572 research outputs found

    A piecewise-linear reduced-order model of squeeze-film damping for deformable structures including large displacement effects

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    This paper presents a reduced-order model for the Reynolds equation for deformable structure and large displacements. It is based on the model established in [11] which is piece-wise linearized using two different methods. The advantages and drawbacks of each method are pointed out. The pull-in time of a microswitch is determined and compared to experimental and other simulation data.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge, phase II: Characterization of exoplanet signals in high-contrast images

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    Today, there exists a wide variety of algorithms dedicated to high-contrast imaging, especially for the detection and characterisation of exoplanet signals. These algorithms are tailored to address the very high contrast between the exoplanet signal(s), which can be more than two orders of magnitude fainter than the bright starlight residuals in coronagraphic images. The starlight residuals are inhomogeneously distributed and follow various timescales that depend on the observing conditions and on the target star brightness. Disentangling the exoplanet signals within the starlight residuals is therefore challenging, and new post-processing algorithms are striving to achieve more accurate astrophysical results. The Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge is a community-wide effort to develop, compare and evaluate algorithms using a set of benchmark high-contrast imaging datasets. After a first phase ran in 2020 and focused on the detection capabilities of existing algorithms, the focus of this ongoing second phase is to compare the characterisation capabilities of state-of-the-art techniques. The characterisation of planetary companions is two-fold: the astrometry (estimated position with respect to the host star) and spectrophotometry (estimated contrast with respect to the host star, as a function of wavelength). The goal of this second phase is to offer a platform for the community to benchmark techniques in a fair, homogeneous and robust way, and to foster collaborations.Comment: Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Paper 12185-

    The EDELWEISS Experiment : Status and Outlook

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    The EDELWEISS Dark Matter search uses low-temperature Ge detectors with heat and ionisation read- out to identify nuclear recoils induced by elastic collisions with WIMPs from the galactic halo. Results from the operation of 70 g and 320 g Ge detectors in the low-background environment of the Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) are presented.Comment: International Conference on Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics (Dark 2000), Heidelberg, Germany, 10-16 Jul 2000, v3 minor revision

    Dark Matter Search in the Edelweiss Experiment

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    Preliminary results obtained with 320g bolometers with simultaneous ionization and heat measurements are described. After a few weeks of data taking, data accumulated with one of these detectors are beginning to exclude the upper part of the DAMA region. Prospects for the present run and the second stage of the experiment, EDELWEISS-II, using an innovative reversed cryostat allowing data taking with 100 detectors, are briefly described.Comment: IDM 2000, 3rd International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, York (GB), 18-22/09/2000, v2.0 minor modification

    SICANE: a Detector Array for the Measurement of Nuclear Recoil Quenching Factors using Monoenergetic Neutron Beam

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    SICANE is a neutron scattering multidetector facility for the determination of the quenching factor (ratio of the response to nuclear recoils and to electrons) of cryogenic detectors used in direct WIMP searches. Well collimated monoenergetic neutron beams are obtained with inverse (p,n) reactions. The facility is described, and results obtained for the quenching factors of scintillation in NaI(Tl) and of heat and ionization in Ge are presented.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 11 figures. Submitted to NIM

    Event categories in the EDELWEISS WIMP search experiment

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    Four categories of events have been identified in the EDELWEISS-I dark matter experiment using germanium cryogenic detectors measuring simultaneously charge and heat signals. These categories of events are interpreted as electron and nuclear interactions occurring in the volume of the detector, and electron and nuclear interactions occurring close to the surface of the detectors(10-20 mu-m of the surface). We discuss the hypothesis that low energy surface nuclear recoils,which seem to have been unnoticed by previous WIMP searches, may provide an interpretation of the anomalous events recorded by the UKDMC and Saclay NaI experiments. The present analysis points to the necessity of taking into account surface nuclear and electron recoil interactions for a reliable estimate of background rejection factors.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    First Results of the EDELWEISS WIMP Search using a 320 g Heat-and-Ionization Ge Detector

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    The EDELWEISS collaboration has performed a direct search for WIMP dark matter using a 320 g heat-and-ionization cryogenic Ge detector operated in a low-background environment in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. No nuclear recoils are observed in the fiducial volume in the 30-200 keV energy range during an effective exposure of 4.53 kg.days. Limits for the cross-section for the spin-independent interaction of WIMPs and nucleons are set in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The central value of the signal reported by the experiment DAMA is excluded at 90% CL.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.
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