12,231 research outputs found

    Individual Budgets : Lessons from Early Users' Experiences

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    Within the context of modernization, there has been a trend towards 'cash-for-care' schemes designed to bring choice and control closer to the service user. In England, Individual Budgets (IBs) are being piloted, with the aim of promoting personalized support for disabled people and other users of social care services. This paper reports on the experiences and outcomes of early IB users two to three months after first being offered an IB. The users included adults with physical/sensory impairments, learning difficulties, mental health problems and older people. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine service users and five proxies. The findings suggest that IBs have the potential to be innovative and life-enhancing. However, achieving this potential in practice depends on a range of other factors, including changes in the routine practices and organizational culture of adult social care services and ensuring users have access to appropriate documentation and support. Any conclusions drawn from the experiences of these early IB users must be treated with caution. The findings nevertheless indicate some of the issues that will need to be addressed as IBs are implemented more widely to replace conventional forms of adult social care provision

    Galaxy Clusters Selected via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect in the SPTpol 100-square-degree Survey

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    We present a catalog of galaxy cluster candidates detected in 100 square degrees surveyed with the SPTpol receiver on the South Pole Telescope. The catalog contains 89 candidates detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 4.6. The candidates are selected using the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect at 95 and 150 GHz. Using both space- and ground-based optical and infrared telescopes, we have confirmed 81 candidates as galaxy clusters. We use these follow-up images and archival images to estimate photometric redshifts for 66 galaxy clusters and spectroscopic observations to obtain redshifts for 13 systems. An additional two galaxy clusters are confirmed using the overdensity of near-infrared galaxies only and are presented without redshifts. We find that 15 candidates (18% of the total sample) are at redshift z ≥ 1.0, with a maximum confirmed redshift of z_(max) = 1.38±0.10. We expect this catalog to contain every galaxy cluster with M_(500c) > 2.6×10¹⁴M⊙h⁻¹₇₀ and z > 0.25 in the survey area. The mass threshold is approximately constant above z = 0.25, and the complete catalog has a median mass of approximately M_(500c) > 2.7×10¹⁴M⊙h⁻¹₇₀. Compared to previous SPT works, the increased depth of the millimeter-wave data (11.2 and 6.5 μK-arcmin at 95 and 150 GHz, respectively) makes it possible to find more galaxy clusters at high redshift and lower mass

    Developing the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network to derive indicators around the sustainable use of nitrogen and phosphorus at farm level.

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    peer-reviewedThis study uses a national farm survey which is part of the European Union (EU) Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) to develop environmental sustainability indicators in the use of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) across a range of farm systems in the Republic of Ireland. Farm level micro data were used to calculate all inputs and outputs of N and P that cross the farm gate and to derive balances (kg ha-1) and overall use efficiencies across 827 farms in 2012. The sample is populated weighted to represents 71,480 farms nationally. Results indicated an average N balance of 71.0 kg ha-1 and use efficiency of 36.7% across the nationally representative sample. Nitrogen balances were between two and four times higher across specialist dairy farms compared to livestock rearing and specialist tillage systems. Nitrogen use efficiency was generally lowest across milk producing systems compared to livestock rearing and tillage systems. Phosphorus balance and use efficiency averaged 4.7 kg ha-1 and 79.6% respectively across the sample. Specialist tillage and dairying farms had higher average P balances compared to other livestock based systems. The approach developed in this analysis will form the benchmark for temporal analysis across these indicators for future nutrient balance and efficiency trends and could assist other members of the EU FADN to develop similar nationally representative indicators.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    One-way quantum computing with arbitrarily large time-frequency continuous-variable cluster states from a single optical parametric oscillator

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    One-way quantum computing is experimentally appealing because it requires only local measurements on an entangled resource called a cluster state. Record-size, but non-universal, continuous-variable cluster states were recently demonstrated separately in the time and frequency domains. We propose to combine these approaches into a scalable architecture in which a single optical parametric oscillator and simple interferometer entangle up to (3×1033\times 10^3 frequencies) ×\times (unlimited number of temporal modes) into a new and computationally universal continuous-variable cluster state. We introduce a generalized measurement protocol to enable improved computational performance on this new entanglement resource.Comment: (v4) Consistent with published version; (v3) Fixed typo in arXiv abstract, 14 pages, 8 figures; (v2) Supplemental material incorporated into main text, additional explanations added, results unchanged, 14 pages, 8 figures; (v1) 5 pages (3 figures) + 6 pages (5 figures) of supplemental material; submitted for publicatio

    Effet inhibiteur à la longues chaînes et de dérivés thiazolés sur la corrosion du laiton Amirauté.optimale des petites stations d'épuration à boues activées

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    Dans cette étude, des mesures électrochimiques ont été réalisées pour caractériser le comportement du laiton Amirauté dans une solution de chlorure de sodium 0,5 M en l'absence d'inhibiteur et en présence d'un mélange d'amines à longue chaîne et de dérivés thiazolés. Cette formulation est utilisée pour le traitement des eaux des circuits de refroidissement. Les courbes courant-tension stationnaires et les diagrammes d'impédance électrochimique ont été obtenus avec une electrode tournante.La première partie de cette étude présente les résultats obtenus pour deux concentrations du mélange et deux temps d'immersion préalable au potentiel de corrosion. Les essais électrochimiques montrent que l'effet inhibiteur est d'autant plus marqué que la concentration augmente. Une légère diminution de la protection de la surface du laiton Amirauté est observée avec l'augmentation du temps de maintien au potentiel de corrosion.La deuxième partie de l'étude compare les effets inhibiteurs de chacun des constituants du mélange, d'une part, pour les valeurs de concentration utilisées lors du traitement des eaux des circuits de refroidissement (0,1 mg/l de solution contenant les dérivés thiazolés et 1 mg/l de solution contenant les alkylamines) et, d'autre part, pour des valeurs de concentration comparables (5 mg/l).Pour la concentration de 0,1 mg/l l'action inhibitrice des dérivés thiazolés n'a pas été clairement mise en évidence. Ainsi, la protection contre la corrosion des circuits de refroidissement en laiton Amirauté avec le mélange est apportée principalement par les alkylamines. Celles-ci forment un film compact très protecteur à la surface de l'électrode.Pour des valeurs de concentration plus importantes, l'addition de 0,5 mg/l de dérivés thiazolés à 5 mg/l d'alkylamines améliore la protection du matériau.In this study, electrochemical measurements were carriet out to characterize the behaviour of Admiralty Brass in a 0.5 M sodium chloride solution in the absence of inhibitors and in the presence of a mixture of alkylamines and thiazol-derived products. This formulation is employed for water treatment in cooling circuits.The steady-state current voltage curves and the impedance diagrams were obtained with a rotating disc electrode in order to control the hydrodynamic conditions.The first part of this study deals with the results obtained for two concentrations of the mixture and for two immersion times at the corrosion potential. It has been shown that the inhibitive effect is more marked when the concentration increases from 10 to 50 mg/l. A slight decrease of the protection of the brass surface is observed when the immersion time increasesThe second part of this study is a comparison of the inhibitive effects of each compound of the mixture, on one hand, for concentration values used in the water treatment (0.1 mg/l of tbe solution containing the thiazol-derived products and 1 mg/l of the solution containing the alkylamines) and on the other hand, for identical concentration values (5 mg/l ). For 0.1 mg/l, no inhibitive action of thiazol-derived products could be detected. Thus, the corrosion protection of cooling circuits in Admiralty brass is attributed essentially to the alkylamines. They form a thick, protective film at the electrode surface. For higher concentration values, the addition of 0.5 mg/l of thiazol-derived products to 5 mg/l of alkylamines improves the corrosion resistance of brass

    Inhibition de la corrosion d'un acier au carbone par des produits dérivés de phosphonates en association avec des sels de zinc

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    Dans cette étude, des mesures électrochimiques ont été utilisées pour caractériser l'efficacité inhibitrice de produits dérivés de phosphonates associés à des sels de zinc, employés pour le traitement des eaux des circuits de refroidissement. L'influence de la concentration de cette formulation ainsi que l'effet du pH du milieu ont été étudiés.Les courbes courant-tension stationnaires et les diagrammes d'impédance électrochimique ont été obtenus avec des électrodes tournantes en acier au carbone dans une solution de chlorure de sodium à 200 mg l-1. Ce milieu a été choisi car sa faible conductivité électrique est proche de celle rencontrée dans les eaux naturelles.La méthode stationnaire (relevé des courbes courant-tension) a permis de déterminer la vitesse de corrosion en l'absence et en présence de l'inhibiteur et par conséquent, le taux de protection. Ainsi, le composé présente une très bonne efficacité dès les faibles concentrations (50 mg · l-1). Entre 50 et 200 mg · l-1, l'efficacité inhibitrice augmente de 95 à 98 %. Pour la concentration de 100 mg · l-1 il est efficace dans un large domaine de pH (de 5,5 à 9). Cette efficacité apparaît légèrement supérieure à pH = 7 et à pH = 8.Les valeurs des résistances de polarisation mesurées à partir des diagrammes d'impédance confirment les résultats obtenus à partir des courbes stationnaires.En outre, l'efficacité inhibitrice du composé a été comparée à celle de produits déjà testés au Laboratoire pour des utilisations identiques. Le chlorure de zinc, le monofluorophosphate de zinc et l'association d'une amine grasse et d'acide phosphonique présentent des efficacités moindres que le mélange testé ici à base de produits dérivés de phosphonates associés aux sels de zinc.In this study, electrochemical measurements were carried out to characterize the inhibitive efficiency of the association of phosphonate-derived products with zinc salts, employed for water treatment in cooling circuits.The influence of parameters such as the concentration of the formulation and the effect of the solutions pH on the protection of the metal were studied.Steady-state current-voltage curves and electrochemical impedance diagrams have been obtained for a carbon steel rotating disc in a 200 mg · l-1 NaCl solution. The choice of this medium is based upon the following criteria :(i) its low electrical conductivity is close to that encountered in natural saline waters ;(ii) its corrosivity is fairly high ;(iii) it Is formed by an easily reproducible baseline solution.The inhibitive efficiency has been determined tram the plotting of the cathodic potentiostatic curves. It is important to note that in low conductivity media, the current-voltage curves are distorted by a non-negligible uncompensated ohmic drop (I.Re), Re being the electrolyte resistance between the working and the reference electrodes. The interpretation of these curves (i.e. corrosion rate evaluation, Tafel slopes determination) is only possible if they have been corrected according to the following relationship. Eapparent = Etrue + ReIIn this study, the electrolytic resistance value has been determined from electrochemical Impedance measurements : the high frequency limit of the impedance gives Re.The ohmic drop is then automatically compensated by the potentiostat to obtain the corrected steady-state curve.The inhibitive efficiency is evaluated by the relationship :Ei = (icorr0-icorr / icorr0) x 100in which iocorr and icorr represent the current densities without and with inhibitor, respectively.In addition to the determination of the current densities obtained from the steady-state current-voltage curves, the polarization resistance, Rp, has been measured from the impedance diagram : the low frequency limit of the impedance gives the sum Re + Rp ; Rp is equal to the slope of the steady-state current voltage curve.In this study, only the evolution of this value as a function of concentration has been examined.It has been shown from the steady-state technique that the compound presents a very good efficiency for low concentrations (50 mg · l-1). Between 50 and 200 mg · l-1, the inhibitive efficiency increases from 95 to 98 %. For 100 mg · l-1 it is effective over a wide pH range (5.5 to 9) with a better protection for pH = 7 and pH = 8.The measurements of the polarization resistance corroborate these results.In a second part, the inhibitive efficiency of the compound has been compared to different inhibitors used for similar uses and tested in the laboratory. Thus, zinc chloride, zinc fluorophosphate and the association of fatty amine and phosphonic acid present a lower efficiency than the product tested here

    Voter models on weighted networks

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    We study the dynamics of the voter and Moran processes running on top of complex network substrates where each edge has a weight depending on the degree of the nodes it connects. For each elementary dynamical step the first node is chosen at random and the second is selected with probability proportional to the weight of the connecting edge. We present a heterogeneous mean-field approach allowing to identify conservation laws and to calculate exit probabilities along with consensus times. In the specific case when the weight is given by the product of nodes' degree raised to a power theta, we derive a rich phase-diagram, with the consensus time exhibiting various scaling laws depending on theta and on the exponent of the degree distribution gamma. Numerical simulations give very good agreement for small values of |theta|. An additional analytical treatment (heterogeneous pair approximation) improves the agreement with numerics, but the theoretical understanding of the behavior in the limit of large |theta| remains an open challenge.Comment: 21 double-spaced pages, 6 figure

    Temporal and dimensional effects in evolutionary graph theory

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    The spread in time of a mutation through a population is studied analytically and computationally in fully-connected networks and on spatial lattices. The time, t_*, for a favourable mutation to dominate scales with population size N as N^{(D+1)/D} in D-dimensional hypercubic lattices and as N ln N in fully-connected graphs. It is shown that the surface of the interface between mutants and non-mutants is crucial in predicting the dynamics of the system. Network topology has a significant effect on the equilibrium fitness of a simple population model incorporating multiple mutations and sexual reproduction. Includes supplementary information.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Replaced after final round of peer revie

    The Effect of Binaural Beats on Visuospatial Working Memory and Cortical Connectivity

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    Binaural beats utilize a phenomenon that occurs within the cortex when two different frequencies are presented separately to each ear. This procedure produces a third phantom binaural beat, whose frequency is equal to the difference of the two presented tones and which can be manipulated for non-invasive brain stimulation. The effects of binaural beats on working memory, the system in control of temporary retention and online organization of thoughts for successful goal directed behavior, have not been well studied. Furthermore, no studies have evaluated the effects of binaural beats on brain connectivity during working memory tasks. In this study, we determined the effects of different acoustic stimulation conditions on participant response accuracy and cortical network topology, as measured by EEG recordings, during a visuospatial working memory task. Three acoustic stimulation control conditions and three binaural beat stimulation conditions were used: None, Pure Tone, Classical Music, 5Hz binaural beats, 10Hz binaural beats, and 15Hz binaural beats. We found that listening to 15Hz binaural beats during a visuospatial working memory task not only increased the response accuracy, but also modified the strengths of the cortical networks during the task. The three auditory control conditions and the 5Hz and 10Hz binaural beats all decreased accuracy. Based on graphical network analyses, the cortical activity during 15Hz binaural beats produced networks characteristic of high information transfer with consistent connection strengths throughout the visuospatial working memory task