoms and current traffic-related air pollution in adult European populations

    Perturbation of metabolic pathways mediates the association of air pollutants with asthma and cardiovascular diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic evidence indicates common risk factors, including air pollution exposure, for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, suggesting the involvement of common altered molecular pathways. OBJECTIVES: The goal was to find intermediate metabolites or metabolic pathways that could be associated with both air pollutants and health outcomes ("meeting-in-the-middle"), thus shedding light on mechanisms and reinforcing causality. METHODS: We applied a statistical approach named 'meet-in-the-middle' to untargeted metabolomics in two independent case-control studies nested in cohorts on adult-onset asthma (AOA) and cardio-cerebrovascular diseases (CCVD). We compared the results to identify both common and disease-specific altered metabolic pathways. RESULTS: A novel finding was a strong association of AOA with ultrafine particles (UFP; odds ratio 1.80 [1.26, 2.55] per increase by 5000 particles/cm3). Further, we have identified several metabolic pathways that potentially mediate the effect of air pollution on health outcomes. Among those, perturbation of Linoleate metabolism pathway was associated with air pollution exposure, AOA and CCVD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest common pathway perturbations may occur as a consequence of chronic exposure to air pollution leading to increased risk for both AOA and CCVD

    Reproductive Strategy of the Giant Electric Ray in the Southern Gulf of California

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    The objective of the present study was to describe and characterize macroscopic and microscopic aspects of the reproductive biology of the Giant Electric Ray Narcine entemedor, a viviparous elasmobranch targeted by commercial fishers in Mexico. A total of 305 individual rays were captured (260 females, 45 males); all males were sexually mature. The median size at maturity for females was estimated to be 58.5 cm TL, the median size at pregnancy was 63.7 cm TL, and the median size at maternity was 66.2 cm TL. The range of ovarian follicles recorded per female was 1–69; the maximum ovarian fecundity of fully grown vitellogenic oocytes was 17, and uterine fecundity ranged from 1 to 24 embryos per female. The lengths of the oblong ovarian follicles varied significantly among months, and the largest ovarian follicles were found in July, August, and September. Median embryo size was largest in August, and the size at birth was between 12.4 and 14.5 cm TL. Histological evidence of secretions from the glandular tissue of the uterine villi indicate that this species probably has limited histotrophy as a reproductive mode. Vitellogenesis in the ovary occurred synchronously with gestation in the uterus. The Giant Electric Ray has a continuous annual reproductive cycle; a period of ovulation occurs between May and September and two peaks of parturition, one in January and one in August, occur, suggesting that embryonic diapause occurs in some individuals. These results provide useful information for the management of this important commercial species in Bahía de La Paz, Mexico, and will allow possible modification of the current Mexican regulations to enable better protection of this species

    A review of exposure assessment methods for epidemiological studies of health effects related to industrially contaminated sites

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    BACKGROUND: this paper is based upon work from COST Action ICSHNet. Health risks related to living close to industrially contaminated sites (ICSs) are a public concern. Toxicology-based risk assessment of single contaminants is the main approach to assess health risks, but epidemiological studies which investigate the relationships between exposure and health directly in the affected population have contributed important evidence. Limitations in exposure assessment have substantially contributed to uncertainty about associations found in epidemiological studies. OBJECTIVES: to examine exposure assessment methods that have been used in epidemiological studies on ICSs and to provide recommendations for improved exposure assessment in epidemiological studies by comparing exposure assessment methods in epidemiological studies and risk assessments. METHODS: after defining the multi-media framework of exposure related to ICSs, we discussed selected multi-media models applied in Europe. We provided an overview of exposure assessment in 54 epidemiological studies from a systematic review of hazardous waste sites; a systematic review of 41 epidemiological studies on incinerators and 52 additional studies on ICSs and health identified for this review. RESULTS: we identified 10 multi-media models used in Europe primarily for risk assessment. Recent models incorporated estimation of internal biomarker levels. Predictions of the models differ particularly for the routes ‘indoor air inhalation’ and ‘vegetable consumption’. Virtually all of the 54 hazardous waste studies used proximity indicators of exposure, based on municipality or zip code of residence (28 studies) or distance to a contaminated site (25 studies). One study used human biomonitoring. In virtually all epidemiological studies, actual land use was ignored. In the 52 additional studies on contaminated sites, proximity indicators were applied in 39 studies, air pollution dispersion modelling in 6 studies, and human biomonitoring in 9 studies. Exposure assessment in epidemiological studies on incinerators included indicators (presence of source in municipality and distance to the incinerator) and air dispersion modelling. Environmental multi-media modelling methods were not applied in any of the three groups of studies. CONCLUSIONS: recommendations for refined exposure assessment in epidemiological studies included the use of more sophisticated exposure metrics instead of simple proximity indicators where feasible, as distance from a source results in misclassification of exposure as it ignores key determinants of environmental fate and transport, source characteristics, land use, and human consumption behaviour. More validation studies using personal exposure or human biomonitoring are needed to assess misclassification of exposure. Exposure assessment should take more advantage of the detailed multi-media exposure assessment procedures developed for risk assessment. The use of indicators can be substantially improved by linking definition of zones of exposure to existing knowledge of extent of dispersion. Studies should incorporate more often land use and individual behaviour