121 research outputs found

    Sensory memory for odors is encoded in spontaneous correlated activity between olfactory glomeruli

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    Sensory memory is a short-lived persistence of a sensory stimulus in the nervous system, such as iconic memory in the visual system. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying olfactory sensory memory. We have therefore analyzed the effect of odor stimuli on the first odor-processing network in the honeybee brain, the antennal lobe, which corresponds to the vertebrate olfactory bulb. We stained output neurons with a calcium-sensitive dye and measured across-glomerular patterns of spontaneous activity before and after a stimulus. Such a single-odor presentation changed the relative timing of spontaneous activity across glomeruli in accordance with Hebb's theory of learning. Moreover, during the first few minutes after odor presentation, correlations between the spontaneous activity fluctuations suffice to reconstruct the stimulus. As spontaneous activity is ubiquitous in the brain, modifiable fluctuations could provide an ideal substrate for Hebbian reverberations and sensory memory in other neural systems

    The Development of the Mindfulness for Mental Fitness Program (Mind-Fit): An Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Group Therapy Program for Anxiety and Depression among Filipino College Students

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    Primarily, the study was conducted to test the efficacy of a newly developed Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Group Therapy Program for Anxiety and Depression among Filipino College Students known as Mind-Fit Program. Using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, participants underwent 5-sessions (5 weeks with 45 minutes-2 hours duration per week). Measures such as Hopkin’s Symptom Checklist (HSCL), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 were used as pre and post-test measures. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to analyze the data. Results revealed on the quantitative part using paired sample t-test and Cohen’s d that there is a significant difference on the pre and post-test results on Hopkins Anxiety scale (t(5) = 17.419, p = .000) and Beck Anxiety measure (t(5) = 5.466, p = .005) with Cohen's d of 4.60 and 3.42 respectively.  Same pattern was found on the difference of pre and post test on depression measures. Statistically significant findings on both Hopkins Depression subscale (t(5) = 7.359, p = .002) and PHQ-9 measure (t(5) = 5.466, p = .005) with Cohen’s d of 4.28 and 2.13 respectively

    Searching for network modules

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    When analyzing complex networks a key target is to uncover their modular structure, which means searching for a family of modules, namely node subsets spanning each a subnetwork more densely connected than the average. This work proposes a novel type of objective function for graph clustering, in the form of a multilinear polynomial whose coefficients are determined by network topology. It may be thought of as a potential function, to be maximized, taking its values on fuzzy clusterings or families of fuzzy subsets of nodes over which every node distributes a unit membership. When suitably parametrized, this potential is shown to attain its maximum when every node concentrates its all unit membership on some module. The output thus is a partition, while the original discrete optimization problem is turned into a continuous version allowing to conceive alternative search strategies. The instance of the problem being a pseudo-Boolean function assigning real-valued cluster scores to node subsets, modularity maximization is employed to exemplify a so-called quadratic form, in that the scores of singletons and pairs also fully determine the scores of larger clusters, while the resulting multilinear polynomial potential function has degree 2. After considering further quadratic instances, different from modularity and obtained by interpreting network topology in alternative manners, a greedy local-search strategy for the continuous framework is analytically compared with an existing greedy agglomerative procedure for the discrete case. Overlapping is finally discussed in terms of multiple runs, i.e. several local searches with different initializations.Comment: 10 page

    Improved X-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes

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    Avalanche photodiodes are commonly used as detectors for low energy x-rays. In this work we report on a fitting technique used to account for different detector responses resulting from photo absorption in the various APD layers. The use of this technique results in an improvement of the energy resolution at 8.2 keV by up to a factor of 2, and corrects the timing information by up to 25 ns to account for space dependent electron drift time. In addition, this waveform analysis is used for particle identification, e.g. to distinguish between x-rays and MeV electrons in our experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Structural Olfactory Nerve Changes in Patients Suffering from Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Complications of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) are usually caused by elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). In a similar way as in the optic nerve, elevated ICP could also compromise the olfactory nerve system. On the other side, there is growing evidence that an extensive lymphatic network system around the olfactory nerves could be disturbed in cerebrospinal fluid disorders like IIH. The hypothesis that patients with IIH suffer from hyposmia has been suggested in the past. However, this has not been proven in clinical studies yet. This pilot study investigates whether structural changes of the olfactory nerve system can be detected in patients with IIH. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Twenty-three patients with IIH and 23 matched controls were included. Olfactory bulb volume (OBV) and sulcus olfactorius (OS) depth were calculated by magnetic resonance techniques. While mean values of total OBV (128.7±38.4 vs. 130.0±32.6 mm(3), p=0.90) and mean OS depth (8.5±1.2 vs. 8.6±1.1 mm, p=0.91) were similar in both groups, Pearson correlation showed that patients with a shorter medical history IIH revealed a smaller OBV (r=0.53, p<0.01). In untreated symptomatic patients (n=7), the effect was greater (r=0.76, p<0.05). Patients who suffered from IIH for less than one year (n=8), total OBV was significantly smaller than in matched controls (116.6±24.3 vs. 149.3±22.2 mm(3), p=0.01). IIH patients with visual disturbances (n=21) revealed a lower OS depth than patients without (8.3±0.9 vs. 10.8±1.0 mm, p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that morphological changes of the olfactory nerve system could be present in IIH patients at an early stage of disease

    Capabilities, Performance, and Status of the SOFIA Science Instrument Suite

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    The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is an airborne observatory, carrying a 2.5 m telescope onboard a heavily modified Boeing 747SP aircraft. SOFIA is optimized for operation at infrared wavelengths, much of which is obscured for ground-based observatories by atmospheric water vapor. The SOFIA science instrument complement consists of seven instruments: FORCAST (Faint Object InfraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope), GREAT (German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies), HIPO (High-speed Imaging Photometer for Occultations), FLITECAM (First Light Infrared Test Experiment CAMera), FIFI-LS (Far-Infrared Field-Imaging Line Spectrometer), EXES (Echelon-Cross-Echelle Spectrograph), and HAWC (High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera). FORCAST is a 540 m imager with grism spectroscopy, developed at Cornell University. GREAT is a heterodyne spectrometer providing high-resolution spectroscopy in several bands from 60240 m, developed at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy. HIPO is a 0.31.1 m imager, developed at Lowell Observatory. FLITECAM is a 15 m wide-field imager with grism spectroscopy, developed at UCLA. FIFI-LS is a 42210 m integral field imaging grating spectrometer, developed at the University of Stuttgart. EXES is a 528 m high-resolution spectrograph, developed at UC Davis and NASA ARC. HAWC is a 50240 m imager, developed at the University of Chicago, and undergoing an upgrade at JPL to add polarimetry capability and substantially larger GSFC detectors. We describe the capabilities, performance, and status of each instrument, highlighting science results obtained using FORCAST, GREAT, and HIPO during SOFIA Early Science observations conducted in 2011

    The size of the proton and the deuteron

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    We have recently measured the 2S1/2⁼¹ − 2P3/2 ⁼ ² energy splitting in the muonic hydrogen atom μp to be 49881.88 (76) GHz. Using recent QED calculations of the fine-, hyperfine, QED and finite size contributions we obtain a root-mean-square proton charge radius of rp = 0.84184 (67) fm. This value is ten times more precise, but 5 standard deviations smaller, than the 2006 CODATA value of rp = 0.8768 (69) fm. The source of this discrepancy is unknown. Using the precise measurements of the 1S-2S transition in regular hydrogen and deuterium and our value of rp we obtain improved values of the Rydberg constant, R∞ = 10973731.568160 (16) m⁻¹and the rms charge radius of the deuteron rd = 2.12809 (31) fm

    Reduction of Cross-Reactive Carbohydrate Determinants in Plant Foodstuff: Elucidation of Clinical Relevance and Implications for Allergy Diagnosis

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    Background: A longstanding debate in allergy is whether or not specific immunoglobulin-E antibodies (sIgE), recognizing cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD), are able to elicit clinical symptoms. In pollen and food allergy, $20% of patients display in-vitro CCD reactivity based on presence of a1,3-fucose and/or b1,2-xylose residues on N-glycans of plant (xylose/fucose) and insect (fucose) glycoproteins. Because the allergenicity of tomato glycoallergen Lyc e 2 was ascribed to N-glycan chains alone, this study aimed at evaluating clinical relevance of CCD-reduced foodstuff in patients with carbohydrate-specific IgE (CCD-sIgE). Methodology/Principal Findings: Tomato and/or potato plants with stable reduction of Lyc e 2 (tomato) or CCD formation in general were obtained via RNA interference, and gene-silencing was confirmed by immunoblot analyses. Two different CCD-positive patient groups were compared: one with tomato and/or potato food allergy and another with hymenopteravenom allergy (the latter to distinguish between CCD- and peptide-specific reactions in the food-allergic group). Nonallergic and CCD-negative food-allergic patients served as controls for immunoblot, basophil activation, and ImmunoCAP analyses. Basophil activation tests (BAT) revealed that Lyc e 2 is no key player among other tomato (glyco)allergens. CCDpositive patients showed decreased (re)activity with CCD-reduced foodstuff, most obvious in the hymenoptera venomallergic but less in the food-allergic group, suggesting that in-vivo reactivity is primarily based on peptide- and not CCDsIgE. Peptide epitopes remained unaffected in CCD-reduced plants, because CCD-negative patient sera showed reactivity similar to wild-type. In-house-made ImmunoCAPs, applied to investigate feasibility in routine diagnosis, confirmed BAT results at the sIgE level. Conclusions/Significance: CCD-positive hymenoptera venom-allergic patients (control group) showed basophil activation despite no allergic symptoms towards tomato and potato. Therefore, this proof-of-principle study demonstrates feasibility of CCD-reduced foodstuff to minimize ‘false-positive results’ in routine serum tests. Despite confirming low clinical relevance of CCD antibodies, we identified one patient with ambiguous in-vitro results, indicating need for further component-resolved diagnosis

    Reduction of claustrophobia during magnetic resonance imaging: methods and design of the "CLAUSTRO" randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been described as the most important medical innovation in the last 25 years. Over 80 million MR procedures are now performed each year and on average 2.3% (95% confidence interval: 2.0 to 2.5%) of all patients scheduled for MR imaging suffer from claustrophobia. Thus, prevention of MR imaging by claustrophobia is a common problem and approximately 2,000,000 MR procedures worldwide cannot be completed due to this situation. Patients with claustrophobic anxiety are more likely to be frightened and experience a feeling of confinement or being closed in during MR imaging. In these patients, conscious sedation and additional sequences (after sedation) may be necessary to complete the examinations. Further improvements in MR design appear to be essential to alleviate this situation and broaden the applicability of MR imaging. A more open scanner configuration might help reduce claustrophobic reactions while maintaining image quality and diagnostic accuracy.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We propose to analyze the rate of claustrophobic reactions, clinical utility, image quality, patient acceptance, and cost-effectiveness of an open MR scanner in a randomized comparison with a recently designed short-bore but closed scanner with 97% noise reduction. The primary aim of this study is thus to determine whether an open MR scanner can reduce claustrophobic reactions, thereby enabling more examinations of claustrophobic patients without incurring the safety issues associated with conscious sedation. In this manuscript we detail the methods and design of the prospective "CLAUSTRO" trial.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This randomized controlled trial will be the first direct comparison of open vertical and closed short-bore MR systems in regards to claustrophobia and image quality as well as diagnostic utility.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00715806">NCT00715806</a></p