135 research outputs found

    Laser Shock Microforming of Thin Metal Sheets

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    Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been used for the forming of metal sheets in macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), the applicability of such type of lasers is limited by the long-relaxation-time of the thermal fields responsible for the forming phenomena. As a consequence of such slow relaxation, the final sheet deformation state is attained only after a certain time, what makes the generated internal residual stress fields more dependent on ambient conditions and might make difficult the subsequent assembly process from the point of view of residual stresses due to adjustment. The use of ns laser pulses provides a suitable parameter matching for the laser forming of an important range of sheet components used in MEMS that, preserving the short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanic (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses, allows for the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization, particularly important according to its frequent use in such systems. In the present paper, a discussion is presented on the physics of laser shock microforming and the influence of the different effects on the net bending angle. The experimental setup used for the experiments, sample fabrication and experimental results of influence of number of laser pulses on the net bending angle are also presented

    Inverse Spin Hall Effect in nanometer-thick YIG/Pt system

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    High quality nanometer-thick (20 nm, 7 nm and 4 nm) epitaxial YIG films have been grown on GGG substrates using pulsed laser deposition. The Gilbert damping coefficient for the 20 nm thick films is 2.3 x 10-4 which is the lowest value reported for sub-micrometric thick films. We demonstrate Inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) detection of propagating spin waves using Pt. The amplitude and the lineshape of the ISHE voltage correlate well to the increase of the Gilbert damping when decreasing thickness of YIG. Spin Hall effect based loss-compensation experiments have been conducted but no change in the magnetization dynamics could be detected

    UV laser-induced high resolution cleaving of Si wafers for micro-nano devices and polymeric waveguide characterization

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    In this work we propose a method for cleaving silicon-based photonic chips by using a laser based micromachining system, consisting of a ND:YVO4laser emitting at 355 nm in nanosecond pulse regime and a micropositioning system. The laser makes grooved marks placed at the desired locations and directions where cleaves have to be initiated, and after several processing steps, a crack appears and propagate along the crystallographic planes of the silicon wafer. This allows cleavage of the chips automatically and with high positioning accuracy, and provides polished vertical facets with better quality than the obtained with other cleaving process, which eases the optical characterization of photonic devices. This method has been found to be particularly useful when cleaving small-sized chips, where manual cleaving is hard to perform; and also for polymeric waveguides, whose facets get damaged or even destroyed with polishing or manual cleaving processing. Influence of length of the grooved line and speed of processing is studied for a variety of silicon chips. An application for cleaving and characterizing sol–gel waveguides is presented. The total amount of light coupled is higher than when using any other procedure

    Soda-lime glass as biocompatible material to fabricate capillary-model devices by laser technologies

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    Microfluidic devices have been widely developed in the last decades because of the huge number of fields where they can be applied. Among all the different fabrication techniques available, laser direct writing stands out since it is a fast, accurate, versatile and non-contact method. It is particularly well-suited when working with glass, a robust and cost-efficient material. These laser advantages allow the direct fabrication of not only high quality single microchannel devices but also complex and bifurcated structures. This work establishes a roadmap for manufacturing capillary-model devices with good biocompability in soda-lime glass substrates with pulsed lasers operating in the nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond temporal range. We determine the optimal laser parameters required for fabricating channels with a diameter:depth rate of 2:1, keeping a semi-circular section. The presence of tin doping (∼2%) in the soda-lime glass is shown to enable the fabrication with nanosecond pulses, and to improve the quality of the channels, reducing the cracking at the sides, when picosecond or femtosecond pulses were used. On the other hand, two regimes of surface roughness are found: a low roughness regime for channels fabricated with nanosecond lasers and a high roughness regime for those fabricated with pico and femtosecond lasers. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) are employed for cell culturing for evaluating the biocompatibility of the channels. Structures manufactured with the nanosecond laser resulted more suitable in terms of cell adhesion than those fabricated with the picosecond and femtosecond lasers, due to the different surface roughness regimes obtained. In order to increase the biocompatibility of the channels fabricated with pico and femtosecond lasers and to improve the cell growth, a controlled post-thermal treatment is carried out for smoothing the surface

    Laser ablation modelling of aluminium, silver and crystalline silicon for applications in photovoltaic technologies

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    Laser material processing is being extensively used in photovoltaic applications for both the fabrication of thin film modules and the enhancement of the crystalline silicon solar cells. The two temperature model for thermal diffusion was numerically solved in this paper. Laser pulses of 1064, 532 or 248 nm with duration of 35, 26 or 10 ns were considered as the thermal source leading to the material ablation. Considering high irradiance levels (108–109 W cm−2), a total absorption of the energy during the ablation process was assumed in the model. The materials analysed in the simulation were aluminium (Al) and silver (Ag), which are commonly used as metallic electrodes in photovoltaic devices. Moreover, thermal diffusion was also simulated for crystalline silicon (c-Si). A similar trend of temperature as a function of depth and time was found for both metals and c-Si regardless of the employed wavelength. For each material, the ablation depth dependence on laser pulse parameters was determined by means of an ablation criterion. Thus, after the laser pulse, the maximum depth for which the total energy stored in the material is equal to the vaporisation enthalpy was considered as the ablation depth. For all cases, the ablation depth increased with the laser pulse fluence and did not exhibit a clear correlation with the radiation wavelength. Finally, the experimental validation of the simulation results was carried out and the ability of the model with the initial hypothesis of total energy absorption to closely fit experimental results was confirmed

    Electronic control of the spin-wave damping in a magnetic insulator

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    It is demonstrated that the decay time of spin-wave modes existing in a magnetic insulator can be reduced or enhanced by injecting an in-plane dc current, IdcI_\text{dc}, in an adjacent normal metal with strong spin-orbit interaction. The demonstration rests upon the measurement of the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth as a function of IdcI_\text{dc} in a 5~μ\mum diameter YIG(20nm){\textbar}Pt(7nm) disk using a magnetic resonance force microscope (MRFM). Complete compensation of the damping of the fundamental mode is obtained for a current density of 31011A.m2\sim 3 \cdot 10^{11}\text{A.m}^{-2}, in agreement with theoretical predictions. At this critical threshold the MRFM detects a small change of static magnetization, a behavior consistent with the onset of an auto-oscillation regime.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    Towards a change in the fashion and luxury sector. From the domain of the influencer to the brand: Gucci, Loewe and Margiela

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    El influencer, considerado como un activo clave en la estrategia para la comunicación online (Pérez-Curiel y Clavijo-Ferreira, 2017), provoca una pérdida del control sobre las decisiones estratégicas de las marcas de moda debido a su independencia a la hora de desarrollar acciones (Díaz, 2017). Con objeto de describir en qué medida el influencer potencia la identidad de marca y la tendencia de cambio de estrategia en el sector, se diseña una metodología de análisis de contenido comparado de triple enfoque (Silverman, 2016; Krippendorff, 2004) que analiza las cuentas de Instagram de tres firmas de lujo de referencia internacional como Gucci, Loewe y Margiela (posts totales n1= 3756 y específicos n2=240) y desarrolla un panel de expertos (n3=6) dirigido a profesionales y académicos especializados. Los resultados indican cómo se ven afectados los valores e imagen corporativa de las marcas debido al discurso egopersonal de estos perfiles de influencia.The influencer, considered a key asset in the strategy for online communication (Perez-Curiel and Clavijo-Ferreira, 2017), causes a loss of control over the strategic decisions of fashion brands due to their independence in developing actions (Diaz, 2017). In order to describe to what extent, the influencer enhances the brand identity and the change in strategy trend in the sector, a triple-focus comparative content analysis methodology is designed (Silverman, 2016; Krippendorff, 2004). It analyzes the Instagram accounts of three international renowned luxury firms such as Gucci, Loewe and Margiela (total posts n1 = 3756 and specific posts n2 = 240) and develops a panel of experts (n3=6) aimed at specialized professionals and academics. The results indicate how the values and corporate image of the brands are affected by the ego-personal discourse of these influence profiles

    Optimization of laser processes in n+Emitter formation for c-Si solar cells

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    Punctual phosphorus diffused emitters were achieved by laser patterning phosphorus doped a-SiCx:H films deposited by PECVD as a doping source. Two different lasers at wavelengths of 1064 nm and 532 nm were used. Phosphorus diffusion was confirmed by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy. We explored the effect of pulse energy and number of pulses per diffused point. The results show that a fine tune of the energy pulse is critical while the number of pulses has minor effects. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) pictures and optical profilometry showed a laser affected area where the c-Si is melted, ejected and solidified quickly again. Typically, the diameter of the affected area for 1064 nm laser is between two and four times greater than for 532 nm laser. Optimum parameters for both lasers were determined to obtain best J-V curves nearly to ideal diode behavior. Comparing best J-V results, lower emitter saturation current density (Jo) and contact resistance are obtained with 532 nm laser. The improvement in Jo can be related mainly to the smaller affected areas observed by SEM while lower contact resistance can be attributed to that 532 nm laser has a more superficial action resulting in higher phosphorus concentration at the surface. The expected open voltage circuit for finished solar cells using these emitters is in the range of 640 mV for 532 nm laser and 620 mV for 1064 nm one.Postprint (published version

    Analysis by Finite Element Calculations of Light Scattering in Laser-textured AZO Films for PV thin-film Solar Cells

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    In the thin-film photovoltaic industry, to achieve a high light scattering in one or more of the cell interfaces is one of the strategies that allow an enhancement of light absorption inside the cell and, therefore, a better device behavior and efficiency. Although chemical etching is the standard method to texture surfaces for that scattering improvement, laser light has shown as a new way for texturizing different materials, maintaining a good control of the final topography with a unique, clean, and quite precise process. In this work AZO films with different texture parameters are fabricated. The typical parameters used to characterize them, as the root mean square roughness or the haze factor, are discussed and, for deeper understanding of the scattering mechanisms, the light behavior in the films is simulated using a finite element method code. This method gives information about the light intensity in each point of the system, allowing the precise characterization of the scattering behavior near the film surface, and it can be used as well to calculate a simulated haze factor that can be compared with experimental measurements. A discussion of the validation of the numerical code, based in a comprehensive comparison with experimental data is include

    Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection of Inappropriate Erotic Content in Text

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    Nowadays, children have access to Internet on a regular basis. Just like the real world, the Internet has many unsafe locations where kids may be exposed to inappropriate content in the form of obscene, aggressive, erotic or rude comments. In this work, we address the problem of detecting erotic/sexual content on text documents using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Following an approach based on Machine Learning techniques, we have assessed twelve models resulting from the combination of three text encoders (Bag of Words, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and Word2vec) together with four classifiers (Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Logistic Regression, k-Nearest Neighbours and Random Forests). We evaluated these alternatives on a new created dataset extracted from public data on the Reddit Website. The best performance result was achieved by the combination of the text encoder TF-IDF and the SVM classifier with linear kernel with an accuracy of 0.97 and F-score 0.96 (precision 0.96/recall 0.95). This study demonstrates that it is possible to detect erotic content on text documents and therefore, develop filters for minors or according to user's preferences